God must be truly great

You know the biology of existence? Or are you saying that existence is like you and I?
For god to have a son, he needs to have a female. or the other way around, if that's the case. But this world is so fucked up, I doubt it.
Yes, this world is fucked up. You are proof.
You agree with me. So now whatever I say is proof?
I agree with you that you are proof the world is fucked up. Yes.
Because I expose your nonsense? Um... ok. :biggrin:
No. Because you are a parable of it.
For god to have a son, he needs to have a female. or the other way around, if that's the case. But this world is so fucked up, I doubt it.
Yes, this world is fucked up. You are proof.
You agree with me. So now whatever I say is proof?
I agree with you that you are proof the world is fucked up. Yes.
Because I expose your nonsense? Um... ok. :biggrin:
No. Because you are a parable of it.
I'm curious, are you drunk?
Yes. It would prove yo have a problem.
How is that?
Getting stoned that early is the problem, lol.
Why? You ever done it?
Because it is a sign of chronic use. Are you a chronic user?
So you've never done it, but you're a fucking expert in this too. :lmao:
You don't know what I have or have not done. Someone who smokes weed the first thing everyday is a chronic user.
How is that?
Getting stoned that early is the problem, lol.
Why? You ever done it?
Because it is a sign of chronic use. Are you a chronic user?
So you've never done it, but you're a fucking expert in this too. :lmao:
You don't know what I have or have not done. Someone who smokes weed the first thing everyday is a chronic user.
So what?
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

If god can create entire planets, makes ya wonder why he tales time out of his busy schedule to give kids stuff like leukemia and birth defects.

For that matter, why did create leukemia and birth defects? Seems like he could gave that power and that time to much better use.

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He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

If god can create entire planets, makes ya wonder why he tales time out of his busy schedule to give kids stuff like leukemia and birth defects.

For that matter, why did create leukemia and birth defects? Seems like he could gave that power and that time to much better use.

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The only thing I can think of is because he is evil and loves to see things suffer.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

If god can create entire planets, makes ya wonder why he tales time out of his busy schedule to give kids stuff like leukemia and birth defects.

For that matter, why did create leukemia and birth defects? Seems like he could gave that power and that time to much better use.

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In Modern Philosophy the answer to your question Luddly Neddite is that God is a Deist God (not a Theist God) and he is way too busy to consider us humans.

To him we are merely insects.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

^Let's rip that to shreds shall we?
Let's be frank. God is the opposite of what you describe. No where in the Bible does it say that God expects perfection from humans. That is utter bullshit. God knows there is not one human who hasn't sinned. NOT ONE. And yet, He loves us anyway, He covers our sins and forgives forgives and forgives. It is His nature. He became one of us to remove the condemnation for our sins, so that we are not punished for our behavior, and instead dances for joy over us. Then just like any good Father, he paved the way for us to be co-heirs of everything He has created. Which is everything.

We are still too stupid to understand His psychics, all of the dimensions that are described in the Bible, and yet you think more information is necessary.? There is nothing more that you need to know to make it to the next era of your life.
Your Father really is great. He still loves you, doesn't He?
How do you know a person that has never spoken to you or you have never seen loves you?

If you read his posts, he hates millions of innocent people he has never seen.

Hell, he even votes to cause them harm.

I guess that's a christian thing although it's the opposite of what his god taught.

Or maybe not. He also raped a young, unmarried virgin, knocked her up, dumped her on an itinerant carpenter who raised his kid and then god came back and murdered his own child.

But if you down bow down to him, he will burn you for all eternity. Even ISIL lets their poor victims due.

This "god" is pure evil.

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He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

If god can create entire planets, makes ya wonder why he tales time out of his busy schedule to give kids stuff like leukemia and birth defects.

For that matter, why did create leukemia and birth defects? Seems like he could gave that power and that time to much better use.

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Because there was no warranty or guarantee on living forever. Or even living a prescribed time. Not in the contract. Even death can have a purpose. What would encourage morality, civility and humility and restraint if there was no "risks" to existence? It's because we cling to those values and paths, that our existence is better than MOST of the rest of Nature..
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

Don't know if you're mocking the creationist view or not. But if you are -- consider the scientific alternative. And that is that "all that stuff" -- the billions of stars and planets, AND ALL of energy they possess, AND ALL of the energy and matter we DON'T SEE --- according to science --- sprung into existence instantaneously, from a singularity the diameter of a human hair. Every gram of mass in the universe, Every joule of energy -- was all "tightly packed" into that pinpoint of creation..

Now I don't know how deluded you are with ACCEPTING that miracle and resultant "structure" of things as we know it. But as a person who's melded with science -- it takes MORE FAITH to believe in the "sciency thing" -- than it does just considering it a miracle of God.

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