God must be truly great

Getting stoned that early is the problem, lol.
Why? You ever done it?
Because it is a sign of chronic use. Are you a chronic user?
So you've never done it, but you're a fucking expert in this too. :lmao:
You don't know what I have or have not done. Someone who smokes weed the first thing everyday is a chronic user.
So what?
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

If god can create entire planets, makes ya wonder why he tales time out of his busy schedule to give kids stuff like leukemia and birth defects.

For that matter, why did create leukemia and birth defects? Seems like he could gave that power and that time to much better use.

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In Modern Philosophy the answer to your question Luddly Neddite is that God is a Deist God (not a Theist God) and he is way too busy to consider us humans.

To him we are merely insects.
The problem with that theory is that the laws of nature are such that beings that know and create were pre-destined to exist before space and time came into existence. Furthermore, the stages of the evolution of matter are such that it appears that the evolution of consciousness is the purpose of space and time. I thought you fancied yourself a philosopher.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

If god can create entire planets, makes ya wonder why he tales time out of his busy schedule to give kids stuff like leukemia and birth defects.

For that matter, why did create leukemia and birth defects? Seems like he could gave that power and that time to much better use.

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Because there was no warranty or guarantee on living forever. Or even living a prescribed time. Not in the contract. Even death can have a purpose. What would encourage morality, civility and humility and restraint if there was no "risks" to existence? It's because we cling to those values and paths, that our existence is better than MOST of the rest of Nature..
This is very similar to what Solzhenitsyn said in his Harvard Address.

"...If, as claimed by humanism, man were born only to be happy, he would not be born to die. Since his body is doomed to death, his task on earth evidently must be more spiritual: not a total engrossment in everyday life, not the search for the best ways to obtain material goods and then their carefree consumption. It has to be the fulfillment of a permanent, earnest duty so that one's life journey may become above all an experience of moral growth: to leave life a better human being than one started it..."

Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn -- A World Split Apart — Commencement Address Delivered At Harvard University, June 8, 1978
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

^Let's rip that to shreds shall we?
Let's be frank. God is the opposite of what you describe. No where in the Bible does it say that God expects perfection from humans. That is utter bullshit. God knows there is not one human who hasn't sinned. NOT ONE. And yet, He loves us anyway, He covers our sins and forgives forgives and forgives. It is His nature. He became one of us to remove the condemnation for our sins, so that we are not punished for our behavior, and instead dances for joy over us. Then just like any good Father, he paved the way for us to be co-heirs of everything He has created. Which is everything.

We are still too stupid to understand His psychics, all of the dimensions that are described in the Bible, and yet you think more information is necessary.? There is nothing more that you need to know to make it to the next era of your life.
Your Father really is great. He still loves you, doesn't He?
How do you know a person that has never spoken to you or you have never seen loves you?

If you read his posts, he hates millions of innocent people he has never seen.

Hell, he even votes to cause them harm.

I guess that's a christian thing although it's the opposite of what his god taught.

Or maybe not. He also raped a young, unmarried virgin, knocked her up, dumped her on an itinerant carpenter who raised his kid and then god came back and murdered his own child.

But if you down bow down to him, he will burn you for all eternity. Even ISIL lets their poor victims due.

This "god" is pure evil.

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It doesn't seem like your life's journey has become above all an experience of moral growth: to leave life a better human being than you started it.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.

If god can create entire planets, makes ya wonder why he tales time out of his busy schedule to give kids stuff like leukemia and birth defects.

For that matter, why did create leukemia and birth defects? Seems like he could gave that power and that time to much better use.

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The only thing I can think of is because he is evil and loves to see things suffer.
Rembrandt painted himself in his famous painting, "Christ in the Storm."


He's the one holding onto the mast for dear life.


In this account Jesus and the disciples were on the Sea of Galilee and a violent storm comes up suddenly. The Sea of Galilee is the lowest freshwater lake on earth at approximately 210 m (700 ft) below sea level. It is longer than it is wide. At its widest points, the lake measures 21 km (13 mi) from north to south and 12 km (7.5 mi) from east to west and is surrounded by hills. The elevation, shape and contour of the lake make it susceptible to storms. Violent storms do "roll" in there suddenly. They even have a name for it. They are called Sharkias.

"...Such storms result from differences in temperatures between the seacoast and the mountains beyond. The Sea of Galilee lies 680 feet below sea level. It is bounded by hills, especially on the east side where they reach 2000 feet high. These heights are a source of cool, dry air. In contrast, directly around the sea, the climate is semi-tropical with warm, moist air. The large difference in height between surrounding land and the sea causes large temperature and pressure changes. This results in strong winds dropping to the sea, funneling through the hills. The Sea of Galilee is small, and these winds may descend directly to the center of the lake with violent results. When the contrasting air masses meet, a storm can arise quickly and without warning. Small boats caught out on the sea are in immediate danger..."

SEA OF GALILEE - What's special about the Sea of Galilee? Why does it have sudden storms? • KidExplorers.com / ChristianAnswers.Net

More Than a Fisherman

So the setting for this account is valid. In the account, Jesus is sleeping while His disciples are panicking. They couldn't understand how He could be sleeping while their lives were being threatened. That's how most people see God. He's not there when they are going through the storms of their lives. That's how YOU see God too.

God is a Master Gardner. He uses it all but does His best work when we are suffering. It's like pruning a bush. Some branches are thin and snap right off. Others are thicker and have to be sawed off. Some hurt more than others. At first it looks like crap. All sparse and twiggy, but then as the new growth occurs it comes in more full and looking better looking than before. He uses it all to progress us and for the one's who know how it works they have peace through the storms to the point they are not storms. But for everyone else they will be holding on for dear life like Rembrandt not understanding how God is working in their lives. This is especially true for assholes like YOU.
Why? You ever done it?
Because it is a sign of chronic use. Are you a chronic user?
So you've never done it, but you're a fucking expert in this too. :lmao:
You don't know what I have or have not done. Someone who smokes weed the first thing everyday is a chronic user.
So what?
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises.
How can a surprise be predictable? You lose again. :biggrin:
Because it is a sign of chronic use. Are you a chronic user?
So you've never done it, but you're a fucking expert in this too. :lmao:
You don't know what I have or have not done. Someone who smokes weed the first thing everyday is a chronic user.
So what?
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises.
How can a surprise be predictable? You lose again. :biggrin:
It isn't a surprise to others, just the idiots who lower their standards.
So you've never done it, but you're a fucking expert in this too. :lmao:
You don't know what I have or have not done. Someone who smokes weed the first thing everyday is a chronic user.
So what?
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises.
How can a surprise be predictable? You lose again. :biggrin:
It isn't a surprise to others, just the idiots who lower their standards.
So people who smoke cigarettes don't know about lung cancer?

And what is predictable about pot smokers?
You don't know what I have or have not done. Someone who smokes weed the first thing everyday is a chronic user.
So what?
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises.
How can a surprise be predictable? You lose again. :biggrin:
It isn't a surprise to others, just the idiots who lower their standards.
So people who smoke cigarettes don't know about lung cancer?

And what is predictable about pot smokers?
Don't you mean chronic pot smokers? That's what you are , right? A chronic pot smoker? Did you already burn one? Be honest.
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises.
How can a surprise be predictable? You lose again. :biggrin:
It isn't a surprise to others, just the idiots who lower their standards.
So people who smoke cigarettes don't know about lung cancer?

And what is predictable about pot smokers?
Don't you mean chronic pot smokers? That's what you are , right? A chronic pot smoker? Did you already burn one? Be honest.
So you have nothing as usual, YYYAAAAWWWWWWWNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises.
How can a surprise be predictable? You lose again. :biggrin:
It isn't a surprise to others, just the idiots who lower their standards.
So people who smoke cigarettes don't know about lung cancer?

And what is predictable about pot smokers?
Don't you mean chronic pot smokers? That's what you are , right? A chronic pot smoker? Did you already burn one? Be honest.
So you have nothing as usual, YYYAAAAWWWWWWWNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Based on your evasive response, I would say I hit the nail squarely on its head. Did you already burn one? Be honest. Do you know you are a chronic pot smoker?
How can a surprise be predictable? You lose again. :biggrin:
It isn't a surprise to others, just the idiots who lower their standards.
So people who smoke cigarettes don't know about lung cancer?

And what is predictable about pot smokers?
Don't you mean chronic pot smokers? That's what you are , right? A chronic pot smoker? Did you already burn one? Be honest.
So you have nothing as usual, YYYAAAAWWWWWWWNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Based on your evasive response, I would say I hit the nail squarely on its head. Did you already burn one? Be honest. Do you know you are a chronic pot smoker?
Keep grasping, you're pathetically funny. :biggrin:
It isn't a surprise to others, just the idiots who lower their standards.
So people who smoke cigarettes don't know about lung cancer?

And what is predictable about pot smokers?
Don't you mean chronic pot smokers? That's what you are , right? A chronic pot smoker? Did you already burn one? Be honest.
So you have nothing as usual, YYYAAAAWWWWWWWNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Based on your evasive response, I would say I hit the nail squarely on its head. Did you already burn one? Be honest. Do you know you are a chronic pot smoker?
Keep grasping, you're pathetically funny. :biggrin:
Did you already light up this morning? Be honest.
He can make entire galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars. Heck, hundreds of billions of Galaxies!
He can make Trillions of planets
He makes life with a mar thought...I am assuming on probably far more planets then Just earth! Probably hundreds of trillions of living creatures and probably billions of self thinking ones like you and me.

And yet his bible only talks about our planet and such a god cares enough about me to expect perfect behavior at all times. Which lets be frank is impossible for such creatures as us humans!

I'd expect such a god as above to understand what fun is and to not be so limited as to only talking about one planet.
His Bible? The one written by man? When you formulate a theory based on a false or flawed premise, the theory itself becomes flawed.
God must be truly great to make deformed babies.
Well, you would need to see the entire distribution to make that assessment. Why do you believe that everything must be perfect for there to be a God? Are you perfect?
God must be truly great to make deformed babies.
Well, you would need to see the entire distribution to make that assessment. Why do you believe that everything must be perfect for there to be a God? Are you perfect?
I'm not god. But you're saying that god isn't any better than I am? Good to know. :biggrin:
God must be truly great to make deformed babies.
Well, you would need to see the entire distribution to make that assessment. Why do you believe that everything must be perfect for there to be a God? Are you perfect?
I'm not god. But you're saying that god isn't any better than I am? Good to know. :biggrin:
No. I am saying that it illogical to believe that unless everything is perfect there can be no God.
God must be truly great to make deformed babies.
Well, you would need to see the entire distribution to make that assessment. Why do you believe that everything must be perfect for there to be a God? Are you perfect?
I'm not god. But you're saying that god isn't any better than I am? Good to know. :biggrin:
No. I am saying that it illogical to believe that unless everything is perfect there can be no God.
So god isn't perfect and makes some fucked up things?

Like you? :lmao:
God must be truly great to make deformed babies.
Well, you would need to see the entire distribution to make that assessment. Why do you believe that everything must be perfect for there to be a God? Are you perfect?
I'm not god. But you're saying that god isn't any better than I am? Good to know. :biggrin:
No. I am saying that it illogical to believe that unless everything is perfect there can be no God.
So god isn't perfect and makes some fucked up things?

Like you? :lmao:
Oh sure, I'm not perfect. No one is. Why do you believe that would mean God isn't perfect?

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