God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

Apparently God told our new Moses to endorse a serial adulterer who steals from cancer kids and who made his living from gambling houses and a fake university which stole from the elderly and who bears false witness against others on a daily basis.

Perhaps Mike Johnson needs a new holy hearing aid.
God sure can be a talkative little devil when a hypocritical authoritarian theocrat is in the room.

Weird. Life's about timing, I guess.
He must be a product of our wonderful school system and the fact that he keeps getting reelected is that the voters are also products of our wonderful school system.

We're told to acknowledge and respect fucking LUNATICS that think they're born the wrong gender OR ELSE you're a irredeemable BIGOT.
The same assholes have NO PROBLEM with their OWN bigoted HATRED of anyone that expresses religious beliefs.
The demented LEFT are pathetic HYPOCRITES!!!!!
We're told to acknowledge and respect fucking LUNATICS that think they're born the wrong gender OR ELSE you're a irredeemable BIGOT.
The same assholes have NO PROBLEM with their OWN bigoted HATRED of anyone that expresses religious beliefs.
The demented LEFT are pathetic HYPOCRITES!!!!!

This isn't about "religious beliefs".
No…. Johnson was just joking right?

Isn’t that the latest excuse for everything?
No, he was expressing his religious beliefs.
You ridicule him and anyone else who does that.
You also DEMAND that everyone BETTER respect PSYCHOPATHS that think they're CHICKS WITH DICKS!!!!
That's called HYPOCRISY, and you KNOW IT!!!!
"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's".

Jesus is noting that he had no desire to argue or take political positions. As I said in my first post, U.S. politics is no more than a gnat on a gnats butt in the overall big picture.
I hear people praised because they learned from their mistakes

Which is better than never learning and just repeating the same mistakes over

But the smart people learn from the mistakes of others

I have done both

We all have and try to do better! Well 95% of people!

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