God would not choose a people that treats others like garbage


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
God doesn't choose!

But if HE did, HE certainly wouldn't choose a people that treats the Palestinian's, the way the Israeli's do.

And HE certainly wouldn't create a nation that enslaves an entire population of people against their will.

If God did choose, HE would send Zionists to hell!
God doesn't choose!

But if HE did, HE certainly wouldn't choose a people that treats the Palestinian's, the way the Israeli's do.

And HE certainly wouldn't create a nation that enslaves an entire population of people against their will.

If God did choose, HE would send Zionists to hell!

Never actually read the Bible did you?

Deuteronomy 7:1

Game. Set. Match.
God doesn't choose!

But if HE did, HE certainly wouldn't choose a people that treats the Palestinian's, the way the Israeli's do.

And HE certainly wouldn't create a nation that enslaves an entire population of people against their will.

If God did choose, HE would send Zionists to hell!

Sam Kennison would kick your ass for being such an idiot.
Apparently you missed that three teens were kidnapped an killed.......
God does choose. The Jews are under a covenant that God made with His friend Abraham. Those poor poor Palestinians used to live in complete peace with/in Israel. Then some Muslim countries decided to invade Israel, and the word was given by the Muslims to the Muslims in Israel to get out of the line of fire to safety. Israel asked them to stay. After the invasion they were welcomed back, but didn't take the offer. Instead they squatted on Israel's land and called themselves refugees.

Look at the Middle East. Look at the size of Israel. Now look at the Muslim controlled land. Odd that no Muslim country had enough land to accommodate the "refugees".

They are a terrorist organization, and one of several neighbors of Israel that has made it their life's work to annihilate Israel. If I was the PM of Israel, I would let Hamas know that for every rocket the fire into Israel, a rocket would be fired off in the direction of that big ugly gold dome.
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Apparently you missed that three teens were kidnapped an killed.......
God does choose. The Jews are under a covenant that God made with His friend Abraham. Those poor poor Palestinians used to live in complete peace with/in Israel. Then some Muslim countries decided to invade Israel, and the word was given by the Muslims to the Muslims in Israel to get out of the line of fire to safety. Israel asked them to stay. After the invasion they were welcomed back, but didn't take the offer. Instead they squatted on Israel's land and called themselves refugees.

Look at the Middle East. Look at the size of Israel. Now look at the Muslim controlled land. Odd that no Muslim country had enough land to accommodate the "refugees".

They are a terrorist organization, and one of several neighbors of Israel that has made it their life's work to annihilate Israel. If I was the PM of Israel, I would let Hamas know that for every rocket the fire into Israel, a rocket would be fired off in the direction of that big ugly gold dome.

Jesus taught---return evil for evil to no one.----- your advice is the opposite--throw Jesus truth away and return the evil. 99% are mislead to believing as you do. Because they do not know Jesus.
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God doesn't choose!

But if HE did, HE certainly wouldn't choose a people that treats the Palestinian's, the way the Israeli's do.

And HE certainly wouldn't create a nation that enslaves an entire population of people against their will.

If God did choose, HE would send Zionists to hell!

If God didn't choose them or anyone for that matter, would bad people have a chance and believe they could be saved?
God doesn't choose!

But if HE did, HE certainly wouldn't choose a people that treats the Palestinian's, the way the Israeli's do.

And HE certainly wouldn't create a nation that enslaves an entire population of people against their will.

If God did choose, HE would send Zionists to hell!

Jer 33:23 The Lord spoke to Jeremiah again and said: 24 "Have you heard what people are saying?-that the Lord chose Judah and Israel and then abandoned them! They are sneering and saying that Israel isn't worthy to be counted as a nation. 25 But this is the Lord's reply: 'I would no more reject my people than I would change my laws of night and day, of earth and sky. I will never abandon the Jews, or David my servant, or change the plan that his child will someday rule these descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Instead I will restore their prosperity and have mercy on them.'"

Deut 32:34 But Israel is my special people, Sealed as jewels within my treasury.

Jeremiah 30-31:40English Standard Version (ESV)

Restoration for Israel and Judah

30 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Write in a book all the words that I have spoken to you. 3 For behold, days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will restore the fortunes of my people, Israel and Judah, says the Lord, and I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall take possession of it.”

Jeremiah was written about 2 1/2 thousand years ago (630-580 B.C.) and the people of today are saying that very exact thing that was prophesied way back then.
Just like you Billo that Israel isn't worthy to be counted as a nation.
That prophesy said that Israel would become a Nation again and that people would say that they are not worthy to be one.

How about that non believers?
Oh yes there is most certainly a God and his words are coming true right before our very eyes.
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God doesn't choose!

But if HE did, HE certainly wouldn't choose a people that treats the Palestinian's, the way the Israeli's do.

And HE certainly wouldn't create a nation that enslaves an entire population of people against their will.

If God did choose, HE would send Zionists to hell!

If people don't repent they will be sent to hell no matter who they are! Thanks be to God that is what the preaching of the word is for, Bill! For all of us to repent. I just put up a thread making clear that Israel has sinned just as any other nation has sinned and not one is perfect - what you have left out of the equation is how the Palestinians have also treated the Israelis! What you have also left out of the equation is how the 57 Islamic nation conferences that take place every year never fail to mention the suffering of the Palestinian people while never once admitting to the atrocities committed by the Hamas, the Islamic jihadists and others in the name of Islam or their specific groups against the Jews and Christians throughout the world and in Israel. There is never a mention of these sins committed against the Israeli's which makes clear there is an agenda that is most certainly not of God because it is not based upon the truth. ( The Holy Bible! )

No sin is greater than any other sin so in that all have sinned and fallen short of the grace of God. Not one is perfect. We have all missed it, Bill. Which is why we need Jesus Christ to save us. When a muslim is saved by Jesus Christ from the religion of Islam they no longer hate. When a Jew is saved and accepts Jesus as their Messiah they are completed in the faith, when a Hindu is saved by Jesus Christ he is delivered of the demonic spirits attached to that. When a Witch or a Satanist is delivered from the bondages of Satan they are delivered of demonic spirits causing them to fear and become some of the boldest of Christians.

There is a judgment coming. It will fall on everyone and that includes Israel but unlike other nations who have been attacking her for many years she will not perish. She will stand according to the prophecy of Obadiah and Joel and Zephaniah and she will repent of her sins and turn to the LORD with all her heart. Not everyone in Israel will do this but those who Fear the Lord will!

Who of us has not sinned? Have you sinned in your lifetime, Bill? Have you disobeyed the LORD and rejected the calls from the Lord Jesus to repent and turn to him with all of your heart? Do not worry about the sins of others but examine yourself in the light of Gods Word and ask Him to show you whatever is not pleasing to Him. We all have to give an account to the Lord for every single idle word we have spoken in our life times. That alone should be a sobering thought for some. It certainly is for me.

- Jeremiah
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Exactly, Peach. God is getting things ready but do not be mistaken about this. He wants His people to do what the book of Joel says to do! He wants his people to do what Zephaniah the prophet said to do! He wants his people to do what Jeremiah called upon them to do! God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Without Holiness no one will see the Lord. We must cleanse ourselves of all sin and walk uprightly before Him! God is holy! He isn't grading on a curve here!!
The chosen are the Jews, not the Mormons. Just so you know, Avatar. Forget Brigham young and Dale Carnegie and start quoting The Written Word of God. Those men didn't hang on a cross for your sins and redemption. Jesus Christ did.
The chosen are the Jews, not the Mormons. Just so you know, Avatar. Forget Brigham young and Dale Carnegie and start quoting The Written Word of God. Those men didn't hang on a cross for your sins and redemption. Jesus Christ did.

Random as I never claimed either was my savior and I already know what Christ did. I've been trying to persuade men to Christ for years
Apparently you missed that three teens were kidnapped an killed.......
God does choose. The Jews are under a covenant that God made with His friend Abraham. Those poor poor Palestinians used to live in complete peace with/in Israel. Then some Muslim countries decided to invade Israel, and the word was given by the Muslims to the Muslims in Israel to get out of the line of fire to safety. Israel asked them to stay. After the invasion they were welcomed back, but didn't take the offer. Instead they squatted on Israel's land and called themselves refugees.

Look at the Middle East. Look at the size of Israel. Now look at the Muslim controlled land. Odd that no Muslim country had enough land to accommodate the "refugees".

They are a terrorist organization, and one of several neighbors of Israel that has made it their life's work to annihilate Israel. If I was the PM of Israel, I would let Hamas know that for every rocket the fire into Israel, a rocket would be fired off in the direction of that big ugly gold dome.

Jesus taught---return evil for evil to no one.----- your advice is the opposite--throw Jesus truth away and return the evil. 99% are mislead to believing as you do. Because they do not know Jesus.

And his father did not set an example for his son when the returned evil for evil. Examples over and over in the bible. Where was his forgiveness?
God?s Atrocities in the Old Testament
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Never actually read the Bible did you?

Deuteronomy 7:1

Game. Set. Match.
I was raised as a Catholic. Baptized a Catholic. Confirmed as a Catholic. Spent 8 years in parochial school and probably have forgotten more than you know about God.

Everyone is equal in God's eyes until Judgment Day.

And on that day, Zionists are going to be in a world of shit!
Never actually read the Bible did you?

Deuteronomy 7:1

Game. Set. Match.
I was raised as a Catholic. Baptized a Catholic. Confirmed as a Catholic. Spent 8 years in parochial school and probably have forgotten more than you know about God.

Everyone is equal in God's eyes until Judgment Day.

And on that day, Zionists are going to be in a world of shit!

Take one day off from looking at your Muslim girlfriend's D-cups and try reading the Bible where God likes having evil people killed to death.

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