God's plan of salvation for his children


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2014
The Plan of Salvation

Below is a diagram of the Plan of Salvation according to scriptures contained in the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price. This is what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches.


1. We lived in the presents of God as his spirit children before we were born into this life.
2. The was war in heaven and the devil and his angels (1/3 of the hosts of heaven) were cast out of heaven into the earth.
3. We each come to this earth and receive a body. We also pass through a veil which covers our minds so that we cannot remember our premortal existence.
4. When we die, we go to the spirit world where those who received the gospel of Jesus Christ are in paradise and those who reject it are in spirit prison.
5. At Christ's 2nd coming, those who received the gospel of Jesus will take part in the morning of the 1st resurrection and enter into the celestial kingdom. Those who were not valiant and did not receive the gospel at first but after death received the gospel will come forth in the evening of the 1st resurrection and will inherit the terrestrial kingdom.
6. Those who do not receive the gospel or the testimony of Jesus will not be resurrected until 2nd resurrection at the end of the millennium and will inherit the Telestial kingdom. Those who are the sons of perdition who have given themselves over to Satan after knowing of themselves the truthfulness of the gospel and have sinned against the Holy Ghost and become sons of perdition will, along with the 1/3 of the hosts who rebelled against God in his presence in the premortal existence, go to outer darkness.
7. Upon being resurrected, each will receive their judgment.

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