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God's Sovereignty

Jesus can make the vilest sinner clean.
-Jimmy Swaggart

You cannot finish well unless you start well.
-Jimmy Swaggart

Some things you'll have to say no to... ask yourselves..... Do I serve God or do I go other directions? It will decide your eternal destiny. Heaven or Hell.
- Jimmy Swaggart
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Long years ago when out in sin
I had no hope, no peace within
Down on my knees in agony
I prayed to Jesus and He gladly set me free

I never shall forget the day
When all the burdens of my soul were rolled away
It made me happy, glad and free
I'll sing and shout it, God means everything to me

Now I can feel Him at my side
My feeble steps He comes to guide
When trials come, He comforts me
Through Him o'er sin I have the victory

I never shall forget the day
When all the burdens of my soul were rolled away
It made me happy, glad and free
I'll sing and shout it, God means everything to me

Oh, sinner come to Jesus now
At His dear feet just humbly bow
Confess to Him your every sin
He'll save and cleanse you, give you peace and joy within

I never shall forget the day
When all the burdens of my soul were rolled away
It made me happy, glad and free
I'll sing and shout it, God means everything to me
Its rather pitiful how people like Jeremiah use Christianity in a Way that makes all religions look bad.

I've heard people say "All religions are false".

Not all religions require a belief in a God, or gods, or supernatural forces. Some religions can even be used by Athiests.

Take Luciferianism for example.

Luciferianism is about recognizing the good and the evil within us, and directing it into a more beneficial and successful manner.

The belief in God or Gods or demons or fallen angels is not encouraged, as most of its practitioners are Atheists.

Luciferianism views all Gods and Demons as symbols and masks of specific types of energy, phenomena in Nature, and the reigning power over a potential of excellence.

The majority of Luciferians bow to no God and believe in no Gods.

When Luciferians perform a ritual in honor of a certain God, they are invoking that particular God's characteristics within themselves.

Say, Athena, to invoke and strengthen feelings regarding war and wisdom. To align one's self with that mindset.

Or Lilith, to invoke and strengthen sexual feelings, and the powers of seduction, manipulation... or even wrath and vengeance.

Or Tiamat, to invoke chaos into your mind and thus your World. To draw upon the deep abyss of the subconscious for Creative power.

Or Michael, to invoke justice, and righteousness, and to strengthen the desire to protect those around you, to strengthen your desire to do what you consider to be "good".

Or Lucifer, to invoke/ strengthen our feelings of rebellion, wisdom, and enlightenment.

Or YHWH, to invoke/ strengthen our feelings of creation and destruction.

Gods from any Pantheon may be used, so long as the practitioner knows what it is about that God that gives them the desire to invoke the Power in our Mind that it represents.

So, in approaching something such as Luciferianism from a "logical", realistic, Atheistic view, there is nothing that can be considered "false".

There is nothing to disprove.

Still, there are many Pagans and Theists who can make use of the great teachings and wisdom found in Luciferianism.

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The message of salvation is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Romans Chapter 10 we find the plan of salvation.

It is written:

But what saith it? THE WORD IS NIGH THEE, EVEN IN THY MOUTH, AND IN THY HEART, that is the word of faith, which we preach. That if thou confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH ON HIM SHALL NOT BE ASHAMED. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED.

- Romans 10:8-13

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written,

- Romans 10:14,15
There is no 'good news.'

It's the same inane, childish dogma designed to exploit the fear of death; Christianity is the contrivance of man, imbued with the same faults and failings of man, and is no better or worse than any other religion, as all religions are the creation of man.


But, it doesn't seem to work very well for them.

If it did, they wouldn't have to constantly take it out and play with it.

But, oh well, that's their right and they're welcome to it.

Also, the most widely circulated, sold and given away.

I buy them for the jail by the case.

Dollar Tree sells them to me at their cost, no tax.

To the point though, shoplifting shows the thirst is great, many want to drink from the Fountain of Life.
The sermon the LORD gave me for this board today was preached by Jimmy Swaggart many years ago - and it is based on Exodus 24: 5 - 8 and Leviticus 10 (entire chapter) - strange Fire. As faulty worship caused death then - it will cause death now. Judgment begins in the house of God.

I pray that this message touches deeply all who hear it and that the Spirit of the LORD reveals this message as He gave it that very day to the people. In Jesus Name, I pray this Word from the LORD goes forth today and I know that it shall not return back void unto the Father. To God be the Glory. Amen.

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It is written:

And Na'-dab and A-bi'-hu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not.
And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.
-Leviticus 10:1,2
This is a hard word for Christians - for those in ministry and perhaps even harder for those who are still in the world. The judgment of God has begun in the House of the LORD. We will read about it in the news,we will hear about it on the news and more so in the days to come - starting with the Leadership - the wrath of God is being poured out - on those preaching a false Gospel, prosperity Gospel, wide is the road Gospel - we will be hearing about their untimely deaths, many sorrows piercing the hearts of those who refuse to give up strange fire. Who refuse to live holy unto the LORD and preach the truth, the undiluted Gospel of Jesus Christ. Judgment in the house of God has begun. If it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous are barely saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

1 Peter 4 17 For it is time for judgment to begin with God s household and if it begins with us what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God
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To those who do not believe in God and say you are atheists........let's reason together and consider this:

If there is no God than both you and I will have nothing to look forward to after our lives have come to an end on this earth. But if there is a God - and this I know to be true - His Name is Jesus Christ - then I will spend eternity with Him in heaven whereas you will spend your eternity in hell in everlasting torment.

This is what all of you who reject Jesus Christ as Lord of your lives must consider. Because it is more than a matter of life and death. It is a matter of "eternal" life or death. You will live out eternity in one of two places. Heaven or hell. Which shall it be?
There is no 'good news.'

It's the same inane, childish dogma designed to exploit the fear of death; Christianity is the contrivance of man, imbued with the same faults and failings of man, and is no better or worse than any other religion, as all religions are the creation of man.


But, it doesn't seem to work very well for them.

If it did, they wouldn't have to constantly take it out and play with it.

But, oh well, that's their right and they're welcome to it.

Also, the most widely circulated, sold and given away.

I buy them for the jail by the case.

Dollar Tree sells them to me at their cost, no tax.

To the point though, shoplifting shows the thirst is great, many want to drink from the Fountain of Life.

You cannot finish well unless you start well.
-Jimmy Swaggart

See the quote above, now apply it to stealing a bible.
Its rather pitiful how people like Jeremiah use Christianity in a Way that makes all religions look bad.

I've heard people say "All religions are false".

Not all religions require a belief in a God, or gods, or supernatural forces. Some religions can even be used by Athiests.

Take Luciferianism for example.

Luciferianism is about recognizing the good and the evil within us, and directing it into a more beneficial and successful manner.

The belief in God or Gods or demons or fallen angels is not encouraged, as most of its practitioners are Atheists.

Luciferianism views all Gods and Demons as symbols and masks of specific types of energy, phenomena in Nature, and the reigning power over a potential of excellence.

The majority of Luciferians bow to no God and believe in no Gods.

When Luciferians perform a ritual in honor of a certain God, they are invoking that particular God's characteristics within themselves.

Say, Athena, to invoke and strengthen feelings regarding war and wisdom. To align one's self with that mindset.

Or Lilith, to invoke and strengthen sexual feelings, and the powers of seduction, manipulation... or even wrath and vengeance.

Or Tiamat, to invoke chaos into your mind and thus your World. To draw upon the deep abyss of the subconscious for Creative power.

Or Michael, to invoke justice, and righteousness, and to strengthen the desire to protect those around you, to strengthen your desire to do what you consider to be "good".

Or Lucifer, to invoke/ strengthen our feelings of rebellion, wisdom, and enlightenment.

Or YHWH, to invoke/ strengthen our feelings of creation and destruction.

Gods from any Pantheon may be used, so long as the practitioner knows what it is about that God that gives them the desire to invoke the Power in our Mind that it represents.

So, in approaching something such as Luciferianism from a "logical", realistic, Atheistic view, there is nothing that can be considered "false".

There is nothing to disprove.

Still, there are many Pagans and Theists who can make use of the great "teachings" and wisdom found in Luciferianism.
"It is written" by men, who possess no sovereignty over other men.

In the name of Jesus Christ -the LORD rebuke you, Satan. I pray the LORD deliver this man calling himself C_Clayton_Jones, from the grip and the lies of the wicked one, In The Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I bind Satan on this thread and the spirits of deception, all lying spirits, spirits of unbelief, doubt and mockery.

It is written:

2 Timothy 3 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness

and again it is written:
2 Peter 1:20
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation of things.

2 Peter 1:21
For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
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The sermon the LORD gave me for this board today was preached by Jimmy Swaggart many years ago - and it is based on Exodus 24: 5 - 8 and Leviticus 10 (entire chapter) - strange Fire. As faulty worship caused death then - it will cause death now. Judgment begins in the house of God.

I pray that this message touches deeply all who hear it and that the Spirit of the LORD reveals this message as He gave it that very day to the people. In Jesus Name, I pray this Word from the LORD goes forth today and I know that it shall not return back void unto the Father. To God be the Glory. Amen.

It will be a double blessing for those who will watch this video twice. It needs to penetrate our hearts because the Word of God is Alive! This is spiritual food that will strengthen the believers in the days ahead! Please watch it again - let the Spirit of God speak to you today.......

Jesus said:

John 12 35 Then Jesus told them You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going.

It reminds me of a story I read about once - someone told in a testimony - of their visit to a relatives home where there was a party and they became drunk. The person was not saved at the time. (as I am recalling the story) The person said they decided to go for a walk at night through the woods nearby and stumbling along through the night they said they suddenly heard a voice say to them, Do not take another step. They stopped. Pulled out a book of matches in their pocket and struck the match to see about them. There was no one there. The voice was very clear and they knew instinctively they should not dare take one more step.

They dropped the book of matches where they stood - turned around and went back to the home they were visiting and the next morning - the memory of what had happened stayed with them. They decided to go back down that trail through the woods and find the place where they had been standing the night before. They kept walking and walking suddenly they saw through the trees there was a cliff - below were rocks and a very deep gully - pit - that had the person fallen off into they would have been dead immediately. The fall was that great. As they looked down at their feet - there they found the book of matches lay on the ground - untouched. This was the very place the young man had been standing in the dark - drunk - the night before.

Because he listened to that voice - that said - Stop - Do not take one more step - his life was spared. Later he realized this had been an angel - sent to save his life - he later became a believer in Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory.
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Gallup Poll Indicates Americans Only Hear About Jesus 48 Times a Day

If you are unhappy (and you clearly are) living in a country that is predominantly Christian, then you are much more than welcome to take your worthless, racist ass somewhere - anywhere - else, Batshit Boy.

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