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God's Sovereignty

Gallup Poll Indicates Americans Only Hear About Jesus 48 Times a Day

If you are unhappy (and you clearly are) living in a country that is predominantly Christian, then you are much more than welcome to take your worthless, racist ass somewhere - anywhere - else, Batshit Boy.

ah dripping poo. my own stalker have another drink:alcoholic:
The sermon the LORD gave me for this board today was preached by Jimmy Swaggart many years ago - and it is based on Exodus 24: 5 - 8 and Leviticus 10 (entire chapter) - strange Fire. As faulty worship caused death then - it will cause death now. Judgment begins in the house of God.

I pray that this message touches deeply all who hear it and that the Spirit of the LORD reveals this message as He gave it that very day to the people. In Jesus Name, I pray this Word from the LORD goes forth today and I know that it shall not return back void unto the Father. To God be the Glory. Amen.

It will be a double blessing for those who will watch this video twice. It needs to penetrate our hearts because the Word of God is Alive! This is spiritual food that will strengthen the believers in the days ahead! Please watch it again - let the Spirit of God speak to you today.......

The sermon the LORD gave me for this board today was preached by Jimmy Swaggart many years ago - and it is based on Exodus 24: 5 - 8 and Leviticus 10 (entire chapter) - strange Fire. As faulty worship caused death then - it will cause death now. Judgment begins in the house of God.

I pray that this message touches deeply all who hear it and that the Spirit of the LORD reveals this message as He gave it that very day to the people. In Jesus Name, I pray this Word from the LORD goes forth today and I know that it shall not return back void unto the Father. To God be the Glory. Amen.

It will be a double blessing for those who will watch this video twice. It needs to penetrate our hearts because the Word of God is Alive! This is spiritual food that will strengthen the believers in the days ahead! Please watch it again - let the Spirit of God speak to you today.......

Thank God for a man of God that can openly repent like that, Guno. If you had the humility and fear of the LORD that Swaggart had perhaps you would see your own need to repent. Even publicly for how you have behaved on this board - and on my thread no less. You are provoking the LORD to anger. Do not do it.
Jesus said:

John 12 35 Then Jesus told them You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going.

It reminds me of a story I read about once - someone told in a testimony - of their visit to a relatives home where there was a party and they became drunk. The person was not saved at the time. (as I am recalling the story) The person said they decided to go for a walk at night through the woods nearby and stumbling along through the night they said they suddenly heard a voice say to them, Do not take another step. They stopped. Pulled out a book of matches in their pocket and struck the match to see about them. There was no one there. The voice was very clear and they knew instinctively they should not dare take one more step.

They dropped the book of matches where they stood - turned around and went back to the home they were visiting and the next morning - the memory of what had happened stayed with them. They decided to go back down that trail through the woods and find the place where they had been standing the night before. They kept walking and walking suddenly they saw through the trees there was a cliff - below were rocks and a very deep gully - pit - that had the person fallen off into they would have been dead immediately. The fall was that great. As they looked down at their feet - there they found the book of matches lay on the ground - untouched. This was the very place the young man had been standing in the dark - drunk - the night before.

Because he listened to that voice - that said - Stop - Do not take one more step - his life was spared. Later he realized this had been an angel - sent to save his life - he later became a believer in Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory.

I have a message for the satanist here who calls herself a goddess and isn't nor shall she ever be. The Holy Spirit clearly brought this story to my remembrance when I posted the scripture you see above the story - testimony of the man who would have died had he taken one more step.
The LORD has given me the revelation of why He gave me that story to tell here. It is a warning for you. You need to realize that when you follow a servant of the LORD around a message board like this - posting evil postings - mocking the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word - mocking the servants of God - you are provoking God to anger - and as you are already under the judgment of God you should realize that this is where God is drawing the line for you now.

You see the Word of God warns you - Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. The Lord's promise to his servants is this - Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you. You have been attempting to trouble me for many days.

The judgment of God is upon you right now.

The LORD has told me clearly to warn you who write as Goddess_Ashtara and are not a goddess nor shall you ever be one - that I am to warn you tonight - Repent or you will be destroyed. Now in Ezekiel the Word of God tells His Servant to warn the wicked to turn from their wickedness or they will be destroyed - so I know God is warning you had better not take another step - you had better turn from your wickedness right now and call upon Jesus Christ to have mercy upon you.

You have provoked the Lord God Almighty to wrath. You must repent or you will be destroyed.

I will now give you the word of the LORD in Ezekiel so that your blood is not on my hands. I do not know how you will be destroyed but the LORD is telling me you will be if you do not repent.

Hear the Word of the LORD given to Ezekiel:

When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die, and thou givest him not the warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand.
Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul.

So tonight I am delivering my own soul in warning you that if you do not turn from your wickedness you shall die. I do not know how this will happen - if one in your own coven - another satanist - will kill you or how you will die as that is not important - you could die in your sleep tonight - the result will be the same - you'll be in hell - tormented by demons and in great sufferings for all eternity. You will be the ruler of nothing in hell. No matter how much you believe you will. You've been deceived. Your god, Satan, is under my feet.

I know that when the LORD reminded me of the story - do not take another step - that it was for you. Now leave my thread and do not post on my threads or bother my threads again. You've been warned. Repent or you will be destroyed. That is the warning the LORD has given me to give you. It's been delivered. Receive it for what it is. The truth.
Jesus said:

John 12 35 Then Jesus told them You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going.

It reminds me of a story I read about once - someone told in a testimony - of their visit to a relatives home where there was a party and they became drunk. The person was not saved at the time. (as I am recalling the story) The person said they decided to go for a walk at night through the woods nearby and stumbling along through the night they said they suddenly heard a voice say to them, Do not take another step. They stopped. Pulled out a book of matches in their pocket and struck the match to see about them. There was no one there. The voice was very clear and they knew instinctively they should not dare take one more step.

They dropped the book of matches where they stood - turned around and went back to the home they were visiting and the next morning - the memory of what had happened stayed with them. They decided to go back down that trail through the woods and find the place where they had been standing the night before. They kept walking and walking suddenly they saw through the trees there was a cliff - below were rocks and a very deep gully - pit - that had the person fallen off into they would have been dead immediately. The fall was that great. As they looked down at their feet - there they found the book of matches lay on the ground - untouched. This was the very place the young man had been standing in the dark - drunk - the night before.

Because he listened to that voice - that said - Stop - Do not take one more step - his life was spared. Later he realized this had been an angel - sent to save his life - he later became a believer in Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory.

I have a message for the satanist here who calls herself a goddess and isn't nor shall she ever be. The Holy Spirit clearly brought this story to my remembrance when I posted the scripture you see above the story - testimony of the man who would have died had he taken one more step.
The LORD has given me the revelation of why He gave me that story to tell here. It is a warning for you. You need to realize that when you follow a servant of the LORD around a message board like this - posting evil postings - mocking the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word - mocking the servants of God - you are provoking God to anger - and as you are already under the judgment of God you should realize that this is where God is drawing the line for you now.

You see the Word of God warns you - Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. The Lord's promise to his servants is this - Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you. You have been attempting to trouble me for many days.

The judgment of God is upon you right now.

The LORD has told me clearly to warn you who write as Goddess_Ashtara and are not a goddess nor shall you ever be one - that I am to warn you tonight - Repent or you will be destroyed. Now in Ezekiel the Word of God tells His Servant to warn the wicked to turn from their wickedness or they will be destroyed - so I know God is warning you had better not take another step - you had better turn from your wickedness right now and call upon Jesus Christ to have mercy upon you.

You have provoked the Lord God Almighty to wrath. You must repent or you will be destroyed.

I will now give you the word of the LORD in Ezekiel so that your blood is not on my hands. I do not know how you will be destroyed but the LORD is telling me you will be if you do not repent.

Hear the Word of the LORD given to Ezekiel:

When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die, and thou givest him not the warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand.
Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul.

So tonight I am delivering my own soul in warning you that if you do not turn from your wickedness you shall die. I do not know how this will happen - if one in your own coven - another satanist - will kill you or how you will die as that is not important - you could die in your sleep tonight - the result will be the same - you'll be in hell - tormented by demons and in great sufferings for all eternity. You will be the ruler of nothing in hell. No matter how much you believe you will. You've been deceived. Your god, Satan, is under my feet.

I know that when the LORD reminded me of the story - do not take another step - that it was for you. Now leave my thread and do not post on my threads or bother my threads again. You've been warned. Repent or you will be destroyed. That is the warning the LORD has given me to give you. It's been delivered. Receive it for what it is. The truth.

Do you know that even a lot of Christians would say you are full of shit? Jesus said that until he returns, don't believe it if you think you see a ghost or angel or devil or any god that speaks to you in the night.

So basically any Christian that says they saw a ghost is going against what Jesus said. Are you/they calling Jesus a liar? So no god talked to you today or yesterday. The next time you see a spirit it'll be when Jesus returns. At least that's what Jesus said.
You are provoking the LORD to anger

Yeah don't do it man...the god fella is a nasty bugger when he is angry..just look at the old testament, hardly a page without god being angry!

God is a loving God who is long suffering and shows forth great mercy over and over and over again, HP. But the Word of God tells us to warn the wicked and if we do not? We're accountable to Him for it. I see that Brother GISMY is back - he wrote a thread tonight confirming that today is the day of Salvation! It was a beautiful invitation he posted and I pray many will respond to it. God always confirms His Own Word!
God is a loving God

Yup, I suppose he killed all those hundreds of thousands in the old testament lovingly? Good job he is slow to anger! :scared1:

That was in the Old Testament. How about when Jesus healed the demon possessed daughter of a Baal worshipper? Did you forget that story? You can find the story in Matthew 15:21-28. That is the mercy of God - she humbled herself crying out, O Son of David, have mercy upon me! You know, HP, Only Jews called Jesus Christ, Son of David, yet she had heard the Jews calling him Son of David and decided to address him that way.

Now keep in mind that although she was a baal worshipper - a woman of Canaan - in that place and time the people of that region were forced to be baal worshippers or be put to death - they didn't have a choice in the matter - she knew Baal wasn't going to deliver her daughter who was grieviously vexed with a devil - as the scriptures declare in Matt.15:22 but she had heard of Jesus and she said to him, Lord, Help me. That was the beginning of her answer. When she first opened her mouth and said, Lord, Help me.
Now his first response to her was, It is not meet to take from the childrens bread and cast it to dogs. Keep in mind that the Jews would cross the road rather than to even cross paths with a Samaritan. Jews had nothing to do with Gentiles. This woman knew this. Yet she didn't become offended. She had no pride in her, she was desperate. When we become desperate pride has to go - doesn't it? So she responded back to Jesus and said, Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.
Then Jesus answered, and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith, be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

How about that for the mercy of God upon a Baal worshipping woman in Canaan who came to Jesus and cried unto him, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David! On behalf of her daughter? Her child vexed grieviously with a demon. I tell you the truth. That woman never forgot who set her daughter free! I'm sure her gratitude for her daughter's deliverance was very sincere.

You know the Word of God says that when she asked the LORD for help? When she humbled herself and asked? In verse 28 it says that her daughter was made whole that very hour. How absolutely wonderful is that? That very same hour her daughter was made whole. There are some people on this thread that need to cry out to the LORD for mercy. They need to humble themselves and ask Him, Help me, LORD. And if they will do that I believe in the very same hour he will deliver them and heal them of what is afflicting them too. There is only one God and His name is Jesus Christ and he came in the flesh to earth to have mercy upon whosoever will.............whosoever will call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. Whosoever.
Batshit Boy lacks the courage of his convictions. He's an empty, racist bigmouth who lacks the balls to live the game he talks here with his endless, stupid troll threads.
God is a loving God

Yup, I suppose he killed all those hundreds of thousands in the old testament lovingly? Good job he is slow to anger! :scared1:

That was in the Old Testament. How about when Jesus healed the demon possessed daughter of a Baal worshipper? Did you forget that story? You can find the story in Matthew 15:21-28. That is the mercy of God - she humbled herself crying out, O Son of David, have mercy upon me! You know, HP, Only Jews called Jesus Christ, Son of David, yet she had heard the Jews calling him Son of David and decided to address him that way.

Now keep in mind that although she was a baal worshipper - a woman of Canaan - in that place and time the people of that region were forced to be baal worshippers or be put to death - they didn't have a choice in the matter - she knew Baal wasn't going to deliver her daughter who was grieviously vexed with a devil - as the scriptures declare in Matt.15:22 but she had heard of Jesus and she said to him, Lord, Help me. That was the beginning of her answer. When she first opened her mouth and said, Lord, Help me.
Now his first response to her was, It is not meet to take from the childrens bread and cast it to dogs. Keep in mind that the Jews would cross the road rather than to even cross paths with a Samaritan. Jews had nothing to do with Gentiles. This woman knew this. Yet she didn't become offended. She had no pride in her, she was desperate. When we become desperate pride has to go - doesn't it? So she responded back to Jesus and said, Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.
Then Jesus answered, and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith, be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

How about that for the mercy of God upon a Baal worshipping woman in Canaan who came to Jesus and cried unto him, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David! On behalf of her daughter? Her child vexed grieviously with a demon. I tell you the truth. That woman never forgot who set her daughter free! I'm sure her gratitude for her daughter's deliverance was very sincere.

You know the Word of God says that when she asked the LORD for help? When she humbled herself and asked? In verse 28 it says that her daughter was made whole that very hour. How absolutely wonderful is that? That very same hour her daughter was made whole. There are some people on this thread that need to cry out to the LORD for mercy. They need to humble themselves and ask Him, Help me, LORD. And if they will do that I believe in the very same hour he will deliver them and heal them of what is afflicting them too. There is only one God and His name is Jesus Christ and he came in the flesh to earth to have mercy upon whosoever will.............whosoever will call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. Whosoever.

We are free from the tyranny of the Old Testament.

That is exactly what Grace is about.

I certainly am unworthy of Salvation on my on, Hell, I broke every rule before I even knew what they were.

But, Grace was revealed unto me, I did not seek it.

I do accept it, and now live accordingly.
Batshit Boy lacks the courage of his convictions. He's an empty, racist bigmouth who lacks the balls to live the game he talks here with his endless, stupid troll threads.
Batshit Boy lacks the courage of his convictions. He's an empty, racist bigmouth who lacks the balls to live the game he talks here with his endless, stupid troll threads.
God is a loving God

Yup, I suppose he killed all those hundreds of thousands in the old testament lovingly? Good job he is slow to anger! :scared1:

That was in the Old Testament. How about when Jesus healed the demon possessed daughter of a Baal worshipper? Did you forget that story? You can find the story in Matthew 15:21-28. That is the mercy of God - she humbled herself crying out, O Son of David, have mercy upon me! You know, HP, Only Jews called Jesus Christ, Son of David, yet she had heard the Jews calling him Son of David and decided to address him that way.

Now keep in mind that although she was a baal worshipper - a woman of Canaan - in that place and time the people of that region were forced to be baal worshippers or be put to death - they didn't have a choice in the matter - she knew Baal wasn't going to deliver her daughter who was grieviously vexed with a devil - as the scriptures declare in Matt.15:22 but she had heard of Jesus and she said to him, Lord, Help me. That was the beginning of her answer. When she first opened her mouth and said, Lord, Help me.
Now his first response to her was, It is not meet to take from the childrens bread and cast it to dogs. Keep in mind that the Jews would cross the road rather than to even cross paths with a Samaritan. Jews had nothing to do with Gentiles. This woman knew this. Yet she didn't become offended. She had no pride in her, she was desperate. When we become desperate pride has to go - doesn't it? So she responded back to Jesus and said, Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.
Then Jesus answered, and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith, be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

How about that for the mercy of God upon a Baal worshipping woman in Canaan who came to Jesus and cried unto him, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David! On behalf of her daughter? Her child vexed grieviously with a demon. I tell you the truth. That woman never forgot who set her daughter free! I'm sure her gratitude for her daughter's deliverance was very sincere.

You know the Word of God says that when she asked the LORD for help? When she humbled herself and asked? In verse 28 it says that her daughter was made whole that very hour. How absolutely wonderful is that? That very same hour her daughter was made whole. There are some people on this thread that need to cry out to the LORD for mercy. They need to humble themselves and ask Him, Help me, LORD. And if they will do that I believe in the very same hour he will deliver them and heal them of what is afflicting them too. There is only one God and His name is Jesus Christ and he came in the flesh to earth to have mercy upon whosoever will.............whosoever will call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. Whosoever.

We are free from the tyranny of the Old Testament.

That is exactly what Grace is about.

I certainly am unworthy of Salvation on my on, Hell, I broke every rule before I even knew what they were.

But, Grace was revealed unto me, I did not seek it.

I do accept it, and now live accordingly.

The mercy that Christ extends to the sinner is unparalleled - there is no forgiveness outside of Jesus Christ. He extends his nail pierced hands to all who would come unto him and ask Him to save them. The vilest sinner can be washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ - forgiven all their sins - and made brand new in Him. There is none He would reject. None. But if they reject Him? There is nothing else. They remain condemned in their sins which will seal their fate to be damned throughout eternity - suffering in a torment God never intended for them -yet truth be known God did not put them there - they put themselves there - for those who have breath in them today - there is a River! That never shall run dry! Come unto Jesus! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Come unto Jesus! Do not wait! Do it tonight!
This is for someone reading who needs to know the LORD has been there all the time and His desire is to rescue them - to keep them from going over that cliff - into eternal darkness - Jesus Christ is the One who hung on a cross for our sins - taking our punishment so that we wouldn't have to! He has given us a pardon - to all who would receive Him.... receive this song into your heart and know that God is here tonight. He is here. Call on Jesus tonight. Tonight is your night. He's ready to save you tonight.

Jesus said:

John 12 35 Then Jesus told them You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going.

It reminds me of a story I read about once - someone told in a testimony - of their visit to a relatives home where there was a party and they became drunk. The person was not saved at the time. (as I am recalling the story) The person said they decided to go for a walk at night through the woods nearby and stumbling along through the night they said they suddenly heard a voice say to them, Do not take another step. They stopped. Pulled out a book of matches in their pocket and struck the match to see about them. There was no one there. The voice was very clear and they knew instinctively they should not dare take one more step.

They dropped the book of matches where they stood - turned around and went back to the home they were visiting and the next morning - the memory of what had happened stayed with them. They decided to go back down that trail through the woods and find the place where they had been standing the night before. They kept walking and walking suddenly they saw through the trees there was a cliff - below were rocks and a very deep gully - pit - that had the person fallen off into they would have been dead immediately. The fall was that great. As they looked down at their feet - there they found the book of matches lay on the ground - untouched. This was the very place the young man had been standing in the dark - drunk - the night before.

Because he listened to that voice - that said - Stop - Do not take one more step - his life was spared. Later he realized this had been an angel - sent to save his life - he later became a believer in Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory.

I have a message for the satanist here who calls herself a goddess and isn't nor shall she ever be. The Holy Spirit clearly brought this story to my remembrance when I posted the scripture you see above the story - testimony of the man who would have died had he taken one more step.
The LORD has given me the revelation of why He gave me that story to tell here. It is a warning for you. You need to realize that when you follow a servant of the LORD around a message board like this - posting evil postings - mocking the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word - mocking the servants of God - you are provoking God to anger - and as you are already under the judgment of God you should realize that this is where God is drawing the line for you now.

You see the Word of God warns you - Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. The Lord's promise to his servants is this - Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you. You have been attempting to trouble me for many days.

The judgment of God is upon you right now.

The LORD has told me clearly to warn you who write as Goddess_Ashtara and are not a goddess nor shall you ever be one - that I am to warn you tonight - Repent or you will be destroyed. Now in Ezekiel the Word of God tells His Servant to warn the wicked to turn from their wickedness or they will be destroyed - so I know God is warning you had better not take another step - you had better turn from your wickedness right now and call upon Jesus Christ to have mercy upon you.

You have provoked the Lord God Almighty to wrath. You must repent or you will be destroyed.

I will now give you the word of the LORD in Ezekiel so that your blood is not on my hands. I do not know how you will be destroyed but the LORD is telling me you will be if you do not repent.

Hear the Word of the LORD given to Ezekiel:

When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die, and thou givest him not the warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand.
Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul.

So tonight I am delivering my own soul in warning you that if you do not turn from your wickedness you shall die. I do not know how this will happen - if one in your own coven - another satanist - will kill you or how you will die as that is not important - you could die in your sleep tonight - the result will be the same - you'll be in hell - tormented by demons and in great sufferings for all eternity. You will be the ruler of nothing in hell. No matter how much you believe you will. You've been deceived. Your god, Satan, is under my feet.

I know that when the LORD reminded me of the story - do not take another step - that it was for you. Now leave my thread and do not post on my threads or bother my threads again. You've been warned. Repent or you will be destroyed. That is the warning the LORD has given me to give you. It's been delivered. Receive it for what it is. The truth.

Do you know that even a lot of Christians would say you are full of shit? Jesus said that until he returns, don't believe it if you think you see a ghost or angel or devil or any god that speaks to you in the night.

So basically any Christian that says they saw a ghost is going against what Jesus said. Are you/they calling Jesus a liar? So no god talked to you today or yesterday. The next time you see a spirit it'll be when Jesus returns. At least that's what Jesus said.

Not everyone who says they are a Christian is. As for the testimony of the man whose life was spared by the voice of an angel speaking out - Do not take another step - who are you to tell God what He can and cannot do to save a human life? Did God not create all mankind? Yes. He did. In His own Image. It is written: Genesis 1:26. Why do you think Satan is out to destroy you? You were created in God's image.

As we are His Creation - it is His business what He does - as to the matter of God's Holy Spirit being incapable of speaking? Nonsense. Of course, the Holy Spirit speaks in a still small voice - Jesus said, My sheep know my voice. Did He not? As for angels - you do not believe an angel can speak to a human? Have you not heard that some have entertained angels here on earth unaware? It is written in the Word of God, Sealbobo.

It is written:
Hebrews 13 2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Tell me, how is it you can believe demons can speak to you, Satan can speak to you yet you do not believe God is able to speak to his own children? How is it that you believe God cannot even send an angel to speak and warn one who has not yet become His child but will? How is that? Do you not see a contradiction in your beliefs? As Jesus Christ has such great compassion and desires to prevent the woman calling herself Goddess_Ashtara from destroying herself - what business is it of yours? It isn't.
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