Godspeed John Glenn

Sadly, the astronauts of my youth are slowly dying off. I remember the Mercury 7 and what heroes they were. They were fighting the USSR in the space race
Our Apollo astronauts are also dying off. Of the twelve humans who walked on the moon, only eight are left. I heard Buzz Aldrin was evacuated from Antarctica earlier this week for health issues
Sadly, the astronauts of my youth are slowly dying off. I remember the Mercury 7 and what heroes they were. They were fighting the USSR in the space race
Our Apollo astronauts are also dying off. Of the twelve humans who walked on the moon, only eight are left. I heard Buzz Aldrin was evacuated from Antarctica earlier this week for health issues
The South Pole is at 10,000 feet and very very dry. Wasn't a good idea for him to go there.
RIP John Glenn. You were one of the best! Bless:huddle:

Lightnin' Hopkins-Happy Blues For John Glenn

A tribute song for JG.
Thanks to Obama, our space program has been on hold for the last eight years. Hopefully, Trump will get it restarted. Mars and the Asteroids await.
Personally, I think our space program needs to center more on R2D2 than Buck Rogers
I got lucky to meet him once a long time ago when I was kid in Ohio at the Air Force Museum. I also grew up in Springboro right next to Lebanon, Ohio where Neil Armstrong lived. Ohio is famous for a lot of things. First American to orbit Earth, first man to walk on the moon, home of the Wright Brothers, and home state to the most U.S. Presidents.
According to my mom, his home was right behind the school that she went to when she was a kid.

God bless you and her and his family always!!!

149 combat missions

Glenn was one tough cookie

Yes he was an a hero like all the other Mercury Astronauts.

Imagine sitting on top of that rocket while everyone else was out of harms way waiting to send you up and hoping the damned thing didn't blow up. Back in the 60's it wasn't a sure thing that they wouldn't blow up. They had enough of them blow while testing them.

I watched everyone of those Mercury shots from my front lawn. Saw them all go up.

John Glen and the rest of the Mercury Astronauts were very brave indeed. The space program was in its infancy and those guys stepped up and got it done. Hero's one and all.

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