Gohmert to Strzok: Did you look as innocently at your wife while lying about Lisa as you look at us?

Is U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert a hypocrite for not being hard on Jim Jordan?

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  • Benghazi!

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Gohmert is an American hero who gets ridiculed a lot. Strzok is the one who should be ridiculed!

Louie Gohmert to Strzok: Did you look as innocently at your wife while lying about Lisa Page as you look at us?
Talk about a stupid question that does not address the issue at hand. That question reminds me of how innocent Trump looked when the reporter asked him about knowing anything about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, then lying about it. Except that question was actually relevant to the hush money case. This question Gohmert asked, wasn't relative to anything, except to insult. Gohmert, what an idiot.
Really? It goes to credibility! Or, is it stupid for ewe libtards to hammer Trump about women and affairs! Make up your feeble mind!
If Republicans were so worried about credibility, maybe they should start at the top, by being more interested in the actual person who is a subject of a multi pronged criminal investigation, and hush money with women for campaign violations? Throw me a friggin bone will you.

We're here today talking about an FBI agent who was texting his political views,which he is allowed to do so, as opposed to the number of scandals Trump has going on? That by the number, I'm not sure I could come up with if I wrote them down on paper? Give me a break. You have to be a special kind of retarded, to think Strozk holds more importance than the multiple Trump scandals.

Strzok OWNED those little bitches yesterday - :)
I love how you don't know how stupid you make Democrats look.

Each and every Republican now knows that smart Democrats now do not exist. We literally know that almost all of you are towards the very front of the Bell Curve. You are going to be increasingly dismissed as a result of this.

It is an honor to be dismissed by angry Trumplings. :)
The whole point of the Strzok testimony is to establish credibility and trust in his role as a 1.) man of integrity 2.) FBI lead investigator beyond bias and above reproach 3.) An agent of impeccable ethics, impartiality & thoroughly exhausting all witness testimony prior to handing down recommendations for specific agency action.

Gohmert's (look into my eyes) query strikes at the heart of the character of the man (what other actions lend to his credibility, etc). Bear in mind, Strzok is a man holding himself out there to be virtuous in all the above categories. This post will get too long winded if I itemize in bullet points all of the inconsistencies here, starting with his changing the text on HRC's notations from "gross negligence" to "extremely careless" ---> "I would love to answer your ? but am compelled by the FBI NOT to... Y'all know U stink to high heaven & I hope you have nightmares about his 'paramour' getting X-'d by Gowdy early next wk... ROTFL!

Every time I gaze into Goober Gohmert's eyes ... I get dizzy :)

Really? It goes to credibility! Or, is it stupid for ewe libtards to hammer Trump about women and affairs! Make up your feeble mind!
If Republicans were so worried about credibility, maybe they should start at the top, by being more interested in the actual person who is a subject of a multi pronged criminal investigation, and hush money with women for campaign violations? Throw me a friggin bone will you.

We're here today talking about an FBI agent who was texting his political views,which he is allowed to do so, as opposed to the number of scandals Trump has going on? That by the number, I'm not sure I could come up with if I wrote them down on paper? Give me a break. You have to be a special kind of retarded, to think Strozk holds more importance than the multiple Trump scandals.

Strzok OWNED those little bitches yesterday - :)
I love how you don't know how stupid you make Democrats look.

Each and every Republican now knows that smart Democrats now do not exist. We literally know that almost all of you are towards the very front of the Bell Curve. You are going to be increasingly dismissed as a result of this.
Yea, right down to the twenty five Russian indictments and Five Trump butt boys either arrested or guilty. The more indictments and guilty pleas, the more the Right dismisses the whole thing. Seems to me that there is something odd with that picture? The more indictments and arrests, the more these Trump cultists deny. Can't handle the truth? Have no interest in justice? Which is it? Or is it both? What a bunch of pathetic Republican cowards and traitors to this country.
None of those indictments have anything to do with collusion.

You are clearly not a thinking person. Which is why I made the previous post. Your entire side is just a joke consumed with hate.

I just wonder how many of you idiots loved "The Apprentice" or loved Trump when he was just a rich guy with a famous name brand. I certainly felt no positive feelings towards Trump until 2015, so I am not some Trump sycophant/groupie.

Ya, merely a series of remarkable coincidences :)

A Key Coincidence of the Russia Hacking Scandal - The Atlantic
Don’t blame you! You never can change a libtards mind. Strozk and Page’s texts are a reflection of what libtards think of conservatives!

That most of you are stupid bible thumping morons who are easily manipulated by the One Percent.
Yes, this is really what we think of you.
We know! And we stink and are deplorable! We got the message! You good now?
Gohmert bitch slapped that arrogant lying piece of shit into another galaxy.
you approve of that behavior? Okay. What have you said about people you disagree with acting like that? We have archives here. Want to go out on a limb and claim you are principled and good?

"we have archives here"? What retread are you?

I have no problem with a smack down approach whatsoever. ECW baby. Bring the furniture. Off the top ropes. I'm sick and tired of the asshole Republicans like McCain always saying we have to take the high road.

Fuck that noise.Michelle Obama had the balls to say "when they go low we go high". Bull shit spilling out of her mouth considering she was married to the man who broiught Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecago dirty politics to Washington.

Now these bastards on the left push, we need to pull RVD's on the bastards. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah baby.

If the Alt and Far Right are attacking, you are 90% of the time the good guy.
Sloppy? Private messages that would never ever be open to public view unless partisan congress critters decided to .. please.

Yes Sloppy and Incompetent for a HEAD of any US counter intel organization. Because it has nothing to DO with the public. AFFAIRS you're having can lead to getting your clearances yanked. I explained that. So just MISUSING the special access company phone for pillow talk with your hook up is INCONCEIVABLE to me.

That arrogance matches the arrogance of the woman he was investigating who headed the ENTIRE STATE Dept and also showed complete disregard for using the approved and secure communications channels. No wonder he was inclined to not swear her under oath or take his interrogation of her seriously.. They are ARROGANT sobs of the same ilk.

Oh please. can the moralistic

Most people have no idea of the restrictions you face when you accept positions like that. You can remain an ignorant troll. But your Security Officer is you superior, no matter WHAT fucking impressive title you have and you can NOT hide ANY life issues that might subject you to blackmail. Laugh it up troll. And ignore it if you want. But Millions of Americans know this.

Oh Looky -- An open source confirmation about my "moralistic bullshit"... Guess you don't have to take my word for it.

Sleeping with Trouble: Extramarital Affairs and Federal Employees : FedSmith.com

Disciplinary Actions for Misconduct
An agency may discipline an employee who engaged in consensual adulterous behavior for conduct unbecoming of a federal employee. Suspension is the typical punishment for such misconduct, but removal may be justifiable under certain circumstances.

Security Clearance
Even if federal employees with a security clearance are able to keep an extramarital affair from a spouse, they will have a harder time keeping that secret from the government, especially when their clearance comes up for review. Adultery is the kiss of death for federal employees with security clearances; it is very hard to prove to Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) administrative judge that an employee who engaged in adulterous conduct does not pose a threat to national security given the individuals’ susceptibility to coercion related to the affair.

If Office of Personnel Management or Department of Defense investigators uncover the affair, employees will likely soon after receive a Letter of Intent/Statement of Reasons (LOI/SOR). The LOI/SOR may cite Guideline D (Sexual Behavior) and/or Guideline E (Personal Conduct) of the Adjudicative Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Information as reasons why their clearance is being suspended, denied or revoked. Guideline D cites as a disqualifying condition, “sexual behavior that causes an individual to be vulnerable to coercion, exploitation, or duress.” Guideline E similarly cites as a disqualifying condition, “personal conduct or concealment of information about one’s conduct, that creates a vulnerability to exploitation, manipulation, or duress.” If the affair involves a foreign national, Guideline B (Foreign Influence) may also be cited.


As my SOfficer put it when that episode I described happened to me -- You RUN to your SO and confess and they will hand you a phone whereon you CALL your wife and inform her. Or they will start proceedings to yank your clearances. In my case, the SO didn't know I was getting divorced and expecting the court to sign off any day.

Don't doubt me. I never make shit up and I don't duck out. I repeat. Peter Strzok is one of the most INEPT Counter Intel guys who's ever served in a position that high.

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