Going vegan to save the planet

What fruit, veg, or nut do you eat to get eicosapentaenoic acid?

Photosynthetic bacteria ... both humans and fish process this into these nutrients your describing ... at least that's what Wikipedia says ... that's a problem for organic veggies, covered in bug poop and algae ... ewwwwww ...

You must be a Catholic or something ...
Photosynthetic bacteria ... both humans and fish process this into these nutrients your describing ... at least that's what Wikipedia says ... that's a problem for organic veggies, covered in bug poop and algae ... ewwwwww ...

You must be a Catholic or something ...
No, there are various acids in meat that vegans can't get. Such acids help inflammation etc.. they have benefits. It's why vegans can all too often suffer from deficiencies due to their diet. Their choice, it's a shame they don't allow others to have a choice too.
No, there are various acids in meat that vegans can't get. Such acids help inflammation etc.. they have benefits. It's why vegans can all too often suffer from deficiencies due to their diet. Their choice, it's a shame they don't allow others to have a choice too.

I'm familiar with your argument ... partially why I advocate for reducing meat consumption, satirically by 90% ... but even a 25% reduction in meats is helpful to most people ...

The main benefit of meat is as a complete protein, it has all the essential amino acids humans need ... the vegan will need to mix and match to get that full suite, easily with rice and beans ... and of course eating mammalian meat has all the vitamins and minerals essential to all mammals, if you believe that evolution crap ...

There's a cost ... saturated fatty acids ... cholesterol ... why Atorvastatin is the most commonly prescribed medication in the United States ... vegans completely avoid all that ... it's a choice ...

Don't you wish April was your daughter?:


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