Gold Star Families Demand Apology from Trump

Soon as he gets an apology for the attack the gold star family levied on him. And the gold star family attacked first.

Miss Tree, would you like to post a link to this attack? And before you so stupidly say that Mr. Khan's speech at the DNC is the attack, then I must inform you that Mrs. Clinton made no such counterattack on those who made critical speeches of her at the RNC, in case, as with most far right fringe imbeciles, you too suffer from severe short-term memory problems.
You are wrong on both accounts. The whole DNC consisted of one speech after another attacking Trump and that included Khan. And yes, Clinton called Sean Smith's mother a liar. And so did Mr. Chris Matthews on MSNBC. You called me an imbecile? That makes you a fucked up moron of a libtard.

Hahahaha, Ms. Tree. You have veered off into a tangent in which you leave Mr. Trump completely blameless, when he launched the first volley. If Mr. Trump can't handle the heat, he should pull up his skirt and get out of the kitchen. This thread is about the Gold Star families, not Chris Matthews or Hillary Clinton.

You are a great example of how people lie to themselves.

I think Mr. Mud asked for some names of the families. Well, Mr. Mud, it's time for YOU to STFU now:

VoteVets releases Gold Star Family Members letter to Trump, demand apology for all Gold Star Families
“Ours is a sacrifice you will never know. Ours is a sacrifice we would never want you to know.”

WASHINGTON, DC – Family members of seventeen fallen service-members are writing to Donald J. Trump today, expressing their dismay at his treatment of the family of CPT. Humayun Khan, and demanding an apology. The letter was organized by Karen Meredith, a Gold Star mother who serves as Military Families Coordinator for

The letter is below:

August 1, 2016Donald J Trump725 Fifth AvenueNew York, NY 10022
Mr. Trump,

We are all Gold Star Families, who have lost those we love the most in war. Ours is a sacrifice you will never know. Ours is a sacrifice we would never want you to know.

Your recent comments regarding the Khan family were repugnant, and personally offensive to us. When you question a mother's pain, by implying that her religion, not her grief, kept her from addressing an arena of people, you are attacking us. When you say your job building buildings is akin to our sacrifice, you are attacking our sacrifice.

...y Families

Mmm, no he wasn't. THat's bullshit.

The rest of the letter is built on that bullshit.

STFU assholes.

My oh my how quickly those who cannot defend Mr. Trump fold like a paper tent in the wind.

I focused on the central point of the letter, and pointed out that it was not true.

As it is not.

That is the opposite of folding like a paper tent.

You liar.

I note that you did not defend their claim.

You just spouted manufactured, bullshit "outrage" like the liar you are.
Comrade Donald has now attacked gold star families, including the Khans.
He didn't attack anyone liar. He was attacked and then he defended himself. Why dosen't Khan prove that Trump has not read the constitution.

Liberals usually justify their actions saying: The whole trouble started when the son of a bitch hit back.

Trump's bigotry against Muslims was the first punch in this battle.

Not wanting to import a population peppered with people who hate US is not bigotry.
Get this straight. Other than to use veterans as a prop, other than to use veterans to appeal to undecided voters, the DNC and especially that despicable piece of horse manure Hillary Clinton, DOES NOT CARE for a veterans health, welfare or concerns. They don't understand those who joined. They cannot fathom veterans motivations, love of country or the reason why veterans do what they do.
Will you be honest and say exactly the same about Trump and his opposing faction? Since 2001 I've seen a higher proclivity from the faction on the right to employ the tactic of using vets and active duty personnel as pawns in their hyped Nationalistic fervor and campaign of fear than that coming from the left. Make no mistake, the left is guilty of that conduct also, but to a much lesser degree.
Remember this: 'Trump said “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”'
This simpering, cowardly, snotty-nosed purveyor of lies and self-aggrandizement had his daddy pay so he could avoid the draft, and he deigns to attack a POW.
That was the day all of you mindless dog ticks should have made sure he did not acquire the nomination.
You spiraled off into the gutter. That's some weak shit.
Remember this: 'Trump said “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”'
This simpering, cowardly, snotty-nosed purveyor of lies and self-aggrandizement had his daddy pay so he could avoid the draft, and he deigns to attack a POW.
That was the day all of you mindless dog ticks should have made sure he did not acquire the nomination.

John McCain, who I voted for, and who stood up to real torture for years, does not need a lefty like you to stand up for him.

McCain attack Trump and Trump supporters.

Trump attacked him back.

Trump did NOT attack "a pow", he attacked the Cranky Old Man that attacked him first.

You are an asshole.
That does not preclude the father's relationships with Islamists or Islamist interests.

Everybody who attacks Trump gets demonized. The Trump cult is like the Scientologists.
Everything Trump says is demonized.....

Democrats are like a cult with the blind following the blind. The blind being a media that can't see past their politics.

You obviously don't know the meaning of the word 'demonize'.
Obviously you don't. Calling him a monster, insane, a sycophath, to name just a few.

Nope, you don't know what it means.

You can't win an attack on the Goldstar mothers. Sorry. That is not how the world works.

Thousands of Gold Stat families bear their unbearable sorrow with quiet dignity.

A handful sell theirs to Democrat presidential campaigns.
They say Trump has no soul - he a black hole. He is the closest thing I've ever seen to the Antichrist.

And he is running a campaign by selling FEAR!

Trump has sacrificed far more than any gold star family.

No he hasn't, nor has he claimed he has.

Trump effectively claimed that making money was his sacrifice.
Liar. He said he busted his butt building an empire that employed tens of thousands was a sacrifice. Never did he equate it to dying for the country. It isn't but it isn't easy either, just having a small business is a major hassle.
Trump has sacrificed far more than any gold star family.
Because the military is optional, families aren't the ones doing the sacrificing. It's the soldier who sacrificed. When I was suffering in Somalia my family wasn't sweating along with me. My wife didn't choose for me to go. She had no choice. It's just what goes along with the job. If I had died I would have made the ultimate sacrifice, nobody else.
It's comical to watch Trump's new campaign manager, Paul Manafort, trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Trump has sacrificed far more than any gold star family.
Because the military is optional, families aren't the ones doing the sacrificing. It's the soldier who sacrificed. When I was suffering in Somalia my family wasn't sweating along with me. My wife didn't choose for me to go. She had no choice. It's just what goes along with the job. If I had died I would have made the ultimate sacrifice, nobody else.

It is so amusing to watch Mr. Mud and others suddenly making our troops and military insignificant and dismissing them as they have long accused Mr. Obama of doing. You all are better than the chameleons that run up and down our garden walls here in the South. You change your colors much faster, though.
Comrade Donald has now attacked gold star families, including the Khans.

Khan is a piece of shit. I never heard Trump attack him but I wish he actually would. That piece of garbage is using his son's death for political purposes.
mud, billy, and willow, right along with Comrade Donald, dishonor gold star widows and families.
Bullshit. If they insist on lying they don't deserve any respect. Nothing Trump said was unAmerican. All he said was that he felt the mother was being silent for a reason. You liberals simply expanded on that. In effect, you lied.
Comrade Donald has now attacked gold star families, including the Khans.

Khan is a piece of shit. I never heard Trump attack him but I wish he actually would. That piece of garbage is using his son's death for political purposes.

Mr. Fang, what would those purposes be? If you are going to make assertions like that, it would be logical that you can also provide motives. I suppose his worst crime is that he wishes to see Mrs. Clinton elected instead of a pigheaded, hate-mongering racist.
mud, billy, and willow, right along with Comrade Donald, dishonor gold star widows and families.
Bullshit. If they insist on lying they don't deserve any respect. Nothing Trump said was unAmerican. All he said was that he felt the mother was being silent for a reason. You liberals simply expanded on that. In effect, you lied.

Perhaps, Mr. Mud, she was silent because she was "...bleeding from her whatever".

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