Gold Star Families Demand Apology from Trump

Soon as he gets an apology for the attack the gold star family levied on him. And the gold star family attacked first.

Miss Tree, would you like to post a link to this attack? And before you so stupidly say that Mr. Khan's speech at the DNC is the attack, then I must inform you that Mrs. Clinton made no such counterattack on those who made critical speeches of her at the RNC, in case, as with most far right fringe imbeciles, you too suffer from severe short-term memory problems.
The critics of the hildabeast happen to be correct. DNC, liars and degenerate convention.
I suppose his worst crime is that he wishes to see Mrs. Clinton elected instead of a pigheaded, hate-mongering racist.
His worse crime is using his son's sacrifice to smear his political enemy. You and I have a different set of values.
Right, unless it would help your guy, then you'd be right there in the thick of it. :eusa_snooty:
You are a lying sack of shit, as always. I haven't seen the parents of the dead service member saying a leftist hasn't made a sacrifice. That's horrible and a piece of shit like you has no right to do that or claim you know what others' values are. Or even what the word means.
What did I tell you? You claim to be holier than thou, but go right for the gutter. You need a new moral compass. Yours is pointing in the wrong direction.

Calling liberals out for who they are has zero to do with go snort a line of coke and Butt fuck your buddy......with you good morals
Now we are seeing the effect that a monster like Mr. Trump has on his minions....They are ready to attack Gold Star families. The very people they have so fervently supported for the last 10 years. Shame on your feckless and irresponsible behavior.
Go trump, stomp the shit out of the lying left and the hildabeast. For all his faults, Trump is still better than the lying crooked hag hildabeast.
Gold Star families demand apology for Trump's 'anti-American' comments

I sincerely believe this monster is beyond making an apology to anyone for anything that he has ever done in his soiled, tawdry and morally desolate life.

Are you libs ignoring the FACT that Democrats and the media attacked Patricia Smith the mother of a state Dept official killed in Benghazi like a pack of wild dogs? Here's a quote from Chris Mathews, "I Don’t Care How The Mother Of Murdered Benghazi Victim Felt" oh you libs your so compassionate /SARCASM

she shouldn't have lied. no matter how upset she was.

that is very different from what Donald did.

I do recall the rightwingnut fauxrage because Matthews pointed out her lies.

We get it if a mother who lost her son is a Republican attack her like a pack of wild dogs and rip her limbs off that's what you scum liberals do.

No dumbass. If she lies call her out for her lies.

The problem is you're projecting and trying to justify an unjustifiable at rank on there people because they challenged dumb Donald's bigotry.

Delusional winger. :cuckoo:
Gold Star families demand apology for Trump's 'anti-American' comments

I sincerely believe this monster is beyond making an apology to anyone for anything that he has ever done in his soiled, tawdry and morally desolate life.

Are you libs ignoring the FACT that Democrats and the media attacked Patricia Smith the mother of a state Dept official killed in Benghazi like a pack of wild dogs? Here's a quote from Chris Mathews, "I Don’t Care How The Mother Of Murdered Benghazi Victim Felt" oh you libs your so compassionate /SARCASM

she shouldn't have lied. no matter how upset she was.

that is very different from what Donald did.

I do recall the rightwingnut fauxrage because Matthews pointed out her lies.

We get it if a mother who lost her son is a Republican attack her like a pack of wild dogs and rip her limbs off that's what you scum liberals do.

No dumbass. If she lies call her out for her lies.

The problem is you're projecting and trying to justify an unjustifiable at rank on there people because they challenged dumb Donald's bigotry.

Delusional winger. :cuckoo:

No your a liberal dick us proof she lied
Gold Star families demand apology for Trump's 'anti-American' comments

I sincerely believe this monster is beyond making an apology to anyone for anything that he has ever done in his soiled, tawdry and morally desolate life.

Are you libs ignoring the FACT that Democrats and the media attacked Patricia Smith the mother of a state Dept official killed in Benghazi like a pack of wild dogs? Here's a quote from Chris Mathews, "I Don’t Care How The Mother Of Murdered Benghazi Victim Felt" oh you libs your so compassionate /SARCASM

she shouldn't have lied. no matter how upset she was.

that is very different from what Donald did.

I do recall the rightwingnut fauxrage because Matthews pointed out her lies.

We get it if a mother who lost her son is a Republican attack her like a pack of wild dogs and rip her limbs off that's what you scum liberals do.

No dumbass. If she lies call her out for her lies.

The problem is you're projecting and trying to justify an unjustifiable at rank on there people because they challenged dumb Donald's bigotry.

Delusional winger. :cuckoo:

No your a liberal dick us proof she lied
She can't.
Trump has sacrificed far more than any gold star family.
Because the military is optional, families aren't the ones doing the sacrificing. It's the soldier who sacrificed. When I was suffering in Somalia my family wasn't sweating along with me. My wife didn't choose for me to go. She had no choice. It's just what goes along with the job. If I had died I would have made the ultimate sacrifice, nobody else.

It is so amusing to watch Mr. Mud and others suddenly making our troops and military insignificant and dismissing them as they have long accused Mr. Obama of doing. You all are better than the chameleons that run up and down our garden walls here in the South. You change your colors much faster, though.
It is amazing how the left can simultaniously take up two opposing positions at the same time and still believe each one is true. For years the soldiers who went to Iraq were demonized as killers but now that Trump said something bad about one they are trying to tell us that is unAmerican. Total horseshit becuase military families and personal are subject to criticism as much as anyone else. What if one raped some local girl? Aren't we suppose to condemn his actions?
It is amazing how the left can simultaniously take up two opposing positions at the same time and still believe each one is true. For years the soldiers who went to Iraq were demonized as killers but now that Trump said something bad about one they are trying to tell us that is unAmerican. Total horseshit becuase military families and personal are subject to criticism as much as anyone else. What if one raped some local girl? Aren't we suppose to condemn his actions?

yeah they just stick the talking points...logic, reality, and history have no meaning to them....just get to the next day.
Gold Star families demand apology for Trump's 'anti-American' comments

I sincerely believe this monster is beyond making an apology to anyone for anything that he has ever done in his soiled, tawdry and morally desolate life.

Are you libs ignoring the FACT that Democrats and the media attacked Patricia Smith the mother of a state Dept official killed in Benghazi like a pack of wild dogs? Here's a quote from Chris Mathews, "I Don’t Care How The Mother Of Murdered Benghazi Victim Felt" oh you libs your so compassionate /SARCASM

she shouldn't have lied. no matter how upset she was.

that is very different from what Donald did.

I do recall the rightwingnut fauxrage because Matthews pointed out her lies.

We get it if a mother who lost her son is a Republican attack her like a pack of wild dogs and rip her limbs off that's what you scum liberals do.

No dumbass. If she lies call her out for her lies.

The problem is you're projecting and trying to justify an unjustifiable at rank on there people because they challenged dumb Donald's bigotry.

Delusional winger. :cuckoo:

Whah go cry to your liberal buddies :crybaby:
So will Comrade Trump apologize of will he deny he ever said anything or blame someone else, like he usually does. I predict he will ignore the calls to apologize like he is ignoring the calls to cough up his income tax returns.

Gold Star families demand apology for Trump's 'anti-American' comments

I sincerely believe this monster is beyond making an apology to anyone for anything that he has ever done in his soiled, tawdry and morally desolate life.

Lets look at these "gold star" families...Vote Vets did the letter.. I bet they are liberals......I bet money, lets see.

Karen Meredith

Karen supports the Iran Nuclear Agreement for many reasons including using diplomacy before military action
Who would support that fucking republicans or conservatives do.,

Paul Eaton-
Paul Eaton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eaton appeared on Bill Maher's talkshow and spoke out strongly against those who launched the Iraq war. In 2008 Eaton served as an advisor to Senator Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Following Clinton's concession of the Democratic primary, Eaton has made several appearances in support of Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign. In July, 2016, Eaton appeared in a political campaign ad critical of Donald Trump, using the catchprase "Too Dangerous for America."

Jon Soltz-

Jon Soltz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He has been a frequent contributor to numerous shows, including Countdown with Keith Olbermann[1] and the Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC. He has been interviewed by the Associated Press, Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Time magazine, Newsweek.[1] He has appeared on NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News Channel, ABC News, Nightline, Air America Radio, The Ed Schultz Show, and The Bill Press Show.[1]
In his role as chairman of, Soltz called President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney "draft dodgers" in a news conference on Capitol Hill.[4] He also accused Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of "aiding the enemy."

Garett Reppenhagen
A Navy SEAL Responds To Garett Reppenhagen's Criticism of "American Sniper" | Dana Loesch Radio

WOW,. who knew, another leftwing group and nothing but politics....liberals try to trick people again.
Remember this: 'Trump said “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”'
This simpering, cowardly, snotty-nosed purveyor of lies and self-aggrandizement had his daddy pay so he could avoid the draft, and he deigns to attack a POW.
That was the day all of you mindless dog ticks should have made sure he did not acquire the nomination.

John McCain, who I voted for, and who stood up to real torture for years, does not need a lefty like you to stand up for him.

McCain attack Trump and Trump supporters.

Trump attacked him back.

Trump did NOT attack "a pow", he attacked the Cranky Old Man that attacked him first.

You are an asshole.
McCain was captured and suffered in a POW camp for years. It's not an indication of his honesty.

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