Gold star widow releases Trump's call after husband was killed in Afghanistan

Gen. John Kelly: 'Stunned' After 'Empty Barrel' Frederica Wilson Politicized President’s Phone Call - Breitbart

Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan
Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

Lara Trump on Friday backed up Rep. Frederica Wilson’s (D-FL) account of President Donald Trump’s call
Lara Trump Confirms Rep.'s Account Of POTUS' Call, But Says It Lacked Context

Lara Trump on Friday backed up Rep. Frederica Wilson’s (D-FL) account of President Donald Trump’s call to a fallen soldier's widow, though she claimed Trump's remarks were taken out of context.


How in your tormented mind did you reach that conclusion? These are 2 separate events. Yours was an unrelated call made in April. Proves NOTHING about the current scuffle over the call made this week..

It went over your head just like the other. Explanation not needed for it can't sink into brains where there are none.
Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan
Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

Lara Trump on Friday backed up Rep. Frederica Wilson’s (D-FL) account of President Donald Trump’s call
Lara Trump Confirms Rep.'s Account Of POTUS' Call, But Says It Lacked Context

Lara Trump on Friday backed up Rep. Frederica Wilson’s (D-FL) account of President Donald Trump’s call to a fallen soldier's widow, though she claimed Trump's remarks were taken out of context.


How in your tormented mind did you reach that conclusion? These are 2 separate events. Yours was an unrelated call made in April. Proves NOTHING about the current scuffle over the call made this week..

It went over your head just like the other. Explanation not needed for it can't sink into brains where there are none.

Problem is not my brain. It's your cowardice to defend your statement and inability to explain it. Try me. Tell me how this April event "proves" anything about the current scuffle over Trump and cowgirl Congresswoman.
After Frederica Wilson Bragged About Being a "Rock Star," Newt Gingrich Exposed Her For Who She Really is

She said “You mean to tell me that I have become so important (loud laughter) that the White House is following me and my words? … That is absolutely phenomenal! I’ll have to tell my kids that I’m a rock star now!” Newt Gingrich saw this and UNLOADED on Frederica, exposing her for who she really is. (Video Below)

The stupid bitch is making the most of her 15 minutes of fame. I hope she keeps it up.
After Frederica Wilson Bragged About Being a "Rock Star," Newt Gingrich Exposed Her For Who She Really is

She said “You mean to tell me that I have become so important (loud laughter) that the White House is following me and my words? … That is absolutely phenomenal! I’ll have to tell my kids that I’m a rock star now!” Newt Gingrich saw this and UNLOADED on Frederica, exposing her for who she really is. (Video Below)

The stupid bitch is making the most of her 15 minutes of fame. I hope she keeps it up.

And what if she does?

BLM racist congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson politicizes death of solider Sgt. La David Johnson

BLM racist congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson politicizes death of solider Sgt. La David Johnson

And so now Rep Wilson is a BLM racist.

The family had the speakerphone turned on speaker. She did not just listen in.

Kelly listened in along with other white house staff.

This comes from the Seth Rich news channel.
After Frederica Wilson Bragged About Being a "Rock Star," Newt Gingrich Exposed Her For Who She Really is

She said “You mean to tell me that I have become so important (loud laughter) that the White House is following me and my words? … That is absolutely phenomenal! I’ll have to tell my kids that I’m a rock star now!” Newt Gingrich saw this and UNLOADED on Frederica, exposing her for who she really is. (Video Below)

The stupid bitch is making the most of her 15 minutes of fame. I hope she keeps it up.

Oh, Oh the more excuses you make for losers and how the leftist are such fkn retards proves how you all fit into the same class.

Florida Dem Who Criticized Trump for Disrespecting Soldier's Widow Has Terrible Record of Helping Vets in every form and in every way.


It turns out the Florida Democrat who criticized President Trump this week for making insensitive remarks toward the widow of a fallen U.S. soldier doesn’t exactly have a great track record herself when it comes to helping veterans.
Oh, Oh the more excuses you make for losers and how the leftist are such fkn retards proves how you all fit into the same class.

Florida Dem Who Criticized Trump for Disrespecting Soldier's Widow Has Terrible Record of Helping Vets in every form and in every way.

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It turns out the Florida Democrat who criticized President Trump this week for making insensitive remarks toward the widow of a fallen U.S. soldier doesn’t exactly have a great track record herself when it comes to helping veterans.


And you talk about someone brainwashed by the MSM?

So what else that is irrelevant shall we find out about the representative tonight?

Because I am sure TownHall has left out critical information to lie.
Oh and Imagine this one my gawd it can't be possible huh.

General John Kelly Destroys Lies About Trump’s Call to Widow of Fallen Soldier

Oh and Imagine this one my gawd it can't be possible huh.

General John Kelly Destroys Lies About Trump’s Call to Widow of Fallen Soldier

The only problem with this is Kelly lied.
The video shows Kelly lied his ass off about Wilson.

Frederica Wilson 2015 video shows John Kelly got it wrong

Kelly claimed Wilson made a speech bragging about getting the money for the new building. The video of the actual speech shows no such thing.

Kelly lied openly in that speech. That's not debatable, at least not by any honest person. Thus, Trumpflakes will still try to deny it, because their cult has ordered them to lie and lie big, no matter how dishonest and crazy that makes them look. Showing loyalty to the Trump cult by lying on behalf of the cult is required of every Trump cultist.

Kelly lied.

Some Democrats pointed that out.

The Trumpflakes scream that we should believe them instead of our lying eyes.

And the "independents" put their noses in the air and sniff that both sides are equally at fault, that pointing out lies is just as bad as lying. That's why nobody takes them seriously. They spend their days running interference for Trump that way. They're actually worse than the Trumpflakes. At least the Trumpflakes are honest about being Trump shills, while the "independents" try to pretend that they're not Trump shills.
The reporters who sniff out the "story", then write it, the editors who publish it and the MSM sources that release it ALL have a mental illness in distinguishing fact from concocted fiction

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