Gold star widow releases Trump's call after husband was killed in Afghanistan

Considering Trump was not President in 2011 and did not make the call to Gross relative to his sons death, what in the hell does this have to do with anything?

A Gold Star Father said he believes President Donald Trump’s recent comments to the widow of a slain U.S. serviceman have been misinterpreted.

Speaking Wednesday with
CNN host Alisyn Camerota, Craig Gross said Trump’s “words are basically being taken and misconstrued.”

Gross, whose son Cpl. Frank Robert Gross
died in 2011 while serving in Afghanistan, said Trump has done several great things for Gold Star families and that he believes Trump is actually very compassionate.

Gold Star Father: Media is Distorting Trump's Words on Phone Call

You just agreed with a source that destroyed your entire line of reasoning!

I didn't agree with anything The fact of this article is that Trump never called this family when their son was killed. Trump wasn't even president when it happened. So this article doesn't prove a fucking thing.

You still can't read, huh? Discussing anything with you is like trying to discuss nuclear physics with a skate rat!

I made the text red so you can get the point of the article. Hopefully that helps!

If not, go out in your neighborhood and find a kid walking home from elementary school and ask them to read it for you and tell you what it means. Just be careful! Most kids won't talk to strangers, and apparently you must be very strange.
Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan
Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.


Why can't you reply w/o a four letter word. Or CAPS
Just confirms your lack of Ed.
College again where you learned you foul mouth?

Considering Trump was not President in 2011 and did not make the call to Gross relative to his sons death, what in the hell does this have to do with anything?

A Gold Star Father said he believes President Donald Trump’s recent comments to the widow of a slain U.S. serviceman have been misinterpreted.

Speaking Wednesday with
CNN host Alisyn Camerota, Craig Gross said Trump’s “words are basically being taken and misconstrued.”

Gross, whose son Cpl. Frank Robert Gross
died in 2011 while serving in Afghanistan, said Trump has done several great things for Gold Star families and that he believes Trump is actually very compassionate.

Gold Star Father: Media is Distorting Trump's Words on Phone Call

You just agreed with a source that destroyed your entire line of reasoning!

I didn't agree with anything The fact of this article is that Trump never called this family when their son was killed. Trump wasn't even president when it happened. So this article doesn't prove a fucking thing.

You still can't read, huh? Discussing anything with you is like trying to discuss nuclear physics with a skate rat!

I made the text red so you can get the point of the article. Hopefully that helps!

If not, go out in your neighborhood and find a kid walking home from elementary school and ask them to read it for you and tell you what it means. Just be careful! Most kids won't talk to strangers, and apparently you must be very strange.
Ah john Wayne our well known white supremist.
Great role model
Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan
Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.


Why can't you reply w/o a four letter word. Or CAPS
Just confirms your lack of Ed.
College again where you learned you foul mouth?

why can't you fk off

Considering Trump was not President in 2011 and did not make the call to Gross relative to his sons death, what in the hell does this have to do with anything?

A Gold Star Father said he believes President Donald Trump’s recent comments to the widow of a slain U.S. serviceman have been misinterpreted.

Speaking Wednesday with
CNN host Alisyn Camerota, Craig Gross said Trump’s “words are basically being taken and misconstrued.”

Gross, whose son Cpl. Frank Robert Gross
died in 2011 while serving in Afghanistan, said Trump has done several great things for Gold Star families and that he believes Trump is actually very compassionate.

Gold Star Father: Media is Distorting Trump's Words on Phone Call

You just agreed with a source that destroyed your entire line of reasoning!

I didn't agree with anything The fact of this article is that Trump never called this family when their son was killed. Trump wasn't even president when it happened. So this article doesn't prove a fucking thing.

You still can't read, huh? Discussing anything with you is like trying to discuss nuclear physics with a skate rat!

I made the text red so you can get the point of the article. Hopefully that helps!

If not, go out in your neighborhood and find a kid walking home from elementary school and ask them to read it for you and tell you what it means. Just be careful! Most kids won't talk to strangers, and apparently you must be very strange.
Ah john Wayne our well known white supremist.
Great role model

When can you stop being a Trump hating , Anti American leftist c............t whose brains were left up Obama's ass. Keep on lickin.
Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan
Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

The whole issue is way overblown and this elucid drama needs to end, or someone is in need of a hysterectomy...
Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan
Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

The whole issue is way overblown and this elucid drama needs to end, or someone is in need of a hysterectomy...

Well when ppl have to constantly defend the ..............n lies MSM continues to put out this is what happens and the left retard take the lies run with it as if it is truth from God while at the same time the dumbasses don't even believe in God. Which is most Trump haters, Anti American Fascist morons " think alike, act alike, dumb alike.............. can't u see the identical clones of it all.
Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan
Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

The whole issue is way overblown and this elucid drama needs to end, or someone is in need of a hysterectomy...

Well when ppl have to constantly defend the ..............n lies MSM continues to put out this is what happens and the left retard take the lies run with it as if it is truth from God while at the same time the dumbasses don't even believe in God. Which is most Trump haters, Anti American Fascist morons " think alike, act alike, dumb alike.............. can't u see the identical clones of it all.
Trump needs to learn to STFU and so do the others...or slit their wrist to prove the depth of their convictions....
Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan
Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.


Expect Kelly to come out against tarnishing the sacredness of this call. Oh wait, they liked this call? Oh then release it to the public post haste!
Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan
Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

Lara Trump on Friday backed up Rep. Frederica Wilson’s (D-FL) account of President Donald Trump’s call
Lara Trump Confirms Rep.'s Account Of POTUS' Call, But Says It Lacked Context

Lara Trump on Friday backed up Rep. Frederica Wilson’s (D-FL) account of President Donald Trump’s call to a fallen soldier's widow, though she claimed Trump's remarks were taken out of context.


How in your tormented mind did you reach that conclusion? These are 2 separate events. Yours was an unrelated call made in April. Proves NOTHING about the current scuffle over the call made this week..
What does this have to do with Trump and the fact he told a gold star wife and mother their son knew what he signed up for but I guess it hurts still?

Dinesh D' Souza? Come on, do better than that.


All you libs have are lies.

No I'm afraid not.

You just lied! That is not what Trump said. That may have been what that rodeo clown Congresscritter said, but it is a lie to say that Trump said that.

It's not a lie.

President Donald Trump told the widow of a US serviceman killed in the ambush in Niger that "he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt," according to Rep. Frederica Wilson.

The body of Sgt. La David Johnson was returned home to the Miami area late Tuesday afternoon, with the plane receiving a water cannon salute as it arrived near the gate.

The call from the President to Johnson's widow came shortly before Johnson's casket arrival, Wilson, a Florida Democrat, said on "CNN Tonight with Don Lemon" Tuesday.

"Basically he said, 'Well, I guess he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt,' " Wilson said, adding that she listened to part of the call on speaker phone while in a vehicle with the family.

Frederica Wilson says Trump told widow of fallen soldier 'he knew what he signed up for'"

You need to just stop believing everything Trump tells you without question.

You need to stop believing what a race-baiting rodeo clown Congresscritter tells you without question.

What does race have to do with this?

I believe the wife, mother and the congresswoman who all say the same thing.

All you libs have are lies.

No I'm afraid not.

You just lied! That is not what Trump said. That may have been what that rodeo clown Congresscritter said, but it is a lie to say that Trump said that.

It's not a lie.

President Donald Trump told the widow of a US serviceman killed in the ambush in Niger that "he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt," according to Rep. Frederica Wilson.

The body of Sgt. La David Johnson was returned home to the Miami area late Tuesday afternoon, with the plane receiving a water cannon salute as it arrived near the gate.

The call from the President to Johnson's widow came shortly before Johnson's casket arrival, Wilson, a Florida Democrat, said on "CNN Tonight with Don Lemon" Tuesday.

"Basically he said, 'Well, I guess he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt,' " Wilson said, adding that she listened to part of the call on speaker phone while in a vehicle with the family.

Frederica Wilson says Trump told widow of fallen soldier 'he knew what he signed up for'"

You need to just stop believing everything Trump tells you without question.

You need to stop believing what a race-baiting rodeo clown Congresscritter tells you without question.

What does race have to do with this?

I believe the wife, mother and the congresswoman who all say the same thing.

No, they did not all say the same thing. The Congresscritter related the story and the other two agreed. Even if they do agree, that just means they all misinterpreted what was said.

Considering Trump was not President in 2011 and did not make the call to Gross relative to his sons death, what in the hell does this have to do with anything?

A Gold Star Father said he believes President Donald Trump’s recent comments to the widow of a slain U.S. serviceman have been misinterpreted.

Speaking Wednesday with
CNN host Alisyn Camerota, Craig Gross said Trump’s “words are basically being taken and misconstrued.”

Gross, whose son Cpl. Frank Robert Gross
died in 2011 while serving in Afghanistan, said Trump has done several great things for Gold Star families and that he believes Trump is actually very compassionate.

Gold Star Father: Media is Distorting Trump's Words on Phone Call

You just agreed with a source that destroyed your entire line of reasoning!

I didn't agree with anything The fact of this article is that Trump never called this family when their son was killed. Trump wasn't even president when it happened. So this article doesn't prove a fucking thing.

You still can't read, huh? Discussing anything with you is like trying to discuss nuclear physics with a skate rat!

I made the text red so you can get the point of the article. Hopefully that helps!

If not, go out in your neighborhood and find a kid walking home from elementary school and ask them to read it for you and tell you what it means. Just be careful! Most kids won't talk to strangers, and apparently you must be very strange.

I read just fine and the words said that Gross; son died in Afghanistan in 2011 which is when he would have got a presidential call. Since Trump did not call him upon the death of his son this article has no point.
No I'm afraid not.

You just lied! That is not what Trump said. That may have been what that rodeo clown Congresscritter said, but it is a lie to say that Trump said that.

It's not a lie.

President Donald Trump told the widow of a US serviceman killed in the ambush in Niger that "he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt," according to Rep. Frederica Wilson.

The body of Sgt. La David Johnson was returned home to the Miami area late Tuesday afternoon, with the plane receiving a water cannon salute as it arrived near the gate.

The call from the President to Johnson's widow came shortly before Johnson's casket arrival, Wilson, a Florida Democrat, said on "CNN Tonight with Don Lemon" Tuesday.

"Basically he said, 'Well, I guess he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt,' " Wilson said, adding that she listened to part of the call on speaker phone while in a vehicle with the family.

Frederica Wilson says Trump told widow of fallen soldier 'he knew what he signed up for'"

You need to just stop believing everything Trump tells you without question.

You need to stop believing what a race-baiting rodeo clown Congresscritter tells you without question.

What does race have to do with this?

I believe the wife, mother and the congresswoman who all say the same thing.

No, they did not all say the same thing. The Congresscritter related the story and the other two agreed. Even if they do agree, that just means they all misinterpreted what was said.

This was a call heard on a speakerphone fool. Nobody misinterpreted anything.
You just lied! That is not what Trump said. That may have been what that rodeo clown Congresscritter said, but it is a lie to say that Trump said that.

It's not a lie.

President Donald Trump told the widow of a US serviceman killed in the ambush in Niger that "he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt," according to Rep. Frederica Wilson.

The body of Sgt. La David Johnson was returned home to the Miami area late Tuesday afternoon, with the plane receiving a water cannon salute as it arrived near the gate.

The call from the President to Johnson's widow came shortly before Johnson's casket arrival, Wilson, a Florida Democrat, said on "CNN Tonight with Don Lemon" Tuesday.

"Basically he said, 'Well, I guess he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt,' " Wilson said, adding that she listened to part of the call on speaker phone while in a vehicle with the family.

Frederica Wilson says Trump told widow of fallen soldier 'he knew what he signed up for'"

You need to just stop believing everything Trump tells you without question.

You need to stop believing what a race-baiting rodeo clown Congresscritter tells you without question.

What does race have to do with this?

I believe the wife, mother and the congresswoman who all say the same thing.

No, they did not all say the same thing. The Congresscritter related the story and the other two agreed. Even if they do agree, that just means they all misinterpreted what was said.

This was a call heard on a speakerphone fool. Nobody misinterpreted anything.

Here is a funny example of how easily things are misheard:

The Colonel's Order

"Tomorrow evening at approximately 2000 hours Halley's Comet will be visible in this area; an event which occurs only every 75 years. Have the men fall out in the battalion area in fatigues, and I will explain this rare phenomenon to them. In case of rain, we will not be able to see anything, so assemble the men in the theater and I will show them films of it."


"By order of the Colonel, tomorrow at 2000 hours, Halley's Comet will appear above the battalion area. If it rains, fall the men out in fatigues, then march to the theater where this rare phenomenon will take place, something which occurs only once every 75 years."


"By order of the Colonel be in fatigues at 2000 hours tomorrow evening. The phenomenal Halley's Comet will appear in the theater. In case of rain in the battalion area, the Colonel will give another order, something which occurs once every 75 years."


"Tomorrow at 2000 hours, the Colonel will appear in the theater with Halley's comet, something which happens every 75 years. If it rains, the Colonel will order the comet into the battalion area."


"When it rains tomorrow at 2000 hours, the phenomenal 75-year-old General Halley, accompanied by the Colonel, will drive his comet through the battalion area theater in fatigues."

Aha! Jokes > Military Jokes > Give colonel's orders

Considering Trump was not President in 2011 and did not make the call to Gross relative to his sons death, what in the hell does this have to do with anything?

A Gold Star Father said he believes President Donald Trump’s recent comments to the widow of a slain U.S. serviceman have been misinterpreted.

Speaking Wednesday with
CNN host Alisyn Camerota, Craig Gross said Trump’s “words are basically being taken and misconstrued.”

Gross, whose son Cpl. Frank Robert Gross
died in 2011 while serving in Afghanistan, said Trump has done several great things for Gold Star families and that he believes Trump is actually very compassionate.

Gold Star Father: Media is Distorting Trump's Words on Phone Call

You just agreed with a source that destroyed your entire line of reasoning!

I didn't agree with anything The fact of this article is that Trump never called this family when their son was killed. Trump wasn't even president when it happened. So this article doesn't prove a fucking thing.

You still can't read, huh? Discussing anything with you is like trying to discuss nuclear physics with a skate rat!

I made the text red so you can get the point of the article. Hopefully that helps!

If not, go out in your neighborhood and find a kid walking home from elementary school and ask them to read it for you and tell you what it means. Just be careful! Most kids won't talk to strangers, and apparently you must be very strange.

I read just fine and the words said that Gross; son died in Afghanistan in 2011 which is when he would have got a presidential call. Since Trump did not call him upon the death of his son this article has no point.

No, you didn't read the text I specifically pointed out to you. How stupid are you?
Considering Trump was not President in 2011 and did not make the call to Gross relative to his sons death, what in the hell does this have to do with anything?

A Gold Star Father said he believes President Donald Trump’s recent comments to the widow of a slain U.S. serviceman have been misinterpreted.

Speaking Wednesday with
CNN host Alisyn Camerota, Craig Gross said Trump’s “words are basically being taken and misconstrued.”

Gross, whose son Cpl. Frank Robert Gross
died in 2011 while serving in Afghanistan, said Trump has done several great things for Gold Star families and that he believes Trump is actually very compassionate.

Gold Star Father: Media is Distorting Trump's Words on Phone Call

You just agreed with a source that destroyed your entire line of reasoning!

I didn't agree with anything The fact of this article is that Trump never called this family when their son was killed. Trump wasn't even president when it happened. So this article doesn't prove a fucking thing.

You still can't read, huh? Discussing anything with you is like trying to discuss nuclear physics with a skate rat!

I made the text red so you can get the point of the article. Hopefully that helps!

If not, go out in your neighborhood and find a kid walking home from elementary school and ask them to read it for you and tell you what it means. Just be careful! Most kids won't talk to strangers, and apparently you must be very strange.

I read just fine and the words said that Gross; son died in Afghanistan in 2011 which is when he would have got a presidential call. Since Trump did not call him upon the death of his son this article has no point.

No, you didn't read the text I specifically pointed out to you. How stupid are you?

I read the text but just because you post up something in red doesn't male it the subject of the thread. This mans son was killed in 2011. The issue here is about the president making phone calls to notify the families of soldiers who got killed in battle. Trump did not call this man when his son was killed, so what he has to say doesn't fucking matter.
You just agreed with a source that destroyed your entire line of reasoning!

I didn't agree with anything The fact of this article is that Trump never called this family when their son was killed. Trump wasn't even president when it happened. So this article doesn't prove a fucking thing.

You still can't read, huh? Discussing anything with you is like trying to discuss nuclear physics with a skate rat!

I made the text red so you can get the point of the article. Hopefully that helps!

If not, go out in your neighborhood and find a kid walking home from elementary school and ask them to read it for you and tell you what it means. Just be careful! Most kids won't talk to strangers, and apparently you must be very strange.

I read just fine and the words said that Gross; son died in Afghanistan in 2011 which is when he would have got a presidential call. Since Trump did not call him upon the death of his son this article has no point.

No, you didn't read the text I specifically pointed out to you. How stupid are you?

I read the text but just because you post up something in red doesn't male it the subject of the thread. This mans son was killed in 2011. The issue here is about the president making phone calls to notify the families of soldiers who got killed in battle. Trump did not call this man when his son was killed, so what he has to say doesn't fucking matter.

How do you manage to survive with a room temperature IQ?
I didn't agree with anything The fact of this article is that Trump never called this family when their son was killed. Trump wasn't even president when it happened. So this article doesn't prove a fucking thing.

You still can't read, huh? Discussing anything with you is like trying to discuss nuclear physics with a skate rat!

I made the text red so you can get the point of the article. Hopefully that helps!

If not, go out in your neighborhood and find a kid walking home from elementary school and ask them to read it for you and tell you what it means. Just be careful! Most kids won't talk to strangers, and apparently you must be very strange.

I read just fine and the words said that Gross; son died in Afghanistan in 2011 which is when he would have got a presidential call. Since Trump did not call him upon the death of his son this article has no point.

No, you didn't read the text I specifically pointed out to you. How stupid are you?

I read the text but just because you post up something in red doesn't male it the subject of the thread. This mans son was killed in 2011. The issue here is about the president making phone calls to notify the families of soldiers who got killed in battle. Trump did not call this man when his son was killed, so what he has to say doesn't fucking matter.

How do you manage to survive with a room temperature IQ?

I guess you are talking about a sauna.

Again you keep saying these people lied but we don't seem to get and recordings of the call from Trump. After all of he didn't say and people hard the call in he WH there is a record. And if the congressperson is lying all that needs to be done is play the recording. But that's not going to happen now is it?
Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan
Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

Like I said the Democrat whore congresswoman tried to ambush Trump and it totally backfired. And what we are now witnessing is the Democratic party and the crooked media self destructing.

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