Golfer in Chief. Obama hits milestone


Silver Member
Mar 2, 2012
Golfer in Chief? Obama Hits 100th Time on the Links

CHICAGO - President Barack Obama's love of golf hit a milestone today as he marked his 100th time on the links. His Father's Day achievement was reached at the Beverly Country Club in his hometown, the windy city.

Mark Knoller, CBS radio correspondent and chronicler of all things presidential, pointed out the quiet occasion to the traveling press.

Like 15 of the 18 presidents since Theodore Roosevelt, Obama has used golf as a way to unwind outdoors, but away from the prying eyes of press and onlookers. And despite the fact that he had never golfed before taking office, his love of the game is well known.

On warm-weather weekends he frequently visits two courses in the Washington area, Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland and Fort Belvoir in Virginia. Typically close friends or junior aides join him as partners, as was the case today when he brought Marty Nesbitt, a chum and neighbor from this city.


Golfer in Chief? Obama Hits 100th Time on the Links | ABC News - Yahoo!
I like Ike

Eisenhower Golf - President Dwight Eisenhower and Golf

According to a Golf Digest article from 2008, Eisenhower played golf more than 800 times during his presidency.

And Ike's presidency wasn't a time of tranquillity in America or the world: The Civil Rights movement and Southern desegregation battles were under way; Castro came to power in Cuba; the French pulled out of Indochina in defeat and America began stepping up its own involvement in Vietnam; the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was getting very chilly indeed.

And yet Eisenhower managed to spend more than 1,000 days of his presidency (according to Golf Digest's count) playing golf or involved in some other golf-related activity.

That is devotion to the game.
I don't really like to play golf. I am more of an electronic sportsman now. But whatever you like you should be able to play a sport you like. i thought this was a free country. i guess not according to the Obama haters.
Yep, these 'Conservatives' have short memories. Eisenhower was often on the golf course. And he was definately one of the very good Presidents.
how many of these posters on here are mad at this because they want him to work 24/7. The posters could not work this schedual, why should anyone else?
A book has been written about president's and golf. The author Sullivan says this about Ike: Ike played more golf than any chief executive before or since. Maybe Republicans should stick with the big ear thing?
Golfer in Chief? Obama Hits 100th Time on the Links

CHICAGO - President Barack Obama's love of golf hit a milestone today as he marked his 100th time on the links. His Father's Day achievement was reached at the Beverly Country Club in his hometown, the windy city.

Mark Knoller, CBS radio correspondent and chronicler of all things presidential, pointed out the quiet occasion to the traveling press.

Like 15 of the 18 presidents since Theodore Roosevelt, Obama has used golf as a way to unwind outdoors, but away from the prying eyes of press and onlookers. And despite the fact that he had never golfed before taking office, his love of the game is well known.

On warm-weather weekends he frequently visits two courses in the Washington area, Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland and Fort Belvoir in Virginia. Typically close friends or junior aides join him as partners, as was the case today when he brought Marty Nesbitt, a chum and neighbor from this city.


Golfer in Chief? Obama Hits 100th Time on the Links | ABC News - Yahoo!

Let's see?

100 rounds of golf in three and a half years comes out to around two rounds of golf a month. I can see why conservatives are outraged
100 rounds of golf in three and a half years comes out to around two rounds of golf a month. I can see why conservatives are outraged

Do the math - 100 rounds of golf at six hours per round (as he can't golf worth a shit) is FOUR MONTHS out of the office.

Next, factor in all of his vacations and add that to the four months...
100 rounds of golf in three and a half years comes out to around two rounds of golf a month. I can see why conservatives are outraged

Do the math - 100 rounds of golf at six hours per round (as he can't golf worth a shit) is FOUR MONTHS out of the office.

Next, factor in all of his vacations and add that to the four months...

I really cannot complain. The longer Mr. Soetoro is out playing golf, and vacationing, the less likely he is causing more damage to America, than what he has already caused. I'm looking forward to his permanent vacation after November unfolds.
100 rounds of golf in three and a half years comes out to around two rounds of golf a month. I can see why conservatives are outraged

Do the math - 100 rounds of golf at six hours per round (as he can't golf worth a shit) is FOUR MONTHS out of the office.

Next, factor in all of his vacations and add that to the four months...

Actually it is less than one month out of 42 months and amounts to weekends and vacation time.

Presidents work a schedule much like the rest of us. At the end of the day they go home to their families. They generally have weekends off unless some major crisis comes up. Like the rest of us, Presidents take vacations to have time with their families

During this time, Presidents are free to read, watch TV, watch a movie, see a football game or even play golf if they choose

Two rounds a month is not that much. Even I play more than that
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I remember when LOLberals whined, moaned and complained about Bush vacations and gollfing. It's is different now though. We've got 5 wars insteaad of two, massive economic woes and a wasted 3 1/2 years of presidency.
100 rounds of golf in three and a half years comes out to around two rounds of golf a month. I can see why conservatives are outraged

Do the math - 100 rounds of golf at six hours per round (as he can't golf worth a shit) is FOUR MONTHS out of the office.

Next, factor in all of his vacations and add that to the four months...

I really cannot complain. The longer Mr. Soetoro is out playing golf, and vacationing, the less likely he is causing more damage to America, than what he has already caused. I'm looking forward to his permanent vacation after November unfolds.

Well, i agree. But since he's just writing exec orders without any congressional debate, consent or otherwise, can't he just have someone type up the orders from the golf course and have them signed into law? I mean, the dictator certainly doesn't need to be in washington to exact legislation outside the constitutional process.
I remember when LOLberals whined, moaned and complained about Bush vacations and gollfing. It's is different now though. We've got 5 wars insteaad of two, massive economic woes and a wasted 3 1/2 years of presidency.

Do we need to compare Obama vacation time to Bush vacation time again?
As a recovering non-golfer myself, I have no problem with Barry hitting the links whenever he can fit it in. That's what I do.
Do the math - 100 rounds of golf at six hours per round (as he can't golf worth a shit) is FOUR MONTHS out of the office.

Next, factor in all of his vacations and add that to the four months...

I really cannot complain. The longer Mr. Soetoro is out playing golf, and vacationing, the less likely he is causing more damage to America, than what he has already caused. I'm looking forward to his permanent vacation after November unfolds.

Well, i agree. But since he's just writing exec orders without any congressional debate, consent or otherwise, can't he just have someone type up the orders from the golf course and have them signed into law? I mean, the dictator certainly doesn't need to be in washington to exact legislation outside the constitutional process.

I'm sure he doesn't need to be in DC, but anything to slow, inconvenience, or just make things more troublesome for Mr. Soetoro is certainly fine with me.
I remember when LOLberals whined, moaned and complained about Bush vacations and gollfing. It's is different now though. We've got 5 wars insteaad of two, massive economic woes and a wasted 3 1/2 years of presidency.

Do we need to compare Obama vacation time to Bush vacation time again?

The difference is in the whining abotu it. LOLberals love a good reason to whine, moan and complain. As long as Obama can sign exec orders skirting the legislation process, it's all good, right LOLberals?
Golfer in Chief? Obama Hits 100th Time on the Links

CHICAGO - President Barack Obama's love of golf hit a milestone today as he marked his 100th time on the links. His Father's Day achievement was reached at the Beverly Country Club in his hometown, the windy city.

Mark Knoller, CBS radio correspondent and chronicler of all things presidential, pointed out the quiet occasion to the traveling press.

Like 15 of the 18 presidents since Theodore Roosevelt, Obama has used golf as a way to unwind outdoors, but away from the prying eyes of press and onlookers. And despite the fact that he had never golfed before taking office, his love of the game is well known.

On warm-weather weekends he frequently visits two courses in the Washington area, Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland and Fort Belvoir in Virginia. Typically close friends or junior aides join him as partners, as was the case today when he brought Marty Nesbitt, a chum and neighbor from this city.


Golfer in Chief? Obama Hits 100th Time on the Links | ABC News - Yahoo!

Three times more then Bush :eek: in less then half the time in office :confused:

But which White House occupant was the most devout golfer? George W. Bush was a fan but only hit the links 24 times in his eight years. Golf Digest considers Clinton about par with Obama, the Democrat known to even practice his putting aboard Air Force One. But they don't even come close to the true Golfer in Chief.
100 rounds of golf in three and a half years comes out to around two rounds of golf a month. I can see why conservatives are outraged

Do the math - 100 rounds of golf at six hours per round (as he can't golf worth a shit) is FOUR MONTHS out of the office.

Next, factor in all of his vacations and add that to the four months...

You are an idiot. 18 holes walking the course takes less than three hours...taking a cart reduces play to around 2 hours and obviously there will be no waiting for other players ahead of his party.

You morons would have a better agument complaining about the time Obama WASTES sleeping on the taxpayers dime. 6-8 hours a day? That is over 10 months! The OUTRAGE!!!!

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