Golfer-in-Chief to set vacation $ record!

Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


No, what we need is an explanation to find out if you realize what a irrelevant and disconnected meme you posted. Did you post it because you just found it somewhere and you aren't really that smart, or do you actually realize how inaccurate it is but you just hope no one will notice?
I posted it because our so called president blows millions in florida weekly while cutting vital government programs. If you can't make that connection then there is nothing I can say to help, you're a lost cause.
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Yeah, great job. Mike Flynn turned out to be a foreign agent, Kellyanne has been banished from talking publicly, Steve Bannon is ready to walk and Ivanka cries and he bombs a Syrian airfield that is back up and running 24 hours later. Two travel bans stuck in court and a complete failure to repeal Obamacare. Trump is just a flaming success.

And you're OK with him playing golf and spending every weekend at his resort in Florida? Surely you're not that fucking dumb.

How dumb are you? Dumb enough to think that people can't see through your bull shit. Has he succeeded in everything? No, but he's still done more good for this country already than Obama, bush, Clinton, and Bush, and he's on track to upstage Reagan if he keeps going. Let him play golf.
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


Why is the federal government paying for Meals on Wheels?

What lunch programs have been cut?
The free lunches at school are on the republican chopping block. Apparently feeding hungry kids can't prove to raise grades, so they should go hungry. I personally know many elderly or disabled people who have depended on meals on wheels. These are places I want my tax dollars going. Not a wall, not golfing every few days in Florida, not for Melania to stay in NY. A week of Melania in the white house or one skipped golfing trip would pay for meals on wheels entire yearly budget.

yes they are but the government's contribution to that program isn't enough to be missed. the program can and should, rely on charity.
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.
....uh what? As far as legislation (without EOs) he hasn't been able to effect any change. WAY behind what Obama had accomplished by this point.

So in less than 100 days, Obama had his nominee on the Supreme Court?

BZZZZZZTTTTTT!!!!!!! Wrong answer.
The seat got stolen. Very poor example.

Bull shit.
Remember how we kept hearing about Obama's expensive vacations? What kind of double talk are we going to hear once it becomes common knowledge that Trump is going to wipe out Obama's 8 year total in ONE?!?!

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year -

All this time I assumed a vacation was taking a week off to fuck off. I guess liberals have changed the definition to include playing one round of golf or entertaining heads of state at your private residence.
What's next. Is taking a 15 min nap now a vacation???
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Yeah, great job. Mike Flynn turned out to be a foreign agent, Kellyanne has been banished from talking publicly, Steve Bannon is ready to walk and Ivanka cries and he bombs a Syrian airfield that is back up and running 24 hours later. Two travel bans stuck in court and a complete failure to repeal Obamacare. Trump is just a flaming success.

And you're OK with him playing golf and spending every weekend at his resort in Florida? Surely you're not that fucking dumb.

How dumb are you? Dumb enough to think that people can't see through your bull shit. Has he succeeded in everything? No, but he's still done more good for this country already than Obama, bush, Clinton, and Bush, and he's on track to upstage Reagan if he keeps going. Let him play golf.
But that is not true. He is actually a very ineffective negotiator for all the bragging he's done. He has done absolutely nothing positive for our country yet. He's behind, needs to play catch up. Time to stop playing around.
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


No, what we need is an explanation to find out if you realize what a irrelevant and disconnected meme you posted. Did you post it because you just found it somewhere and you aren't really that smart, or do you actually realize how inaccurate it is but you just hope no one will notice?

Lets examine the meme

It claims that Trump is willing to have the taxpayer foot the bill for his family staying in opulent Trump Towers while his budget slashes funds for school lunch programs and meals on wheels

Seems like an accurate meme
Remember how we kept hearing about Obama's expensive vacations? What kind of double talk are we going to hear once it becomes common knowledge that Trump is going to wipe out Obama's 8 year total in ONE?!?!

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year -

All this time I assumed a vacation was taking a week off to fuck off. I guess liberals have changed the definition to include playing one round of golf or entertaining heads of state at your private residence.
What's next. Is taking a 15 min nap now a vacation???

If he is not working to make America great again, he is on vacation

Playing golf does not make America Great
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Yeah, great job. Mike Flynn turned out to be a foreign agent, Kellyanne has been banished from talking publicly, Steve Bannon is ready to walk and Ivanka cries and he bombs a Syrian airfield that is back up and running 24 hours later. Two travel bans stuck in court and a complete failure to repeal Obamacare. Trump is just a flaming success.

And you're OK with him playing golf and spending every weekend at his resort in Florida? Surely you're not that fucking dumb.

How dumb are you? Dumb enough to think that people can't see through your bull shit. Has he succeeded in everything? No, but he's still done more good for this country already than Obama, bush, Clinton, and Bush, and he's on track to upstage Reagan if he keeps going. Let him play golf.
Not very. How dumb are you?

-After Obama's first 100 days his approval rate was pushing 70% donnies is pushing 30%
-He had passed several important pieces of legislature like an equal pay bill, economic stimulous packages that saved our asses, expanded healthcare for children, brought back stem cell research -among many things.
-Donnie has pissed a lot of people off, broken the constitution, held very strange press conferences, and failed to repeal OBAMACARE after the republicans have been crying about it for a decade.

One of the least effective presidents we have ever had.
White House grapples with how to sell Trump's first 100 days -
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


No, what we need is an explanation to find out if you realize what a irrelevant and disconnected meme you posted. Did you post it because you just found it somewhere and you aren't really that smart, or do you actually realize how inaccurate it is but you just hope no one will notice?
I posted it because our so called president blows millions in florida weekly while cutting vital government programs. If you can't make that connection then there is nothing I can say to help, you're a lost cause.

But you continue to make claims that aren't true. I can't make the connections because I'm honest. you can't make the connections because there aren't any, and your lying doesn't change that. you post a meme that doesn't have one speck of truth in it and you are trying to defend it. Your meme doesn't show what we are paying for, instead it shows a lavish palace and implies that we paid for it. Then it shows kids at school eating lunch implying that their lunches will be taken away, and it shows the elderly, implying that they are going to starve. none of that is true.
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


No, what we need is an explanation to find out if you realize what a irrelevant and disconnected meme you posted. Did you post it because you just found it somewhere and you aren't really that smart, or do you actually realize how inaccurate it is but you just hope no one will notice?

Lets examine the meme

It claims that Trump is willing to have the taxpayer foot the bill for his family staying in opulent Trump Towers while his budget slashes funds for school lunch programs and meals on wheels

Seems like an accurate meme

that's because you are an idiot.

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


No, what we need is an explanation to find out if you realize what a irrelevant and disconnected meme you posted. Did you post it because you just found it somewhere and you aren't really that smart, or do you actually realize how inaccurate it is but you just hope no one will notice?
I posted it because our so called president blows millions in florida weekly while cutting vital government programs. If you can't make that connection then there is nothing I can say to help, you're a lost cause.

But you continue to make claims that aren't true. I can't make the connections because I'm honest. you can't make the connections because there aren't any, and your lying doesn't change that. you post a meme that doesn't have one speck of truth in it and you are trying to defend it. Your meme doesn't show what we are paying for, instead it shows a lavish palace and implies that we paid for it. Then it shows kids at school eating lunch implying that their lunches will be taken away, and it shows the elderly, implying that they are going to starve. none of that is true.
Meals on Wheels could take funding hit in Trump budget -
Trump proposed budget eliminates funds for Meals on Wheels
'We can't spend money on programs just because they sound good': Trump budget would slash funding from program that feeds 2 million seniors
Trump budget casualty: After-school programs for 1.6 million kids. Most are poor.

You know, just because someone says something you are unaware of, doesn't make them a liar. Sometimes (I am guessing quite often for you) it just means you are severely uninformed.
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Yeah, great job. Mike Flynn turned out to be a foreign agent, Kellyanne has been banished from talking publicly, Steve Bannon is ready to walk and Ivanka cries and he bombs a Syrian airfield that is back up and running 24 hours later. Two travel bans stuck in court and a complete failure to repeal Obamacare. Trump is just a flaming success.

And you're OK with him playing golf and spending every weekend at his resort in Florida? Surely you're not that fucking dumb.

How dumb are you? Dumb enough to think that people can't see through your bull shit. Has he succeeded in everything? No, but he's still done more good for this country already than Obama, bush, Clinton, and Bush, and he's on track to upstage Reagan if he keeps going. Let him play golf.
Not very. How dumb are you?

-After Obama's first 100 days his approval rate was pushing 70% donnies is pushing 30%
-He had passed several important pieces of legislature like an equal pay bill, economic stimulous packages that saved our asses, expanded healthcare for children, brought back stem cell research -among many things.
-Donnie has pissed a lot of people off, broken the constitution, held very strange press conferences, and failed to repeal OBAMACARE after the republicans have been crying about it for a decade.

One of the least effective presidents we have ever had.
White House grapples with how to sell Trump's first 100 days -

Ah! Now you are moving the goal posts. I'm not talking about polls, and I don't give a shit about them. Polls said that Hillary would win, apparently you are dumb enough to still have faith in them. I gave you a list of things trump has done. It's been way more good for this country than what Obama has done. the equal pay bill was crap, the economic stimulous did nothing. it was a payoff to his supporters, the economy did not recover, only liberals believe that lie. Trump has done more good for this country than any president since Reagan and he's only getting started. lie all you want to, it won't change that.
Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


No, what we need is an explanation to find out if you realize what a irrelevant and disconnected meme you posted. Did you post it because you just found it somewhere and you aren't really that smart, or do you actually realize how inaccurate it is but you just hope no one will notice?
I posted it because our so called president blows millions in florida weekly while cutting vital government programs. If you can't make that connection then there is nothing I can say to help, you're a lost cause.

But you continue to make claims that aren't true. I can't make the connections because I'm honest. you can't make the connections because there aren't any, and your lying doesn't change that. you post a meme that doesn't have one speck of truth in it and you are trying to defend it. Your meme doesn't show what we are paying for, instead it shows a lavish palace and implies that we paid for it. Then it shows kids at school eating lunch implying that their lunches will be taken away, and it shows the elderly, implying that they are going to starve. none of that is true.
Meals on Wheels could take funding hit in Trump budget -
Trump proposed budget eliminates funds for Meals on Wheels
Trump’s Budget Would Kill Funds for a Program That Feeds 2.4 Million Senior Citizens
'We can't spend money on programs just because they sound good': Trump budget would slash funding from program that feeds 2 million seniors
Trump budget casualty: After-school programs for 1.6 million kids. Most are poor.

You know, just because someone says something you are unaware of, doesn't make them a liar. Sometimes (I am guessing quite often for you) it just means you are severely uninformed.

Is your problem that you don't pay any attention to the posts you respond to, or is it that you just are blind to anything that contradicts what you want to believe? I already debunked that crap. Meals-on-wheels doesn't need the government, and those poor kids already get money for food.

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


No, what we need is an explanation to find out if you realize what a irrelevant and disconnected meme you posted. Did you post it because you just found it somewhere and you aren't really that smart, or do you actually realize how inaccurate it is but you just hope no one will notice?

Lets examine the meme

It claims that Trump is willing to have the taxpayer foot the bill for his family staying in opulent Trump Towers while his budget slashes funds for school lunch programs and meals on wheels

Seems like an accurate meme

that's because you are an idiot.


It just highlights where our Presidents priorities are:
Sparing his family from having to live in the substandard White House, jetting off to play golf on weekends

While slashing funding to meals on wheels and childrens lunches
Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


No, what we need is an explanation to find out if you realize what a irrelevant and disconnected meme you posted. Did you post it because you just found it somewhere and you aren't really that smart, or do you actually realize how inaccurate it is but you just hope no one will notice?

Lets examine the meme

It claims that Trump is willing to have the taxpayer foot the bill for his family staying in opulent Trump Towers while his budget slashes funds for school lunch programs and meals on wheels

Seems like an accurate meme

that's because you are an idiot.


It just highlights where our Presidents priorities are:
Sparing his family from having to live in the substandard White House, jetting off to play golf on weekends

While slashing funding to meals on wheels and childrens lunches

PredFan: You are and Idiot.
Rightwinger: Hardly. Derp a derp a derp!

Remember how we kept hearing about Obama's expensive vacations? What kind of double talk are we going to hear once it becomes common knowledge that Trump is going to wipe out Obama's 8 year total in ONE?!?!

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year -

This seems like bullshit. It will probably be debunked soon, if it already hasn't been debunked already.
it seems like bullshit? he spends every weekend in Florida, and spends half a mill daily for melania to stay in NYC. HIs spending is outrageous.

Melania staying in NYC doesn't count for a vacation
but it counts for 1 mill in taxpayers dollars EVERY OTHER DAY. It is unnecessary, excessive, and morally reprehensible to let disabled, kids, and elderly go without just because Melania doesn't feel like being first lady.

Who are you to determine it's unnecessary? It's a privet family decision. Deal with it.
Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


No, what we need is an explanation to find out if you realize what a irrelevant and disconnected meme you posted. Did you post it because you just found it somewhere and you aren't really that smart, or do you actually realize how inaccurate it is but you just hope no one will notice?

Lets examine the meme

It claims that Trump is willing to have the taxpayer foot the bill for his family staying in opulent Trump Towers while his budget slashes funds for school lunch programs and meals on wheels

Seems like an accurate meme

that's because you are an idiot.


It just highlights where our Presidents priorities are:
Sparing his family from having to live in the substandard White House, jetting off to play golf on weekends

While slashing funding to meals on wheels and childrens lunches
Truly deplorable.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


No, what we need is an explanation to find out if you realize what a irrelevant and disconnected meme you posted. Did you post it because you just found it somewhere and you aren't really that smart, or do you actually realize how inaccurate it is but you just hope no one will notice?

Lets examine the meme

It claims that Trump is willing to have the taxpayer foot the bill for his family staying in opulent Trump Towers while his budget slashes funds for school lunch programs and meals on wheels

Seems like an accurate meme

that's because you are an idiot.


It just highlights where our Presidents priorities are:
Sparing his family from having to live in the substandard White House, jetting off to play golf on weekends

While slashing funding to meals on wheels and childrens lunches
Truly deplorable.

It shows the priorities of our President

He does not expect his family to make sacrifices but expects millions of Americans who rely on school lunch programs and meals on wheels to make sacrifices

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