Golfer-in-Chief to set vacation $ record!

So tell us when and where he went "on vacation"? He stayed where, and for how long?

Let me explain how this all works out with a libtard....

Any expenses incurred by President Trump or his family outside of Washington DC is considered "on vacation" expense and counted as such. Never mind security mandates under the law regarding protection of the First Family. Never mind that Mar-a-Lago is Trump's home in Florida and he uses it regularly to entertain (and impress) foreign dignitaries, heads of state and congressmen, where they may fit in a few rounds of golf and a nice dinner at a world-class venue. Just focus on the fact that it's Trump and he's not in Washington DC. Any $$ spent is "on vacation" money being charged frivolously to the taxpayers.

THEN... Consider that, the ONLY "on vacation" expenses charged to Barry-O are when they officially vacationed in Hawaii or elsewhere, providing Obama didn't make some sort of a speech or act in any official capacity related to his duties as president, whereas, such events are official business and do not count as "on vacation."

And by THAT standard, they concoct the FAKE NEWS story depicted by the OP and really, really stupid and idiotic people lap it up like a kitten to warm milk. This is just what they do! This is ALL they do. They have absolutely NOTHING else in the playbook.
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


Why is the federal government paying for Meals on Wheels?

What lunch programs have been cut?
The free lunches at school are on the republican chopping block. Apparently feeding hungry kids can't prove to raise grades, so they should go hungry. I personally know many elderly or disabled people who have depended on meals on wheels. These are places I want my tax dollars going. Not a wall, not golfing every few days in Florida, not for Melania to stay in NY. A week of Melania in the white house or one skipped golfing trip would pay for meals on wheels entire yearly budget.
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.
....uh what? As far as legislation (without EOs) he hasn't been able to effect any change. WAY behind what Obama had accomplished by this point.

So in less than 100 days, Obama had his nominee on the Supreme Court?

BZZZZZZTTTTTT!!!!!!! Wrong answer.
The seat got stolen. Very poor example.
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


Why is the federal government paying for Meals on Wheels?

What lunch programs have been cut?
The free lunches at school are on the republican chopping block. Apparently feeding hungry kids can't prove to raise grades, so they should go hungry. I personally know many elderly or disabled people who have depended on meals on wheels. These are places I want my tax dollars going. Not a wall, not golfing every few days in Florida, not for Melania to stay in NY. A week of Melania in the white house or one skipped golfing trip would pay for meals on wheels entire yearly budget.

Make a donation to Meals on Wheels if you want it funded. It is not and never was a federal program and the money cut is only a small percentage.

I teach in a public school. Why do the parents get food stamps to provide food for their kids and yet we provide two out of the three meals the kids eat each day?
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.
....uh what? As far as legislation (without EOs) he hasn't been able to effect any change. WAY behind what Obama had accomplished by this point.

So in less than 100 days, Obama had his nominee on the Supreme Court?

BZZZZZZTTTTTT!!!!!!! Wrong answer.
The seat got stolen. Very poor example.

Stolen? How so? That would indicate a crime has been committed. The only crime I see is the ignorance caused by liberalism.
Yup, he's going to make Obama look like a real sit-at-home.

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year
Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year -

Washington (CNN)
Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years."""

Lying POS:

The party that was once of fiscal responsibility now enjoys paying tax dollars for golf trips every few days, and millions weekly for Melania to trounce around NYC. Simultaneously looking to cut vital programs for the people. Republicans of our past are rolling in their graves.

and GWB is laughing his ass off no longer is he the worst
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.
....uh what? As far as legislation (without EOs) he hasn't been able to effect any change. WAY behind what Obama had accomplished by this point.

So in less than 100 days, Obama had his nominee on the Supreme Court?

BZZZZZZTTTTTT!!!!!!! Wrong answer.
The seat got stolen. Very poor example.

Stolen? How so? That would indicate a crime has been committed. The only crime I see is the ignorance caused by liberalism.
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.
....uh what? As far as legislation (without EOs) he hasn't been able to effect any change. WAY behind what Obama had accomplished by this point.

So in less than 100 days, Obama had his nominee on the Supreme Court?

BZZZZZZTTTTTT!!!!!!! Wrong answer.
The seat got stolen. Very poor example.

Stolen? How so? That would indicate a crime has been committed. The only crime I see is the ignorance caused by liberalism.

No answer I see. Typical left-wing :bsflag:
.Any expenses incurred by President Trump or his family outside of Washington DC is considered "on vacation" expense and counted as such. Never mind security mandates under the law regarding protection of the First Family. Never mind that Mar-a-Lago is Trump's home in Florida and he uses it regularly to entertain (and impress) foreign dignitaries, heads of state and congressmen, where they may fit in a few rounds of golf and a nice dinner at a world-class venue. Just focus on the fact that it's Trump and he's not in Washington DC. Any $$ spent is "on vacation" money being charged frivolously to the taxpayers. THEN... Consider that, the ONLY "on vacation" expenses charged to Barry-O are when they officially vacationed in Hawaii or elsewhere, providing Obama didn't make some sort of a speech or act in any official capacity related to his duties as president, whereas, such events are official business and do not count as "on vacation." And by THAT standard, they concoct the FAKE NEWS story depicted by the OP and really, really stupid and idiotic people lap it up like a kitten to warm milk. This is just what they do! This is ALL they do. They have absolutely NOTHING else in the playbook.
Any money spent when Obama wasn't in Washington was considered "on vacation" by your typical alt-media. I love to see the squirming when those who applauded that kind of journalism find it turned on their hero. Try and double-talk it away, but it's still HYPOCRISY! :laugh2:
In the history of mankind, there has never ever been a bigger liar than president trump....
Ever heard of these three?

Donald Trump, in just the past 1 year, has told more lies than All 3 in your photo combined, for the timeline of the past 40 years each....

He simply is a chronic liar....

What has he ever told the full truth about? I can't think of 1 single itty bitty thing that he has been truthful on....can you?? Can you give an example of something truthful that he has said S.J.?
I shouldn't have to explain this to you but... Trump exaggerates, Obama LIES. He lied about things that affect people's lives. He lied about his healthcare plan, he lied about why Americans died in Benghazi to avoid losing votes in his reelection, he lied about his intentions as POTUS. The only thing the SOB ever told the truth about was that he wanted to "fundamentally change" the United States. Trump is a braggart, Obama is a damn LIAR. BIG difference.
I do care about the travel costs. Obama broke the bank. Now you come along with some bogus crap about 3 hours down to Trumps home.

I don't believe your numbers, your MSM sources. Not ever. I have common sense. They hid Obama numbers. He was all over the globe. Get off me!

It's a conspiracy!!!!!!!!!
Yup, he's going to make Obama look like a real sit-at-home.

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year
Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year -

Washington (CNN)
Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years."""

Lying POS:

Also, I just heard on MSNBC that Florida is considering a special tax to help pay for Trump's exorbitant Mar-a-Lago expenses on Florida taxpayers.

I have been wanting to take a nice vacation myself, but being retired, and on fixed income, I thought that I could not afford it. But, Trump has inspired me! it occurred to me that if I go on a job interview or two in Hawaii, I can write the whole thing off from my taxes!!!!
Now golf was never my game but I was the party girl of Toronto. A Martha Stewart ROCKS if you will in Toronto at the time. Trump playing his main game of golf at his excellent resorts is such a plus. I don't understand why anyone would be against this.
I don't really care how much he plays. What I care about is the hypocrisy in knocking Obama for playing and the fact that the amount of money Obama spent on travel was an issue, but you haven't even touched on Trump's much higher total.

There's a difference in playing You don't get it. Not surprising.

You aren't a player at all.

You're the hackiest hack of all time. The topic is Trump spending your tax money and you want to discuss the value of playing the game of golf on a nice course.

Who else do you sponsor for golf trips goofy?
Trump has done more good for this country in a few months than any president in their entire terms since Reagan. Let him enjoy himself. I'm fine with it.

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


Why is the federal government paying for Meals on Wheels?

What lunch programs have been cut?
The free lunches at school are on the republican chopping block. Apparently feeding hungry kids can't prove to raise grades, so they should go hungry. I personally know many elderly or disabled people who have depended on meals on wheels. These are places I want my tax dollars going. Not a wall, not golfing every few days in Florida, not for Melania to stay in NY. A week of Melania in the white house or one skipped golfing trip would pay for meals on wheels entire yearly budget.
And none of that is true because those meals funds come from programs that are not being cut.
Remember how we kept hearing about Obama's expensive vacations? What kind of double talk are we going to hear once it becomes common knowledge that Trump is going to wipe out Obama's 8 year total in ONE?!?!

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year -

According to CNN--Trump has spent 21.6 million so far--in the last 80 days for travel. Mainly down to his resort Mar a Lago--what he refers to as the Southern Whitehouse. Who knew?--LOL
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years.

The outsized spending on travel stands in stark relief to Trump's calls for belt tightening across the federal government and the fact that he regularly criticized Obama for costing the American taxpayer money every time he took a trip.

Given variations in each trip, estimating the security costs around a presidential trip is difficult. But a 2016 Government Accountability Office report about a four-day trip Obama took to Florida in 2013 -- one similar to Trump's trips -- found the total cost to the Secret Service and Coast Guard was $3.6 million.

Trump notches his 13th golf course visit

To date, Trump has spent six weekends -- and a total of 21 days -- at Mar-A-Lago, his private Palm Beach club. The total estimated costs for those trips are around $21.6 million.

Obama, by contrast, spent just under $97 million on travel in his eight years as president, according to documents reviewed by Judicial Watch, a conservative government watchdog. These trips included personal trips - including ski trips to Aspen and the Obama's annual family vacation in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts -- and work trips, like a visit to Everglades National Park on Earth Day in 2015.

Trump's frequent weekend travel makes it all but certain the 45th President will surpass Obama's spending in his first term, likely within months."
Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year -

And the most wonderful--wonderful news of all is that Mar a Lago has doubled it's membership fees to 200K a year. Now that's what I call the "Art of the Deal."
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

Then of course we have the Trump kids and their families also having a great time on the taxpayer dollars.

Like that spring break Aspen ski trip for the Trump kids and family--with a 100 security agents in tow. The bill for ski rental alone was $12,000.00 taxpayer dollars--(which did not include the cost of lodging, ski lift tickets and food.)


Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)

And of course we can't forget about that wonderful-wonderful expense for Trump's sons to travel the globe to expand the Trump empire. Like that new golf course they just opened up in Dubai.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president

Last edited:

Explain the difference between your somewhat skewed examples, if you are able.
You need an explanation as to why our president shouldn't be sending millions down the tube so he can golf while cutting lunch programs for kids and meals on wheels for elderly?? That requires an explanation? Missing one weekend trip to his "real white house" (maralargo) would pay the entire years budget for meals on wheels.


Why is the federal government paying for Meals on Wheels?

What lunch programs have been cut?
The free lunches at school are on the republican chopping block. Apparently feeding hungry kids can't prove to raise grades, so they should go hungry. I personally know many elderly or disabled people who have depended on meals on wheels. These are places I want my tax dollars going. Not a wall, not golfing every few days in Florida, not for Melania to stay in NY. A week of Melania in the white house or one skipped golfing trip would pay for meals on wheels entire yearly budget.
And none of that is true because those meals funds come from programs that are not being cut.
BS. White house calls cuts to those programs "compassionate"
I assume because it means more golfing and more hungry kids dying that we don't have to worry about anymore.
Now golf was never my game but I was the party girl of Toronto. A Martha Stewart ROCKS if you will in Toronto at the time.

Trump playing his main game of golf at his excellent resorts is such a plus. I don't understand why anyone would be against this.

Trump should be too busy working for the American people to play golf
Now golf was never my game but I was the party girl of Toronto. A Martha Stewart ROCKS if you will in Toronto at the time.

Trump playing his main game of golf at his excellent resorts is such a plus. I don't understand why anyone would be against this.

Trump should be too busy working for the American people to play golf
That's what he told us..... Does that mean.... donnie ... donnie, is a liar???

All 26 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much
Yup, he's going to make Obama look like a real sit-at-home.

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year
Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year -

Washington (CNN)
Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years."""

Lying POS:

cry baby.jpg

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