Gone- But Not Forgotten

Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!
You are a nutter.
Please explain how wanting a fair trial shows support for anything other than the rule of law.

Or do you believe that not everyone is entitled to a fair trial ?
You get downright gleeful when Tommy Robinson DOESN'T get a fair trial and then try to claim you are all about fair trials here?

You child rape enablers sure come up with some doozies, don't you?

I'm curious here (not that I expect a real answer from you passive aggressive weirdos) but what is your endgame?

Why do you support actions that could potentially jeopardize the trials of members of a child trafficking gang? It makes no sense. Don't you want them locked up for a long long long time?

Yaxley seems intent on making this about him...not the victims of these crimes. His constant putting himself in the limelight is not highlighting the victims but himself - HIS perceived injustice - HIS claim of victimization. Interesting no?

There is bringing light....and there is carrying a torch.

The media (not Yaxley) exposed these crimes and the government's failures, failures not just in being too PC to do their job, but failures in ignoring it because the victims were typically from poor, lower class, disfunctional families. They were vulnerable in many ways, If he was light - why isn't he out there demanding accountability from the government and politicians? Why isn't he demanding they better fund their police instead of constantly cutting it? WHY ISN"T HE ADVOCATING FOR PROGRAMS to help these vulnerable kids? That would be Light. And that would be making it about the victims.

But he isn't....he is carrying a torch, and, in the process implicitly encouraging mob violence against ethnic minorities. We all know what happens when people start carrying torches. It's happening all over the world. And it doesn't bode well for minority populations in the midst of nativist fervor.





My "endgame" is that I oppose the brutal rape of thousands and thousands of British children at the hands of Muslim men.

You are obviously getting very desperate when you try to characterize those who don't share your fondness for child rape as being Nazis.

You really tend to miss the point, I am not sure if it is deliberate obfuscation or accidental density.

Again...the childish name calling, since I doubt a single person here supports the rape of children. Most oppose it regardless of the religion of the perpetrator.

Opposing is not an endgame. It is simply a declaration of feeling. What do you Think should be done about? Torch carrying mobs?

Here is an incident from someone directly inspired by Robinson’s accusations against an innocent person:

Tommy Robinson (activist) - Wikipedia

After a Syrian refugee boy was assaulted in a school bullying incident in October 2018, Robinson falsely accused the victim of having previously attacked two schoolgirls.

The 15-year-old refugee was dragged to the floor by his neck and told by his attacker, "I'll drown you", while water was forced into his mouth. The boy's arm was in a cast after it had been broken in a separate assault.[84] His sister had also been assaulted.[85]

A 16-year-old boy believed to be the attacker, who was interviewed by police and given a court summons, had shared numerous social media posts by Robinson.[84] On Facebook, Robinson subsequently posted a screenshot of a message from a mother saying her daughter had been bullied and he accused the refugee of being the bully. However, the mother responded on Robinson's Facebook page informing him this was false.[86] Robinson also made a false allegation using a photo stolen from a news article on a teenage cancer patient.[87]

These events forced the refugee's family to relocate because "the level of abuse the children have received has become too much".[88] The family decided to move elsewhere in West Yorkshire.[89]

This is the person you have put on a pedestal. Is more of this form of “activism” your endgame? How about you Mindful?

Ah -- the "childish name calling" bit.

Since we are living in an Orwellian world, I guess when the three of you call people every name in the book for not joining you in supporting Muslim men raping thousands of British children, that would be a sign of maturity, then!
1400 British children were raped by Muslim men in Rotherham, and you claim the vast majority were actually raped by non muslim men?

Assuming the word "vast" means what it means, then please supply evidence that multiple thousands of children in Rotherham were raped by non Muslim men.
Yeah, look at all those White faces...
You are a nutter.
Please explain how wanting a fair trial shows support for anything other than the rule of law.

Or do you believe that not everyone is entitled to a fair trial ?
You get downright gleeful when Tommy Robinson DOESN'T get a fair trial and then try to claim you are all about fair trials here?

You child rape enablers sure come up with some doozies, don't you?

I'm curious here (not that I expect a real answer from you passive aggressive weirdos) but what is your endgame?

Why do you support actions that could potentially jeopardize the trials of members of a child trafficking gang? It makes no sense. Don't you want them locked up for a long long long time?

Yaxley seems intent on making this about him...not the victims of these crimes. His constant putting himself in the limelight is not highlighting the victims but himself - HIS perceived injustice - HIS claim of victimization. Interesting no?

There is bringing light....and there is carrying a torch.

The media (not Yaxley) exposed these crimes and the government's failures, failures not just in being too PC to do their job, but failures in ignoring it because the victims were typically from poor, lower class, disfunctional families. They were vulnerable in many ways, If he was light - why isn't he out there demanding accountability from the government and politicians? Why isn't he demanding they better fund their police instead of constantly cutting it? WHY ISN"T HE ADVOCATING FOR PROGRAMS to help these vulnerable kids? That would be Light. And that would be making it about the victims.

But he isn't....he is carrying a torch, and, in the process implicitly encouraging mob violence against ethnic minorities. We all know what happens when people start carrying torches. It's happening all over the world. And it doesn't bode well for minority populations in the midst of nativist fervor.





My "endgame" is that I oppose the brutal rape of thousands and thousands of British children at the hands of Muslim men.

You are obviously getting very desperate when you try to characterize those who don't share your fondness for child rape as being Nazis.
But you ha e been shown that yAX
You are a nutter.
Please explain how wanting a fair trial shows support for anything other than the rule of law.

Or do you believe that not everyone is entitled to a fair trial ?
You get downright gleeful when Tommy Robinson DOESN'T get a fair trial and then try to claim you are all about fair trials here?

You child rape enablers sure come up with some doozies, don't you?

I'm curious here (not that I expect a real answer from you passive aggressive weirdos) but what is your endgame?

Why do you support actions that could potentially jeopardize the trials of members of a child trafficking gang? It makes no sense. Don't you want them locked up for a long long long time?

Yaxley seems intent on making this about him...not the victims of these crimes. His constant putting himself in the limelight is not highlighting the victims but himself - HIS perceived injustice - HIS claim of victimization. Interesting no?

There is bringing light....and there is carrying a torch.

The media (not Yaxley) exposed these crimes and the government's failures, failures not just in being too PC to do their job, but failures in ignoring it because the victims were typically from poor, lower class, disfunctional families. They were vulnerable in many ways, If he was light - why isn't he out there demanding accountability from the government and politicians? Why isn't he demanding they better fund their police instead of constantly cutting it? WHY ISN"T HE ADVOCATING FOR PROGRAMS to help these vulnerable kids? That would be Light. And that would be making it about the victims.

But he isn't....he is carrying a torch, and, in the process implicitly encouraging mob violence against ethnic minorities. We all know what happens when people start carrying torches. It's happening all over the world. And it doesn't bode well for minority populations in the midst of nativist fervor.





My "endgame" is that I oppose the brutal rape of thousands and thousands of British children at the hands of Muslim men.

You are obviously getting very desperate when you try to characterize those who don't share your fondness for child rape as being Nazis.
You dont seem to be much bothered about children raped by non muslim men. And that is the vast majority of victims. Why is that ?

1400 British children were raped by Muslim men in Rotherham, and you claim the vast majority were actually raped by non muslim men?

Assuming the word "vast" means what it means, then please supply evidence that multiple thousands of children in Rotherham were raped by non Muslim men.
I never referenced Rotherham. But over all the vast majority of paedos are white. They seem to get a pass from you and of course Yaxley.

Strangely Yaxley has yet to comment on his friend who was jailed on child abuse charges.

Another EDL sex abuser jailed

There is a growing list of his paedo mates that he has not commented on.
But if that is true, it is curious that such measures were not routinely used on Anjem Choudary in all his years living freely in the community. It would be interesting to know if there are any records of Choudary and his family being harassed by police or removed from establishments while the hate-preacher was on whatever down-time he used to have. Or whether the British police ever routinely raid and search the houses of radical Islamists in the hope of finding errors in their VAT returns and the like.

Seems Douglas Murray was as well informed as most "Tommy" fans seem to be. Here's an excerpt from his Wikipedia article,

In the same year, although they were refused a permit by the then Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, on 25 August the group held a rally in London. Choudary was summonsed to Bow Street Magistrates' Court in January 2003, on charges which included "exhibiting a notice, advertisement or any other written or pictorial matter", "using apparatus for the amplification of sound", "making a public speech or address" and "organising an assembly".[29]

The UK government had investigated expelling Bakri even before the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, and in July 2003 the headquarters of al-Muhajiroun, and the homes of Bakri and Choudary, were raided by the police.[33] The following year, under new anti-terrorist legislation, the government announced that it wanted to ban al-Muhajiroun.

...In November, Choudary and three other followers of Bakri were deported from Lebanon and returned to the UK. Choudary blamed the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for orchestrating their deportations,
Anjem Choudary - Wikipedia

Kudos, for trying to gotcha me. :) whatever your motives are.

As for Robinson, from what I can see from this case, he's been railing against the establishment, the media, etc. Not against Muslims. He'd lived quite happily amongst them in his home town of Luton.
She truly nailed your lies.
But if that is true, it is curious that such measures were not routinely used on Anjem Choudary in all his years living freely in the community. It would be interesting to know if there are any records of Choudary and his family being harassed by police or removed from establishments while the hate-preacher was on whatever down-time he used to have. Or whether the British police ever routinely raid and search the houses of radical Islamists in the hope of finding errors in their VAT returns and the like.

Seems Douglas Murray was as well informed as most "Tommy" fans seem to be. Here's an excerpt from his Wikipedia article,

In the same year, although they were refused a permit by the then Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, on 25 August the group held a rally in London. Choudary was summonsed to Bow Street Magistrates' Court in January 2003, on charges which included "exhibiting a notice, advertisement or any other written or pictorial matter", "using apparatus for the amplification of sound", "making a public speech or address" and "organising an assembly".[29]

The UK government had investigated expelling Bakri even before the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, and in July 2003 the headquarters of al-Muhajiroun, and the homes of Bakri and Choudary, were raided by the police.[33] The following year, under new anti-terrorist legislation, the government announced that it wanted to ban al-Muhajiroun.

...In November, Choudary and three other followers of Bakri were deported from Lebanon and returned to the UK. Choudary blamed the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for orchestrating their deportations,
Anjem Choudary - Wikipedia

Kudos, for trying to gotcha me. :) whatever your motives are.

As for Robinson, from what I can see from this case, he's been railing against the establishment, the media, etc. Not against Muslims. He'd lived quite happily amongst them in his home town of Luton.
She truly nailed your lies.

:nocknockHT: :rofl:
Here is another one for yaxley to tackle. What are the odds that will happen ?

Twelve Israeli teenagers held in Cyprus over alleged rape of British woman

I wondered when you'd get onto that ludicrous attempt at justification.

This says everything about you, Tainant, not Robinson and the Pakistanis.

Oh and, should I be flattered that you are following me around USMB?
I am not justifying anything. Only a dickhead would take this story and claim that "the problem is Israelis". That would be racist as well as stupid. Dont you think ?
Here is another one for yaxley to tackle. What are the odds that will happen ?

Twelve Israeli teenagers held in Cyprus over alleged rape of British woman

I wondered when you'd get onto that ludicrous attempt at justification.

This says everything about you, Tainant, not Robinson and the Pakistanis.

Oh and, should I be flattered that you are following me around USMB?
I am not justifying anything. Only a dickhead would take this story and claim that "the problem is Israelis". That would be racist as well as stupid. Dont you think ?

Another stupid analogy.
Here is another one for yaxley to tackle. What are the odds that will happen ?

Twelve Israeli teenagers held in Cyprus over alleged rape of British woman

I wondered when you'd get onto that ludicrous attempt at justification.

This says everything about you, Tainant, not Robinson and the Pakistanis.

Oh and, should I be flattered that you are following me around USMB?
I am not justifying anything. Only a dickhead would take this story and claim that "the problem is Israelis". That would be racist as well as stupid. Dont you think ?

Another stupid analogy.
Why ?
Here is another one for yaxley to tackle. What are the odds that will happen ?

Twelve Israeli teenagers held in Cyprus over alleged rape of British woman

I wondered when you'd get onto that ludicrous attempt at justification.

This says everything about you, Tainant, not Robinson and the Pakistanis.

Oh and, should I be flattered that you are following me around USMB?
I am not justifying anything. Only a dickhead would take this story and claim that "the problem is Israelis". That would be racist as well as stupid. Dont you think ?

Another stupid analogy.
Why ?

And still you persist.

You think I don't know your little game?
God help you all if Corbyn ever finds himself at #10 Downing.

You wouldn't have another Chamberlain on your hands .it would be more like electing Heinrich Himmler.
If only ...

"puppet of a very,very sinister group" - HA! That describes the entire British government. The Lord there was engaging in the same kind of partisan BS that happens daily in the USA.

WHY ISN"T HE ADVOCATING FOR PROGRAMS to help these vulnerable kids?
Because Tommy was reporting, not advocating.
Because the first step is to stop the people raping the vulnerable kids from raping the vulnerable kids. The first step in dealing with a fire is to put out the fire; then you address what caused the fire.

It was already reported. In the media. And because of that reporting in the media, not Yaxley, the police and government came out with a huge black eye. So what exactly did Yaxley expose that wasnt already exposed and was worth jeopardizing a trial for?
You are a nutter.
Please explain how wanting a fair trial shows support for anything other than the rule of law.

Or do you believe that not everyone is entitled to a fair trial ?
You get downright gleeful when Tommy Robinson DOESN'T get a fair trial and then try to claim you are all about fair trials here?

You child rape enablers sure come up with some doozies, don't you?

I'm curious here (not that I expect a real answer from you passive aggressive weirdos) but what is your endgame?

Why do you support actions that could potentially jeopardize the trials of members of a child trafficking gang? It makes no sense. Don't you want them locked up for a long long long time?

Yaxley seems intent on making this about him...not the victims of these crimes. His constant putting himself in the limelight is not highlighting the victims but himself - HIS perceived injustice - HIS claim of victimization. Interesting no?

There is bringing light....and there is carrying a torch.

The media (not Yaxley) exposed these crimes and the government's failures, failures not just in being too PC to do their job, but failures in ignoring it because the victims were typically from poor, lower class, disfunctional families. They were vulnerable in many ways, If he was light - why isn't he out there demanding accountability from the government and politicians? Why isn't he demanding they better fund their police instead of constantly cutting it? WHY ISN"T HE ADVOCATING FOR PROGRAMS to help these vulnerable kids? That would be Light. And that would be making it about the victims.

But he isn't....he is carrying a torch, and, in the process implicitly encouraging mob violence against ethnic minorities. We all know what happens when people start carrying torches. It's happening all over the world. And it doesn't bode well for minority populations in the midst of nativist fervor.





My "endgame" is that I oppose the brutal rape of thousands and thousands of British children at the hands of Muslim men.

You are obviously getting very desperate when you try to characterize those who don't share your fondness for child rape as being Nazis.

You really tend to miss the point, I am not sure if it is deliberate obfuscation or accidental density.

Again...the childish name calling, since I doubt a single person here supports the rape of children. Most oppose it regardless of the religion of the perpetrator.

Opposing is not an endgame. It is simply a declaration of feeling. What do you Think should be done about? Torch carrying mobs?

Here is an incident from someone directly inspired by Robinson’s accusations against an innocent person:

Tommy Robinson (activist) - Wikipedia

After a Syrian refugee boy was assaulted in a school bullying incident in October 2018, Robinson falsely accused the victim of having previously attacked two schoolgirls.

The 15-year-old refugee was dragged to the floor by his neck and told by his attacker, "I'll drown you", while water was forced into his mouth. The boy's arm was in a cast after it had been broken in a separate assault.[84] His sister had also been assaulted.[85]

A 16-year-old boy believed to be the attacker, who was interviewed by police and given a court summons, had shared numerous social media posts by Robinson.[84] On Facebook, Robinson subsequently posted a screenshot of a message from a mother saying her daughter had been bullied and he accused the refugee of being the bully. However, the mother responded on Robinson's Facebook page informing him this was false.[86] Robinson also made a false allegation using a photo stolen from a news article on a teenage cancer patient.[87]

These events forced the refugee's family to relocate because "the level of abuse the children have received has become too much".[88] The family decided to move elsewhere in West Yorkshire.[89]

This is the person you have put on a pedestal. Is more of this form of “activism” your endgame? How about you Mindful?

Ah -- the "childish name calling" bit.

Since we are living in an Orwellian world, I guess when the three of you call people every name in the book for not joining you in supporting Muslim men raping thousands of British children, that would be a sign of maturity, then!
Can you actually address any of the questions or substantive content?
You get downright gleeful when Tommy Robinson DOESN'T get a fair trial and then try to claim you are all about fair trials here?

You child rape enablers sure come up with some doozies, don't you?

I'm curious here (not that I expect a real answer from you passive aggressive weirdos) but what is your endgame?

Why do you support actions that could potentially jeopardize the trials of members of a child trafficking gang? It makes no sense. Don't you want them locked up for a long long long time?

Yaxley seems intent on making this about him...not the victims of these crimes. His constant putting himself in the limelight is not highlighting the victims but himself - HIS perceived injustice - HIS claim of victimization. Interesting no?

There is bringing light....and there is carrying a torch.

The media (not Yaxley) exposed these crimes and the government's failures, failures not just in being too PC to do their job, but failures in ignoring it because the victims were typically from poor, lower class, disfunctional families. They were vulnerable in many ways, If he was light - why isn't he out there demanding accountability from the government and politicians? Why isn't he demanding they better fund their police instead of constantly cutting it? WHY ISN"T HE ADVOCATING FOR PROGRAMS to help these vulnerable kids? That would be Light. And that would be making it about the victims.

But he isn't....he is carrying a torch, and, in the process implicitly encouraging mob violence against ethnic minorities. We all know what happens when people start carrying torches. It's happening all over the world. And it doesn't bode well for minority populations in the midst of nativist fervor.





My "endgame" is that I oppose the brutal rape of thousands and thousands of British children at the hands of Muslim men.

You are obviously getting very desperate when you try to characterize those who don't share your fondness for child rape as being Nazis.

You really tend to miss the point, I am not sure if it is deliberate obfuscation or accidental density.

Again...the childish name calling, since I doubt a single person here supports the rape of children. Most oppose it regardless of the religion of the perpetrator.

Opposing is not an endgame. It is simply a declaration of feeling. What do you Think should be done about? Torch carrying mobs?

Here is an incident from someone directly inspired by Robinson’s accusations against an innocent person:

Tommy Robinson (activist) - Wikipedia

After a Syrian refugee boy was assaulted in a school bullying incident in October 2018, Robinson falsely accused the victim of having previously attacked two schoolgirls.

The 15-year-old refugee was dragged to the floor by his neck and told by his attacker, "I'll drown you", while water was forced into his mouth. The boy's arm was in a cast after it had been broken in a separate assault.[84] His sister had also been assaulted.[85]

A 16-year-old boy believed to be the attacker, who was interviewed by police and given a court summons, had shared numerous social media posts by Robinson.[84] On Facebook, Robinson subsequently posted a screenshot of a message from a mother saying her daughter had been bullied and he accused the refugee of being the bully. However, the mother responded on Robinson's Facebook page informing him this was false.[86] Robinson also made a false allegation using a photo stolen from a news article on a teenage cancer patient.[87]

These events forced the refugee's family to relocate because "the level of abuse the children have received has become too much".[88] The family decided to move elsewhere in West Yorkshire.[89]

This is the person you have put on a pedestal. Is more of this form of “activism” your endgame? How about you Mindful?

Ah -- the "childish name calling" bit.

Since we are living in an Orwellian world, I guess when the three of you call people every name in the book for not joining you in supporting Muslim men raping thousands of British children, that would be a sign of maturity, then!
Can you actually address any of the questions or substantive content?
It is noteworthy that Dogmaphobe completely fails to address the fact that man he hero worships falsely accused a 15 yr old kid of assaulting two schoolgirls, leading to the kid being brutally assaulted. What kind of hero does that?
You get downright gleeful when Tommy Robinson DOESN'T get a fair trial and then try to claim you are all about fair trials here?

You child rape enablers sure come up with some doozies, don't you?

I'm curious here (not that I expect a real answer from you passive aggressive weirdos) but what is your endgame?

Why do you support actions that could potentially jeopardize the trials of members of a child trafficking gang? It makes no sense. Don't you want them locked up for a long long long time?

Yaxley seems intent on making this about him...not the victims of these crimes. His constant putting himself in the limelight is not highlighting the victims but himself - HIS perceived injustice - HIS claim of victimization. Interesting no?

There is bringing light....and there is carrying a torch.

The media (not Yaxley) exposed these crimes and the government's failures, failures not just in being too PC to do their job, but failures in ignoring it because the victims were typically from poor, lower class, disfunctional families. They were vulnerable in many ways, If he was light - why isn't he out there demanding accountability from the government and politicians? Why isn't he demanding they better fund their police instead of constantly cutting it? WHY ISN"T HE ADVOCATING FOR PROGRAMS to help these vulnerable kids? That would be Light. And that would be making it about the victims.

But he isn't....he is carrying a torch, and, in the process implicitly encouraging mob violence against ethnic minorities. We all know what happens when people start carrying torches. It's happening all over the world. And it doesn't bode well for minority populations in the midst of nativist fervor.





My "endgame" is that I oppose the brutal rape of thousands and thousands of British children at the hands of Muslim men.

You are obviously getting very desperate when you try to characterize those who don't share your fondness for child rape as being Nazis.

You really tend to miss the point, I am not sure if it is deliberate obfuscation or accidental density.

Again...the childish name calling, since I doubt a single person here supports the rape of children. Most oppose it regardless of the religion of the perpetrator.

Opposing is not an endgame. It is simply a declaration of feeling. What do you Think should be done about? Torch carrying mobs?

Here is an incident from someone directly inspired by Robinson’s accusations against an innocent person:

Tommy Robinson (activist) - Wikipedia

After a Syrian refugee boy was assaulted in a school bullying incident in October 2018, Robinson falsely accused the victim of having previously attacked two schoolgirls.

The 15-year-old refugee was dragged to the floor by his neck and told by his attacker, "I'll drown you", while water was forced into his mouth. The boy's arm was in a cast after it had been broken in a separate assault.[84] His sister had also been assaulted.[85]

A 16-year-old boy believed to be the attacker, who was interviewed by police and given a court summons, had shared numerous social media posts by Robinson.[84] On Facebook, Robinson subsequently posted a screenshot of a message from a mother saying her daughter had been bullied and he accused the refugee of being the bully. However, the mother responded on Robinson's Facebook page informing him this was false.[86] Robinson also made a false allegation using a photo stolen from a news article on a teenage cancer patient.[87]

These events forced the refugee's family to relocate because "the level of abuse the children have received has become too much".[88] The family decided to move elsewhere in West Yorkshire.[89]

This is the person you have put on a pedestal. Is more of this form of “activism” your endgame? How about you Mindful?

Ah -- the "childish name calling" bit.

Since we are living in an Orwellian world, I guess when the three of you call people every name in the book for not joining you in supporting Muslim men raping thousands of British children, that would be a sign of maturity, then!
Can you actually address any of the questions or substantive content?
You certainly do have that Islamist arrogance and sense of entitlement down pat.

tell me -- were you raised to think Islamic men should be able to rape as many Kaffir children as they wished, or did you develop such opinions as an adult?
I'm curious here (not that I expect a real answer from you passive aggressive weirdos) but what is your endgame?

Why do you support actions that could potentially jeopardize the trials of members of a child trafficking gang? It makes no sense. Don't you want them locked up for a long long long time?

Yaxley seems intent on making this about him...not the victims of these crimes. His constant putting himself in the limelight is not highlighting the victims but himself - HIS perceived injustice - HIS claim of victimization. Interesting no?

There is bringing light....and there is carrying a torch.

The media (not Yaxley) exposed these crimes and the government's failures, failures not just in being too PC to do their job, but failures in ignoring it because the victims were typically from poor, lower class, disfunctional families. They were vulnerable in many ways, If he was light - why isn't he out there demanding accountability from the government and politicians? Why isn't he demanding they better fund their police instead of constantly cutting it? WHY ISN"T HE ADVOCATING FOR PROGRAMS to help these vulnerable kids? That would be Light. And that would be making it about the victims.

But he isn't....he is carrying a torch, and, in the process implicitly encouraging mob violence against ethnic minorities. We all know what happens when people start carrying torches. It's happening all over the world. And it doesn't bode well for minority populations in the midst of nativist fervor.





My "endgame" is that I oppose the brutal rape of thousands and thousands of British children at the hands of Muslim men.

You are obviously getting very desperate when you try to characterize those who don't share your fondness for child rape as being Nazis.

You really tend to miss the point, I am not sure if it is deliberate obfuscation or accidental density.

Again...the childish name calling, since I doubt a single person here supports the rape of children. Most oppose it regardless of the religion of the perpetrator.

Opposing is not an endgame. It is simply a declaration of feeling. What do you Think should be done about? Torch carrying mobs?

Here is an incident from someone directly inspired by Robinson’s accusations against an innocent person:

Tommy Robinson (activist) - Wikipedia

After a Syrian refugee boy was assaulted in a school bullying incident in October 2018, Robinson falsely accused the victim of having previously attacked two schoolgirls.

The 15-year-old refugee was dragged to the floor by his neck and told by his attacker, "I'll drown you", while water was forced into his mouth. The boy's arm was in a cast after it had been broken in a separate assault.[84] His sister had also been assaulted.[85]

A 16-year-old boy believed to be the attacker, who was interviewed by police and given a court summons, had shared numerous social media posts by Robinson.[84] On Facebook, Robinson subsequently posted a screenshot of a message from a mother saying her daughter had been bullied and he accused the refugee of being the bully. However, the mother responded on Robinson's Facebook page informing him this was false.[86] Robinson also made a false allegation using a photo stolen from a news article on a teenage cancer patient.[87]

These events forced the refugee's family to relocate because "the level of abuse the children have received has become too much".[88] The family decided to move elsewhere in West Yorkshire.[89]

This is the person you have put on a pedestal. Is more of this form of “activism” your endgame? How about you Mindful?

Ah -- the "childish name calling" bit.

Since we are living in an Orwellian world, I guess when the three of you call people every name in the book for not joining you in supporting Muslim men raping thousands of British children, that would be a sign of maturity, then!
Can you actually address any of the questions or substantive content?
It is noteworthy that Dogmaphobe completely fails to address the fact that man he hero worships falsely accused a 15 yr old kid of assaulting two schoolgirls, leading to the kid being brutally assaulted. What kind of hero does that?

I have indulged in no hero worship.

You, however, have indulged in rhetoric aimed at facilitating the rape of more children.
I'm curious here (not that I expect a real answer from you passive aggressive weirdos) but what is your endgame?

Why do you support actions that could potentially jeopardize the trials of members of a child trafficking gang? It makes no sense. Don't you want them locked up for a long long long time?

Yaxley seems intent on making this about him...not the victims of these crimes. His constant putting himself in the limelight is not highlighting the victims but himself - HIS perceived injustice - HIS claim of victimization. Interesting no?

There is bringing light....and there is carrying a torch.

The media (not Yaxley) exposed these crimes and the government's failures, failures not just in being too PC to do their job, but failures in ignoring it because the victims were typically from poor, lower class, disfunctional families. They were vulnerable in many ways, If he was light - why isn't he out there demanding accountability from the government and politicians? Why isn't he demanding they better fund their police instead of constantly cutting it? WHY ISN"T HE ADVOCATING FOR PROGRAMS to help these vulnerable kids? That would be Light. And that would be making it about the victims.

But he isn't....he is carrying a torch, and, in the process implicitly encouraging mob violence against ethnic minorities. We all know what happens when people start carrying torches. It's happening all over the world. And it doesn't bode well for minority populations in the midst of nativist fervor.





My "endgame" is that I oppose the brutal rape of thousands and thousands of British children at the hands of Muslim men.

You are obviously getting very desperate when you try to characterize those who don't share your fondness for child rape as being Nazis.

You really tend to miss the point, I am not sure if it is deliberate obfuscation or accidental density.

Again...the childish name calling, since I doubt a single person here supports the rape of children. Most oppose it regardless of the religion of the perpetrator.

Opposing is not an endgame. It is simply a declaration of feeling. What do you Think should be done about? Torch carrying mobs?

Here is an incident from someone directly inspired by Robinson’s accusations against an innocent person:

Tommy Robinson (activist) - Wikipedia

After a Syrian refugee boy was assaulted in a school bullying incident in October 2018, Robinson falsely accused the victim of having previously attacked two schoolgirls.

The 15-year-old refugee was dragged to the floor by his neck and told by his attacker, "I'll drown you", while water was forced into his mouth. The boy's arm was in a cast after it had been broken in a separate assault.[84] His sister had also been assaulted.[85]

A 16-year-old boy believed to be the attacker, who was interviewed by police and given a court summons, had shared numerous social media posts by Robinson.[84] On Facebook, Robinson subsequently posted a screenshot of a message from a mother saying her daughter had been bullied and he accused the refugee of being the bully. However, the mother responded on Robinson's Facebook page informing him this was false.[86] Robinson also made a false allegation using a photo stolen from a news article on a teenage cancer patient.[87]

These events forced the refugee's family to relocate because "the level of abuse the children have received has become too much".[88] The family decided to move elsewhere in West Yorkshire.[89]

This is the person you have put on a pedestal. Is more of this form of “activism” your endgame? How about you Mindful?

Ah -- the "childish name calling" bit.

Since we are living in an Orwellian world, I guess when the three of you call people every name in the book for not joining you in supporting Muslim men raping thousands of British children, that would be a sign of maturity, then!
Can you actually address any of the questions or substantive content?
You certainly do have that Islamist arrogance and sense of entitlement down pat.

tell me -- were you raised to think Islamic men should be able to rape as many Kaffir children as they wished, or did you develop such opinions as an adult?

So...about the points I brought up in my post?
My "endgame" is that I oppose the brutal rape of thousands and thousands of British children at the hands of Muslim men.

You are obviously getting very desperate when you try to characterize those who don't share your fondness for child rape as being Nazis.

You really tend to miss the point, I am not sure if it is deliberate obfuscation or accidental density.

Again...the childish name calling, since I doubt a single person here supports the rape of children. Most oppose it regardless of the religion of the perpetrator.

Opposing is not an endgame. It is simply a declaration of feeling. What do you Think should be done about? Torch carrying mobs?

Here is an incident from someone directly inspired by Robinson’s accusations against an innocent person:

Tommy Robinson (activist) - Wikipedia

After a Syrian refugee boy was assaulted in a school bullying incident in October 2018, Robinson falsely accused the victim of having previously attacked two schoolgirls.

The 15-year-old refugee was dragged to the floor by his neck and told by his attacker, "I'll drown you", while water was forced into his mouth. The boy's arm was in a cast after it had been broken in a separate assault.[84] His sister had also been assaulted.[85]

A 16-year-old boy believed to be the attacker, who was interviewed by police and given a court summons, had shared numerous social media posts by Robinson.[84] On Facebook, Robinson subsequently posted a screenshot of a message from a mother saying her daughter had been bullied and he accused the refugee of being the bully. However, the mother responded on Robinson's Facebook page informing him this was false.[86] Robinson also made a false allegation using a photo stolen from a news article on a teenage cancer patient.[87]

These events forced the refugee's family to relocate because "the level of abuse the children have received has become too much".[88] The family decided to move elsewhere in West Yorkshire.[89]

This is the person you have put on a pedestal. Is more of this form of “activism” your endgame? How about you Mindful?

Ah -- the "childish name calling" bit.

Since we are living in an Orwellian world, I guess when the three of you call people every name in the book for not joining you in supporting Muslim men raping thousands of British children, that would be a sign of maturity, then!
Can you actually address any of the questions or substantive content?
You certainly do have that Islamist arrogance and sense of entitlement down pat.

tell me -- were you raised to think Islamic men should be able to rape as many Kaffir children as they wished, or did you develop such opinions as an adult?

So...about the points I brought up in my post?

You asked about my end game.

My end game involves the continuation of western, liberal culture, which places us at odds because you support the Islamization of western culture.

This is a case in point -- Muslim men target Kaffir children and you side with the Muslim men. I am sympathetic to the children, instead. I have a heart and can empathize with the plight of the poor children.

You have nothing but your Islamic agenda.
1400 British children were raped by Muslim men in Rotherham, and you claim the vast majority were actually raped by non muslim men?

Assuming the word "vast" means what it means, then please supply evidence that multiple thousands of children in Rotherham were raped by non Muslim men.
Yeah, look at all those White faces...

…...and even a million children is not enough for these twisted, twisted creatures who think their support for the rapists makes them virtuous.

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