Gone Guy: Ben Affleck Defends Islam Against Bill Maher

These idiots, like Affleck, seem to forget the case of Gillian Gibbons , the school teacher who named a teddy bear "Muhammad".

There was a Jackass on Fox this morning who had the nerve to compare these Muslims to Protestant subsects such as those who handle snakes or speak in tongue.. Forgive, but I don't see them out protesting like this. Do you?

Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.

I'm an independent, and you don't need to lecture me on the damage done by partisan ideologues on both end of the spectrum, something that I point out regularly here.

This thread is about a specific topic and I made a specific point. Nothing is 100%, life is nuance, but it's not difficult to identify behaviors that are common on both ends of the spectrum.

You yourself pointed out that his comments were from the "knee-jerk fundie portion of the left".
Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.
That's not what you low-info RWs say about such mental midgets as has been/never was, wannabe Pootarain Steven Seagall, child pedophile Ted Nugent, child predator Duck Dynasty, ad nauseum.

So how come RW anti-Americans should be heard but not liberals?

In any event, it was an interesting debate. What's the big deal?

Oh put a sock in it. Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty are marginal pop culture entertainment figures.

That selective outrage box is getting smaller and smaller


* yawn *

Yawn is right...Certain celebs should be quiet because....um...marginal something or other

I don't care if they speak out or not. They have 1st Amendment Rights. But unlike you moonbat loons, I don't feel the need to respond to a dog whistle message pumped out through a celebrity cipher.

You dont care? But you just made excuses why Ben's first Amendment rights arent like Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty first Amendment rights because of pop marginal something or other. Why are you defending something you dont care about? lol
Oh put a sock in it. Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty are marginal pop culture entertainment figures.

That selective outrage box is getting smaller and smaller


* yawn *

Yawn is right...Certain celebs should be quiet because....um...marginal something or other

I don't care if they speak out or not. They have 1st Amendment Rights. But unlike you moonbat loons, I don't feel the need to respond to a dog whistle message pumped out through a celebrity cipher.

You dont care? But you just made excuses why Ben's first Amendment rights arent like Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty first Amendment rights because of pop marginal something or other. Why are you defending something you dont care about? lol

Only in your logic challenged POV.

I said nothing to impugn Affleck's 1st Amendment Rights.

He can speak all he wants, but that places no obligation on anyone to take what he says seriously.
I'm an independent, and you don't need to lecture me on the damage done by partisan ideologues on both end of the spectrum, something that I point out regularly here.


If you are an independent and are bothered by the same things that bother me, why would you see me as lecturing you rather than agreeing?

What bothers me is that there is a very sizable portion of the left that acts just like Ben Affleck, and does so simply because it is fashionable. I would just like to see a different label applied to such drivel, though, for even as it does come from the left, if such destructive drivel is accepted as mainstream liberal opinion, it will surely doom us all.
Oh put a sock in it. Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty are marginal pop culture entertainment figures.

That selective outrage box is getting smaller and smaller


* yawn *

Yawn is right...Certain celebs should be quiet because....um...marginal something or other

I don't care if they speak out or not. They have 1st Amendment Rights. But unlike you moonbat loons, I don't feel the need to respond to a dog whistle message pumped out through a celebrity cipher.

You dont care? But you just made excuses why Ben's first Amendment rights arent like Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty first Amendment rights because of pop marginal something or other. Why are you defending something you dont care about? lol
That selective outrage box is getting smaller and smaller


* yawn *

Yawn is right...Certain celebs should be quiet because....um...marginal something or other

I don't care if they speak out or not. They have 1st Amendment Rights. But unlike you moonbat loons, I don't feel the need to respond to a dog whistle message pumped out through a celebrity cipher.

You dont care? But you just made excuses why Ben's first Amendment rights arent like Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty first Amendment rights because of pop marginal something or other. Why are you defending something you dont care about? lol

Only in your logic challenged POV.

I said nothing to impugn Affleck's 1st Amendment Rights.

He can speak all he wants, but that places no obligation on anyone to take what he says seriously.

Exactly right....Just like Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty. Except you tried to make Afflecks words mean more because something about marginal pop stars
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Bill Maher and Sam Harris are original thinkers, which is a quality always hated by those incapable of such.

I see the issue in terms of conformists vs non conformists. Since Islamism represents the ultimate in terms of conformism, I can almost see how those who are ultra-conformist in other ways might defend it, but it still leaves me scratching my head as to why they do.

Seems like just a conditioned response to me where Affleck and the millions like him get props from their mates if they say one thing and are shunned if they say another.
That's not what you low-info RWs say about such mental midgets as has been/never was, wannabe Pootarain Steven Seagall, child pedophile Ted Nugent, child predator Duck Dynasty, ad nauseum.

So how come RW anti-Americans should be heard but not liberals?

In any event, it was an interesting debate. What's the big deal?

Oh put a sock in it. Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty are marginal pop culture entertainment figures.

That selective outrage box is getting smaller and smaller


* yawn *

Yawn is right...Certain celebs should be quiet because....um...marginal something or other

I don't care if they speak out or not. They have 1st Amendment Rights. But unlike you moonbat loons, I don't feel the need to respond to a dog whistle message pumped out through a celebrity cipher.

Uh, read your own posts, here in this thread and others.

You DO come running to the dog whistle.
Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
Oh put a sock in it. Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty are marginal pop culture entertainment figures.

That selective outrage box is getting smaller and smaller

B'loney. I said Affleck was talking about things of which he had little knowledge, similar to many celebrities on the Left....and I further said I consider certain right wing celebrities to be marginal (i.e., not worth paying attention to).

I can see how somebody being consistent in her application of principles and logic would be thoroughly befuddling to you.


* yawn *

Yawn is right...Certain celebs should be quiet because....um...marginal something or other

I don't care if they speak out or not. They have 1st Amendment Rights. But unlike you moonbat loons, I don't feel the need to respond to a dog whistle message pumped out through a celebrity cipher.

Uh, read your own posts, here in this thread and others.

You DO come running to the dog whistle.
These idiots, like Affleck, seem to forget the case of Gillian Gibbons , the school teacher who named a teddy bear "Muhammad".

There was a Jackass on Fox this morning who had the nerve to compare these Muslims to Protestant subsects such as those who handle snakes or speak in tongue.. Forgive, but I don't see them out protesting like this. Do you?

Beheading someone for an insult.

How very, uh . . . Christian-like.
Funny as shit when a lib tries to actually analyze why things are screwed up.. and the other libs shout them down, call them racists.
Affleck is a typical liberal.

- Criticizing Islam means you are a racist and bigot.

- Criticizing Christianity...well that is just the right thing to do.

Liberals...some of them really are incapable of thinking.
I say send him over there and let him stay a couple days, and if they don't kill him. I'm sure his attitude will change about them.
If you saw the discussion.....what do you think of the manner in which Sam Harris explained the "concentric circles" of radical and moderate Islam?
The majority of Muslims would support hanging Affleck's gay ass.
Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

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