Gone Guy: Ben Affleck Defends Islam Against Bill Maher

Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.

That's what happens with hardcore partisan ideologues. It's all binary, black & white.

If you agree with one thing Bill Maher says, you "love" him.

It's no wonder political discourse is causing so much damage.


Well one thing is certain. Maher is a lot smarter than Affleck...or stated another way, he is not as dumb as Affleck.
The point Affleck and the media failed to bring up is that most religions have a terrible past.

But all religions still have a select few that cling to the idea's of that time.

This is just a general discussion of Progression in religion. Old Testament was full of the exact same messages some Americans portray Islam as because the only people we know about in Islam are the ones who use this nearly extinct belief.

The only way you can see Christians the same as these "Islam Radicals" is if you are on USMB today. The general public doesn't see it. But they are still there.

Ben Affleck was 100% correct. I just wonder if Bill was doing it to gain media attention or if he's showing his true Libertarian side finally.
Bullshit. Anyone dissagrees with you and they're worse than Islamic terrorists according to you.

Ben Affleck hasn't a clue. He a stooge trying to act compassionate. He doesn't understand the complexity of the situation. To him it's all black and white. He doesn't even know or want to consider that although only 10% of Muslims are radical in nature, over 80% of them agree in the beliefs of radical Islam. So basically they facilitate and conspire along with the guilty. They just don't have the guts to commit atrocities themselves.
Maher responds to this by saying: "One reason they [other views] don't get exposed is because they are afraid to speak out. Because it's the only religion that acts like the Mafia. That will f***ing kill if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book."

Maher and Harris are racist, they both have Jewish mothers , and well we now know Jews are a race, and even though they are both atheist, they are both Jews, so
naturally they hate Muslims.

I applaud Affleck for standing his ground to these two racist men.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.

That's what happens with hardcore partisan ideologues. It's all binary, black & white.

If you agree with one thing Bill Maher says, you "love" him.

It's no wonder political discourse is causing so much damage.

Ben was born in Berkeley California, raised in the North East to liberal activist parents, raised around actors and liberals all his life. It's hard for him to think for himself, or take a position that isn't against the big and the powerful, meaning America.

Ben Affleck - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.

Oh I just hear so often from you guys about how you hate Bill Maher, NY Times, MSNBC etc etc etc its funny that you for once listened to the message instead of making a snap judgement on the messenger.

Yes, Bill Maher speaks the truth quite often but you wouldnt know that because you dislike the guy and dont hear the message.

Your bad
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.

Oh I just hear so often from you guys about how you hate Bill Maher, NY Times, MSNBC etc etc etc its funny that you for once listened to the message instead of making a snap judgement on the messenger.

Yes, Bill Maher speaks the truth quite often but you wouldnt know that because you dislike the guy and dont hear the message.

Your bad
Compared to some of his guests Maher is a moderate. I don't like the guy, because he's a prick, but it doesn't mean I have to shut my brain off whenever he speaks. That's close-minded and can lead to ignorance.

Must be your problem. Shutting off opposing views out of utter ignorance.
Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.

Oh I just hear so often from you guys about how you hate Bill Maher, NY Times, MSNBC etc etc etc its funny that you for once listened to the message instead of making a snap judgement on the messenger.

Yes, Bill Maher speaks the truth quite often but you wouldnt know that because you dislike the guy and dont hear the message.

Your bad
Compared to some of his guests Maher is a moderate. I don't like the guy, because he's a prick, but it doesn't mean I have to shut my brain off whenever he speaks. That's close-minded and can lead to ignorance.

Must be your problem. Shutting off opposing views out of utter ignorance.

Hahahahaha....Dude thats my line. LOL!! I say you opposed Maher because of the person and you respond that thats MY problem.

Suuuuuure buddy lol
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.

Oh I just hear so often from you guys about how you hate Bill Maher, NY Times, MSNBC etc etc etc its funny that you for once listened to the message instead of making a snap judgement on the messenger.

Yes, Bill Maher speaks the truth quite often but you wouldnt know that because you dislike the guy and dont hear the message.

Your bad
Compared to some of his guests Maher is a moderate. I don't like the guy, because he's a prick, but it doesn't mean I have to shut my brain off whenever he speaks. That's close-minded and can lead to ignorance.

Must be your problem. Shutting off opposing views out of utter ignorance.

Hahahahaha....Dude thats my line. LOL!! I say you opposed Maher because of the person and you respond that thats MY problem.

Suuuuuure buddy lol
I really don't give a darned what you believe. I don't judge anyone for what they are, like you do. Only on their actions or words.
Affleck is a typical liberal.

- Criticizing Islam means you are a racist and bigot.

- Criticizing Christianity...well that is just the right thing to do.

Liberals...some of them really are incapable of thinking.
Met some like that, if you point out massacres and atrocities done in the name of Islam or point out acts of persecution against Christians in the Middle East, they deny it even happened.
Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.

Oh I just hear so often from you guys about how you hate Bill Maher, NY Times, MSNBC etc etc etc its funny that you for once listened to the message instead of making a snap judgement on the messenger.

Yes, Bill Maher speaks the truth quite often but you wouldnt know that because you dislike the guy and dont hear the message.

Your bad
Compared to some of his guests Maher is a moderate. I don't like the guy, because he's a prick, but it doesn't mean I have to shut my brain off whenever he speaks. That's close-minded and can lead to ignorance.

Must be your problem. Shutting off opposing views out of utter ignorance.

Hahahahaha....Dude thats my line. LOL!! I say you opposed Maher because of the person and you respond that thats MY problem.

Suuuuuure buddy lol
I really don't give a darned what you believe. I don't judge anyone for what they are, like you do. Only on their actions or words.

You have to make up your mind here buddy. Either you dont care what I believe and go with that or you can make up shit about what you think I believe. But with the second option you gotta care
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
Actors who have achieved even a modicum of success, think it is because they are intelligent, which in most cases they are not, they have merely learned the practice of deception---making a living at pretending to be sincere. Just like their bud, Obama. :thup:
Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Jesus, where to start? Maher doesn't have control of "his own brain" where it concerns Israel and its war crimes. This is his blind spot, and he will stubbornly remain on the wrong side of history.
Which is why republicans hate Bill Maher and Ben Afflect
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.

That's what happens with hardcore partisan ideologues. It's all binary, black & white.

If you agree with one thing Bill Maher says, you "love" him.

It's no wonder political discourse is causing so much damage.


Well one thing is certain. Maher is a lot smarter than Affleck...or stated another way, he is not as dumb as Affleck.
Affleck scored high on SATs, but was a marginal student.

Maher is exposed to more information because that's his job, to be prepared for issues and topics of discussion. He's definitely critical of organised religion and part of his gig involves making fun of it. Affleck is just a bit over his head here
Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Jesus, where to start? Maher doesn't have control of "his own brain" where it concerns Israel and its war crimes. This is his blind spot, and he will stubbornly remain on the wrong side of history.
Yeah, right. Defending your country from those who would murder you and take your land is a friggen war crime.

Don't make me laugh.
Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Jesus, where to start? Maher doesn't have control of "his own brain" where it concerns Israel and its war crimes. This is his blind spot, and he will stubbornly remain on the wrong side of history.
Yeah, right. Defending your country from those who would murder you and take your land is a friggen war crime.

Don't make me laugh.

Yeah, let's get into the definition of "defense." Please bitch, do.
Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Ben Aflack is simply repeating the talking-points of the current administration, whereas Bill Maher is using his own brain.

Jesus, where to start? Maher doesn't have control of "his own brain" where it concerns Israel and its war crimes. This is his blind spot, and he will stubbornly remain on the wrong side of history.
Yeah, right. Defending your country from those who would murder you and take your land is a friggen war crime.

Don't make me laugh.

Yeah, let's get into the definition of "defense." Please bitch, do.

Jesus, where to start?.

If you started at Jesus, you wouldn't be a walking advertisement for Arab terrorism.

But look on the bright side. Mohammed offers some very nice instructions on how to decapitate one's enemies and says not to take Jews or Christians as friend, so you are in good company.

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