Gone Guy: Ben Affleck Defends Islam Against Bill Maher

Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
A religion which in its doctrine treats women as mere chattel.
And then these libs have the gall to accuse conservatives of waging a war on women.
If there is any subculture that wages a war on women it is the culture of the entertainment business.
Casting couch. Actresses who don't get hired because they don't do nude scenes. Women who no longer receive roles because of their age or their looks.
Sexism against women is rampant in entertainment circles.
Yet, this dunderhead is defending Islam because he can safely hide behind the veil of political correctness.
Islam is just coming out of third world status- where every religion is like that. Women's rights in the US have changed a lot from your outlook, all because of Dems. Affleck won an oscar as director of a movie about the Tehran hostage crisis, and knows a helluva lot more about muslims than Maher, who has a blind spot on this one. There are plenty of Muslims who are indistinguishable from anyone else around the world, and the ME is changing fast, and not because of ugly American chickenhawk Pubs...see how they have to react to ISIS, and thanks for the SECOND GOP Great World Depression that makes jihad such a great career choice. A-holes and hater dupes.
Cannot take the truth.
You think your post was a monument of sarcasm !
Keep thinking, if that is what you think you are doing.

Exactly how you got your job. Seems you know quite the amount of how to get a job from using this method.

Shows you how stupid Affleck is ... Islam is not a race.

What a dumbfuck

Not to mention that he should not be batman in the new batman vs superman movie..
He got the job because he talked the talk or sucked the cock.
Shows you how stupid Affleck is ... Islam is not a race.

What a dumbfuck

Not to mention that he should not be batman in the new batman vs superman movie..
He got the job because he talked the talk or sucked the cock.

Wow, lousy cum-back.

Your post was a jumbled up mess. Learn how to use the forum software before you try to act like a smartass.
Yup, all PoliSci is bs before Glenn Beck and Liberal Fascism came along. Functional morons.

You need to learn your disciplines....

Uh...no...it is called economics....and Friedrich Hayek was there when the nazis took power...long before Glen Beck and Jonah Goldberg...

The Socialist Roots of Naziism

The connection between socialism and nationalism in Germany was close from the beginning. It is significant that the most important ancestors of National Socialism-Fichte, Robertus, and Lassalle-are at the same time acknowledged fathers of socialism. While theoretical socialism in its Marxist form was directing the German labor movement, the authoritarian and nationalist element receded for a time into the background.

But not for long. From 1914 onward there arose from the ranks of Marxist socialism one teacher after another who led, not the conservatives and reactionaries, but the hard-working laborer and idealistic youth into the National Socialist fold. It was only thereafter that the tide of nationalist socialism attained major importance and rapidly grew into the Hitlerian doctrine. The war hysteria of 1914, which, just because of the German defeat, was never fully cured, is the beginning of the modern development which produced National Socialism, and it was largely with the assistance of old socialists that it rose during this period.

And here is Hayek in 1933...was Glen Beck or Jonah Goldberg even born then...

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek et al

could be more superficial than to consider the forces which dominate the Germany of today as reactionary – in the sense that they want a return to the social and economic order of 1914. The persecution of the Marxists, and of democrats in general, tends to obscure the fundamental fact that National “Socialism” is a genuine socialist movement, whose leading ideas are the final fruit of the anti-liberal tendencies which have been steadily gaining ground in Germany since the later part of the Bismarckian era, and which led the majority of the German intelligentsia first to “socialism of the chair” and later to Marxism in its social-democratic or communist form.

One of the main reasons why the socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized, is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups too -as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment -have, at least partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly because -and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany – many capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience. But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a move movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt.
Maher responds to this by saying: "One reason they [other views] don't get exposed is because they are afraid to speak out. Because it's the only religion that acts like the Mafia. That will f***ing kill if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book."

Maher and Harris are racist, they both have Jewish mothers , and well we now know Jews are a race, and even though they are both atheist, they are both Jews, so naturally they hate Muslims.

I applaud Affleck for standing his ground to these two racist men.
Bill Maher and Harris are not 'racist', they oppose religion being forced on others, and endorse secularism over theocracy. They may say offensive things, but it isn't 'racist' to say that most Muslims have appalling views on women, gay people and minorities in most countries. The first genocide of the 20th century was committed by Muslims against Christian minorities. And since you brought up 'Jewish', a lot of Muslims deny the Nazi Holocaust or actively applaud what Hitler did to the Jews.
I don't even like Bill Maher, but sometimes he gets things right. The difference between Maher and Affleck is, Maher is very intelligent, Affleck is an absolute idiot.
I don't even like Bill Maher, but sometimes he gets things right. The difference between Maher and Affleck is, Maher is very intelligent, Affleck is an absolute idiot.
Affleck lives in his own Hollywood bubble, and thinks that everyone that disagrees with him must be 'racist', 'intolerant', 'sexist', or 'islamophobic'. He has an ego like Micheal Moore, but clearly with 1/4 of the IQ, as even Moore admits there are issues with Islam and doesn't white wash it. Maher isn't perfect, but for Affleck to call him 'racist' is silly to say the least.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
"Young, dumb and full of c-m"...

Ignorant, spoiled little brats that haven't studied The Adversary nor connected the dots about cause-and-effect in our times.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.

If you had watched the episode, you would have seen that it was Maher who asked why more liberals did not defend liberal values, and it was he and Harris who took the actual liberal position.

Affleck simply took the useful idiot position.
Of course he did. Maher has always been a closet liberal.
Affleck is a typical liberal.

- Criticizing Islam means you are a racist and bigot.

- Criticizing Christianity...well that is just the right thing to do.

Liberals...some of them really are incapable of thinking.
Met some like that, if you point out massacres and atrocities done in the name of Islam or point out acts of persecution against Christians in the Middle East, they deny it even happened.

Not atall! There have been at least nine, if not 19 beheadings by Saudi Arabia, one of OUR, one of the US biggest allies in the ME, in October alone. Why are THEIR human rights abuses not mentioned in our national knews?
No, but they seem to hate Republicans. That much is for sure.

Oh sorry, I didnt know Republicans loved Bill Maher. Sorry, not sorry
No, dumb-ass. Some of us just know what the truth sounds like. To Hell with Political Parties.
Grow the fuck up.

That's what happens with hardcore partisan ideologues. It's all binary, black & white.

If you agree with one thing Bill Maher says, you "love" him.

It's no wonder political discourse is causing so much damage.


Well one thing is certain. Maher is a lot smarter than Affleck...or stated another way, he is not as dumb as Affleck.
Affleck scored high on SATs, but was a marginal student.

Maher is exposed to more information because that's his job, to be prepared for issues and topics of discussion. He's definitely critical of organised religion and part of his gig involves making fun of it. Affleck is just a bit over his head here
Mhaher spoke to Bibi one time, and that was enough to blind him for eternity. I saw the program he mentioned that meeting, and true to his word, he left all critical thought in re: Israel under the welcome mat hence.
Affleck is a typical liberal.

- Criticizing Islam means you are a racist and bigot.

- Criticizing Christianity...well that is just the right thing to do.

Liberals...some of them really are incapable of thinking.
Met some like that, if you point out massacres and atrocities done in the name of Islam or point out acts of persecution against Christians in the Middle East, they deny it even happened.

Not atall! There have been at least nine, if not 19 beheadings by Saudi Arabia, one of OUR, one of the US biggest allies in the ME, in October alone. Why are THEIR human rights abuses not mentioned in our national knews?
They are mentioned in news, but not by news sources that think like Affleck and his fellow apologists - that would have the world believe that 'Christian theocracy in America' is a greater threat than ISIS and Islamic extremism. Even some atheist Marxist types believe that Christianity is the moral equivalent of Islam, having never had to live under a theocracy in Iran, or a tyranny of majority like Malaysia. Christianity has its faults, but a desire for world conquest, persecution of non-Christians, and enslavement of non-believers isn't one of them.
Affleck is a typical liberal.

- Criticizing Islam means you are a racist and bigot.

- Criticizing Christianity...well that is just the right thing to do.

Liberals...some of them really are incapable of thinking.
Met some like that, if you point out massacres and atrocities done in the name of Islam or point out acts of persecution against Christians in the Middle East, they deny it even happened.

Not atall! There have been at least nine, if not 19 beheadings by Saudi Arabia, one of OUR, one of the US biggest allies in the ME, in October alone. Why are THEIR human rights abuses not mentioned in our national knews?
They are mentioned in news, but not by news sources that think like Affleck and his fellow apologists - that would have the world believe that 'Christian theocracy in America' is a greater threat than ISIS and Islamic extremism. Even some atheist Marxist types believe that Christianity is the moral equivalent of Islam, having never had to live under a theocracy in Iran, or a tyranny of majority like Malaysia. Christianity has its faults, but a desire for world conquest, persecution of non-Christians, and enslavement of non-believers isn't one of them.

At least not for the last couple hundred years....
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.

what Affleck said was you can't tar everyone with one brush.

that's a pretty good value to have and he's well-meaning.

that said, maher was probably correct about our unwillingness to call out terrorist supporters
Affleck is a typical liberal.

- Criticizing Islam means you are a racist and bigot.

- Criticizing Christianity...well that is just the right thing to do.

Liberals...some of them really are incapable of thinking.
Met some like that, if you point out massacres and atrocities done in the name of Islam or point out acts of persecution against Christians in the Middle East, they deny it even happened.

Not atall! There have been at least nine, if not 19 beheadings by Saudi Arabia, one of OUR, one of the US biggest allies in the ME, in October alone. Why are THEIR human rights abuses not mentioned in our national knews?
They are mentioned in news, but not by news sources that think like Affleck and his fellow apologists - that would have the world believe that 'Christian theocracy in America' is a greater threat than ISIS and Islamic extremism. Even some atheist Marxist types believe that Christianity is the moral equivalent of Islam, having never had to live under a theocracy in Iran, or a tyranny of majority like Malaysia. Christianity has its faults, but a desire for world conquest, persecution of non-Christians, and enslavement of non-believers isn't one of them.

really, putz? it was on every news channel and in pretty much every possible source
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.

what Affleck said was you can't tar everyone with one brush.

that's a pretty good value to have and he's well-meaning.

that said, maher was probably correct about our unwillingness to call out terrorist supporters
If that's what he said, why did he need you to translate it?

Maher was absolutely correct and Affleck was bothered by it.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.

what Affleck said was you can't tar everyone with one brush.

that's a pretty good value to have and he's well-meaning.

that said, maher was probably correct about our unwillingness to call out terrorist supporters
If that's what he said, why did he need you to translate it?

Maher was absolutely correct and Affleck was bothered by it.

I wasn't "translating". I was commenting for someone (*ahem* who intentionally misrepresented the discussion and clearly didn't understand it.

i'm also going to guess you read about it but didn't watch it.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.

what Affleck said was you can't tar everyone with one brush.

that's a pretty good value to have and he's well-meaning.

that said, maher was probably correct about our unwillingness to call out terrorist supporters
If that's what he said, why did he need you to translate it?

Maher was absolutely correct and Affleck was bothered by it.

I wasn't "translating". I was commenting for someone (*ahem* who intentionally misrepresented the discussion and clearly didn't understand it.

i'm also going to guess you read about it but didn't watch it.
Guessing? You're a carnie now?
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.

what Affleck said was you can't tar everyone with one brush.

that's a pretty good value to have and he's well-meaning.

that said, maher was probably correct about our unwillingness to call out terrorist supporters
If that's what he said, why did he need you to translate it?

Maher was absolutely correct and Affleck was bothered by it.

I wasn't "translating". I was commenting for someone (*ahem* who intentionally misrepresented the discussion and clearly didn't understand it.

i'm also going to guess you read about it but didn't watch it.
Guessing? You're a carnie now?

what are you babbling about? "cuckoo:

you don't even have a clue about what my position is on their discussion.

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