Good Grief, The Nerve Of THESE People: Teachers Union Asks Community / Parents To Pay Their Fines

In what capacity, emo?
A better one than you you failure. See dumbfuck, I work with high school kids to help them get into school for their chosen field. No time for your woke bullshit. When students fail, it’s on the teachers. Period. At my school, we make sure every kid succeeds to the best of their ability and has the tools they need to succeed.
What do you want to say that you are so afraid to?
Still trying that pathetic tactic? Hey dumbfuck, I’m not playing your stupid game so you can try to get me banned because you’re a cowards and a terrible “teacher”.
College counseling is not teaching, big mouth.
Who said counselor asswipe? Seems comprehension is beyond you too stupid. You’re just pathetic. A loser. A crybaby. A failure. A retarded idiot. You would get laughed out of my school and told not to come back.
Who said counselor asswipe? Seems comprehension is beyond you too stupid. You’re just pathetic. A loser. A crybaby. A failure. A retarded idiot. You would get laughed out of my school and told not to come back.
Stay in your lane and stop trying to wear clothes too big for you.
I’m not telling you where I live. Now for the actual subject, instead of your laughable insults and story time, when no student is proficient in math or English, that is the fault of the TEACHERS. Period. End of argument. By the way shithead, I do work closely with our public school. Which doesn’t allow woke idiocy like you and Unkoasshole preach.

I preach "woke idiocy"??

Stay in your lane and stop trying to wear clothes too big for you.
Fuck you loser. You’re the one getting your ass handed to you retard. You’re just a pathetic failure throwing a tantrum. By all means continue. I’ll just get on with my life while you cry and whine.
Grow some balls and speak your mind or just STFU about it. Nothing YOU have to say could be all that important anyway.
Cry harder that your pathetic plan failed. Seems you lack balls and have to resort to idiocy. No surprise..

Now which law would you be referring to in this case, federal law or state law?

There are many MANY exceptions in each case, that you could make use of. If you had the will to do so.

"The board" did no such thing. You and one other person with a bad attitude.

I stand by my statements.

A) ZERO math proficiency means rotten teachers

B) you as a teacher should be pushing back HARD against the leftards who want to bring everything (even 5 year olds) down to the lowest common denominator.

As a successful parent I haven't and won't send my kids to public schools. The teachers suck and they have to obey ridiculous rules.

WE do not expect the schools to be our nannies. We are education focused. We expect schools to be schools.

You don't realize that teachers don't enroll children, nor do we have the power to ban them?

You think **WE** have the right to refuse to teach children in our classes assigned to us?

You are SO ignorant. SO SO SO ignorant. As blowhard hobby horses usually are
You didn't answer my question. You never answer questions. Why is that?
Poor crybaby. You want an accusation to run to the mods about. Again. And you aren’t getting it so you’re losing your shit. Don’t try to mess with your betters boy. And stop using Japanese’s scat video showing as your name. Rather disrespectful.

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