Good guy with a gun saves woman being stabbed to death...

all 319M don't have cars either, it was just to compare the scope of accidents vs. claimed DGU's per X amount of the population.

Yea I thought of that as well (that not all people have cars).

Make the comparison to useage. Miles driven per accident per year as compared to DGUs per year per gun owner.

I dont think the numbers will support the DGU frequency.
Actually, the claim was made by Bill Clintons Dept. Of Justice. Get your facts straight.

Get my facts straight? Or what?

Its a fact that the poster 2nd A repeats the statistic of 1.5 M DGU. He got it from a study done by a couple people I believe. Numbers ranged from like 3.5M to 500k, depending on the study. Ask him for details. He has plenty of study numbers. Not so much actual examples.

1.5 million seems to be the more agreed upon number.

But if youve got a problem with those numbers, show otherwise.

But I hope you do math better than science. Your global warming schtick sucks.
all 319M don't have cars either, it was just to compare the scope of accidents vs. claimed DGU's per X amount of the population.

Yea I thought of that as well (that not all people have cars).

Make the comparison to useage. Miles driven per accident per year as compared to DGUs per year per gun owner.

I dont think the numbers will support the DGU frequency.

You would have to go deeper than that, since multiple people can be involved in car accidents, as well as the fact the same person could have a DGU multiple times in the same year, (think really bad neighborhoods).

I wasn't trying to do a peer reviewed analysis, just a rough hash, and the rough hash shows the #, while seemingly high, isn't in the realm of the ridiculous.
You doing good for today. Only 3998 more to go to hit the daily average.

Better hope there is more DGUs going on or you will be seriously behind.
Wow, a libtard being sarcastic in the face of clearly contrary data to what he believes is true.


ow, a libtard being sarcastic in the face of clearly contrary data to what he believes is true.

Jim, maybe you would like to share about the number of times you have had to use your gun for defensive gun uses purposes.

Most of the gun nutters have never had to do that. But I am sure you have.

So, how many times? Just curious on that.

Ive owned guns for forty years. I used mine ONCE in a Defensive Gun Use situation. And the situation was that someone had wrecked their car and showed up at my door looking for help and a phone at 2am. they never saw the gun I had because they were way to worried about the 150 pound dog I let out on them.

So maybe you could share some the harrowing stories of DGU that you have experienced. You must have a million of them. Or at least a couple thousand? How about a few dozen? Hell make some up. Its all good with a gun in your hand.
Actually, the claim was made by Bill Clintons Dept. Of Justice. Get your facts straight.

Get my facts straight? Or what?

Its a fact that the poster 2nd A repeats the statistic of 1.5 M DGU. He got it from a study done by a couple people I believe. Numbers ranged from like 3.5M to 500k, depending on the study. Ask him for details. He has plenty of study numbers. Not so much actual examples.

1.5 million seems to be the more agreed upon number.

But if youve got a problem with those numbers, show otherwise.

But I hope you do math better than science. Your global warming schtick sucks.

More than a couple of people.........and the research has been done by different research disciplines as well as both public and private researchers......over a 40 year period....
ow, a libtard being sarcastic in the face of clearly contrary data to what he believes is true.

Jim, maybe you would like to share about the number of times you have had to use your gun for defensive gun uses purposes.

Most of the gun nutters have never had to do that. But I am sure you have.

So, how many times? Just curious on that.

Ive owned guns for forty years. I used mine ONCE in a Defensive Gun Use situation. And the situation was that someone had wrecked their car and showed up at my door looking for help and a phone at 2am. they never saw the gun I had because they were way to worried about the 150 pound dog I let out on them.

So maybe you could share some the harrowing stories of DGU that you have experienced. You must have a million of them. Or at least a couple thousand? How about a few dozen? Hell make some up. Its all good with a gun in your hand.

As best I can remember.....

When I lived in Grande Praire Texas, I was home on leave I was awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of two men on the balcony talking. I got my gun and opened the door, and they froze and apologized. I recognized them as two friends of my sister, but I also knew that they were low life scum criminals who did house burglaries frequently. I told them to leave, and when they tried to go past me, I waived the gun at them and said, 'No, down the way you got up.' I was not going to let them get close to me. When I told them they were going too slowly, they jumped down.

When I lived in Arlington Texas I had a woman barge into my apartment in terror, fleeing her armed boyfriend. I stepped outside with my gun and asked her to point him out and he fled at the sight of my own gun. The cops arrested him about an hour later after he locked himself in his house eating ice cream and watching the TV.

Again, In Arlington Texas, I was awakened around 2 am with about 4 men trying to break down the front door to my efficiency apartment. I opened the curtains and looked at them, showed them my gun and yelled at them I was going to start shooting through the door and they ran off.

When I lived in Maryland I had two incidents, one where a man came out into the middle of one of those bumpy back rural roads and tried to flag me down. I could see a car with the hood up and several men there looking under it. I set my gun on the dash and the dude got out of my way. I am convinced it was an ambush robbery, but regardless I was not going to take any chances. Hell if four or five guys cant fix their damned car, adding one more guy trying to get home wasnt going to solve anything for them, so I doubt that they truly needed help.

While living in Maryland I was visiting a friend at a Christmas party and drove down into some little development in Northern Virginia and this apparently drunk guy in a large truck began trying to run us off the road. If I tried to slow down, he would slow down too and then try to swerve into my little sedan, which I would avoid by breaking. He tried other maneuvers as well in a persistent attempt to get me off the road. Finally I waved my 357 at him and he took the next U-turn and fled.

Those are five I recall off the top of my head, but there maybe others that I cant remember right at the moment. I dont like thinking about those episodes as they were extremely stressful and it makes my BP go up and I feel a bit stressed also. So at 58 years of age I often have trouble recalling all these unpleasant little things. Who knows how many people have avoided me because I make no secret of the fact I carry a gun almost constantly, but since living in Virginia I have had no problems, not even a bar fight. In fact, the only real trouble I have had besides traffic offenses, was some dude called the cops on me when I was open carrying at a bar, which is legal in Virginia. Lol, they had a SWAT team leader out there, and we talked nicely, I went and put my gun in my truck and went back to the bar to finish my drink.

But so far, I have never had to fire my gun at anyone. However I am mentally and physically prepared to do so if I have to.

Several friends have had similar stories, one aborted a robbery of himself by simply lifting his shirt to show he was armed. Another woman was pushed to the ground and rolled over to reveal a gun. One black guy I know fired through his jacket with a pistol at a couple of guys that tried to rob him. There are others that are foggy and I wont embellish.

But these are all anecdotal, and you could easily say that I just made them all up. So what is the point of even asking me?
ow, a libtard being sarcastic in the face of clearly contrary data to what he believes is true.

Jim, maybe you would like to share about the number of times you have had to use your gun for defensive gun uses purposes.

Most of the gun nutters have never had to do that. But I am sure you have.

So, how many times? Just curious on that.

Ive owned guns for forty years. I used mine ONCE in a Defensive Gun Use situation. And the situation was that someone had wrecked their car and showed up at my door looking for help and a phone at 2am. they never saw the gun I had because they were way to worried about the 150 pound dog I let out on them.

So maybe you could share some the harrowing stories of DGU that you have experienced. You must have a million of them. Or at least a couple thousand? How about a few dozen? Hell make some up. Its all good with a gun in your hand.

As best I can remember.....

When I lived in Grande Praire Texas, I was home on leave I was awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of two men on the balcony talking. I got my gun and opened the door, and they froze and apologized. I recognized them as two friends of my sister, but I also knew that they were low life scum criminals who did house burglaries frequently. I told them to leave, and when they tried to go past me, I waived the gun at them and said, 'No, down the way you got up.' I was not going to let them get close to me. When I told them they were going too slowly, they jumped down.

When I lived in Arlington Texas I had a woman barge into my apartment in terror, fleeing her armed boyfriend. I stepped outside with my gun and asked her to point him out and he fled at the sight of my own gun. The cops arrested him about an hour later after he locked himself in his house eating ice cream and watching the TV.

Again, In Arlington Texas, I was awakened around 2 am with about 4 men trying to break down the front door to my efficiency apartment. I opened the curtains and looked at them, showed them my gun and yelled at them I was going to start shooting through the door and they ran off.

When I lived in Maryland I had two incidents, one where a man came out into the middle of one of those bumpy back rural roads and tried to flag me down. I could see a car with the hood up and several men there looking under it. I set my gun on the dash and the dude got out of my way. I am convinced it was an ambush robbery, but regardless I was not going to take any chances. Hell if four or five guys cant fix their damned car, adding one more guy trying to get home wasnt going to solve anything for them, so I doubt that they truly needed help.

While living in Maryland I was visiting a friend at a Christmas party and drove down into some little development in Northern Virginia and this apparently drunk guy in a large truck began trying to run us off the road. If I tried to slow down, he would slow down too and then try to swerve into my little sedan, which I would avoid by breaking. He tried other maneuvers as well in a persistent attempt to get me off the road. Finally I waved my 357 at him and he took the next U-turn and fled.

Those are five I recall off the top of my head, but there maybe others that I cant remember right at the moment. I dont like thinking about those episodes as they were extremely stressful and it makes my BP go up and I feel a bit stressed also. So at 58 years of age I often have trouble recalling all these unpleasant little things. Who knows how many people have avoided me because I make no secret of the fact I carry a gun almost constantly, but since living in Virginia I have had no problems, not even a bar fight. In fact, the only real trouble I have had besides traffic offenses, was some dude called the cops on me when I was open carrying at a bar, which is legal in Virginia. Lol, they had a SWAT team leader out there, and we talked nicely, I went and put my gun in my truck and went back to the bar to finish my drink.

But so far, I have never had to fire my gun at anyone. However I am mentally and physically prepared to do so if I have to.

Several friends have had similar stories, one aborted a robbery of himself by simply lifting his shirt to show he was armed. Another woman was pushed to the ground and rolled over to reveal a gun. One black guy I know fired through his jacket with a pistol at a couple of guys that tried to rob him. There are others that are foggy and I wont embellish.

But these are all anecdotal, and you could easily say that I just made them all up. So what is the point of even asking me?

Thank you. Can you please explain to the anti gunners that in these incidents there was no report made to police, there was no paperwork submitted to any law enforcement agency and you never had to actually fire any shots.....because they just can't seem to understand the dynamic if there aren't dead bodies on the ground.....

Thanks again for your post.
Thank you. Can you please explain to the anti gunners that in these incidents there was no report made to police, there was no paperwork submitted to any law enforcement agency and you never had to actually fire any shots.....because they just can't seem to understand the dynamic if there aren't dead bodies on the ground......

Call the police? Oh hell no!

Why take a chance that one of the cops would be some gun grabbing dick who would arrest me for some technical violation? I know in Maryland and Virginia I was carrying illegally (but these were the only two times promise! lol) so there was no way I was going to call the cops. Even in Texas, you take a chance you are getting some Red River Wet Back, so why take the chance?

Nah, letting things end peacefully and letting by-gones be by-gones was the only reasonable thing to do.
But these are all anecdotal, and you could easily say that I just made them all up. So what is the point of even asking me?

Nah, if you say it happened to you, what can I say.

But the problem is that the answers to the survey questions concerning DGUs that were posed to gun owner was ALL anectodal.

If I asked you if you had a DGU in the past 12 months and you know the purpose of the survey is to validate gun ownership, what would you say?

I would say that yep, I had to use my gun for DGU. End of story. No further checking done. Anecdotal does not mean accurate answers. Even you say that time effects your recollections.

And I dont dispute that DGUs take place. I do dispute the claimed numbers. So I look for actual evidence that supports those numbers. So far I havent seen it.
Can you please explain to the anti gunners that in these incidents there was no report made to police, there was no paperwork submitted to any law enforcement agency and you never had to actually fire any shots.....because they just can't seem to understand the dynamic if there aren't dead bodies on the ground.....

Nah what I cant understand is why a gunner having stopped a criminal from committing a crime then chooses to not tell the police so they could at least be looking for the criminals that were stopped

Is it kinda like fuck you people who dont have a gun. I am gonna let these criminals go. Or at least run them off so they can end up at somebody elses house to commit a crime.

And the idea that the gun owner is breaking the law when the DGU takes place is supposed to completely invalidate the survey question. You cant be involved in breaking the law, then claim a lawful DGU. At least not accordig to the surveys. Which is to bad. think how the numbers could be inflated if DGUs by criminals against criminals were counted.
Is it kinda like fuck you people who dont have a gun.

Ummmm, yeah, pretty much. If you dont carry a gun to protect yourself, yeah, fuck you. While should I take the risks to protect you when you wont protect yourself?

I am gonna let these criminals go. Or at least run them off so they can end up at somebody elses house to commit a crime.

Yep, and if I was standing there while some criminal robbed your stupid ass in broad daylight, same thing happens. I watch them fuck you over.

The only way I use my gun to defend you is if I think your life is in danger...maybe.

And the idea that the gun owner is breaking the law when the DGU takes place is supposed to completely invalidate the survey question.

Why? It is still a legal defensive gun use in an of itself. No one is going to prosecute me for using a gun to defend myself just because I had it illegally at the time. They probably wouldnt even charge me, why take that chance? And even if they did charge me; better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

You cant be involved in breaking the law, then claim a lawful DGU. At least not accordig to the surveys. Which is to bad. think how the numbers could be inflated if DGUs by criminals against criminals were counted.

Lol, you libtards think everyone wants to rig stats to make themselves look good while most of us realize that the real pay off in using good stats isnt in winning some ideological argument, but it is in knowing how to manipulate and evade the harshness of the Reality we live in.

But libtards have a hatred for Truth and Reality and it is more apparent with each passing year.
ow, a libtard being sarcastic in the face of clearly contrary data to what he believes is true.

Jim, maybe you would like to share about the number of times you have had to use your gun for defensive gun uses purposes.

Most of the gun nutters have never had to do that. But I am sure you have.

So, how many times? Just curious on that.

Ive owned guns for forty years. I used mine ONCE in a Defensive Gun Use situation. And the situation was that someone had wrecked their car and showed up at my door looking for help and a phone at 2am. they never saw the gun I had because they were way to worried about the 150 pound dog I let out on them.

So maybe you could share some the harrowing stories of DGU that you have experienced. You must have a million of them. Or at least a couple thousand? How about a few dozen? Hell make some up. Its all good with a gun in your hand.

As best I can remember.....

When I lived in Grande Praire Texas, I was home on leave I was awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of two men on the balcony talking. I got my gun and opened the door, and they froze and apologized. I recognized them as two friends of my sister, but I also knew that they were low life scum criminals who did house burglaries frequently. I told them to leave, and when they tried to go past me, I waived the gun at them and said, 'No, down the way you got up.' I was not going to let them get close to me. When I told them they were going too slowly, they jumped down.

When I lived in Arlington Texas I had a woman barge into my apartment in terror, fleeing her armed boyfriend. I stepped outside with my gun and asked her to point him out and he fled at the sight of my own gun. The cops arrested him about an hour later after he locked himself in his house eating ice cream and watching the TV.

Again, In Arlington Texas, I was awakened around 2 am with about 4 men trying to break down the front door to my efficiency apartment. I opened the curtains and looked at them, showed them my gun and yelled at them I was going to start shooting through the door and they ran off.

When I lived in Maryland I had two incidents, one where a man came out into the middle of one of those bumpy back rural roads and tried to flag me down. I could see a car with the hood up and several men there looking under it. I set my gun on the dash and the dude got out of my way. I am convinced it was an ambush robbery, but regardless I was not going to take any chances. Hell if four or five guys cant fix their damned car, adding one more guy trying to get home wasnt going to solve anything for them, so I doubt that they truly needed help.

While living in Maryland I was visiting a friend at a Christmas party and drove down into some little development in Northern Virginia and this apparently drunk guy in a large truck began trying to run us off the road. If I tried to slow down, he would slow down too and then try to swerve into my little sedan, which I would avoid by breaking. He tried other maneuvers as well in a persistent attempt to get me off the road. Finally I waved my 357 at him and he took the next U-turn and fled.

Those are five I recall off the top of my head, but there maybe others that I cant remember right at the moment. I dont like thinking about those episodes as they were extremely stressful and it makes my BP go up and I feel a bit stressed also. So at 58 years of age I often have trouble recalling all these unpleasant little things. Who knows how many people have avoided me because I make no secret of the fact I carry a gun almost constantly, but since living in Virginia I have had no problems, not even a bar fight. In fact, the only real trouble I have had besides traffic offenses, was some dude called the cops on me when I was open carrying at a bar, which is legal in Virginia. Lol, they had a SWAT team leader out there, and we talked nicely, I went and put my gun in my truck and went back to the bar to finish my drink.

But so far, I have never had to fire my gun at anyone. However I am mentally and physically prepared to do so if I have to.

Several friends have had similar stories, one aborted a robbery of himself by simply lifting his shirt to show he was armed. Another woman was pushed to the ground and rolled over to reveal a gun. One black guy I know fired through his jacket with a pistol at a couple of guys that tried to rob him. There are others that are foggy and I wont embellish.

But these are all anecdotal, and you could easily say that I just made them all up. So what is the point of even asking me?

You must be quite the magnet for bad things.
ou. While should I take the risks to protect you when you wont protect yourself?

Yet you say you did EXACtLY that. (the woman with the domestic abuser story).
Why did you stand up for her?

And I take it that you just want to believe whatever makes you feel good about carrying a gun. Good for you dude. It doesnt make any fucking difference to me what you do with your guns. Stick em up your ass for all I care.

But libtards have a hatred for Truth and Reality and it is more apparent with each passing year.

this is good. You are willing to accept anectodal evidence for numbers of DGU and I asked for actual evidence.
But you think liberals have a hatred for truth and reality. LMAO. thats some funny shit and weird ass logic.
Yet you say you did EXACtLY that. (the woman with the domestic abuser story).
Why did you stand up for her?

Because she was in her jammies, soaked with tears and trembling like a leaf. I think her life was genuinely in danger.

And I take it that you just want to believe whatever makes you feel good about carrying a gun. Good for you dude. It doesnt make any fucking difference to me what you do with your guns. Stick em up your ass for all I care.

I want to believe whatever reflects the Reality I live in. I know that you are uncomfortable witht hat, but if I genuinely thoughtthat guns were more of a risk to me, I wouldnt carry one.

this is good. You are willing to accept anectodal evidence for numbers of DGU and I asked for actual evidence.
But you think liberals have a hatred for truth and reality. LMAO. thats some funny shit and weird ass logic.

Um, you axed me the question, fool.
You must be quite the magnet for bad things.
I have lived in bad areas growing up and while I worked my way through school.

I'm not a rich white yuppies kid. So shoot me.

So most of the white guys living in nice neighborhoods really don't need guns. Most defenses are in the bad neighborhoods, where legal gun ownership is low.

If you as an individual want to take that chance, sure. As long as it isnt the government mandating anything, I dont care if people do or dont.

But the reality is, no neighborhood is really safe.

Even in those 'safe white neighborhoods' you have to be wary of white robbery gangs who will kill you and bury you in a remote wooded area if you stumble upon them, for example. White neighborhoods have less crime, but the criminals tend to be more professional and willing to clear the decks of any risk.
You must be quite the magnet for bad things.
I have lived in bad areas growing up and while I worked my way through school.

I'm not a rich white yuppies kid. So shoot me.

So most of the white guys living in nice neighborhoods really don't need guns. Most defenses are in the bad neighborhoods, where legal gun ownership is low.

If you as an individual want to take that chance, sure. As long as it isnt the government mandating anything, I dont care if people do or dont.

But the reality is, no neighborhood is really safe.

Even in those 'safe white neighborhoods' you have to be wary of white robbery gangs who will kill you and bury you in a remote wooded area if you stumble upon them, for example. White neighborhoods have less crime, but the criminals tend to be more professional and willing to clear the decks of any risk.

I agree. Some people probably do need one. The woman who's ex just got out of jail and says he's gonna kill her for example. I just think this is a very safe country so these claims everyone needs a gun is false. A little common sense is about all the majority need here. The chance of being murdered randomly by a criminal is about nil.
You keep trotting out these studies about how many times guns are used for self-defense and to deter crime. Based on the number of gun owners in America, you would think that the US is one of the safest countries in the world because of private gun ownership, not the most dangerous First World Country in terms of mass shootings, crime rates, murder rates, and gun crime.

But keep lying to yourselves that guns are keeping you safe, when obviously they are not.

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