Good Guys With Guns

Although a majority of Americans support tougher gun laws...
This fails as an appeal to popularity fallacy.
such legislation canā€™t be enacted because Congress isnā€™t representative of the will of the majority of the people the consequence of gerrymandering,...
This is a lie, as there's no gerrymandering in the senate
voter suppression, and the disenfranchisement of minority voters in Republican-controlled states.
A statement you know is false.
This is a lie.

ā€˜Leftistsā€™ neither ā€˜enableā€™ violent criminals nor do they seek to ā€˜crushā€™ the rights of citizens ā€“ thatā€™s the sole purview of the right.

Liberals support Second Amendment jurisprudence, do not advocate ā€˜disarmingā€™ Americans, and possess guns themselves for lawful self-defense.

This is typical of the lies and demagoguery propagated by the dishonest right.
This is a lie.

Leftists enable criminals with policies that decriminalize many crimes.

Lets look at the looming disaster in leftist Illinois, shall we?


So yeah, leftists have decided that innocuous discretions such as second-degree murder and arson are really not such a big deal.

Liberals support second amendment jurisprudence?

No kidding? Pass that on to the governors and mayors of leftist cities who release career criminals back onto the streets.

You wonā€™t be surprised to learn that more than 80 percent of the murderers in New York City have prior arrest records. (So do about 80 percent of the victims.) As in most of the rest of the country, these criminals typically have at least one prior conviction, and, in many cases, a prior conviction for a violent crime. In Chicago, 87 percent of the killers have police records, with an average of 12 arrests by the time they are brought in for murder. In Baltimore, the average killer has 9.3 prior arrests, and a third of the murderers are on probation when they kill.

Note the locations cited: New York, Chicago, Baltimore.
yes and only those of you fortunate enough never to have been the victim of a violent crime are so naĆÆve as to think that violence doesn't exist.
The only response to violence is a gun? I am 100% for 2nd Amendment rights, but some people seem:
A) Incredibly incapable physically
B) Deathly afraid of the world ALL the time
Agree 100%. Those who support the Second Amendment enable tens of thousands of murders and suicides each year.

Thatā€™s not what the poster said.

Indeed, Second Amendment caselaw reaffirms the role of government to regulate firearms consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence, that the Second Amendment right is neither ā€˜unlimitedā€™ nor ā€˜absolute,ā€™ that the Second Amendment right is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose, and that government has the authority to impose conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.
Indeed, Second Amendment caselaw reaffirms the role of government to regulate firearms consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence...
According to the jurisprudence, what's the test to see if a regulation or restriction violates the 2nd?
When the Second Amendmentā€™s plain text covers an individualā€™s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct.

Don't worry - we all know you won't answer truthfully.
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Those who bought guns motivated by ā€˜fear of violenceā€™ did so the consequence of an unwarranted fear; and the ā€˜violenceā€™ they perceived had nothing to do with Democrats or Democratic policies.
This fails an an appeal to generalization rule.

You seem to be burdened by the leftist disease of denialism. It's really clear that leftist 'defund the police" and 'enable criminals' has been a real disaster.

Democratic voters are turning on left-wing prosecutors and congressional candidates amid a nationwide crime surge.

Late last month, Maryland voters ousted Baltimore stateā€™s attorney Marilyn Mosby (D.), who backed decarceration and defunding police even as the cityā€™s homicide rate skyrocketed. Mosby was only the latest "reform-minded" prosecutor to get the boot. San Francisco residents removed District Attorney Chesa Boudin (D.) in June after he crusaded against policing and prisons as "failed responses" to crime. Los Angeles County district attorney George GascĆ³n (D.), who has supported "shrinking the size and the role of policing," is on the verge of a recall.

It's just a party in New York.

The New York City Police Department has arrested a career criminal following an incident in which a 32-year-old man was seen on video being violently shoved onto subway tracks in Brooklyn

Not to worry. The career criminals turned loose on the public by leftist policies will continue to kill and maim.
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That and the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

Although a majority of Americans support tougher gun laws, such legislation canā€™t be enacted because Congress isnā€™t representative of the will of the majority of the people the consequence of gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the disenfranchisement of minority voters in Republican-controlled states.

Republican minority rule?

Have you checked the news? Dems control the White House with majorities in the Senate and House.

You didn't know that?

Police told the station the homeowner tried to hold the burglar ā€” but the suspect got aggressive and charged at the homeowner.

With that, the homeowner shot the suspect, WALA said, adding that the incident took place around 6:40 p.m. Tuesday in the 100 block of North Ann Street.

After getting treatment for a gunshot wound, police arrested Johnny Bullard Jr., 42, and took him to Mobile County Metro Jail, the station said.

Bullard was charged with third-degree burglary, and jail records indicate he was still behind bars as of Monday afternoon.

Police said the homeowner who pulled the trigger won't be charged at this time and that people have a right under state law to defend themselves, WALA reported.

Anything else?​

Yeah, it was lots of fun. Portland was the riot capitol of the west coast. Keftusts gave BLM a free hand to burn the cities. Cackling kamala vowed to assist with the bail for rioters.

You mean they didn't make protests (mostly peaceful) over police brutality worse by employing more police brutality. That was actually... kind of sensible.

The point to avoid this was not when angry people were already on the street. The point to avoid this was before that happened by fixing the police departments.

Trump undid all the efforts that Obama started to reform the police, and openly encouraged police misconduct.

That's why you had riots. Not because what was done to George Floyd was more egregious than what was done to Tamir Rice or Laquan McDonald or Alton Sterling or Mike Brown or Sandra Bland... but because people had just had enough of it.

President Trump made repeated offers to send in the National Guard but those offered were refused.

Actually, no. The National Guard is activated by the state. Which was done in November 2020.

The problem with activating the Guard is that the Guard really isn't a substitute for the police.

They spend about one day a year on civil disturbance training. (Or at least that's what they did when I was in the IL Guard in the 80's). If you think the police are too timid, they have nothing on the Guard, who live in mortal terror of another Kent State.

When I was in, we had this one major who was giving the class on what we could and couldn't do. And the one thing he emphasized that stuck with me.

"Those are not the enemy out there. They are your fellow citizens, they are damned angry about something and they have every right to be!"

Inflation was at 1.8% when Trump left office, Dems made quick work to ramp that up,

Um, yeah, because Trump gave us the worst recession in 80 years! Holy Shit, do you people even hear yourselves. I'm surprised you didn't try to claim all his Covid Deaths opened up job opportunities.
This is a lie.

Leftists enable criminals with policies that decriminalize many crimes.

Lets look at the looming disaster in leftist Illinois, shall we?

Again, if you can get bail for one of these offenses, then you aren't really a danger, are you?

If prosecutors think that the person is a danger or a flight risk, they can ask the judge for remand until trial.

Bail doesn't prevent crime, it penalizes poverty.

So yeah, leftists have decided that innocuous discretions such as second-degree murder and arson are really not such a big deal.

Liberals support second amendment jurisprudence?

No kidding? Pass that on to the governors and mayors of leftist cities who release career criminals back onto the streets.

Uh, this is where you are confused. Until a court of law finds you guilty of second degree murder or arson, you are considered innocent. Therefore, the government has no cause to hold you until you are found guilty by a court.

The problem with bail in this country, was that even though 30% of criminal charges are eventually dismissed, people were being held in jail for months or even years waiting for their court dates.

What is crazy is that a poor kid who stole a backpack might spend years in jail because he can't get bail, but a well-off kid who commits second degree murder can get bail. That's the current system.
That and the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

Although a majority of Americans support tougher gun laws, such legislation canā€™t be enacted because Congress isnā€™t representative of the will of the majority of the people the consequence of gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the disenfranchisement of minority voters in Republican-controlled states.

No, they donā€™t support tougher gun laws. The people polled on gun laws do not understand the issues involvedā€¦ā€¦if they did
, they would answer the poll question differently.
This is a lie.

Leftists enable criminals with policies that decriminalize many crimes.

Lets look at the looming disaster in leftist Illinois, shall we?

View attachment 718785

So yeah, leftists have decided that innocuous discretions such as second-degree murder and arson are really not such a big deal.

Liberals support second amendment jurisprudence?

No kidding? Pass that on to the governors and mayors of leftist cities who release career criminals back onto the streets.

You wonā€™t be surprised to learn that more than 80 percent of the murderers in New York City have prior arrest records. (So do about 80 percent of the victims.) As in most of the rest of the country, these criminals typically have at least one prior conviction, and, in many cases, a prior conviction for a violent crime. In Chicago, 87 percent of the killers have police records, with an average of 12 arrests by the time they are brought in for murder. In Baltimore, the average killer has 9.3 prior arrests, and a third of the murderers are on probation when they kill.

Note the locations cited: New York, Chicago, Baltimore.

And the other 20% are young people on their way to becoming repeat offendersā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.young gang members starting their careers as violent criminals.
You mean they didn't make protests (mostly peaceful) over police brutality worse by employing more police brutality. That was actually... kind of sensible.

The point to avoid this was not when angry people were already on the street. The point to avoid this was before that happened by fixing the police departments.

Trump undid all the efforts that Obama started to reform the police, and openly encouraged police misconduct.

That's why you had riots. Not because what was done to George Floyd was more egregious than what was done to Tamir Rice or Laquan McDonald or Alton Sterling or Mike Brown or Sandra Bland... but because people had just had enough of it.

Actually, no. The National Guard is activated by the state. Which was done in November 2020.

The problem with activating the Guard is that the Guard really isn't a substitute for the police.

They spend about one day a year on civil disturbance training. (Or at least that's what they did when I was in the IL Guard in the 80's). If you think the police are too timid, they have nothing on the Guard, who live in mortal terror of another Kent State.

When I was in, we had this one major who was giving the class on what we could and couldn't do. And the one thing he emphasized that stuck with me.

"Those are not the enemy out there. They are your fellow citizens, they are damned angry about something and they have every right to be!"

Um, yeah, because Trump gave us the worst recession in 80 years! Holy Shit, do you people even hear yourselves. I'm surprised you didn't try to claim all his Covid Deaths opened up job opportunities.
You mean leftists enabled and furthered riots and looting.

This is so typical of the malformed leftist psyche. Leftists encouraged rioting and looting and then made every attempt deny responsibility. The whole ''sumner of love'' notion was a total capitulation to morons who were given a free hand by thieves, anarchists and the mentally feeble.

Your debilitating TDS has you slathering more nonsense. Yes, predident Trump haunts your world. Your every thought is guided by the shadow of Trump.

However, the leftist, ''I blame Trump'' syndrome requires therapy for you folks.

You have leftist policies to thank for the failed Biden economy. Don't believe that anyone else is responsible for your failures,
You mean leftists enabled and furthered riots and looting.

This is so typical of the malformed leftist psyche. Leftists encouraged rioting and looting and then made every attempt deny responsibility. The whole ''sumner of love'' notion was a total capitulation to morons who were given a free hand by thieves, anarchists and the mentally feeble.

Uh, no, sorry, sweetie... those riots happened because we didn't address the issue of racist cops murdering black people.
That's why those riots happened.
You were not going to make them less bad by murdering more black people.

Now, frankly, it would have been nice if we addressed the issue when Colin took a knee, rather than destroying the poor man's career.

But we didn't. We did what we always do... let the problem fester until their is an inciting incident, and only care when they threaten to break white people's stuff.

Your debilitating TDS has you slathering more nonsense. Yes, predident Trump haunts your world. Your every thought is guided by the shadow of Trump.

However, the leftist, ''I blame Trump'' syndrome requires therapy for you folks.

Uh, yeah. Massive deaths, lockdowns, riots, double digit unemployment... I would have a hard time identifying a president whose been more devastating than Trump. Maybe James Buchanan.

You have leftist policies to thank for the failed Biden economy. Don't believe that anyone else is responsible for your failures,

The last two years have been the best years of my life economically. I increased my salary substantially, my side business is doing so much better than it was under Trump, and I was even able to afford an upgrade in my home. Oh, I guess gas prices would bother me if I owned a big old gas-guzzling SUV, but I have a nice, practical car that gets good gas mileage.
You mean leftists enabled and furthered riots and looting.

This is so typical of the malformed leftist psyche. Leftists encouraged rioting and looting and then made every attempt deny responsibility. The whole ''sumner of love'' notion was a total capitulation to morons who were given a free hand by thieves, anarchists and the mentally feeble.

Your debilitating TDS has you slathering more nonsense. Yes, predident Trump haunts your world. Your every thought is guided by the shadow of Trump.

However, the leftist, ''I blame Trump'' syndrome requires therapy for you folks.

You have leftist policies to thank for the failed Biden economy. Don't believe that anyone else is responsible for your failures,

Exactly, the democrat party used blm and antifa for 7 months to burn, loot and murder in black neighborhoods in order to hurt Trump in the election....that is the truth, joe knows it, and lies in order to protect the democrat party, the party of slave owning, civil war, misogyny, and hate.
Exactly, the democrat party used blm and antifa for 7 months to burn, loot and murder in black neighborhoods in order to hurt Trump in the election....that is the truth, joe knows it, and lies in order to protect the democrat party, the party of slave owning, civil war, misogyny, and hate.

Actually, most of the Demonstrations were over by August.
Most of the demonstrations were peaceful.
Only about 50 people died as a result of BLM demonstrations, most of them demonstrators killed by police.
400,000 people died of Covid. 65 million lost their jobs. That's why Trump got voted out of office.
Uh, no, sorry, sweetie... those riots happened because we didn't address the issue of racist cops murdering black people.
That's why those riots happened.
You were not going to make them less bad by murdering more black people.

Now, frankly, it would have been nice if we addressed the issue when Colin took a knee, rather than destroying the poor man's career.

But we didn't. We did what we always do... let the problem fester until their is an inciting incident, and only care when they threaten to break white people's stuff.

Uh, yeah. Massive deaths, lockdowns, riots, double digit unemployment... I would have a hard time identifying a president whose been more devastating than Trump. Maybe James Buchanan.

The last two years have been the best years of my life economically. I increased my salary substantially, my side business is doing so much better than it was under Trump, and I was even able to afford an upgrade in my home. Oh, I guess gas prices would bother me if I owned a big old gas-guzzling SUV, but I have a nice, practical car that gets good gas mileage.
Umm, sorry pumpkin. BLM riots were about anarchy and looting.

The motivations of BLM'ers wasn't some ''I'm oppressed by
the man', nonsense as you silly hippies try to represent. Let go of the 1960's.... dude.

Your BLM heroes were wannabe socialists and among the more physically repulsive people on the planet.


These are your heroes.
The only response to violence is a gun? I am 100% for 2nd Amendment rights, but some people seem:
A) Incredibly incapable physically
B) Deathly afraid of the world ALL the time
A gun is the single most effective tool for self defense.

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