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Nov 22, 2003

Post details: Bush 7, Axis of Weasels 1
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Permalink 01:29:03 pm, Categories: News, War on Terror, Historic events, Politics, Bush administration
Bush 7, Axis of Weasels 1

Bush in cowboy hatIs it OK to gloat now?

Since President Bush was elected, a favorite criticism from Democrats and other liberals in this country has been that we're hated by the rest of the world because we've got this go-it-alone, simplisme cowboy running our country. Enlightened socialist leaders (particularly those in France, Germany, and Spain--aka The Axis of Weasels) have delighted in trash-talking the US and Bush while doing their best to undermine the War on Terror.

Now it's time to evaluate what their nuanced strategy has accomplished:

Elections resulting in a Bush win

* John Howard re-elected for an historic fourth term in 2004
* Hamid Karzai elected in 2004 in Afghanistan's first democratic election
* George Bush re-elected in 2004 in an election that leaves Republicans in control of Congress, the Senate, most state governorships, and with an excellent chance to reshape the Supreme Court
* Iraq holds first democratic election in its history in 2005
* Tony Blair re-elected for an historic third term in 2005
* Junichiro Koizumi and his LDP party in 2005 win a landslide mandate
* Angela Merkel defeats Gerhard Schroeder today and thus one of the back-stabbing, America-bashing members of the Axis of Weasels goes down to defeat!

Elections resulting in an Axis of Weasels win

* Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero wins election as Spanish voters capitulate to Al-Qaeda
* I think that's it for the weasels... Oh wait, there was that vote for the E.U. constitution that Chirac wanted to win so badly--well actually the weasels lost that one too. But, hey, at least Chirac's still in office. . .for now.

[Edit] Welcome InstaPundit readers! Settle in and stay awhile.

[Edit] Commenter Andrea Walden informs me that "Fogh Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark, has also been re-elected, and they have had about 500 or so troops in Iraq." So now it's Bush 8, AoW 1.

[Edit] Score one for the AoW! Norway's Jens Stoltenberg won election last week, so the tally is Bush 8, AoW 2 (hat tip to commenters Finnpundit & George). And thanks also to Pixy Misa for pointing out that Howard won his fourth term, not third (now corrected).
This is pretty interesting. I never really thought about it but it looks like President Bush is having a conservative affect on the rest of the world.

I especially though so last week when Tony Blair who was a huge supporter of the Kyoto accords that would cripple any capitalist nations economy actually stood up and said that the agreement is completely unreasonable. I think President Bush is having a conservative effect on him.

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