Good News For A Change - Man Saves Baby In China


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
We hear so much bad news day after day that I thought I'd post something refreshing and positive for a change. A baby climbs out onto a second story ledge then falls. A man in the street sees what's about to happen and catches the baby. Does a pretty good job of it too. It took a little, last-minute, hand-eye coordination.

[ame=]Man Catches Baby Falling From Building in China || FULL VIDEO - YouTube[/ame]

This is the dramatic moment a passerby miraculously catches a one-year-old baby who fell from a second-storey window ledge.

CCTV cameras show the man, known as Mr Li, looking upwards in terror just before the infant drops into view in a street in China.

Despite pouring rain, the hero somehow manages to cling on to the baby just inches before it would have hit the ground.
Chinese man CATCHES A BABY falling from window ledge in pouring rain | Mail Online

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