good news from ISRAEL as they get another DOOMSDAY submarine

The only way to do that may be to charbroil those hands at 10,000 degrees.

So you're a wannabe genocidal monster, hoping to rack up a body count to beat Hitler and Stalin.

Enjoy hell.
1 FORMER president called for it. Get it right and as usual its not what he said. No nation would commit suicide with 1 nuke vs 300.
Because you're an atheist twit it's lost on you what people are willing to do when they think they'll go to heaven for it.
Not an Atheist,and yes I know what PEOPLE not a NATION would do. Its why these people are elected to office the president of Iran is a moderate the PM of Israel is a whack job with an itchy trigger finger.
The mullahs and the supreme leader run Iran. A little education in geopolitics couldn't hurt, you know. people are like a scared little puppy hiding in the corner....grow a set will ya!?
My balls or lack thereof has nothing to do with the discussion. I see you got nothing to offer but ignorance.

And racism and anti semitism.
Really where is the "racism" and "anti semitism" you see? You can't take the heat....period. Iran with one POSSIBLE nuclear weapon vs Israel with over 300 VERIFIED nuclear weapons is not much of a big problem. Iran is NOT the issue Israel is the issue with their chest thumping and threats to other nations in the region.
Because you're an atheist twit it's lost on you what people are willing to do when they think they'll go to heaven for it.
Not an Atheist,and yes I know what PEOPLE not a NATION would do. Its why these people are elected to office the president of Iran is a moderate the PM of Israel is a whack job with an itchy trigger finger.
The mullahs and the supreme leader run Iran. A little education in geopolitics couldn't hurt, you know. people are like a scared little puppy hiding in the corner....grow a set will ya!?
My balls or lack thereof has nothing to do with the discussion. I see you got nothing to offer but ignorance.

And racism and anti semitism.
Really where is the "racism" and "anti semitism" you see? You can't take the heat....period. Iran with one POSSIBLE nuclear weapon vs Israel with over 300 VERIFIED nuclear weapons is not much of a big problem. Iran is NOT the issue Israel is the issue with their chest thumping and threats to other nations in the region.
There's no verified number of nukes in Israel's arsenal, and when one nuke can wipe out Tel Aviv, it can be said that both nations face an existential threat. The only difference is, Israel doesn't have in its charter the complete annihilation of another nation. The only thing making Israel the threat in your mind is your unmitigated Jew hate.
might be Jew hate , I don't know but I don't know where this number of 300 VERIFIED nukes in Israel's arsenal come from Odium . Everything I ever heard was that Israel is non committal and has never even admitted to having any nukes at all Odium !!

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