Good News in the fight for 15.

Again, you live in a fantasy where Scrooge McDuck swims in a pool of gold coins.

You have no grasp of reality.

So they will happily lose money. Figuring that losing a couple of bucks per order will even out, they can make it up with volume, right?

Interesting note that even In&Out was stung by the California hike. Though already starting at a relative high way, $9.60, the jump to $10.50 (and eventually to $15) punishes the Seasoned workers the most. Those who have worked hard for raises are now at minimum. Perhaps the biggest problem is that In&Out workers now make no more than those at Taco Bell or McDonalds. The incentive to work in the high productivity, high stress environment of In&Out has been destroyed.

But you're working hard to turn it into the USSR.

The problem is that you are abjectly ignorant. You have no grasp at all of the concepts at play. You don't know what marginal contribution is, no doubt you think EBIT is a cockney wrestler....
Well thank you for calling me ignorant and defining for me what I know and don't know in the most arrogant of ways. Reread you post to me and see how much of a dipshit you are please.
I've started 6 companies in my lifetime and am very familiar with company operations at all levels. Don't lecture me with your half cocked theories and don't dictate to me what I know and don't know. I've stated before that I think $15 is too high for a nationwide mandate and think each state should be left to set the minimum that is appropriate for their SOL. $7.25 is a joke and I would support a $10-$12 an hour minimum wage as a national base and let the states that want $15 take it from there.

Your regurgitated talking points are full of flaws. You act like you are trying to protect the workers but what you are really doing is sticking up for the richies at the top.
With smart budgeting and tweaking their business plan they can easily increase the wages they pay their workers. Competition forces companies to do this all the time. This is not much different.

So mr. Know it all I have started six businesses, tell us how a small business with maybe a few employees and a small profit margin is going to meet the expectations of a fifteen dollar an hour wage? Should the owner work for nothing?
Small business is a tough situation. I'd say if wages are below minimum standards, which they mostly are in the start up phase, then workers would receive a profit share, equity, or bonus plan. I never claimed to know it all, but I get tired of dumbshits in this forum calling me ignorant while they spout off mindless talking points. I listen to everybody's ideas objectively.

And yes, as a biz owner I've worked many years for no pay
If you have worked as a business owner for "many years" for no pay you are a seriously one of the stupidest people ever to be born.
You clearly do not understand what it takes to run a small business.

This is the chief problem - that is what it takes to build a real and true asset. Sometimes you have to work for next to nothing for a long time to build it. Then, AFTER it is an asset, people demand that they deserve a piece of it.
I started the only hobby shop in my town when I was 18. I sold it for a good profit two years later. I then started the only equipment rental business in town and sold it four years later. I started the first pizza take-out in my town.
Then I got into FF franchises.
At one point I owned five of them. I sold them all and retired years ago.
Two points:
The biggest fucking problem I had in the FF outlets was finding clean, well mannered, sober, honest, hard working staff. I eventually learned to only hire mature people who already had some sort of pension. No fucking LIB punks needed to apply.
The hobby shop and the rental businesses are still ticking along.
All five FF outlets make or lose money depending on the seasons. The yearly net profit margin is about 1-2%.
The number one reason for their success is the quality of the employees, some who have worked at the same businesses for decades.
Second point: From the day I opened the door to the hobby shop my business model included me taking home a liveable salary.
YOU claimed to take home NO money for YEARS! You are/were obviously doing something wrong.
Well thank you for calling me ignorant and defining for me what I know and don't know in the most arrogant of ways. Reread you post to me and see how much of a dipshit you are please.
I've started 6 companies in my lifetime and am very familiar with company operations at all levels. Don't lecture me with your half cocked theories and don't dictate to me what I know and don't know. I've stated before that I think $15 is too high for a nationwide mandate and think each state should be left to set the minimum that is appropriate for their SOL. $7.25 is a joke and I would support a $10-$12 an hour minimum wage as a national base and let the states that want $15 take it from there.

Your regurgitated talking points are full of flaws. You act like you are trying to protect the workers but what you are really doing is sticking up for the richies at the top.
With smart budgeting and tweaking their business plan they can easily increase the wages they pay their workers. Competition forces companies to do this all the time. This is not much different.

So mr. Know it all I have started six businesses, tell us how a small business with maybe a few employees and a small profit margin is going to meet the expectations of a fifteen dollar an hour wage? Should the owner work for nothing?
Small business is a tough situation. I'd say if wages are below minimum standards, which they mostly are in the start up phase, then workers would receive a profit share, equity, or bonus plan. I never claimed to know it all, but I get tired of dumbshits in this forum calling me ignorant while they spout off mindless talking points. I listen to everybody's ideas objectively.

And yes, as a biz owner I've worked many years for no pay
If you have worked as a business owner for "many years" for no pay you are a seriously one of the stupidest people ever to be born.
You clearly do not understand what it takes to run a small business.

This is the chief problem - that is what it takes to build a real and true asset. Sometimes you have to work for next to nothing for a long time to build it. Then, AFTER it is an asset, people demand that they deserve a piece of it.
Then I got into FF franchises.
At one point I owned five of them. I sold them all and retired years ago.
When do you stop lying about owning FF frsnchises, boi? Earlier, you claimed you sold "seven" such businesses...

I'm 68 years old. I sold my seven FF franchises when I was 57 and retired a multimillionaire.
I was reading an article today about how middle wage jobs are disappearing and not being replaced. Soon their will be two classes of jobs. Low income and High income only.
Please post the article. Thank you.
I will post it on Monday. It's on my computer at work. Sent in daily work related updates.

Industries article refered to as bright spots are low wage/skill and are hospitality and leisure

National expert says despite New Mexico energy job cuts, these industries are bright spots - New York Telegraph

Key quote...

“With 14 million net new jobs created since the crisis, I would consider our economy close to full employment,” said George. “There are nearly 6 million job openings in the US currently, but the recovery hasn’t been spread across evenly. The share of workers in middle-skill jobs has fallen sharply … the equivalent of 22 million jobs have moved from middle to either high or low skilled occupations.”

According to a report from Accenture and Harvard Business Review, middle-skills jobs can encompass a wide array of occupations, but generally refer to those that require at least a high school diploma, but less than a four-year college degree. And at least one study has found that middle-skills jobs in New Mexico outnumber workers, leaving positions unfilled.
Last edited:

You're apparently too much of an idiot to understand the futility of comparing different car makes & models between now and 40 years ago. There are simply far too many variances to provide a valid comparison. That's just one reason items such as milk, burgers, etc., offer much greater consistency when comparing value over time.

At about 0.25¢ a McDonald's burger, a person earning minimum wage in 1977 could buy 9 burgers for an hour's worth of labor. Today, a person earning minimum wage could purchase only 7.



Poor leftist fool.

So, the fact that the purchasing power of minimum wage today is significantly greater than minimum wage in in 1976 is irrelevant to you because, uh, OBMAMA AKBAR...

Oh, and how may gallons of milk could you buy with an hour of work in 1976? What about today? How about furniture?
The fact you got a winner and thank you tag on this post is funny... You are using the concept of value in an economic system to try and sound smart but you are using it out of context making you sound stupid.

I have a question per your arguments... What makes minimum wage work worth $7.25 of value in your example?

Unskilled labor is valued based on the productivity produced. We use what is called the demand curve to illustrate the demand for labor at any given price point.


What makes unskilled labor worth $7.25 is the adjustment of the demand curve. The market itself levelled to the point that the number of dollars used to purchase a unit (hour) of unskilled labor is equal to the marginal value contributed by that labor.

And this is the concept that you cannot grasp, the marginal contribution is not a product of fiat currency. Edicts that more currency be expended to obtain the same marginal value MUST devalue said currency.

The only actual value is that in the unit of unskilled labor, currency is simply a marker. Because this is true, forcing $15 tomorrow to purchase what costs $7.25 today must cause the $15 tomorrow to have the same purchasing power as $7.25 today.

Leftism is predicated by abject ignorance of economics. You are a prime example of this,
Well thank you for calling me ignorant and defining for me what I know and don't know in the most arrogant of ways. Reread you post to me and see how much of a dipshit you are please.
I've started 6 companies in my lifetime and am very familiar with company operations at all levels. Don't lecture me with your half cocked theories and don't dictate to me what I know and don't know. I've stated before that I think $15 is too high for a nationwide mandate and think each state should be left to set the minimum that is appropriate for their SOL. $7.25 is a joke and I would support a $10-$12 an hour minimum wage as a national base and let the states that want $15 take it from there.

Your regurgitated talking points are full of flaws. You act like you are trying to protect the workers but what you are really doing is sticking up for the richies at the top.
With smart budgeting and tweaking their business plan they can easily increase the wages they pay their workers. Competition forces companies to do this all the time. This is not much different.

So mr. Know it all I have started six businesses, tell us how a small business with maybe a few employees and a small profit margin is going to meet the expectations of a fifteen dollar an hour wage? Should the owner work for nothing?
Small business is a tough situation. I'd say if wages are below minimum standards, which they mostly are in the start up phase, then workers would receive a profit share, equity, or bonus plan. I never claimed to know it all, but I get tired of dumbshits in this forum calling me ignorant while they spout off mindless talking points. I listen to everybody's ideas objectively.

And yes, as a biz owner I've worked many years for no pay
If you have worked as a business owner for "many years" for no pay you are a seriously one of the stupidest people ever to be born.
I'd say the majority of start ups are founded on sweat equity, funny you call me stupid while making a completely ignorant statement.
You claimed you worked for YEARS!!!!! and didn't take home any money.
You have to be the dumbest person on the planet.
And you sir have no concept of what it takes to start a business. I'd assume upwards of 90% of business owners take differed income while starting their business
Well thank you for calling me ignorant and defining for me what I know and don't know in the most arrogant of ways. Reread you post to me and see how much of a dipshit you are please.
I've started 6 companies in my lifetime and am very familiar with company operations at all levels. Don't lecture me with your half cocked theories and don't dictate to me what I know and don't know. I've stated before that I think $15 is too high for a nationwide mandate and think each state should be left to set the minimum that is appropriate for their SOL. $7.25 is a joke and I would support a $10-$12 an hour minimum wage as a national base and let the states that want $15 take it from there.

Your regurgitated talking points are full of flaws. You act like you are trying to protect the workers but what you are really doing is sticking up for the richies at the top.
With smart budgeting and tweaking their business plan they can easily increase the wages they pay their workers. Competition forces companies to do this all the time. This is not much different.

So mr. Know it all I have started six businesses, tell us how a small business with maybe a few employees and a small profit margin is going to meet the expectations of a fifteen dollar an hour wage? Should the owner work for nothing?
Small business is a tough situation. I'd say if wages are below minimum standards, which they mostly are in the start up phase, then workers would receive a profit share, equity, or bonus plan. I never claimed to know it all, but I get tired of dumbshits in this forum calling me ignorant while they spout off mindless talking points. I listen to everybody's ideas objectively.

And yes, as a biz owner I've worked many years for no pay
If you have worked as a business owner for "many years" for no pay you are a seriously one of the stupidest people ever to be born.
You clearly do not understand what it takes to run a small business.

This is the chief problem - that is what it takes to build a real and true asset. Sometimes you have to work for next to nothing for a long time to build it. Then, AFTER it is an asset, people demand that they deserve a piece of it.
I started the only hobby shop in my town when I was 18. I sold it for a good profit two years later. I then started the only equipment rental business in town and sold it four years later. I started the first pizza take-out in my town.
Then I got into FF franchises.
At one point I owned five of them. I sold them all and retired years ago.
Two points:
The biggest fucking problem I had in the FF outlets was finding clean, well mannered, sober, honest, hard working staff. I eventually learned to only hire mature people who already had some sort of pension. No fucking LIB punks needed to apply.
The hobby shop and the rental businesses are still ticking along.
All five FF outlets make or lose money depending on the seasons. The yearly net profit margin is about 1-2%.
The number one reason for their success is the quality of the employees, some who have worked at the same businesses for decades.
Second point: From the day I opened the door to the hobby shop my business model included me taking home a liveable salary.
YOU claimed to take home NO money for YEARS! You are/were obviously doing something wrong.
Different businesses have different business models. Franchises are cookie cutter businesses in a box that you buy into, so of course you have a salary right out the gate... But if profits don't cover payroll then that money comes out of the owners pocket... It's the nature of being a business owner.
The fact you got a winner and thank you tag on this post is funny... You are using the concept of value in an economic system to try and sound smart but you are using it out of context making you sound stupid.

I have a question per your arguments... What makes minimum wage work worth $7.25 of value in your example?

Unskilled labor is valued based on the productivity produced. We use what is called the demand curve to illustrate the demand for labor at any given price point.


What makes unskilled labor worth $7.25 is the adjustment of the demand curve. The market itself levelled to the point that the number of dollars used to purchase a unit (hour) of unskilled labor is equal to the marginal value contributed by that labor.

And this is the concept that you cannot grasp, the marginal contribution is not a product of fiat currency. Edicts that more currency be expended to obtain the same marginal value MUST devalue said currency.

The only actual value is that in the unit of unskilled labor, currency is simply a marker. Because this is true, forcing $15 tomorrow to purchase what costs $7.25 today must cause the $15 tomorrow to have the same purchasing power as $7.25 today.

Leftism is predicated by abject ignorance of economics. You are a prime example of this,
Again you are way out of context with this one. If our entire economy and workforce took a 100% raise then your concept of value is valid. This situation is different. First of all nobody is talking about doubling the min wage tomorrow. The raise needs to be progressive. Second, the money for the wage hike isn't new money coming into the economy and causing inflation, it is money being redistributed from the top to the bottom. We need our middle class wages to go up as well, unfortunately we live in a day where we have so much supply for workers and little demand so companies have little incentive to raise wages.

Yes, this will make things a little tougher for business owners that don't already compensate employees with a livable wage. In my opinion any business that pays their employees less than $10 an hour in today's world is ripping off their workers and needs a kick in the butt.
Again you are way out of context with this one. If our entire economy and workforce took a 100% raise then your concept of value is valid. This situation is different. First of all nobody is talking about doubling the min wage tomorrow. The raise needs to be progressive. Second, the money for the wage hike isn't new money coming into the economy and causing inflation, it is money being redistributed from the top to the bottom. We need our middle class wages to go up as well, unfortunately we live in a day where we have so much supply for workers and little demand so companies have little incentive to raise wages.

Yes, this will make things a little tougher for business owners that don't already compensate employees with a livable wage. In my opinion any business that pays their employees less than $10 an hour in today's world is ripping off their workers and needs a kick in the butt.

Ignorant rubbish.

Joan Kroc doesn't pay one dime to the counter help at McDonald's. That you have a fantasy of robbing the rich to stuff your own pockets merely reveals the depths of your ignorance.

The Robin Hood fallacy is just that, a fallacy. All increases in labor costs will be passed on to consumers - 100% of them. These "rich" you fantasize about stealing from don't eat at McDonald's and will not bear the increased costs.

You live in a fantasy world surrounded by your own abject ignorance.
And they bear no responsibility for that?
And by the way, who supported you through your many years of starting 6 companies and you didn't pay yourself? Why so many companies?
Too true , too true.

But , there is a balancing point, a minimum wage that both pays a fair wage for what are mostly menial jobs and doesn't upset the equilibrium of the economy.

Since the minimum wage is currently 78% of what is was through the 60s and 70s we KNOW that we can raise it at least 22% without upsetting the equilibrium. In point of fact, the current minimum wage is worth 64% of what it was worth in 1968, meaning a 36% increase is feasible. So let's just say $10 an hour and then tie it directly to inflation and be done with it. You would NEVER have to listen to this argument again.

Why are people so binary thinking? "$15 an hour is too much, so we won't support ANY raise" fucking morons.

The number of workers at minimum is at historic lows, which indicates that market mechanisms already address the pay question. (Plenty of graphs have been posted in this thread showing this.) Minimum wage is not meant to be a "living wage" to raise a family on. It is the wage paid to the lowest skilled workers in the pool.
Charts have also been posted showing how many people are being paid the minimum wage and many are trying to support themselves or their families on it. So the tax payers pick up the slack. Many states have been responsible and upped their minimum to a more realistic standard. I still think this should be the case, but there shouldn't be this much resistance for the Feds to set a national standard at $10-$12 and letting the states take it from there.
For my first company I worked a restaurant job and built the business in my spare time, my second business has always provided steady pay and flexible time so I could work on other ventures. I do a lot of networking and work with other entrepreneurs, I haven't met one that's started a company without differing pay
Then you haven't met any business owner who has a fucking clue about operating a business.
Bank manager: "So I've been looking at your business model and I see you haven't factored in any salary for you. How do you expect to live? If you have any other source of income I don't see them listed here. If you do have other sources of income why are you here asking for a loan?" Any bank manager in the country would at this point tell you to fuck off.
You're either a fucking liar or the fucking dumbest (cough) business owner on the planet.
As for your 'internet' business owners who also claim they 'differ' getting paid I'd like to know what 'businesses they are running. LOLOL! Watch any of those 'Shark Tank shows. The first thing they ask is are you going to be able to pay yourself? If the idiot says "no not now but hopefully sometime in the future" the EXTREMELY wealthy entrepreneurs basically tell the fool to get lost..............EVERY TIME!!!!!!!
R+D?, Manufacturing?, Pharmaceuticals? Car wash?
More like "I'll pick your dog shit up once a week off your lawn".
Again you are way out of context with this one. If our entire economy and workforce took a 100% raise then your concept of value is valid. This situation is different. First of all nobody is talking about doubling the min wage tomorrow. The raise needs to be progressive. Second, the money for the wage hike isn't new money coming into the economy and causing inflation, it is money being redistributed from the top to the bottom. We need our middle class wages to go up as well, unfortunately we live in a day where we have so much supply for workers and little demand so companies have little incentive to raise wages.

Yes, this will make things a little tougher for business owners that don't already compensate employees with a livable wage. In my opinion any business that pays their employees less than $10 an hour in today's world is ripping off their workers and needs a kick in the butt.

Ignorant rubbish.

Joan Kroc doesn't pay one dime to the counter help at McDonald's. That you have a fantasy of robbing the rich to stuff your own pockets merely reveals the depths of your ignorance.

The Robin Hood fallacy is just that, a fallacy. All increases in labor costs will be passed on to consumers - 100% of them. These "rich" you fantasize about stealing from don't eat at McDonald's and will not bear the increased costs.

You live in a fantasy world surrounded by your own abject ignorance.

That is not exactly true, and of course you know it.

If it were true, everytime a McDonalds employee got a raise, that McDonalds would raise their prices. Our local McDonalds recently changed owners, the first thing the new owners did was raise their starting wage from $8.25 to $9 an hour. They advertised this change with a huge sign out front. They didn't change menu prices one bit.
Again you are way out of context with this one. If our entire economy and workforce took a 100% raise then your concept of value is valid. This situation is different. First of all nobody is talking about doubling the min wage tomorrow. The raise needs to be progressive. Second, the money for the wage hike isn't new money coming into the economy and causing inflation, it is money being redistributed from the top to the bottom. We need our middle class wages to go up as well, unfortunately we live in a day where we have so much supply for workers and little demand so companies have little incentive to raise wages.

Yes, this will make things a little tougher for business owners that don't already compensate employees with a livable wage. In my opinion any business that pays their employees less than $10 an hour in today's world is ripping off their workers and needs a kick in the butt.

Ignorant rubbish.

Joan Kroc doesn't pay one dime to the counter help at McDonald's. That you have a fantasy of robbing the rich to stuff your own pockets merely reveals the depths of your ignorance.

The Robin Hood fallacy is just that, a fallacy. All increases in labor costs will be passed on to consumers - 100% of them. These "rich" you fantasize about stealing from don't eat at McDonald's and will not bear the increased costs.

You live in a fantasy world surrounded by your own abject ignorance.
Not true... Prices may go up slightly but the smart biz owners will rebudget all areas of their business to make it work and still remain price competitive in the marketplace... Wake up call... If you want wages to increase and more jobs back in America them there is going to be an increase in product prices... There is no way to avoid that.
And they bear no responsibility for that?
And by the way, who supported you through your many years of starting 6 companies and you didn't pay yourself? Why so many companies?
Too true , too true.

But , there is a balancing point, a minimum wage that both pays a fair wage for what are mostly menial jobs and doesn't upset the equilibrium of the economy.

Since the minimum wage is currently 78% of what is was through the 60s and 70s we KNOW that we can raise it at least 22% without upsetting the equilibrium. In point of fact, the current minimum wage is worth 64% of what it was worth in 1968, meaning a 36% increase is feasible. So let's just say $10 an hour and then tie it directly to inflation and be done with it. You would NEVER have to listen to this argument again.

Why are people so binary thinking? "$15 an hour is too much, so we won't support ANY raise" fucking morons.

The number of workers at minimum is at historic lows, which indicates that market mechanisms already address the pay question. (Plenty of graphs have been posted in this thread showing this.) Minimum wage is not meant to be a "living wage" to raise a family on. It is the wage paid to the lowest skilled workers in the pool.
Charts have also been posted showing how many people are being paid the minimum wage and many are trying to support themselves or their families on it. So the tax payers pick up the slack. Many states have been responsible and upped their minimum to a more realistic standard. I still think this should be the case, but there shouldn't be this much resistance for the Feds to set a national standard at $10-$12 and letting the states take it from there.
For my first company I worked a restaurant job and built the business in my spare time, my second business has always provided steady pay and flexible time so I could work on other ventures. I do a lot of networking and work with other entrepreneurs, I haven't met one that's started a company without differing pay
Then you haven't met any business owner who has a fucking clue about operating a business.
Bank manager: "So I've been looking at your business model and I see you haven't factored in any salary for you. How do you expect to live? If you have any other source of income I don't see them listed here. If you do have other sources of income why are you here asking for a loan?" Any bank manager in the country would at this point tell you to fuck off.
You're either a fucking liar or the fucking dumbest (cough) business owner on the planet.
As for your 'internet' business owners who also claim they 'differ' getting paid I'd like to know what 'businesses they are running. LOLOL! Watch any of those 'Shark Tank shows. The first thing they ask is are you going to be able to pay yourself? If the idiot says "no not now but hopefully sometime in the future" the EXTREMELY wealthy entrepreneurs basically tell the fool to get lost..............EVERY TIME!!!!!!!
R+D?, Manufacturing?, Pharmaceuticals? Car wash?
More like "I'll pick your dog shit up once a week off your lawn".
Haha, yes watch shark tank, any entrepreneur that is taking a big salary and hasn't gone through the blood sweat and tears it takes to get that business off the ground, gets destroyed. Of course owner salary is budgeted in to the business model but it comes after a certain point. You're a retired retailer/franchisee with a closed arguementitive mind... I dont expect you to understand or agree but this arguement is pretty rediculous.
As the Lefties like to say, "The science is SETTLED; there is no more time for discussion!"

The economic science tells us the following: Any time the price of a commodity is artificially increased to exceed its economic value there will be three results:

(1) The consumers of the commodity will use less of it (reduced employees and hours);

(2) The consumers of the commodity will seek out alternatives (automation, outsourcing); and

(3) A black market will be created (employment of under-the-counter workers).

Why $15/hour, you niggardly bastards? Why not $20? Why not $25? If this is how one creates prosperity, why settle for half-measures?
I think your points are invalid because people need to eat and automation will happen regardless of wages.

Personally I think minimum wage should be at least $20/hour in America. Raising the minimum wage would be a huge boon to our economy and bring countless people out of the poor house and into the middle class.

I think the majority of the opposition to raising the minimum wage is due to childish jealousy.
Again you are way out of context with this one. If our entire economy and workforce took a 100% raise then your concept of value is valid. This situation is different. First of all nobody is talking about doubling the min wage tomorrow. The raise needs to be progressive. Second, the money for the wage hike isn't new money coming into the economy and causing inflation, it is money being redistributed from the top to the bottom. We need our middle class wages to go up as well, unfortunately we live in a day where we have so much supply for workers and little demand so companies have little incentive to raise wages.

Yes, this will make things a little tougher for business owners that don't already compensate employees with a livable wage. In my opinion any business that pays their employees less than $10 an hour in today's world is ripping off their workers and needs a kick in the butt.

Ignorant rubbish.

Joan Kroc doesn't pay one dime to the counter help at McDonald's. That you have a fantasy of robbing the rich to stuff your own pockets merely reveals the depths of your ignorance.

The Robin Hood fallacy is just that, a fallacy. All increases in labor costs will be passed on to consumers - 100% of them. These "rich" you fantasize about stealing from don't eat at McDonald's and will not bear the increased costs.

You live in a fantasy world surrounded by your own abject ignorance.

That is not exactly true, and of course you know it.

If it were true, everytime a McDonalds employee got a raise, that McDonalds would raise their prices. Our local McDonalds recently changed owners, the first thing the new owners did was raise their starting wage from $8.25 to $9 an hour. They advertised this change with a huge sign out front. They didn't change menu prices one bit.
Then they have cut services. Probably in areas that aren't noticeable to the average customer.
Best cost saving comes from using meat with a higher fat content. Cheaper. The burgers get smaller and you have to buy two or three to get the satisfaction you used to get from one. But beyond a certain point you have to make the buns smaller, too, or it becomes too obvious. Unless, of course, you make the burgers thinner rather than of smaller diameter.
So mr. Know it all I have started six businesses, tell us how a small business with maybe a few employees and a small profit margin is going to meet the expectations of a fifteen dollar an hour wage? Should the owner work for nothing?
Small business is a tough situation. I'd say if wages are below minimum standards, which they mostly are in the start up phase, then workers would receive a profit share, equity, or bonus plan. I never claimed to know it all, but I get tired of dumbshits in this forum calling me ignorant while they spout off mindless talking points. I listen to everybody's ideas objectively.

And yes, as a biz owner I've worked many years for no pay
If you have worked as a business owner for "many years" for no pay you are a seriously one of the stupidest people ever to be born.
I'd say the majority of start ups are founded on sweat equity, funny you call me stupid while making a completely ignorant statement.
You claimed you worked for YEARS!!!!! and didn't take home any money.
You have to be the dumbest person on the planet.
And you sir have no concept of what it takes to start a business. I'd assume upwards of 90% of business owners take differed income while starting their business
Yeah? And?.....BTW genius the term is "deferred"...Not Differed.
Small business is a tough situation. I'd say if wages are below minimum standards, which they mostly are in the start up phase, then workers would receive a profit share, equity, or bonus plan. I never claimed to know it all, but I get tired of dumbshits in this forum calling me ignorant while they spout off mindless talking points. I listen to everybody's ideas objectively.

And yes, as a biz owner I've worked many years for no pay
If you have worked as a business owner for "many years" for no pay you are a seriously one of the stupidest people ever to be born.
I'd say the majority of start ups are founded on sweat equity, funny you call me stupid while making a completely ignorant statement.
You claimed you worked for YEARS!!!!! and didn't take home any money.
You have to be the dumbest person on the planet.
And you sir have no concept of what it takes to start a business. I'd assume upwards of 90% of business owners take differed income while starting their business
Yeah? And?.....BTW genius the term is "deferred"...Not Differed.
Wonderful you get an A in spelling class. I dnot giev a shti how werds are spellt, it's teh piont taht maters... And my point went to the discussion I was having with dannydipshit, you're late to the party Ace
If you have worked as a business owner for "many years" for no pay you are a seriously one of the stupidest people ever to be born.
I'd say the majority of start ups are founded on sweat equity, funny you call me stupid while making a completely ignorant statement.
You claimed you worked for YEARS!!!!! and didn't take home any money.
You have to be the dumbest person on the planet.
And you sir have no concept of what it takes to start a business. I'd assume upwards of 90% of business owners take differed income while starting their business
Yeah? And?.....BTW genius the term is "deferred"...Not Differed.
Wonderful you get an A in spelling class. I dnot giev a shti how werds are spellt, it's teh piont taht maters... And my point went to the discussion I was having with dannydipshit, you're late to the party Ace

It's "ridiculous".
Anyone on a discussion forum, who want their opinions to be taken seriously ought to also be serious about their spelling and grammar.
You have shown you do not deserve to be taken seriously.
Permanent Ignore.
I'd say the majority of start ups are founded on sweat equity, funny you call me stupid while making a completely ignorant statement.
You claimed you worked for YEARS!!!!! and didn't take home any money.
You have to be the dumbest person on the planet.
And you sir have no concept of what it takes to start a business. I'd assume upwards of 90% of business owners take differed income while starting their business
Yeah? And?.....BTW genius the term is "deferred"...Not Differed.
Wonderful you get an A in spelling class. I dnot giev a shti how werds are spellt, it's teh piont taht maters... And my point went to the discussion I was having with dannydipshit, you're late to the party Ace

It's "ridiculous".
Anyone on a discussion forum, who want their opinions to be taken seriously ought to also be serious about their spelling and grammar.
You have shown you do not deserve to be taken seriously.
Permanent Ignore.
So let's clarify... a spelling mistake means people are not serious and should be ignored.... but getting caught outright lying about how many FF franchises you owned means you should be taken seriously? That about right?

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