Good Story

Black family goes on vacation. Some spineless, inbred, feral cave chimps attack their home and graffiti it with racial slurs. The entire neighborhood pitches in to clean up before they get back home and have to look at it.

Neighbors paint over racial slurs while family is on vacation -

"Neighbors and friends of the Tenino, Washington, family heard about the racist graffiti and on Saturday began the monumental task of cleaning it up, all while the Phillipses were away.
Community member Heidi Russell said, "He's got small kids and they couldn't even enjoy their vacation. I couldn't let this happen. If I have to be out there by myself, I'll do it." So she posted an all-call on Facebook."

Now, if only you weren't pedaling that to show your racism, I would compliment you on bringing this wonderful story to our attention.

You must be really dumb or stupid or both. Why would I post a story about people coming together against the cave chimps in their midst if I was trying to show my racism?
Are you kidding?
Are you retarded?
Black family goes on vacation. Some spineless, inbred, feral cave chimps attack their home and graffiti it with racial slurs. The entire neighborhood pitches in to clean up before they get back home and have to look at it.

Neighbors paint over racial slurs while family is on vacation -

"Neighbors and friends of the Tenino, Washington, family heard about the racist graffiti and on Saturday began the monumental task of cleaning it up, all while the Phillipses were away.
Community member Heidi Russell said, "He's got small kids and they couldn't even enjoy their vacation. I couldn't let this happen. If I have to be out there by myself, I'll do it." So she posted an all-call on Facebook."

Now, if only you weren't pedaling that to show your racism, I would compliment you on bringing this wonderful story to our attention.

You must be really dumb or stupid or both. Why would I post a story about people coming together against the cave chimps in their midst if I was trying to show my racism?
Are you kidding?
Are you retarded?
You use the word "cave chimps" and wonder why people are calling it racist? You exhale racism with every breath.
Black family goes on vacation. Some spineless, inbred, feral cave chimps attack their home and graffiti it with racial slurs. The entire neighborhood pitches in to clean up before they get back home and have to look at it.

Neighbors paint over racial slurs while family is on vacation -

"Neighbors and friends of the Tenino, Washington, family heard about the racist graffiti and on Saturday began the monumental task of cleaning it up, all while the Phillipses were away.
Community member Heidi Russell said, "He's got small kids and they couldn't even enjoy their vacation. I couldn't let this happen. If I have to be out there by myself, I'll do it." So she posted an all-call on Facebook."

Now, if only you weren't pedaling that to show your racism, I would compliment you on bringing this wonderful story to our attention.

You must be really dumb or stupid or both. Why would I post a story about people coming together against the cave chimps in their midst if I was trying to show my racism?
Are you kidding?
Are you retarded?
You use the word "cave chimps" and wonder why people are calling it racist? You exhale racism with every breath.
Callin it like I see it and no I dont wonder or care if people think its racist. The people that did the spraypainting are cave chimps just like a lot of people in this forum. You dont like it then thats too bad. I dont run around with my nose up the ass of the closest white guy like you do.
White people helped a black family? In AMERICA?

Don't mention this to obama..........he is busy telling the suffering people of Louisisan to make sure they do not discriminate.

Can you picture yourself in your home in La. with water at the window sills and some clown freak rogue potus telling you to be sure and not that is somehow in your mindset....and then talking about gun control....he must be smokin some of his bitch daughters meds.
Great story, Ascl!!
Not so fast. I posted this so I could be a racist some say.
You are. Except according to the Left you can't be and neither can I according to the soft bigotry of low expectations. It's all so confusing.
Youre just confused because youre not white but you want to be. Too bad you hate yourself.
I did the next best thing, tainting the lily white gene pool with my dirty injun genes, spawning 4 half breeds. It pisses off the supremacists fierce. Yep, dipped my red dick in the white batter and inched whitey closer to extinction. This is way too much fun!
Black family goes on vacation. Some spineless, inbred, feral cave chimps attack their home and graffiti it with racial slurs. The entire neighborhood pitches in to clean up before they get back home and have to look at it.

Neighbors paint over racial slurs while family is on vacation -

"Neighbors and friends of the Tenino, Washington, family heard about the racist graffiti and on Saturday began the monumental task of cleaning it up, all while the Phillipses were away.
Community member Heidi Russell said, "He's got small kids and they couldn't even enjoy their vacation. I couldn't let this happen. If I have to be out there by myself, I'll do it." So she posted an all-call on Facebook."
Obviously a predominately white neighborhood. In a "hood" it would have been looted.
Black family goes on vacation. Some spineless, inbred, feral cave chimps attack their home and graffiti it with racial slurs. The entire neighborhood pitches in to clean up before they get back home and have to look at it.

Neighbors paint over racial slurs while family is on vacation -

"Neighbors and friends of the Tenino, Washington, family heard about the racist graffiti and on Saturday began the monumental task of cleaning it up, all while the Phillipses were away.
Community member Heidi Russell said, "He's got small kids and they couldn't even enjoy their vacation. I couldn't let this happen. If I have to be out there by myself, I'll do it." So she posted an all-call on Facebook."

Now, if only you weren't pedaling that to show your racism, I would compliment you on bringing this wonderful story to our attention.

You must be really dumb or stupid or both. Why would I post a story about people coming together against the cave chimps in their midst if I was trying to show my racism?

Because you think all white people are cave chimps. That's why.
In the state of Washington? Not the " racist south"?
Washington has a abundance of cave chimps.
Blacks have an IQ closer to chimps.
Its much higher than you cave chimps.
The evidence is contrary to your assertion. The fact of the matter is that blacks are much less intelligent than whites.

How do you like them apples?

It has been scientifically proven that Negroes are the closest relatives to Chimps....the ramifications of that is their biggest may one day be able to correct that....but it would require lots more genetic research which ironically the liberals, the politically correct devotees and negroes themselves oppose...why do they oppose such science....because they fear that science may prove they are not quite human.

Is It “Racist” to Think Blacks Look Like Primates?
Black family goes on vacation. Some spineless, inbred, feral cave chimps attack their home and graffiti it with racial slurs. The entire neighborhood pitches in to clean up before they get back home and have to look at it.

Neighbors paint over racial slurs while family is on vacation -

"Neighbors and friends of the Tenino, Washington, family heard about the racist graffiti and on Saturday began the monumental task of cleaning it up, all while the Phillipses were away.
Community member Heidi Russell said, "He's got small kids and they couldn't even enjoy their vacation. I couldn't let this happen. If I have to be out there by myself, I'll do it." So she posted an all-call on Facebook."

Now, if only you weren't pedaling that to show your racism, I would compliment you on bringing this wonderful story to our attention.

You must be really dumb or stupid or both. Why would I post a story about people coming together against the cave chimps in their midst if I was trying to show my racism?

Because you think all white people are cave chimps. That's why.
Nope only the dumb racist ones like some on this very thread. White people like my god daughter are good with me.

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