Good synopsis as to why Congress needs to review Trump's tax returns....

Observe the lib hive mentality. They're almost all together swarming over income tax returns now. Soon, they'll be off on another feelings based adventure.
If there was anything wrong with his taxes, why hasn't the IRS taken care of him in the last 30-40 years?

Your reading comprehension is that of a 5th grader........

Go back and read and maybe COMPREHEND that list I posted.......Its not just a matter of cheating on the existing tax laws...Its a matter of LYING where Trump's money laundromat originates.......Its a matter of breaches of the emolument clauses....Its a matter of whether his trade and tariff policies are ONLY benefitting millionaires, etc.

Surely someone can help you read the list and slowly explain it to you.

you, and the House, are literally grasping at straws.

The best you are going to find, is he, or his tax people, forgot to cross a T, or dot an I.

Uh huh. And you know this how again?

Let's get this straight --- nobody has Rump's tax returns, yet you're looking at them? Go ahead and post them here, USMB will be famous. You won't even get a threatening letter from Michael Cohen.

Didn't Maddow stick her foot in her mouth a year or so ago making claims about his tax returns?

Somehow got hold of one about a decade old, made a big deal about it.

What happened in that case?
Yeah...they will find that Donnie does the same thing all billionaires do, use the tax code the asshole politicians designed, to their benefit.

Have all the pols (aka criminals) in Congress disclosed their tax returns? They are all tax cheats, so they are most hypocritical going after Donnie.

Yes, they have. They are required to by the Ethics Committees.

Your assumption that all politicans are tax cheats says far more about you than it does them. Usually people who cheat on their taxes do so because "Everyone else does it, so why should I be the only honest fool here?". Most people give an honest accounting of themselves and their taxes. Yes, we're going to use every loophole we can, but at the end of the day, we're going to be honest. A friend of mine who is a small business owner told me that she used a particular accountant because every time her husband suggest he try something even slightly shady, the accountant said he would not sign their financial statements as their accountant if they did. She said she slept soundly at night knowing that every proper deduction had been taken and if they were ever audited, they had nothing to fear.

That's how most people do their taxes. We take every legal deduction we can get, and we don't cheat.
If there was anything wrong with his taxes, why hasn't the IRS taken care of him in the last 30-40 years?

Your reading comprehension is that of a 5th grader........

Go back and read and maybe COMPREHEND that list I posted.......Its not just a matter of cheating on the existing tax laws...Its a matter of LYING where Trump's money laundromat originates.......Its a matter of breaches of the emolument clauses....Its a matter of whether his trade and tariff policies are ONLY benefitting millionaires, etc.

Surely someone can help you read the list and slowly explain it to you.

you, and the House, are literally grasping at straws.

The best you are going to find, is he, or his tax people, forgot to cross a T, or dot an I.

Uh huh. And you know this how again?

Let's get this straight --- nobody has Rump's tax returns, yet you're looking at them? Go ahead and post them here, USMB will be famous. You won't even get a threatening letter from Michael Cohen.

Didn't Maddow stick her foot in her mouth a year or so ago making claims about his tax returns?

Somehow got hold of one about a decade old, made a big deal about it.

What happened in that case?

Don't know anything about that, but you just made an absolute statement about what would be found, and I'm sitting here waiting to see you back it up.

If there was anything wrong with his taxes, why hasn't the IRS taken care of him in the last 30-40 years?

Your reading comprehension is that of a 5th grader........

Go back and read and maybe COMPREHEND that list I posted.......Its not just a matter of cheating on the existing tax laws...Its a matter of LYING where Trump's money laundromat originates.......Its a matter of breaches of the emolument clauses....Its a matter of whether his trade and tariff policies are ONLY benefitting millionaires, etc.

Surely someone can help you read the list and slowly explain it to you.

you, and the House, are literally grasping at straws.

The best you are going to find, is he, or his tax people, forgot to cross a T, or dot an I.

Uh huh. And you know this how again?

Let's get this straight --- nobody has Rump's tax returns, yet you're looking at them? Go ahead and post them here, USMB will be famous. You won't even get a threatening letter from Michael Cohen.

Didn't Maddow stick her foot in her mouth a year or so ago making claims about his tax returns?

Somehow got hold of one about a decade old, made a big deal about it.

What happened in that case?

Don't know, but you just made an absolute statement about what would be found, and I'm sitting here waiting to see you back it up.


an 'absolute' statement?

Uh huh. And you know this how again?

Let's get this straight --- nobody has Rump's tax returns, yet you're looking at them? Go ahead and post them here, USMB will be famous. You won't even get a threatening letter from Michael Cohen.

Perhaps Willi HAS seen Trump's tax returns.....Willi read about them in the Mueller report.............

Oh, sorry......My bad.
Given the reality that Trump has been smart enough (and devious) in staffing Treasury and the IRS with his personal stooges (NOT really public servants)....access to Trump's tax returns will be a tough challenge.

Trump LIED that he would ever release them......the "I'm under audit" is a laughable excuse that ONLY convinces his acolytes......but the stonewalling will actually work against him with wiser independent voters who may have had enough of the lies.

Here's the synopsis.....

Congress has multiple reasons to obtain and review President Trump’s tax returns—reasons that are not only legitimate uses of its legislative powers, but also urgently needed, including:

  1. To determine if U.S. national security is at risk of being compromised by the president’s financial conflicts of interest
  2. To determine if Trump has conflicts of interests bearing on his trade and tariffs policies
  3. To determine whether the president is violating the U.S. Constitution by receiving benefits from foreign countries without Congress’ consent
  4. To determine whether he is benefiting from his tax policies despite his many public assertions to the contrary
  5. To determine whether the IRS is adequately auditing the president
  6. To inform the consideration of additional disclosure requirements for candidates and officeholders
On Election Day 2016, the American people did not know that throughout 2015 and 2016, Donald Trump had been pursuing a Trump Tower Moscow deal that could gain him as much as $300 million in profits. The public did not know about the deal, because Trump and his campaign repeatedly lied about it.2 The extent of Trump’s dealings with Russia, or with other foreign governments or interests, remains unclear—and Trump’s finances in general are still murky.

President Trump Cannot Hide His Tax Returns From Congress - Center for American Progress

TO DETERMINE......……………...


All you have are excellent examples of a witch hunt since NONE of what you posted meet the doctrine of PROBABLE CAUSE!


Probable Cause
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


Probable Cause.—The concept of “probable cause” is central to the meaning of the warrant clause. Neither the Fourth Amendment nor the federal statutory provisions relevant to the area define “probable cause”; the definition is entirely a judicial construct. An applicant for a warrant must present to the magistrate facts sufficient to enable the officer himself to make a determination of probable cause. “In determining what is probable cause . . . [w]e are concerned only with the question whether the affiant had reasonable grounds at the time of his affidavit . . . for the belief that the law was being violated on the premises to be searched; and if the apparent facts set out in the affidavit are such that a reasonably discreet and prudent man would be led to believe that there was a commission of the offense charged, there is probable cause justifying the issuance of a warrant.”116 Probable cause is to be determined according to “the factual and practical considerations of everyday life on which reasonable and prudent men, not legal technicians, act.”117 Warrants are favored in the law and their use will not be thwarted by a hypertechnical reading of the supporting affidavit and supporting testimony.118 For the same reason, reviewing courts will accept evidence of a less “judicially competent or persuasive character than would have justified an officer in acting on his own without a warrant.”119 Courts will sustain the determination of probable cause so long as “there was substantial basis for [the magistrate] to conclude that” there was probable cause.120

Much litigation has concerned the sufficiency of the complaint to establish probable cause. Mere conclusory assertions are not enough.121 In United States v. Ventresca,...."

BY your very low standard, I can DETERMINE that you are hiding 5 million $$$ of stolen money on your property, therefore I can request your bank and tax statements to see how you use the stolen money, I believe you are hiding.

I can get permission to dig up your property to find the stolen money I believe you have stashed.

If the IRS under Obama when Trump was a candidate could find no abnormalities after who knows how many audits, then what makes you think those nitwits in Congress will do any better? The truth is, this isn't about justice; it's about looking for anything they can find that might be politically damaging but legal. And it's also about grandstanding to their base, same as this whole BS over Russian collusion was.

In this country you are innocent until proven guilty, and we all have legal rights and that includes Donald J. Trump. IF you have evidence that supports the suspicion of wrongdoing then you take it to a judge and you get a warrant. But it sure as hell better be something other than a political hit piece paid for by the opposition party and campaign that is based on allegations by Russians. We should not be using our justice system for political purposes, and that is precisely what the Dems are trying to do. Piss on 'em.
Your reading comprehension is that of a 5th grader........

Go back and read and maybe COMPREHEND that list I posted.......Its not just a matter of cheating on the existing tax laws...Its a matter of LYING where Trump's money laundromat originates.......Its a matter of breaches of the emolument clauses....Its a matter of whether his trade and tariff policies are ONLY benefitting millionaires, etc.

Surely someone can help you read the list and slowly explain it to you.

you, and the House, are literally grasping at straws.

The best you are going to find, is he, or his tax people, forgot to cross a T, or dot an I.

Uh huh. And you know this how again?

Let's get this straight --- nobody has Rump's tax returns, yet you're looking at them? Go ahead and post them here, USMB will be famous. You won't even get a threatening letter from Michael Cohen.

Didn't Maddow stick her foot in her mouth a year or so ago making claims about his tax returns?

Somehow got hold of one about a decade old, made a big deal about it.

What happened in that case?

Don't know, but you just made an absolute statement about what would be found, and I'm sitting here waiting to see you back it up.


an 'absolute' statement?


THAT went over your head??

Roll tape.

The best you are going to find, is he, or his tax people, forgot to cross a T, or dot an I.

If you don't understand English, maybe you shouldn't be using it.
Given the reality that Trump has been smart enough (and devious) in staffing Treasury and the IRS with his personal stooges (NOT really public servants)....access to Trump's tax returns will be a tough challenge.

Trump LIED that he would ever release them......the "I'm under audit" is a laughable excuse that ONLY convinces his acolytes......but the stonewalling will actually work against him with wiser independent voters who may have had enough of the lies.

Here's the synopsis.....

Congress has multiple reasons to obtain and review President Trump’s tax returns—reasons that are not only legitimate uses of its legislative powers, but also urgently needed, including:

  1. To determine if U.S. national security is at risk of being compromised by the president’s financial conflicts of interest
  2. To determine if Trump has conflicts of interests bearing on his trade and tariffs policies
  3. To determine whether the president is violating the U.S. Constitution by receiving benefits from foreign countries without Congress’ consent
  4. To determine whether he is benefiting from his tax policies despite his many public assertions to the contrary
  5. To determine whether the IRS is adequately auditing the president
  6. To inform the consideration of additional disclosure requirements for candidates and officeholders
On Election Day 2016, the American people did not know that throughout 2015 and 2016, Donald Trump had been pursuing a Trump Tower Moscow deal that could gain him as much as $300 million in profits. The public did not know about the deal, because Trump and his campaign repeatedly lied about it.2 The extent of Trump’s dealings with Russia, or with other foreign governments or interests, remains unclear—and Trump’s finances in general are still murky.

President Trump Cannot Hide His Tax Returns From Congress - Center for American Progress
So, in other words, we dont really know if trump is guilty of anything, but we need to pilfer his private affairs to see if he might be. That, frankly, is a violation of his privacy, and a complete deviation of innocent until proven guilty.

But, if you want to go down that road, then, we need to open the taxes and financial dealings of every single member of the house and Senate, because there is so much money flowing around there, you would likely find some sort of corruption and probably some payments being made from other countries.

For starters, let's open Pelosis books. That whole rail project in California that never happened, but California received money for and wont return, and pelosis husband is the contractor for that rail, needs to be looked into, along with several other projects where money was allocated to areas near and around Pelosi properties that would boost property values.

Likely you would find that kind of stuff all over the place. So, if you want trump taxes, then I want taxes and financial records for everyone else.

Didn't Maddow stick her foot in her mouth a year or so ago making claims about his tax returns?

Want to try a wild guess as to WHO released those 2005 tax returns.....Come on Willi....take a wild guess....LOL
you, and the House, are literally grasping at straws.

The best you are going to find, is he, or his tax people, forgot to cross a T, or dot an I.

Uh huh. And you know this how again?

Let's get this straight --- nobody has Rump's tax returns, yet you're looking at them? Go ahead and post them here, USMB will be famous. You won't even get a threatening letter from Michael Cohen.

Didn't Maddow stick her foot in her mouth a year or so ago making claims about his tax returns?

Somehow got hold of one about a decade old, made a big deal about it.

What happened in that case?

Don't know, but you just made an absolute statement about what would be found, and I'm sitting here waiting to see you back it up.


an 'absolute' statement?


THAT went over your head??

Roll tape.

The best you are going to find, is he, or his tax people, forgot to cross a T, or dot an I.

If you don't understand English, maybe you shouldn't be using it.

an OPINION little boy

look it up in your Funk and Wagnalls
Uh huh. And you know this how again?

Let's get this straight --- nobody has Rump's tax returns, yet you're looking at them? Go ahead and post them here, USMB will be famous. You won't even get a threatening letter from Michael Cohen.

Didn't Maddow stick her foot in her mouth a year or so ago making claims about his tax returns?

Somehow got hold of one about a decade old, made a big deal about it.

What happened in that case?

Don't know, but you just made an absolute statement about what would be found, and I'm sitting here waiting to see you back it up.


an 'absolute' statement?


THAT went over your head??

Roll tape.

The best you are going to find, is he, or his tax people, forgot to cross a T, or dot an I.

If you don't understand English, maybe you shouldn't be using it.

an OPINION little boy

look it up in your Funk and Wagnalls

So you DON'T know what you claim to know. Quelle surprise.
Didn't Maddow stick her foot in her mouth a year or so ago making claims about his tax returns?

Want to try a wild guess as to WHO released those 2005 tax returns.....Come on Willi....take a wild guess....LOL

Had to have been Trump,

what was the result?

(or do you think he went back in time, and corrected them just so he would make Maddow look like MORE of a fool?)

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