Good thing she's pretty. Ivanka flubs result of tax cut bill.

Women haters on the left nit-pick about the1st lady's comments and then focus on her appearance. Pretty insulting in any other social situation but normal behavior by the Hollywood smooching sexual abusing democrat left.

The right complained Michelle Obama ordered $400 worth of lobster in a new york hotel, only to find out the story was made up. So it's one thing to nit-pick the first lady, but we don't make shit up to do so.
During an interview on Fox & Friends in which she touted the recently passed tax bill, Ivanka Trump said voters would benefit more quickly than they might have imagined.

"I'm really looking forward to doing a lot of traveling in April when people realize the effect that this has, both on the process of filling out their taxes -- the vast majority will be doing so on a single postcard -- but also having experienced the relief that will be starting as early as February," she said.

The bill’s provisions only address tax year 2018 and beyond. So in April, taxpayers will be filing their paperwork for tax year 2017 to the IRS -- that is, under existing tax law, not the new law.

And yet Boeing employees are already raking it in.

I thought the tax bill was going to create jobs, not just go to well paid people who already have jobs...
The saddest thing about this tax fraud is all the programs that help kids and poor people and education and health and everything important they will now cut to make this fiasco work.
Cutting out Socialism is bad? In a Capitalist nation? How sad.
You got crumbs and duped again by your con artist
How much money could members of the Trump team get from the tax bill? CAP ran the numbers:
- Donald Trump: $11m-$15m
- Jared Kushner: $5m-$12m
- Betsy DeVos: $2.7m
- Wilbur Ross, Linda McMahon, Steven Mnuchin, Rex Tillerson: $4.5m

Trump: I’m going to lose a lot of money with this bill.

The cult gets lied to again by their leader and they just nod and obey..
During an interview on Fox & Friends in which she touted the recently passed tax bill, Ivanka Trump said voters would benefit more quickly than they might have imagined.

"I'm really looking forward to doing a lot of traveling in April when people realize the effect that this has, both on the process of filling out their taxes -- the vast majority will be doing so on a single postcard -- but also having experienced the relief that will be starting as early as February," she said.

The bill’s provisions only address tax year 2018 and beyond. So in April, taxpayers will be filing their paperwork for tax year 2017 to the IRS -- that is, under existing tax law, not the new law.

And yet Boeing employees are already raking it in.

I thought the tax bill was going to create jobs, not just go to well paid people who already have jobs...
The saddest thing about this tax fraud is all the programs that help kids and poor people and education and health and everything important they will now cut to make this fiasco work.
Cutting out Socialism is bad? In a Capitalist nation? How sad.

so, now education is socialism...what a fucking moron. Cleary you got your education from a fucking Penthouse magazine.
During an interview on Fox & Friends in which she touted the recently passed tax bill, Ivanka Trump said voters would benefit more quickly than they might have imagined.

"I'm really looking forward to doing a lot of traveling in April when people realize the effect that this has, both on the process of filling out their taxes -- the vast majority will be doing so on a single postcard -- but also having experienced the relief that will be starting as early as February," she said.

The bill’s provisions only address tax year 2018 and beyond. So in April, taxpayers will be filing their paperwork for tax year 2017 to the IRS -- that is, under existing tax law, not the new law.

And yet Boeing employees are already raking it in.

I thought the tax bill was going to create jobs, not just go to well paid people who already have jobs...
The saddest thing about this tax fraud is all the programs that help kids and poor people and education and health and everything important they will now cut to make this fiasco work.
Cutting out Socialism is bad? In a Capitalist nation? How sad.
Do you object to socialism when it’s the police and fire Dept’s?
The true character of a nation is what they do for the most vulnerable.
It’s crystal clear what the character of this presidency and this GOP is.
During an interview on Fox & Friends in which she touted the recently passed tax bill, Ivanka Trump said voters would benefit more quickly than they might have imagined.

"I'm really looking forward to doing a lot of traveling in April when people realize the effect that this has, both on the process of filling out their taxes -- the vast majority will be doing so on a single postcard -- but also having experienced the relief that will be starting as early as February," she said.

The bill’s provisions only address tax year 2018 and beyond. So in April, taxpayers will be filing their paperwork for tax year 2017 to the IRS -- that is, under existing tax law, not the new law.

And yet Boeing employees are already raking it in.

I thought the tax bill was going to create jobs, not just go to well paid people who already have jobs...
The saddest thing about this tax fraud is all the programs that help kids and poor people and education and health and everything important they will now cut to make this fiasco work.
Cutting out Socialism is bad? In a Capitalist nation? How sad.

so, now education is socialism...what a fucking moron. Cleary you got your education from a fucking Penthouse magazine.

Just public education, which also happens to be torture facility that single mother bred kids visit, in between being tortured by their single mom lead households.

Good idea to cut all of it, including the single mother subsidies which make this fiasco possible.
During an interview on Fox & Friends in which she touted the recently passed tax bill, Ivanka Trump said voters would benefit more quickly than they might have imagined.

"I'm really looking forward to doing a lot of traveling in April when people realize the effect that this has, both on the process of filling out their taxes -- the vast majority will be doing so on a single postcard -- but also having experienced the relief that will be starting as early as February," she said.

The bill’s provisions only address tax year 2018 and beyond. So in April, taxpayers will be filing their paperwork for tax year 2017 to the IRS -- that is, under existing tax law, not the new law.

And yet Boeing employees are already raking it in.

I thought the tax bill was going to create jobs, not just go to well paid people who already have jobs...
The saddest thing about this tax fraud is all the programs that help kids and poor people and education and health and everything important they will now cut to make this fiasco work.
Cutting out Socialism is bad? In a Capitalist nation? How sad.

so, now education is socialism...what a fucking moron. Cleary you got your education from a fucking Penthouse magazine.

God you people are idiots. Its like your little snowflake minds freeze when someone says trump.
"I'm really looking forward to doing a lot of traveling in April when people realize the effect that this has, both on the process of filling out their taxes
So what are you bitching about? Around February is when new tax rates will start.
I mean.... :spinner:
Will you notice the result of the new tax bill when you file your taxes due this april?

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