Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

He did suggest you can inject disinfectants. The video is him saying words on camera. :tongue:

Read the content of the article - He didn't mean intravenously - he meant 'inject' disperse, etc INTO A ROOM/INFECTED area.
Why didnt he say that then and how do you know thats what he meant?

Go watch the video again.

Trump was asking questions of whoever was on his right.

It's obvious.
The only thing thats obvious is that he said exactly what he said and not what you claimed he meant. So again why didnt he make it very clear (as a leader should) that he meant what you claimed he meant?
The true pandemic is not coronavirus it's TDS and it's been running rampant for almost four years now.
I would say more like 5 years. His idiot supporters have been experiencing Trump Denial Syndrome for a while now.
I see one the prime carrier of TDS has chimed in if only your partisan idiocy could be sheltered in place.
Yes you are an idiot and you have a pretty bad case of TDS.
I love the irony when TDS morons try and insult you pathetic twits can't even do that on your own you have to steal the insults from others.
You dont own any insults so there is no theft involved. Just because you have TDS doesnt mean everyone is as stupid as you are.
If I was stupid that would really hurt as I'm not it doesn't I can fully admit there are many people in this world smarter than me you however are not one of them and never will be. You might have a chance to be if I ever start posting stuff like you do but that day Is long time coming if ever.
Wow..................I knew Trump was ignorant, but this is the most stupidity displayed in a single afternoon.

The OP is ignorant.

That you bought into the fake link is ignorant.
There are at least three threads going on this right now and the clip of him saying it is right there. It's not fake, unfortunately.

Yes, it is! You must contact the authorities tomorrow so someone can get you a room at the Home for the Terminally Bewildered.
The true pandemic is not coronavirus it's TDS and it's been running rampant for almost four years now.
I would say more like 5 years. His idiot supporters have been experiencing Trump Denial Syndrome for a while now.
I see one the prime carrier of TDS has chimed in if only your partisan idiocy could be sheltered in place.
Yes you are an idiot and you have a pretty bad case of TDS.
I love the irony when TDS morons try and insult you pathetic twits can't even do that on your own you have to steal the insults from others.
You dont own any insults so there is no theft involved. Just because you have TDS doesnt mean everyone is as stupid as you are.
If I was stupid that would really hurt as I'm not it doesn't I can fully admit there are many people in this world smarter than me you however are not one of them and never will be. You might have a chance to be if I ever start posting stuff like you do but that day Is long time coming if ever.
There is no if about it. This isnt the first time I have read one of your posts and wondered how you were able to chew bubble gum and breath at the same time. Its obvious youre stupid. You support Drumpf.
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!
Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is important and people should make sure to get enough sunlight during the lockdown.

However, that's not what Trump is talking about. He is talking about ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy (UVBI).

Keep straw gasping because he is not talking about that. UVBI therapy does not work by killing the virus, it does exactly opposite by supressing body's immune response.

Trump is responding directly to a presentation (from not-medical-proffessional) about sunlight and toxic disinfectants killing the virus and clearly thinks that this is aplicable to killing COVID-19 infection in the human body. IT IS NOT applicable, he is just ignorant and doesn't know wtf is going on.
Last edited:

He did suggest you can inject disinfectants. The video is him saying words on camera. :tongue:

Read the content of the article - He didn't mean intravenously - he meant 'inject' disperse, etc INTO A ROOM/INFECTED area.
Why didnt he say that then and how do you know thats what he meant?

Go watch the video again.

Trump was asking questions of whoever was on his right.

It's obvious.
I dont have to watch the video again. I know what I heard. He was talking about inside the body. Why would he ask if you could inject sunlight into a room? Hasnt he ever lived in a place that has windows? You Drumpf apologists should be ashamed of yourself trying to cover up for such an obvious fuckup like Drumpf.
The true pandemic is not coronavirus it's TDS and it's been running rampant for almost four years now.
I would say more like 5 years. His idiot supporters have been experiencing Trump Denial Syndrome for a while now.
I see one the prime carrier of TDS has chimed in if only your partisan idiocy could be sheltered in place.
Yes you are an idiot and you have a pretty bad case of TDS.
I love the irony when TDS morons try and insult you pathetic twits can't even do that on your own you have to steal the insults from others.
You dont own any insults so there is no theft involved. Just because you have TDS doesnt mean everyone is as stupid as you are.
If I was stupid that would really hurt as I'm not it doesn't I can fully admit there are many people in this world smarter than me you however are not one of them and never will be. You might have a chance to be if I ever start posting stuff like you do but that day Is long time coming if ever.
There is no if about it. This isnt the first time I have read one of your posts and wondered how you were able to chew bubble gum and breath at the same time. Its obvious youre stupid. You support Drumpf.
Wow you can read congrulations seeing how stupid everything you post is I gussed other people were reading them for and lying to you about what they said the fact this is not the case makes you even dumber than I orginally thought.
The true pandemic is not coronavirus it's TDS and it's been running rampant for almost four years now.
I would say more like 5 years. His idiot supporters have been experiencing Trump Denial Syndrome for a while now.
I see one the prime carrier of TDS has chimed in if only your partisan idiocy could be sheltered in place.
Yes you are an idiot and you have a pretty bad case of TDS.
I love the irony when TDS morons try and insult you pathetic twits can't even do that on your own you have to steal the insults from others.
You dont own any insults so there is no theft involved. Just because you have TDS doesnt mean everyone is as stupid as you are.
If I was stupid that would really hurt as I'm not it doesn't I can fully admit there are many people in this world smarter than me you however are not one of them and never will be. You might have a chance to be if I ever start posting stuff like you do but that day Is long time coming if ever.
There is no if about it. This isnt the first time I have read one of your posts and wondered how you were able to chew bubble gum and breath at the same time. Its obvious youre stupid. You support Drumpf.
Wow you can read congrulations seeing how stupid everything you post is I gussed other people were reading them for and lying to you about what they said the fact this is not the case makes you even dumber than I orginally thought.
^^^ Guy can't even spell congratulations and has the nerve to call someone stupid. :)
Funny in that there is no party that advocates murdering babies.............unless you are referring to locking them up in cages.

As the AP photos from 2015-2016 showed. Amirite. Hey, who was POTUS then?
The true pandemic is not coronavirus it's TDS and it's been running rampant for almost four years now.
I would say more like 5 years. His idiot supporters have been experiencing Trump Denial Syndrome for a while now.
I see one the prime carrier of TDS has chimed in if only your partisan idiocy could be sheltered in place.
Yes you are an idiot and you have a pretty bad case of TDS.
I love the irony when TDS morons try and insult you pathetic twits can't even do that on your own you have to steal the insults from others.
You dont own any insults so there is no theft involved. Just because you have TDS doesnt mean everyone is as stupid as you are.
If I was stupid that would really hurt as I'm not it doesn't I can fully admit there are many people in this world smarter than me you however are not one of them and never will be. You might have a chance to be if I ever start posting stuff like you do but that day Is long time coming if ever.
There is no if about it. This isnt the first time I have read one of your posts and wondered how you were able to chew bubble gum and breath at the same time. Its obvious youre stupid. You support Drumpf.
Wow you can read congrulations seeing how stupid everything you post is I gussed other people were reading them for and lying to you about what they said the fact this is not the case makes you even dumber than I orginally thought.
Guy can't even spell congratulations and has the nerve to call someone stupid. :)
So I made typo we all make those for example it's isn't not isnt. Stupid.
The funny part about this latest left wing meltdown is Trump is just talking to a doctor asking what if questions. Kind of like any normal person would.
The true pandemic is not coronavirus it's TDS and it's been running rampant for almost four years now.
I would say more like 5 years. His idiot supporters have been experiencing Trump Denial Syndrome for a while now.
I see one the prime carrier of TDS has chimed in if only your partisan idiocy could be sheltered in place.
Yes you are an idiot and you have a pretty bad case of TDS.
I love the irony when TDS morons try and insult you pathetic twits can't even do that on your own you have to steal the insults from others.
You dont own any insults so there is no theft involved. Just because you have TDS doesnt mean everyone is as stupid as you are.
If I was stupid that would really hurt as I'm not it doesn't I can fully admit there are many people in this world smarter than me you however are not one of them and never will be. You might have a chance to be if I ever start posting stuff like you do but that day Is long time coming if ever.
There is no if about it. This isnt the first time I have read one of your posts and wondered how you were able to chew bubble gum and breath at the same time. Its obvious youre stupid. You support Drumpf.
Wow you can read congrulations seeing how stupid everything you post is I gussed other people were reading them for and lying to you about what they said the fact this is not the case makes you even dumber than I orginally thought.
Guy can't even spell congratulations and has the nerve to call someone stupid. :)
So I made typo we all make those for example it's isn't not isnt. Stupid.
A typo is leaving a letter out or adding an additional one. You missed 2 letters in a row. Come on man. Don't get defensive.
‘"Very little of what the President said as it pertains to disinfection or phototherapy makes any sense," said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a cardiologist at The George Washington University Hospital who advised the White House during President George W. Bush's tenure.’

Little – if anything – Trump says makes any sense.
Yeah but you cant inject sunlight and disinfectant into your body dumbass. Surfaces are the opposite of inside the body.
Honey, you ever hear of vitamin d, which one takes to simulate what sunlight does in the body?
Vitamin D - Health Professional Fact Sheet
Office of Dietary Supplements - Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in very few foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. It is also produced endogenously when ultraviolet rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D obtained from sun exposure, food
He didnt say anything about vitamin D. Dont try to clean it up for him. The dumbass said injecting sunlight and disinfectant.

Did he say to inject sunlight in the lungs? No he did not. You and your ilk lie with every post.
The true pandemic is not coronavirus it's TDS and it's been running rampant for almost four years now.
I would say more like 5 years. His idiot supporters have been experiencing Trump Denial Syndrome for a while now.
I see one the prime carrier of TDS has chimed in if only your partisan idiocy could be sheltered in place.
Yes you are an idiot and you have a pretty bad case of TDS.
I love the irony when TDS morons try and insult you pathetic twits can't even do that on your own you have to steal the insults from others.
You dont own any insults so there is no theft involved. Just because you have TDS doesnt mean everyone is as stupid as you are.
If I was stupid that would really hurt as I'm not it doesn't I can fully admit there are many people in this world smarter than me you however are not one of them and never will be. You might have a chance to be if I ever start posting stuff like you do but that day Is long time coming if ever.
There is no if about it. This isnt the first time I have read one of your posts and wondered how you were able to chew bubble gum and breath at the same time. Its obvious youre stupid. You support Drumpf.
Wow you can read congrulations seeing how stupid everything you post is I gussed other people were reading them for and lying to you about what they said the fact this is not the case makes you even dumber than I orginally thought.
Guy can't even spell congratulations and has the nerve to call someone stupid. :)
So I made typo we all make those for example it's isn't not isnt. Stupid.
A typo is leaving a letter out or adding an additional one. You missed 2 letters in a row. Come on man. Don' get defensive.
I'm not I freely admitted my mistake feel free to do the same or are not man enough to do so?

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