Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

So, no links,

As a typical illiterate liberal you want a link to learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression???????

Dayum, you cons are fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo:

Great Depression: 1929-1939

New Deal: 1933-

Do you know what UV light is? Did you read the 25 or 30 posts about Ayla, the publicly traded company that also makes Covid Test Kits -- designing and testing a system that "delivers disinfecting UV LIGHT INTO THE BODY -- to destroy COVID 19??? If not -- how did you MISS THAT when you're posting 12 or 15 posts an hour here???
WE ARE TALKING ABOUT INJECTING DISINFECTANT!!! NOT FUCKING UV LIGHT. You have been trying to change to subject to UV light now for two days and it's still not the point.
You are either being willfully blind to defend your secret hero, or there is something drastically wrong with your ability to follow the flow of a normal conversation. Bryan had just spent ten minutes meticulously talking about what kills the virus. He talked about disinfectants, specifically rubbing alcohol and bleach. Trump immediately raised the topic of first, UV light, and THEN asked if there was a way to inject disinfectant? If they'd looked into it? He suggested they should. He even asked Dr. Birx if any research had been done on it.

Now quit with the UV light thing. No one at home has any way to inject sunshine that I know of, so I think that was a safe topic to discuss. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE DISINFECTANT.

For the FIFTH TIME NOW.. UV LIGHT IS A DISINFECTANT.. It was shown in the researcher's chart along side OTHER DISINFECTANTS... And that VID that BWK just posted with Trump's comment BEGINNING AND ENDING with references to UV LIGHT makes it CLEAR which disinfectant he was riffing on....
The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol.

Hey moron.. U got 5 minutes to learn some science and what William Bryan ACTUALLY presented?
Start at about 5minutes. END at about 10 minutes..

Notice LYSOL was a media fabrication.. Notice also that DHS tested direct sunlight and found that that half life of Covid was REDUCED to 1.5 minutes under the effects of UV sunlight..

SOOOOO...,., Trump lept ahead of that presentation, probably because HIS info from DHS testing was more complete than the presentation to the idiots in the press room and asked Bryan to CONFIRM that UV light COULD be tested for "injections into the human body"... Trump STARTED that questioning and ENDED it --- SPECIFICALLY REFERRING to the "UV light" portion of Bryan's presentation.. If you DOUBT THAT -- refer to vid that your fellow TDS'er BWK provided and that I re-posted last night for Trump's FULL comments.

And NOW we find out that when Bryan said to the president "YES, there will be testing with UV light INSIDE the human body -- that there is company DEVELOPING and planning to TEST this concept in conjunction with Cedars Sinai research hospital...

That MIGHT be able to done completely safely because SCIENCE KNOWS what portion of the UV spectrum can safely be used to DISINFECT bacteria and viruses.. For SHORT exposures "in vivo", there is VERY LITTLE risk... (go look up in vivo or just call it "injecting")

Go to the Aytu company website for details on this proposed product for combatting Covid 19...

While UVC light has broad germicidal properties, it is also harmful to mammalian (human) cells. Alternatively, UVA and UVB devices have been FDA-approved with indications to treat human diseases including skin lymphoma, eczema, and psoriasis. Of the three spectrums, UVA light appears to cause the least damage to mammalian cells. Recent advances in light emitting diodes (LEDs) have made it much more feasible to manufacture and apply narrow band (NB) UVA light to internal organs.

Proof of Concept

An abstract led by the team at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center was published in the United European Gastroenterology Journal, October 2019, titled “Internally Applied Ultraviolet Light as a Novel Approach for Effective and Safe Anti-Microbial Treatment.” Here, the authors show that UVA light exhibits significant in vitro bactericidal effects in an array of clinically important bacteria. Additionally, this is the first study using intracolonic UVA application, which reports that UVA exposure is not associated with endoscopic or histologic injury. These findings suggest that UVA therapy can potentially provide a safe and effective novel approach to antimicrobial treatment via phototherapy on internal organs.

If ya dont read this and STILL are just pushing falsehoods about this whole tempest in a teacup, you're TOO FAR GONE to have an intelligent discussion, and I wish you well in ignorant bliss.

THAT'S the news and science.. Everything else is juvenile made up horse shit..


Dumbfuck, you posted all that just to repeat what I said....

The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol."

Now try and learn.

I see no real tactical deployment diff between a minute and 1.5 minutes. And you left out the part that was IMPORTANT to last 10 pages or so. Implying just UV was ineffective.. That's called "selection bias"..,. Very UNscientific to lie by omission in ANY situation...


I like how you have to ignore what Impeached Trump actually said and pretend he said something other than what he actually said.

Regardless, he also made two distinctive comments. One was about using light inside the body. The other, the one I was talking about, was the prospective of injecting disinfective into people. And 2 disinfectants were listed on a slide behind him, removing all doubt as to what he was talking about...

For defending science, yes. For defending truth, not so much.
We elected Trump, not Fauci. If he's going to be an obstructionist, Fauci needs to be replaced.

And what exactly do you think the "death rate" is based on?? Science? No.. Educated scientific guessing.. Not the NIH/WHO/DHHS/CDC KNOW the death rate for covid -- yet it's the most important metric of ALL... Same with the early failures of the models (tools for scientists/engineers to GUESS with) to give accurate death predictions..

Message IS -- don't just cloak yourself "in science" as tho EVERYTHING is solid here.. It's NOT.. In times like these -- the best science you GET is a bunch of educated guesses at the important stuff. Science in it's purest practice -- Just does not MOVE fast enough for sharp rising global pandemic..
At Thursday’s coronavirus press briefing,

Trump’s response was to say that he doesn’t listen to his economists in the first place — and that he believes he knows at least as much about the matter as they do.

He then says "
“I know a lot about economists and the answer is they have no idea,” said Trump. “I think I have as good of an idea as anybody.”

So he knows at least as much about the matter, as economist who actually have no idea "about the matter" so he also really has no idea about the matter and admits it.

That really should be his new campaign slogan as people will understand that.

Of course you can't show he actually said that......

Shit fer brains, UV light is used in surgery every fucking day.

care to provide a source

because I said UV light is used to disinfect surface and air. It used during surgery but it is not apply to the skin

Scientists have known for many years that UV light from a standard germicidal lamp (which emits a broad spectrum of wavelengths, from about 200 to 400 nanometers [nm]) is highly effective at killing bacteria; such lamps are routinely used to decontaminate surgical equipment.

Unfortunately, this UV light is also harmful to human tissue and can lead to skin cancer and cataracts in the eye, says study leader David J. Brenner, PhD, the Higgins Professor of Radiation Biophysics, professor of environmental health sciences, and director of the Center for Radiological Research at CUMC. UV light is almost never used in the operating room during surgery, as these health hazards necessitate the use of cumbersome protective equipment for both surgical staff and patients.

repeat your post and just put your name for shit for brains
as you post is typical right wing overreach
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628

GO watch the dang video that BWK just posted.. If Trump did not START his brain fart qualifying his comments to BE about UV light and END them the same way -- I'll go get my head examined..

DEAL ?????
I watched the presser.


How about watching it ONE MORE TIME courtesy of the lame brain BWK who just blew up your excuses -- instead of freaking out about UV light?? Take the bet.. If Trump did not START and END that brain fart by QUALIFYING it to be about UV LIGHT as a disenfectant -- I'll go get my head examined..

If he DID -- you don't have to thank me for starting to cure your TDS... :happy-1:

UV lights are not effective because they are not safe. What is it about stupid you folks don't get? Can you kill coronavirus with UV light?

Nothing is safe until testing and tinkering takes place. You don't know what can or can't be done until the testing of each scientific idea is done. Of course your hatred for Trump pushes you to make anti-anything conservative into lame excuses to justify your hatred of the conservative party, and especially the Christian side of the party along with Trump.

Introduction of disinfectants into the body is a scientific idea?

You keep that narrative running, as it should be embarassing for you to continue. Everyone except for a few (shockingly), is laughing at you. TDS is driving you insane.

Dude, grow TFU up with that TDS bull shit. It's so fucking lame.

What else could it be ?

Just watching as the world explodes politically, and why is it that we see this TDS taking place so much more these days than ever before, and especially during this crisis ? Is it really about covid-19 ?? I think it's more about severe TDS that is happening in response to Trump being president, and by use of the covid-19 the left is trying to show disdain for what they hate politically by blaming Trump constantly, otherwise some are looking at it as a new opportunistic diabolical plot to be run by the left for political reasons in order to get rid of Trump.

Well I would hope not, but when seeing you taking advantage of everything with your constant ranting and raging in order to bash Trump, the only conclusion is severe TDS.... It is in play more so than ever before, and it's being used while the crisis is taking place, and undoubtedly it's all in hopes to capitalize on the crisis for political reasons.

It's obvious, but you figure that people aren't smart enough to see through it. Just so you know, it don't take to much smarts to see through it.

It is a Democratic attempt to throw the 2020 election. Nothing more nothing less. Covid is a nothing burger but Democrats are using it as a propaganda tool.

So Trump's a liar then? Trump said it could go to 2.2 million deaths. Is that a nothing burger, because it looks to me that Trump is disagreeing with you?

So what? Fauci lied like a good little Omama leftover.

Your proof is? Of course, you don't have it. You are a liar as always. Scram!
The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol.
So let's use it. Let's find pour it inside the body to kill the virus.
Great, you should contact the administration and tell them you'd like to volunteer for such experiments.
There is a mayor in Las Vegas who is willing to volunteer residents for experiments

She volunteered others, but NOT herself. These Cons are more than willing to let others die, but when comes to their shit on the line they run in the opposite direction!

Money is more valuable than human life
Trump has done so much damage to this country, we don't have the capacity to wrap our arms around it. It's just too much.

Can you be more specific? What damage are we talking about here?
Asking stupid questions is a non-qualifier.
Trump didn't say drink bleach.......
No, he asked if they can inject disinfectant, or some other way....
He already talked about UV light. Then he switched to talking about disinfectants, which Bryan had also talked about--rubbing alcohol and bleach. It was not the reporter's fault that Trump asked that and suggested they look into it. The reporter was just the first of MANY not in the media but concerned about the idiots in the population to toll the warning bell about that concept.
Do not be this guy:
View attachment 328628

GO watch the dang video that BWK just posted.. If Trump did not START his brain fart qualifying his comments to BE about UV light and END them the same way -- I'll go get my head examined..

DEAL ?????
I watched the presser.


How about watching it ONE MORE TIME courtesy of the lame brain BWK who just blew up your excuses -- instead of freaking out about UV light?? Take the bet.. If Trump did not START and END that brain fart by QUALIFYING it to be about UV LIGHT as a disenfectant -- I'll go get my head examined..

If he DID -- you don't have to thank me for starting to cure your TDS... :happy-1:

UV lights are not effective because they are not safe. What is it about stupid you folks don't get? Can you kill coronavirus with UV light?

Nothing is safe until testing and tinkering takes place. You don't know what can or can't be done until the testing of each scientific idea is done. Of course your hatred for Trump pushes you to make anti-anything conservative into lame excuses to justify your hatred of the conservative party, and especially the Christian side of the party along with Trump.

Introduction of disinfectants into the body is a scientific idea?

You keep that narrative running, as it should be embarassing for you to continue. Everyone except for a few (shockingly), is laughing at you. TDS is driving you insane.

Dude, grow TFU up with that TDS bull shit. It's so fucking lame.

What else could it be ?

Just watching as the world explodes politically, and why is it that we see this TDS taking place so much more these days than ever before, and especially during this crisis ? Is it really about covid-19 ?? I think it's more about severe TDS that is happening in response to Trump being president, and by use of the covid-19 the left is trying to show disdain for what they hate politically by blaming Trump constantly, otherwise some are looking at it as a new opportunistic diabolical plot to be run by the left for political reasons in order to get rid of Trump.

Well I would hope not, but when seeing you taking advantage of everything with your constant ranting and raging in order to bash Trump, the only conclusion is severe TDS.... It is in play more so than ever before, and it's being used while the crisis is taking place, and undoubtedly it's all in hopes to capitalize on the crisis for political reasons.

It's obvious, but you figure that people aren't smart enough to see through it. Just so you know, it don't take to much smarts to see through it.

It is a Democratic attempt to throw the 2020 election. Nothing more nothing less. Covid is a nothing burger but Democrats are using it as a propaganda tool.

So Trump's a liar then? Trump said it could go to 2.2 million deaths. Is that a nothing burger, because it looks to me that Trump is disagreeing with you?

So what? Fauci lied like a good little Omama leftover.

Your proof is? Of course, you don't have it. You are a liar as always. Scram!

Fauci mislead the America public. Meanwhile all you can do is insult folks. Pretty typical of a TDSer.
The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol.
So let's use it. Let's find pour it inside the body to kill the virus.
Great, you should contact the administration and tell them you'd like to volunteer for such experiments.
There is a mayor in Las Vegas who is willing to volunteer residents for experiments

She volunteered others, but NOT herself. These Cons are more than willing to let others die, but when comes to their shit on the line they run in the opposite direction!

Money is more valuable than human life
Trump has done so much damage to this country, we don't have the capacity to wrap our arms around it. It's just too much.

Can you be more specific? What damage are we talking about here?
Asking stupid questions is a non-qualifier.
So you got nothin' as usual.
Trump has done so much damage to this country, we don't have the capacity to wrap our arms around it. It's just too much.
Huh? Trump is saving American lives by building a border wall. You libs never give Trump credit for anything.
"Border wall?" :laughing0301: How is that going to keep us from stopping our ongoing invasions of other countries? CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Another Trump loving Covidiot has succumbed to the virus:

The only "disinfectant" Bryan said kills the virus in a minute or less was -- isopropyl alcohol.
So let's use it. Let's find pour it inside the body to kill the virus.
Great, you should contact the administration and tell them you'd like to volunteer for such experiments.
There is a mayor in Las Vegas who is willing to volunteer residents for experiments

She volunteered others, but NOT herself. These Cons are more than willing to let others die, but when comes to their shit on the line they run in the opposite direction!

Money is more valuable than human life
Trump has done so much damage to this country, we don't have the capacity to wrap our arms around it. It's just too much.

Can you be more specific? What damage are we talking about here?
Asking stupid questions is a non-qualifier.
So you got nothin' as usual.
No, the other dude has nothing. That's why he asked the stupid question.

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