Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Some room temperature knuckle dragger had the idea to post the thousands of people who die every year from smoking and/or smoking related illness.

Here is the difference you idiot.

IF you are so stupid enough as to smoke, you know the dangers and accept them. It is YOU who decides to smoke.

There is conscience decision to contract COVID-19.

You Smoke. You Die. Your Choice.

You smoke around your house, especially with children in that house, you are deciding for them the consequences of YOU chose to do. Second hand smoke kills and it is YOU doing the killing.

COVID-19 crosses age, gender, religious, ethnic and social boundaries. No one is making the decision to DIE of COVID-19.

By the end of next week more people will have died of COVID-19 than died in the Viet Nam War.

Smokers DIE knowing the risks.

God you people have the IQ of dried up dog turd sitting on Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon July.

You sir are correct!

The Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File of the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Extract Files contains records of 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War. These records were transferred into the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration in 2008.

Trying to figure out whether to call this Donald's Katrina or Donald's Vietnam. Either fits, but Vietnam is more accurate.
Dream on

Deny all you must Mac, but there IS no question that the lost month of February, continued dithering on federalizing testing, PPE, vents etc combined with horrible mixed messaging on a reopening strategy, blaming the media and governors while taking "no responsibility" and failing to fully engage the Defense Production Act cost us thousands of lives.

We all worried about how this president would perform in a national emergency. Now we know. Your Donnie isn't a leader. Sad :confused:
There were no reliable tests in feburary

if there were you can bet that fauci would have used them

indeed the first test the medical pros offered was no good

Nonsense, the WHO tests which we declined to request a few hundred thousand of worked fine for other countries. We could have had those in JANUARY.

Face it - Donnie Dithered/ Donnie Lied/ Markets Crashed/ People DIED
The cdc claimed to have its own test kits - probably hoping to prove they had been doing something useful since the last chinese disease

but the kits did not work and the government doctors/scientists had to start over

which they successfully did eventually
I really don't the blame CDC. The responsibility for the lack any early response rest with the president. In the first week of January, Trump got a security briefing which emphasized the seriousness of the epidemic in China and dangers to the US. The fact that the usual US security contacts in China had gone totally dark and Xi Jinping had taken charge of managing the issue was almost unprecedented. Yet Trump was not impressed. In the coming weeks he refer the the virus as the flu. He had no scheduled meetings with his CDC director. It wasn't until the first known case of Covid 19 in the US on Jan 21st did Trump have any real concerned. He issued and order to stop travel from China but it was written in such a way that it allowed people carrying the virus to still enter the US. On Jan 27th he formed a Pandemic Response Team. The makeup of that team was a good clue to what Trump thought about this pandemic. There were 12 members of the team and only one had any experience in dealing with an epidemic, Dr. Fauci. Trump did not attend most of the meetings. All the other members of the team were Trump appointments, bureaucrats and politician who were mostly interested in determining who would be responsible for whatever might be needed. They had no planning documents and no idea how to proceed. The last pandemic planning document was dated 2005 and was update in 2010. The original pandemic response team was disbanded by Trump in 2018. The CDC moved as you would expect any organization would when the boss considered the whole issue a democratic hoax, just the common flu.
So you expect him to close down the country before even one person has died?

That would have been pretty crazy

Not at all. but right now there 56,803 recorded deaths. Where are all the millions of tests that Orange Asshole promised?

Oh Yeah, he sent them along with over $18,000.00 In PPE to China.

By the end of this week, more people would died COVID-19 than were killed in the Viet Nam War. More dead in the first Four Months of this year than were killed in all of the Viet Nam War.

Thousands have died and thousands more will die.

45 is responsible for each and everyone of them.

Watch "Science Mike" Pence mansplain tests, and what a wonderful job Dear Leader was doing. Why without his bold leadership, we'd still be waiting on tests!! :rolleyes: Problem is (in addition to giving all our shit to Xi) we had no reagents, we had no swabs, we had no processing, we had no PPE, and those shortcomings were blamed on Governors.

Reminds me of the middle school kid who says "hey teacher, I'll take the final, but I won't turn it in for grading. Maybe I can get my dog to bring it to ya, but no promises!"

And now we ALSO know, that the Orange Clown was warned multiple ONE PAGE PDB's often accompanied by photos of Trump and videos of Trump and multiple references to Trump in order to hold his attention for any more than 15 seconds went unread during the entire month of January because he was too busy watching Fox-n-Friends, making excuses, and flinging blame at Obama and the fake news media.

Donnie hasn't believed our formidable intelligence and law enforcement capabilities since damned of them (along with two Republican led Senate reports) said that Russia meddled in 2016 to help Trump.

This is by far the biggest failure of leadership we've seen from any president in American History. Donald is not well, and he must be removed - VERY QUICKLY.

I practice active avoidance as regarding Penis and Cheetolini.

One is willingly aiding and abetting in the murder of over 50,000 Americans and the other one is the murderer.


Fatto Cheetolini

You pretend to be a scientist but you purpose leave stuff, out . Yes they have used UV to kill on the surface of an object but not in a persons body. The uv level needed to do that in the body would cause damage.

Again -- links have been given for direct injection of UV thru an IV needle into a vein to knock down infections. And there IS a company (Aytu Bioscience) planning to take a UV "injection" technique to human trials for Covid. To be used on INTUBATED patients in order to knock out "2ndary" Covid invasions in the trachea.

YOU ignored ALL the science I presented that has been done to select wavelengths and minimize "exposure" times that ARE safe for both internal and external use... And you're still repeating BLANKET refutations that are not true at all...

The DANGER to the body is based on wavelengths and exposure times. Just like the billions of X-rays that are used in ROUTINE medical/dental screening and cancer treatments -- Exposures times in seconds and minutes with NARROW BAND UV light are NOT necessarily harmful at all to most tissues,

The EXCEPTION IS -- the eyes.. And that's an easier problem..
Unfortunately, this UV light is also harmful to human tissue and can lead to skin cancer and cataracts in the eye, says study leader David J. Brenner, PhD, the Higgins Professor of Radiation Biophysics, professor of environmental health sciences, and director of the Center for Radiological Research at CUMC. UV light is almost never used in the operating room during surgery, as these health hazards necessitate the use of cumbersome protective equipment for both surgical staff and patients.

The concern THERE is for CHRONIC exposure.. You would not want personnel routinely in a room using UV cleansing.. Nor would you want personnel using UV wands to be cleaning a dozen airplanes a day.. SO -- a lot of robots have been developed to DO these tasks. Including the airplane cleansing.

That weak canard about "using it in the operating room DURING surgery" is just some ammunition for the POLITICAL angle of all this.. It just doesn't happen.. At least in the US.. And unless it's part of self contained cleaning machines that DONT expose the personnel... That's just a stupid statement.

And ya gotta admit -- it will save MORE LIVES than having 100s or a thousand "metro subway/bus" staff running around HAND CLEANING with toxic chemicals -- public transportation during an influenza outbreak...
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The web site said specifically, it was not developed to kill the coronavirus.
No, when it was developed, no one dreamed of the coronavirus. But they are researching to see if it COULD be used for that purpose. I watched the video, too. It seemed to be the main idea.
Since symptoms don't usually develop until the virus has already reached the lungs, I don't see how killing it in the throat is going help. It's kind of like closing the gate after the horse has bolted.
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The web site said specifically, it was not developed to kill the coronavirus.
No, when it was developed, no one dreamed of the coronavirus. But they are researching to see if it COULD be used for that purpose. I watched the video, too. It seemed to be the main idea.
Since symptoms don't usually develop until the virus has already reached lungs, I don't see how killing it in the throat is going help. It's kind of like closing gate after the horse has bolted.
According to the CDC the symptoms of Coronavirus are: Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing or, at least 2 of the following symptoms: Fever, Chills, Repeated shaking with chills, Muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell.
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. You made claims about Biden.

yes he is a libcommie who supports Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution. And????????????
And you provided zero proof. That makes you a liar. When you come here to a political forum floating your own claims without backing them up, you've exposed yourself as a liar, a fake, and an ignoramus. No one is interested in wasting time with such people. There is only so much time in the day so as to waste it on unprepared, lying, unprepared trolls.

Did I not demonstrate that with you? Oh, and Laura Ingraham cited one of the studies I posted in this thread. You know, the one where Dr. Didier Raoult tested 1061 patients with HCL and Azithromycin?

View attachment 329091

Your arguments are, therefore, once and for all, invalid.
The only studies of real value are double blind studies. The rest are just anecdotal evidence at best and political motivated bull shit a worst.
No person 'want' to kill a person with a car. Talk about 'shit for brains.'

I remember a Bernie voter who tried to kill republicans at a baseball practice
Has absolutely nothing to do with anything being discussed -- but good for you and your Tourettes.
It has the same to do with it as your post of the incident in s carolina

No, ya dumbshit, it's not the same. I actually responded to someone claiming no one intentionally runs down people with a car by showing a picture of someone running down people with a car.

That apparently hurt your delicate feewings since you then replied about someone trying to kill Republicans at a baseball practice -- which no one was talking about.

You're a fucking loon. And I'm such a nice Liberal, I'm even using cuss words so you can whine about that since you look like a schmuck here.

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