Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Those kinds of products and company had a very very long shot of what they want to do.
So what about our consulting firm??. If it was total hogwash as you originally imagined we could have made a fortune teaching them that. We'll make much less telling them that its long shot since all new products are long shots. There goes my millions. Sad.
Hospitals are my customers.
Fantastic!!! Here's another customer. The FDA. Very deep pockets there too!! Do I have your permission to send them your hogwash post. I'm thinking $25,000 an hour to teach them what you have discovered about UV. How does that sound??

"The data have been the basis of discussions with the FDA for a near-term path to enable human use for the potential treatment of coronavirus in intubated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).”
Aytu Bioscience is totally HOGWASH BULLSHIT.
1. This is not even their specialties to make that kind of announcements and products.
2. They are not even involved in liquid engineerings.
3. This is like making furnitures. Then suddenly they want to make jet engines.
4. It’s a very very tiny company. Meaning they will start hiring of some scientists to start the research in liquid and lights.... Really? REALLY?

So can we form a consulting company and charge them millions to teach their scientists what you know??
Did you even look at the size of the building where they are in? It’s a SUITE and number of employees. Do you expect to do that kinds of jobs in a suite?
Hospitals are my customers.
Fantastic!!! Here's a another customer. The FDA. Very deep pockets there too!! Do I have your permission to send them your hogwash post. I'm thinking $25,000 an hour to teach them what you have discovered. How does that sound!!

"The data have been the basis of discussions with the FDA for a near-term path to enable human use for the potential treatment of coronavirus in intubated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).”
What customer are you talking about? I’m not talking HOGWASH.... . I’m talking very serious.
You are a bullshitter. WHERE IS MY MONEY? You made a bet a you lose.
Hospitals are my customers.
Fantastic!!! Here's another customer. The FDA. Very deep pockets there too!! Do I have your permission to send them your hogwash post. I'm thinking $25,000 an hour to teach them what you have discovered about UV. How does that sound??

"The data have been the basis of discussions with the FDA for a near-term path to enable human use for the potential treatment of coronavirus in intubated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).”
You can not even fulfill your $10,000 bet let alone $25,000? You are a bullshitter. I don’t wish to waste my time with you.
Did you even look at the size of the building where they are in? It’s a SUITE and number of employees. Do you expect to do that kinds of jobs in a suite?
Its worth $160 million and makes Corona tests by the 1000's too. Must be a very big suite??? Very very sophisticated stuff! Can you consult on corona tests too??!
Because your so called "game changer", has no relationship with being a "game changer."
And the Democrats miracle drug is???
Not injecting disinfectant.
No one said anyone should.
Impeached Trump suggested it's something we should look into.
Lying isn't your strong point, so why do it ? Do you always take your marching orders from the demoncrats ????
Did Obama say that before or after he refused to replenish the national stock of pandemic response supplies?

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left. Other than Trump - do you have any "credible" proof otherwise? Other than Trump - have you ever heard anyone from the Department of Defense say President Obama left them with no "ammunition"?
Goodness, so many lies.

"Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team"

No, he didn't.
Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump ‘Disbanded’ Pandemic Office
The official who once ran the White House pandemic program dismissed a false Democratic talking point that Trump eliminated the pandemic-response team and criticized reporters for parroting the claim in news stories.

"No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there," wrote former National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison for the Washington Post on Monday.

"It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, ‘dissolved the office' at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness," Morrison wrote. "Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious."

"Obama officials say the "cupboards/Pantries" were fine when they left."

They may have said it, but they were lying. Even Snopes admits it.

What's True
The U.S. federal stockpile of N95 protective face masks was largely depleted during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and was not restocked.

As for your last claim about ammunition, I haven't heard it from anyone, and it's deflection on your part.

You are lying. Lots of you are LIARS. Snopes said you are lying.
1. Yes Trump disbanded the pandemic. There were couple of threads about disbanded the Pandemic Team. This was part of his deregulation program that idiots were celebrating.
2. He defended himself why he did it. Prove that you are lying.
3. If he didn’t then we would/should NOT have this much sufferings and unpreparedness. Part of the Pandemic team is supposed to give the president the advance warning before it hit this country.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs.


Snopes is lying.

Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

100% true Trump disbanded the Pandemic Tram no matter how you slice it.

Let me give you an example or interpret what you are trying to imply. This is like you have 10 firefighters in California since you are not doing anything to save $ .... 2 work in the post office in Arizona, 2 in the hospitals in Nevada, 6 go to Seattle.

We have fires all over California. Where are our 10 firefighters? Oh we have it they are working somewhere else. Some already got fired or left. Where are the Pandemic team???? That is exactly what happened.

Trump defended himself why he did it. So no matter how you interpret it. He disbanded the Pandemic team.

Not the truth. The responsibilities were given to different people and put under a different organization.

Why is everything a fucking lie with you liberals?

You guys claim Trump gutted the EPA, then I spend 30 seconds and go to the EPA website and prove it’s a lie.
Yes Trump disbanded the Pandemic Team. He even defended why he did it. So you are very wrong.

Nobody said he gutted the EPA. His policy is to make the air dirty for the sake of coal industry.
What difference does it make if you read what it say on the EPA.
1. You don’t even know what the differences are. Every thing are good Dr. Trump.
2. You spend 30 seconds reading the EPA website. I’m impressed.

You keep blaming liberals when most you are lying. You are lying right now.
If a leftist-liberal mouth is moving they are lying.
I don’t lie. If you think I’m lying prove it.
You prove it with every TDS post you make.
More Cheetolini

Because your so called "game changer", has no relationship with being a "game changer."
And the Democrats miracle drug is???
Not injecting disinfectant.
No one said anyone should.
Impeached Trump suggested it's something we should look into.
Lying isn't your strong point, so why do it ? Do you always take your marching orders from the demoncrats ????
Dumbfuck... I'm not lying..

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning." ~ Impeached Trump
"is there a way we can do something like that"

notice he said something like that assuming his audience had the IQ to know that chugging bleach was not something like that. Little did he know that TDS renders the liberal IQ to be 0!!
Some room temperature knuckle dragger had the idea to post the thousands of people who die every year from smoking and/or smoking related illness.

Here is the difference you idiot.

IF you are so stupid enough as to smoke, you know the dangers and accept them. It is YOU who decides to smoke.

There is conscience decision to contract COVID-19.

You Smoke. You Die. Your Choice.

You smoke around your house, especially with children in that house, you are deciding for them the consequences of YOU chose to do. Second hand smoke kills and it is YOU doing the killing.

COVID-19 crosses age, gender, religious, ethnic and social boundaries. No one is making the decision to DIE of COVID-19.

By the end of next week more people will have died of COVID-19 than died in the Viet Nam War.

Smokers DIE knowing the risks.

God you people have the IQ of dried up dog turd sitting on Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon July.

You sir are correct!

The Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File of the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Extract Files contains records of 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War. These records were transferred into the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration in 2008.

Trying to figure out whether to call this Donald's Katrina or Donald's Vietnam. Either fits, but Vietnam is more accurate.
Dream on

Deny all you must Mac, but there IS no question that the lost month of February, continued dithering on federalizing testing, PPE, vents etc combined with horrible mixed messaging on a reopening strategy, blaming the media and governors while taking "no responsibility" and failing to fully engage the Defense Production Act cost us thousands of lives.

We all worried about how this president would perform in a national emergency. Now we know. Your Donnie isn't a leader. Sad :confused:
There were no reliable tests in feburary

if there were you can bet that fauci would have used them

indeed the first test the medical pros offered was no good

Nonsense, the WHO tests which we declined to request a few hundred thousand of worked fine for other countries. We could have had those in JANUARY.

Face it - Donnie Dithered/ Donnie Lied/ Markets Crashed/ People DIED
The cdc claimed to have its own test kits - probably hoping to prove they had been doing something useful since the last chinese disease

but the kits did not work and the government doctors/scientists had to start over

which they successfully did eventually
I really don't the blame CDC. The responsibility for the lack any early response rest with the president. In the first week of January, Trump got a security briefing which emphasized the seriousness of the epidemic in China and dangers to the US. The fact that the usual US security contacts in China had gone totally dark and Xi Jinping had taken charge of managing the issue was almost unprecedented. Yet Trump was not impressed. In the coming weeks he refer the the virus as the flu. He had no scheduled meetings with his CDC director. It wasn't until the first known case of Covid 19 in the US on Jan 21st did Trump have any real concerned. He issued and order to stop travel from China but it was written in such a way that it allowed people carrying the virus to still enter the US. On Jan 27th he formed a Pandemic Response Team. The makeup of that team was a good clue to what Trump thought about this pandemic. There were 12 members of the team and only one had any experience in dealing with an epidemic, Dr. Fauci. Trump did not attend most of the meetings. All the other members of the team were Trump appointments, bureaucrats and politician who were mostly interested in determining who would be responsible for whatever might be needed. They had no planning documents and no idea how to proceed. The last pandemic planning document was dated 2005 and was update in 2010. The original pandemic response team was disbanded by Trump in 2018. The CDC moved as you would expect any organization would when the boss considered the whole issue a democratic hoax, just the common flu.
So you expect him to close down the country before even one person has died?

That would have been pretty crazy
I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred. Even when warned last year by a report out of Homeland Security about how poorly prepared the US was for a pandemic, he ignored the issue and attempted to cut the CDC budget. And when our national security briefed him on the extreme danger of the outbreak in China, in early January he did nothing till the end of January. He then created the Pandemic Response Team with only one member with any applicable experience. The rest were political appointees. His ban on China travel allowed potential carriers to enter the US in January and February. For two months he downplayed the seriousness of the issue and when he had no other choice he addressed it in March but only after it was already in 3 states and dozens were infected. Even then he took absolute no responsibility. He blamed China, CDC, WHO, and even the democrats. The CDC, FEMA, FDA, and other agencies took their que from the president. "It was nothing but the common flu.' 'It's under control.'

You're far too smart and sane for this forum. When speaking with USMB Trumpublicans, it might be best to dumb it down just a tad. ;)
Not sure how to dumb it down. I certainly am not going to engage in personal attacks against members and trolling. However, I do need to shorten my posts. They take to long to research and write.

Yeah, agreed. Any and all "research" is pretty much for naught.
Don't say that! I read it!
You hear Trumps words as true when it benefits you, but any other time he's a liar according to you. rotflmbo.. You can't make this stuff up folks, yeah they are that agenda driven with a side of TDS to boot.
Stupid Dems with TDS don't want to give Trump's ideas a chance. They don't want Trump to get credit for anything.

I credit 45 with each of the now Fifty-Eight Thousand Six Hundred Forty (56,640) Deaths due to COVID-19. Which mean as o 28 April 2020 the number of dead from COVID-19 now exceeds the number of U.S. Military Personnel Killed In The Viet Nam War.

Because of absolute falilure of leadership on the part of 45, each of these deaths is his fault.

I give him credit for a Mass Murder.
Do you really think that anyone cares what you think about Trump, and what you think about him being this Nations president ?? Blabbering on about Trump with your TDS is really dumb, but then again it is amusing sometimes, otherwise if you like looking as crazy as a lying coon dog in life. :)
Imbecile, who would take Impeached Trump's advice other than you rightards?? :dunno:

1) it is an honor to be impeached by our libcommies with TDS

2) America's workers, who used to be Democrats, took his advice and elected him.

Any more questions???
Lots of accompanies will claim they can do this and that.
Aytu to claimed they can do it by injection is very easy to say and done. It’s not even their specialties.

We are talking a new breed of UV by injection to fight virus designed for lungs. That is heck biochemistry and biological engineering.


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