Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Great idea. Trump should be first to give it a try.
If I had the virus, I would certainly give it a try. I think Trump is coming up with some good ideas. It has been shown by DHS scientists that sunlight, heat and humidity all have a "powerful" and significant effect on the virus, in weakening it.

As for Trump's idea of getting these 3 agents inside the body to the spot of the infection, that's hardly different than a broncosopy, or a lung needle biopsy. Things that hospitals do every day.

bleach and alcohol "in the lungs" would cause breathing spasms, coughing, severe shortness of breath and systemic issues.. Would make an asthma spasm look like a minor sneeze.. Effects probably lasting for hours. And with a delivery tube in there -- the involuntary coughing would likely create physical damage... Best stick to what ANYONE responsible has even DISCUSSED.. Neither of those were discussed as "internal cleaners"...
So when William was talking about using Bleach and alcohol on surfaces why did Drumpf verify with him if they could be used inside the body....sort of like a cleaning?

"We are also testing disinfectants, readily available. We have tested bleach, we have tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus specifically in saliva or respiratory fluids -- I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes, isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds and that is with no manipulation no rubbing, just spring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We are also looking at other disinfectants specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva. "
-William Bryan

"Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you are totally into that world which I find to be very interesting. So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you are going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body which you can do either through the skin or in some other way and I think you said you were going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

Right. And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number (INAUDIBLE) interesting to check that so that you are going to have to use medical doctors with but it sounds interesting to me so we will see but the whole concept of the light the way it kills it in one minute that's--that's pretty powerful."
-Drumpf (Dumbest Mother Fucker Ever)

He never did that. That was SHORT EDITED to CUT OUT the qualification Trump made about UV light.. Some one is feeding you purposely edited shit and making you look and act stupid.,.

He turned to W. Bryan and STARTED and ENDED his questions about the "internal use" stuff by qualifying it and restricting his questions to UV LIGHT.. I'll post the vid.. Clear as day.. SO ALSO were Bryan's answers.. When Trump asked him if UV light would be "tried on humans" -- Bryan AFFIRMINATELY answered yes.. Probably because the 2 of them had discussed in the earlier "non-press" briefing some of the "internal use" apps for UV sanitizing..

Mentioned "the light" or UV light 3 times in that 2 minute follow-up with Bryan.. NEVER mentioned bleach or alcohol... Bryan had the 3 things all listed as "disinfectants" because UV light is a KNOWN and widely used disinfectant for decades.

Don't be stupid just because someone FED YOU a conveniently edited propaganda sound bite to help your TDS grow... I'd never go back to phony media sources that burned me and made me look stupid....




Why did you only post 1/3 of the poster?? You AFRAID of the OTHER 2/3 that were there? Or are you just following the media moron frenzy here. Bryan had UV in the 1st slot of that poster. And UV IS a disinfectant.. You cannot comprehend that?

U win the moron prize for making up fake news. Or just regurgitating it --- most likely. Not sure you're capable of spinning a good made up story all by your wittle self..;,. Grow up...

What the fuck is wrong with you? I posted the entire image many times. I posted just the portion showing what they described as "disinfectants" in response to your nonsense about UV light, which fell under another heading, not under "disinfectants."

It's beyond clear to anyone with an IQ of at least 2 whole digits that they were not discussing UV light as a disinfectant. UV light doesn't even kill COVID-19 within a minute.
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

In FACT -- you deranged clown -- In your MIDDLE VIDEO -- Trump's comments are QUALIFIED at the beginning, the middle and the end -- to be SOLELY about UV light as an disinfectant"... And you're (and the entire resistance media") science understanding is SOOOO damn poor -- you just can't understand that UV IS a disinfectant. In LARGE use for public spaces and NOW is being proposed as a system to fight Covid in the trachea by INJECTING UV light in there..

Tell me that he DID NOT QUALIFY all that to BE about UV light....


Dumbfuck, check this out...

Impeached Trump said...

"So I asked Bill a question some of you are thinking of if you're into that world, which I find to be pretty interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting.

And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that.

So you're going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me, so we'll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it goes in one minute, that's pretty powerful."

You claim the part I highlighted was really talking about UV light and not the "commonly available disinfectants" they presented on a slide during that presentation....

So which part of that quote above was the part Impeached Trump claims was meant as sarcasm...?
Never heard a peep from Trump about Rendesiver until the doctors mentioned it.
of course not you're a liberal and get everything backwards. When Trump first mentioned Hydroxi and Remdisiver liberal ignorance and TDS made them turn against both!!! So so embarrassing!!

Two drugs touted by President Trump as potential game changers in the fight against the coronavirus have shown no benefit for infected patients who take them.

A clinical trial conducted in China appears to show that the antiviral drug remdesivir does not help patients with COVID-19 recover from the disease or keep them from dying, Stat reported, after viewing a preliminary report on the research.

Look at this piece of shit throwing out these lies again. When have the Liberals turned against Rendisiver? It was just brought to everyone's attention. Answer, it hasn't been turned against, at least not yet. Damn boy, you live by the golden rule of lies don't you?

And yes, there are already reports that Rendisiver is not helping Covid patients, so the jury is still out.

Try and pretend you possess maturity and honesty. Which no one has seen yet.
Critical patents with little chance of survival need treatments that are as non-invasive as possible. This treatment sounds pretty invasive.
BTW Do know what type of UV radiation is used UVA, UVB, or UVC.

Trust me -- once you're intubated, shining a bit of light down there is your LEAST problem.. They use sedation and muscle relaxants so that no muscles are operating.. That conserves the Oxygen absorption to the vitals and the brain.. The introduction of small fiber optic tube is NOT the invasive part.

I think the release said that they were using a NARROW spectrum UVB.. By NOT using a wide mix of wavelengths -- you can further enhance the safety of the device..
Thanks for the info. I agree this device could be beneficial. In a lab setting it is reported to kill the virus. It seems that it would be more likely to be beneficial when used in thorax but that's just a guess. Done with this thread. It's getting too repetitive.
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Spot the cognitive dissonance...

But you're a liberal so naturally get things embarrassingly wrong all the time. When Trump first mentioned Hydroxochloroqiune( now used all over the world) he also mentioned great hope for Remdesiver( about to be used all over the world.​
Two drugs touted by President Trump as potential game changers in the fight against the coronavirus have shown no benefit for infected patients who take them.

Thanks for unwittingly revealing the real embarrassment is Impeached Trump and his acolytes.

"Since Trump made those comments, and the media’s hair lit on fire, the daily task force briefings have become shorter, more infrequent, and with fewer questions. Trump and his task force are busy and don’t have time to waste with reporters only interested in destroying his presidency."
"Imagine a past President Trump suggesting things like electricity, cars, computers or airplane flight. If we had the same media as we do know, we would still be using candles and a horse and buggy."

The Wuhan Covid-19 virus has served as the President’s, let’s say, Spring Training. He’s been tested again and again by wave after wave of journOlists(?) striking at him searching for a chink in his political armor. This summer and fall, questions will be asked, ostensibly, searching for clarity or understanding about his policy positions, but in truth are asked as usual to cast doubt on his fitness to be president. President Trump has had nearly four years of bashing by the press. They’ve figuratively thrown lefts, rights, uppercuts, kidney punches, hitting after the bell AND their go to punch, the gotcha question, hitting below the belt. I know I have mixed up some metaphors, but the idea is this President, because of what he has endured, is better prepared for what awaits him this summer and into the fall.
Spot the cognitive dissonance...

But you're a liberal so naturally get things embarrassingly wrong all the time. When Trump first mentioned Hydroxochloroqiune( now used all over the world) he also mentioned great hope for Remdesiver( about to be used all over the world.​
Two drugs touted by President Trump as potential game changers in the fight against the coronavirus have shown no benefit for infected patients who take them.

Thanks for unwittingly revealing the real embarrassment is Impeached Trump and his acolytes.

"Since Trump made those comments, and the media’s hair lit on fire, the daily task force briefings have become shorter, more infrequent, and with fewer questions. Trump and his task force are busy and don’t have time to waste with reporters only interested in destroying his presidency."
"Imagine a past President Trump suggesting things like electricity, cars, computers or airplane flight. If we had the same media as we do know, we would still be using candles and a horse and buggy."

The Wuhan Covid-19 virus has served as the President’s, let’s say, Spring Training. He’s been tested again and again by wave after wave of journOlists(?) striking at him searching for a chink in his political armor. This summer and fall, questions will be asked, ostensibly, searching for clarity or understanding about his policy positions, but in truth are asked as usual to cast doubt on his fitness to be president. President Trump has had nearly four years of bashing by the press. They’ve figuratively thrown lefts, rights, uppercuts, kidney punches, hitting after the bell AND their go to punch, the gotcha question, hitting below the belt. I know I have mixed up some metaphors, but the idea is this President, because of what he has endured, is better prepared for what awaits him this summer and into the fall.


Mr President - why are the Chinese smart enough to wear masks and you and the VP aren't ?
And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that.
So if it kills the virus, why are you liberals against it?
Spot the cognitive dissonance...

But you're a liberal so naturally get things embarrassingly wrong all the time. When Trump first mentioned Hydroxochloroqiune( now used all over the world) he also mentioned great hope for Remdesiver( about to be used all over the world.​
Two drugs touted by President Trump as potential game changers in the fight against the coronavirus have shown no benefit for infected patients who take them.

Thanks for unwittingly revealing the real embarrassment is Impeached Trump and his acolytes.

"Since Trump made those comments, and the media’s hair lit on fire, the daily task force briefings have become shorter, more infrequent, and with fewer questions. Trump and his task force are busy and don’t have time to waste with reporters only interested in destroying his presidency."
"Imagine a past President Trump suggesting things like electricity, cars, computers or airplane flight. If we had the same media as we do know, we would still be using candles and a horse and buggy."

The Wuhan Covid-19 virus has served as the President’s, let’s say, Spring Training. He’s been tested again and again by wave after wave of journOlists(?) striking at him searching for a chink in his political armor. This summer and fall, questions will be asked, ostensibly, searching for clarity or understanding about his policy positions, but in truth are asked as usual to cast doubt on his fitness to be president. President Trump has had nearly four years of bashing by the press. They’ve figuratively thrown lefts, rights, uppercuts, kidney punches, hitting after the bell AND their go to punch, the gotcha question, hitting below the belt. I know I have mixed up some metaphors, but the idea is this President, because of what he has endured, is better prepared for what awaits him this summer and into the fall.



Here, let me tell ya what DailyKos thinks about that.

Spot the cognitive dissonance...

But you're a liberal so naturally get things embarrassingly wrong all the time. When Trump first mentioned Hydroxochloroqiune( now used all over the world) he also mentioned great hope for Remdesiver( about to be used all over the world.​
Two drugs touted by President Trump as potential game changers in the fight against the coronavirus have shown no benefit for infected patients who take them.

Thanks for unwittingly revealing the real embarrassment is Impeached Trump and his acolytes.

"Since Trump made those comments, and the media’s hair lit on fire, the daily task force briefings have become shorter, more infrequent, and with fewer questions. Trump and his task force are busy and don’t have time to waste with reporters only interested in destroying his presidency."
"Imagine a past President Trump suggesting things like electricity, cars, computers or airplane flight. If we had the same media as we do know, we would still be using candles and a horse and buggy."

The Wuhan Covid-19 virus has served as the President’s, let’s say, Spring Training. He’s been tested again and again by wave after wave of journOlists(?) striking at him searching for a chink in his political armor. This summer and fall, questions will be asked, ostensibly, searching for clarity or understanding about his policy positions, but in truth are asked as usual to cast doubt on his fitness to be president. President Trump has had nearly four years of bashing by the press. They’ve figuratively thrown lefts, rights, uppercuts, kidney punches, hitting after the bell AND their go to punch, the gotcha question, hitting below the belt. I know I have mixed up some metaphors, but the idea is this President, because of what he has endured, is better prepared for what awaits him this summer and into the fall.
Great post... MAGA....... .. Trump is leaving these zeros in the dust... As things get better, and as we all look back on it all, we'll be able to see just how evil these people (the leftist) were, and how evil they will continue to be moving forward.
Spot the cognitive dissonance...

But you're a liberal so naturally get things embarrassingly wrong all the time. When Trump first mentioned Hydroxochloroqiune( now used all over the world) he also mentioned great hope for Remdesiver( about to be used all over the world.​
Two drugs touted by President Trump as potential game changers in the fight against the coronavirus have shown no benefit for infected patients who take them.

Thanks for unwittingly revealing the real embarrassment is Impeached Trump and his acolytes.

"Since Trump made those comments, and the media’s hair lit on fire, the daily task force briefings have become shorter, more infrequent, and with fewer questions. Trump and his task force are busy and don’t have time to waste with reporters only interested in destroying his presidency."
"Imagine a past President Trump suggesting things like electricity, cars, computers or airplane flight. If we had the same media as we do know, we would still be using candles and a horse and buggy."

The Wuhan Covid-19 virus has served as the President’s, let’s say, Spring Training. He’s been tested again and again by wave after wave of journOlists(?) striking at him searching for a chink in his political armor. This summer and fall, questions will be asked, ostensibly, searching for clarity or understanding about his policy positions, but in truth are asked as usual to cast doubt on his fitness to be president. President Trump has had nearly four years of bashing by the press. They’ve figuratively thrown lefts, rights, uppercuts, kidney punches, hitting after the bell AND their go to punch, the gotcha question, hitting below the belt. I know I have mixed up some metaphors, but the idea is this President, because of what he has endured, is better prepared for what awaits him this summer and into the fall.


Mr President - why are the Chinese smart enough to wear masks and you and the VP aren't ?
Praising your communist leaders eh ??
I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred.
Like maybe a vaccine, or a billion ppe’s, 300 hundred thousand ventilators with each citizens name on it?

Except for the vaccine the rest of that is state and local responsibility

but trump is doing the best he can to overcome their lack of preparedness
I would have been happy if there were just enough N95 masks for everyone. There would have been no need for stay at homes orders nor business shutdowns nor the hundreds of billion in goverment subsidies. Just a billion dollars would have provided enough masks for the whole country. It could have been included in the pandemic response plan if Trump had ever seen fit to have one.
They would have been available if Obama had replenished the national stock.

He didn't.

It's hard to credibly blame Trump for something that happened before he was President, but damned if you leftists don't keep trying.
No, there has never been enough masks stockpiled, not even enough for all of our healthcare worker must less the whole country. If Trump had not disbanded the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, they most probably would have included it in the plan. He ignored the 2019 report from Homeland Security highlighting the countries lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Not even in early January when his security people warned him of the danger coronavirus posed to country did he act. Trump has tried to blame China, the World Health Organization, Obama, the CDC, the governors, and even our hospitals for the poor response to the pandemic in January and February but come November, he's not going to be able to pass the buck on this one.
Do you people believe history began when Trump was inaugurated?

Or is it just that you believe Obama is not responsible for his failures?

We have a pandemic the whole country in crisis caused by this incompetent president. Trump is a total failure. On top of that we have to deal with his regular lying bullshit.
Obama was well respected around the world. Trump made us a laughing stock, ignorant and stupid around the world.
1. China caused this pandemic. But you don't dare criticize your masters.

2. Trump says things you don't like. Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

3. Obama wasn't respected. Obama's weakness and hatred for America were exploited by those who would do us harm.

4. They hate Trump because he's made it plain America will look out for her interests and not put the interests of nations who hate us first.

1. China is the origins of Covid-19 but they are not suggesting any kinds of treatments such as disinfectant or UV lights. Which made us Americans looks like dumb and ignorant around the world.

2. If Trump say something very dumb, ignorant and stupid. No matter how wrong or wrong or how lies are lies that is acceptable to you and the rest of cult members - - - - - - that is cool Mr. Trump 2 thumbs up. But DECENT Americans will never put up with that.

3. You got it all wrong. Trump created enemies even with friendly allies and enemies against his own people the democrats inciting violence . He lied like hell and doesn’t even know what he is talking about. Trump is the most disgraceful POTUS ever. Obama was and is very well respected around the world a true leader. That’s a fact.

4. Like WHAT? Trump only interest is his own. We hate Trump because he is amateur, unfit and incompetent. Dumb Trump has said and done lots of policies and decisions that he can be flush to the toilet but still you love him. Why? What is there to love Trump? His blond hair? He screwed up this country because of totally inept . You still protecting him? Why?

We have a crisis on top of that we have to put up with all this stupidity. This country deserves better. Don’t you think?
I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred.
Like maybe a vaccine, or a billion ppe’s, 300 hundred thousand ventilators with each citizens name on it?

Except for the vaccine the rest of that is state and local responsibility

but trump is doing the best he can to overcome their lack of preparedness
I would have been happy if there were just enough N95 masks for everyone. There would have been no need for stay at homes orders nor business shutdowns nor the hundreds of billion in goverment subsidies. Just a billion dollars would have provided enough masks for the whole country. It could have been included in the pandemic response plan if Trump had ever seen fit to have one.
They would have been available if Obama had replenished the national stock.

He didn't.

It's hard to credibly blame Trump for something that happened before he was President, but damned if you leftists don't keep trying.
No, there has never been enough masks stockpiled, not even enough for all of our healthcare worker must less the whole country. If Trump had not disbanded the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, they most probably would have included it in the plan. He ignored the 2019 report from Homeland Security highlighting the countries lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Not even in early January when his security people warned him of the danger coronavirus posed to country did he act. Trump has tried to blame China, the World Health Organization, Obama, the CDC, the governors, and even our hospitals for the poor response to the pandemic in January and February but come November, he's not going to be able to pass the buck on this one.
Do you people believe history began when Trump was inaugurated?

Or is it just that you believe Obama is not responsible for his failures?

We have a pandemic the whole country in crisis caused by this incompetent president. Trump is a total failure. On top of that we have to deal with his regular lying bullshit.
Obama was well respected around the world. Trump made us a laughing stock, ignorant and stupid around the world.
Hmmm, so you actually are standing here saying that Trump is at fault for it all eh ?? This tells me that you Democrats are attempting to use this situation as another attempt to unseat Trump.

After so many failed attempts by the leftist Democrats to unseat Trump now, and even worse costing this nation in the billions or maybe even trillions of dollars, then I'd say that if it is found that the left was in kahoots with China somehow, and they were trying to over throw the U.S. government as a last ditch effort, then the Nuremberg trial's should look like a kindergarten court in comparison to what a treason trial should look like in regards to this possible act of desperation against America by it's own.
Do you have any one else who needs to be blame with this crisis?
Do you blame the left hatred against your fake messiah when he is like waging a civil war against the democrats? Trump said LIBERATE save your 2nd amendments....

Sorry my dear. You can cry however and whatever you want how to defend Trump. Trump is a bad DUDE.
Good Grief..........nothing changes................Pravda Daily at work.

TDS on Steroids trying to destroy our country...........
Who do you think are you blaming? The left did not suggest that you should take disinfectants, hydro chloroquine and UV lights.
TDS as your defense. All we are doing is expressing how we Americans become so dumb and ignorant in just 3 short years.
The Times reports, "The early results of a federal trial showing that treatment with remdesivir, an experimental antiviral drug, can speed recovery in patients infected with the coronavirus, were heralded as “very optimistic” at the White House by Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. That helped the S&P 500 gain nearly 3 percent on a day the Commerce Department reported the worst quarterly contraction in the nation’s gross domestic product since 2008, during the Great Recession.

"The Food and Drug Administration is likely to issue an emergency approval for remdesivir, a senior administration official told The New York Times. The drug, made by Gilead Sciences, could eventually be the first approved treatment for Covid-19, the illness caused by the virus."

It is not a cure, not a vaccine, but it might be helpful for those hospitalized by the coronavirus. When will that be? No one knows yet.
It is very promising. I believe it’s a cure and it’s vaccine.

The Remdesivir will stop the VIRAL ENZYMES that catalyzes the integration of virally derived DNA into the host cell DNA in the nucleus.

Let me make that easier.
If a person is infected with a virus the body produces an enzymes called VIRAL ENZYMES. It’s like a fluids that helps create the virus, attacking the cells. Remdesivir is design to stop the viral enzymes ——— thus stop the creation of the virus.

Here is simple anatomical layout of a lungs.

They claimed that the UV light (probe) will enter to the trachea ( drawing with blue) but not the lungs.

1. How is the UV lights going to travel in those bronchi a curve like 90° then branches up, down, left to right then around. Since when a lights can travel that goes around?

2. How is the UV light going to penetrate the location of the alveoli? Drill thousands of tiny holes? How is the UV light going to travel inside the linings of the (pleura) lungs? Drill a hole to the side of a patients?

2. Even if you miraculously violated the physics of lights. How is the UV lights going to repair the damage infected cells? How is the UV lights going stop the damaged infected cells from multiplying? How is the UV lights going to stop the other organs that are infected or about to be infected?

3. How is the UV lights going to stop the body from producing the viral enzymes a fluid like that helps create the virus in the FIRST PLACE?

Can anyone explain that to us? Please.

View attachment 330585View attachment 330586View attachment 330587

Here is simple anatomical layout of a lungs.

They claimed that the UV light (probe) will enter to the trachea ( drawing with blue) but not the lungs.

1. How is the UV lights going to travel in those bronchi a curve like 90° then branches up, down, left to right then around. Since when a lights can travel that goes around?

2. How is the UV light going to penetrate the location of the alveoli? Drill thousands of tiny holes? How is the UV light going to travel inside the linings of the (pleura) lungs? Drill a hole to the side of a patients?

2. Even if you miraculously violated the physics of lights. How is the UV lights going to repair the damage infected cells? How is the UV lights going stop the damaged infected cells from multiplying? How is the UV lights going to stop the other organs that are infected or about to be infected?

3. How is the UV lights going to stop the body from producing the viral enzymes a fluid like that helps create the virus in the FIRST PLACE?

Can anyone explain that to us? Please.


Call them and ask them............not our's their technology
I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred.
Like maybe a vaccine, or a billion ppe’s, 300 hundred thousand ventilators with each citizens name on it?

Except for the vaccine the rest of that is state and local responsibility

but trump is doing the best he can to overcome their lack of preparedness
I would have been happy if there were just enough N95 masks for everyone. There would have been no need for stay at homes orders nor business shutdowns nor the hundreds of billion in goverment subsidies. Just a billion dollars would have provided enough masks for the whole country. It could have been included in the pandemic response plan if Trump had ever seen fit to have one.
They would have been available if Obama had replenished the national stock.

He didn't.

It's hard to credibly blame Trump for something that happened before he was President, but damned if you leftists don't keep trying.
No, there has never been enough masks stockpiled, not even enough for all of our healthcare worker must less the whole country. If Trump had not disbanded the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, they most probably would have included it in the plan. He ignored the 2019 report from Homeland Security highlighting the countries lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Not even in early January when his security people warned him of the danger coronavirus posed to country did he act. Trump has tried to blame China, the World Health Organization, Obama, the CDC, the governors, and even our hospitals for the poor response to the pandemic in January and February but come November, he's not going to be able to pass the buck on this one.
Do you people believe history began when Trump was inaugurated?

Or is it just that you believe Obama is not responsible for his failures?

We have a pandemic the whole country in crisis caused by this incompetent president. Trump is a total failure. On top of that we have to deal with his regular lying bullshit.
Obama was well respected around the world. Trump made us a laughing stock, ignorant and stupid around the world.
1. China caused this pandemic. But you don't dare criticize your masters.

2. Trump says things you don't like. Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

3. Obama wasn't respected. Obama's weakness and hatred for America were exploited by those who would do us harm.

4. They hate Trump because he's made it plain America will look out for her interests and not put the interests of nations who hate us first.

1. China is the origins of Covid-19 but they are not suggesting any kinds of treatments such as disinfectant or UV lights. Which made us Americans looks like dumb and ignorant around the world.

2. If Trump say something very dumb, ignorant and stupid. No matter how wrong or wrong or how lies are lies that is acceptable to you and the rest of cult members - - - - - - that is cool Mr. Trump 2 thumbs up. But DECENT Americans will never put up with that.

3. You got it all wrong. Trump created enemies even with friendly allies and enemies against his own people the democrats inciting violence . He lied like hell and doesn’t even know what he is talking about. Trump is the most disgraceful POTUS ever. Obama was and is very well respected around the world a true leader. That’s a fact.

4. Like WHAT? Trump only interest is his own. We hate Trump because he is amateur, unfit and incompetent. Dumb Trump has said and done lots of policies and decisions that he can be flush to the toilet but still you love him. Why? What is there to love Trump? His blond hair? He screwed up this country because of totally inept . You still protecting him? Why?

We have a crisis on top of that we have to put up with all this stupidity. This country deserves better. Don’t you think?
Your opinions are not facts.
And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that.
So if it kills the virus, why are you liberals against it?

Because ingesting or injecting disinfectants will KILL YOU!!!

What fucking part KILL YOU do you not under fucking stand?
I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred.
Like maybe a vaccine, or a billion ppe’s, 300 hundred thousand ventilators with each citizens name on it?

Except for the vaccine the rest of that is state and local responsibility

but trump is doing the best he can to overcome their lack of preparedness
I would have been happy if there were just enough N95 masks for everyone. There would have been no need for stay at homes orders nor business shutdowns nor the hundreds of billion in goverment subsidies. Just a billion dollars would have provided enough masks for the whole country. It could have been included in the pandemic response plan if Trump had ever seen fit to have one.
They would have been available if Obama had replenished the national stock.

He didn't.

It's hard to credibly blame Trump for something that happened before he was President, but damned if you leftists don't keep trying.
No, there has never been enough masks stockpiled, not even enough for all of our healthcare worker must less the whole country. If Trump had not disbanded the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, they most probably would have included it in the plan. He ignored the 2019 report from Homeland Security highlighting the countries lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Not even in early January when his security people warned him of the danger coronavirus posed to country did he act. Trump has tried to blame China, the World Health Organization, Obama, the CDC, the governors, and even our hospitals for the poor response to the pandemic in January and February but come November, he's not going to be able to pass the buck on this one.
Do you people believe history began when Trump was inaugurated?

Or is it just that you believe Obama is not responsible for his failures?

We have a pandemic the whole country in crisis caused by this incompetent president. Trump is a total failure. On top of that we have to deal with his regular lying bullshit.
Obama was well respected around the world. Trump made us a laughing stock, ignorant and stupid around the world.
1. China caused this pandemic. But you don't dare criticize your masters.

2. Trump says things you don't like. Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

3. Obama wasn't respected. Obama's weakness and hatred for America were exploited by those who would do us harm.

4. They hate Trump because he's made it plain America will look out for her interests and not put the interests of nations who hate us first.

1. China is the origins of Covid-19 but they are not suggesting any kinds of treatments such as disinfectant or UV lights. Which made us Americans looks like dumb and ignorant around the world.

2. If Trump say something very dumb, ignorant and stupid. No matter how wrong or wrong or how lies are lies that is acceptable to you and the rest of cult members - - - - - - that is cool Mr. Trump 2 thumbs up. But DECENT Americans will never put up with that.

3. You got it all wrong. Trump created enemies even with friendly allies and enemies against his own people the democrats inciting violence . He lied like hell and doesn’t even know what he is talking about. Trump is the most disgraceful POTUS ever. Obama was and is very well respected around the world a true leader. That’s a fact.

4. Like WHAT? Trump only interest is his own. We hate Trump because he is amateur, unfit and incompetent. Dumb Trump has said and done lots of policies and decisions that he can be flush to the toilet but still you love him. Why? What is there to love Trump? His blond hair? He screwed up this country because of totally inept . You still protecting him? Why?

We have a crisis on top of that we have to put up with all this stupidity. This country deserves better. Don’t you think?
Trump has done a great job of leading the response to the chinese disease

sending hospital ships to new york and california

building temporary hospitals and flooding the states with more ventilators than they need
It's beyond clear to anyone with an IQ of at least 2 whole digits that they were not discussing UV light as a disinfectant. UV light doesn't even kill COVID-19 within a minute.

Holy CRAP man.., How does that bolded part come out of your mouth when you're arguing about the CHART you apparently DID NOT READ??? Says right there -- ~1.5minutes.... NO ONE CARES if it's 2 minutes or 10 minutes.. It can be done safely WITHIN the trachea of an intubated covid patient on a respirator.. You can SAFELY inject the LIGHT right the hell in there. And that's what docs at Cedars Sinai WANT TO PROVE... And they'll probably get FDA permission to PROVE IT SOON...

Your tissues have been irradiated with UV at the dentist. Probably a couple minutes of exposure... Is YOUR tongue all shriveled and dead???? The exposure times neccessary are TRIVIAL compared to the UV damage from 87 years of sun exposure on your sad looking face...
And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that.
So if it kills the virus, why are you liberals against it?

Because ingesting or injecting disinfectants will KILL YOU!!!

What fucking part KILL YOU do you not under fucking stand?

"Just say no" to disinfectants and get on with your sad diseased self...

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