Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

He's been living in UV fantasy land for a week now, and no known scientist or medical doctor has endorsed it. He's made a total idiot of himself with what he believes, and no one I know of in the medical field is on board with it. It's really quite sad. For once I wish I could be wrong.
You are wrong, as you'v already been told. Some people have to be told twice.

The fact that coroniavirus dies more quickly in hot humid weather is not indicative of UV radiation being an effective treatment for Covid 19. However it does support the belief that the virus is seasonal.
He's been living in UV fantasy land for a week now, and no known scientist or medical doctor has endorsed it. He's made a total idiot of himself with what he believes, and no one I know of in the medical field is on board with it. It's really quite sad. For once I wish I could be wrong.
You are wrong, as you'v already been told. Some people have to be told twice.

The fact that coroniavirus dies more quickly in hot humid weather is not indicative of UV radiation being an effective treatment for Covid 19. However it does support the belief that the virus is seasonal.
From the source posted below >>

"Bryan said the preliminary study showed that the half life of the virus was lower at higher temperatures and humidity than in colder weather.

“If you look as the temperature increases, as the humidity increases, no sun involved, you can see how drastically the half-life goes down on the virus. So it’s dying in a much more rapid pace [with] just exposure to higher temperatures and to humidity,” Bryan continued.

But he also said that it dissipates more quickly in sunlight than in the dark because ultraviolet light helps kill the bug.

The DHS scientists said that disinfectants and household bleach were also extremely effective in killing the virus."
Never heard a peep from Trump about Rendesiver until the doctors mentioned it.
of course not you're a liberal and get everything backwards. When Trump first mentioned Hydroxi and Remdisiver liberal ignorance and TDS made them turn against both!!! So so embarrassing!!

Two drugs touted by President Trump as potential game changers in the fight against the coronavirus have shown no benefit for infected patients who take them.

A clinical trial conducted in China appears to show that the antiviral drug remdesivir does not help patients with COVID-19 recover from the disease or keep them from dying, Stat reported, after viewing a preliminary report on the research.

Look at this piece of shit throwing out these lies again. When have the Liberals turned against Rendisiver? It was just brought to everyone's attention. Answer, it hasn't been turned against, at least not yet. Damn boy, you live by the golden rule of lies don't you?

And yes, there are already reports that Rendisiver is not helping Covid patients, so the jury is still out.

Try and pretend you possess maturity and honesty. Which no one has seen yet.
OMG! You people really are that stupid.

please embarrass yourself more and try to tell us why they are stupid.
"Embarrass myself?" Lol! That'll be the day. This coming from a proven pathological liar like you. The poster is too stupid to understand, that UV light cannot enter the body without doing the body harm. I don't care how many different ways from Sunday it can kill the Coronavirus. When does stupid ever end with you lame brains?
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. When have the Liberals turned against Rendisiver?

So embarrassing!! When? The moment Trump mentioned it!!

Two drugs touted by President Trump as potential game changers in the fight against the coronavirus have shown no benefit for infected patients who take them.

A clinical trial conducted in China appears to show that the antiviral drug remdesivir does not help patients with COVID-19 recover from the disease or keep them from dying, Stat reported, after viewing a preliminary report on the research.
He's been living in UV fantasy land for a week now, and no known scientist or medical doctor has endorsed it. He's made a total idiot of himself with what he believes, and no one I know of in the medical field is on board with it. It's really quite sad. For once I wish I could be wrong.
You are wrong, as you'v already been told. Some people have to be told twice.

The fact that coroniavirus dies more quickly in hot humid weather is not indicative of UV radiation being an effective treatment for Covid 19. However it does support the belief that the virus is seasonal.
From the source posted below >>

"Bryan said the preliminary study showed that the half life of the virus was lower at higher temperatures and humidity than in colder weather.

“If you look as the temperature increases, as the humidity increases, no sun involved, you can see how drastically the half-life goes down on the virus. So it’s dying in a much more rapid pace [with] just exposure to higher temperatures and to humidity,” Bryan continued.

But he also said that it dissipates more quickly in sunlight than in the dark because ultraviolet light helps kill the bug.

The DHS scientists said that disinfectants and household bleach were also extremely effective in killing the virus."
All of them are extremely effective at killing viruses. That's why they're called disinfectants. Now, how are you going to administer any of these products, including UV lights, without harming or killing?
How can there be a one time application? The coronavirus moves rapidly through the upper respiratory system to the lungs and the blood stream. If you're using UV, how would know where to apply it. It just doesn't make any sense.

Flus migrate from upper to lower respiratory.. So if you have already INTUBATED a patient -- the established infections in the throat are constantly ADDING to the load in the lungs.. (probably, but I dont KNOW -- aggravated by the mechanical friction of the tube and the fact that the sedated intubated patient can't cough stuff up) If you can create a barrier that goes deep into the trachea with UV treatments -- you get what Aytu and Cedars Sinai calls -- prevention of secondary covid infections in the deep portions of the lungs..

It's like cutting off the battlefield.. Body immune system only has to fight 1/2 the battle... That's why I think Aytu has a chance with this product to CHANGE the way critical care ventilators are designed -- maybe eventually.,.,. Useful for probably a LOT of flus...
What about directing research at what we know works with viral infections in general, and specifically the coronavirus family, antivirals. They stimulate the body's immune system to destroy the virus. Antivirals unlike UV radiation makes the immune system more effective, not less effective and they are very selective; that is they destroy the virus, not cells, tissue, and organs. Good bacteria that we need in our bodies are unharmed.
Do you think we are dealing with a normal flu or virus here ?? Good grief.

Do you think that the experts aren't doing everything they can, and that means to include using these drugs that are being experimented with in order to see what helps, and what doesn't help ?????? Good grief, but it's all about hating on Trump isn't it ?? Yes it is.
UV light cannot enter the body without doing the body harm.
Does the liberal have any reason to think that?? Does he know more than the scientists and doctors trying to develop the product?? Is this liberal a consultant to the industry or merely a total liberal buffoon?
He's been living in UV fantasy land for a week now, and no known scientist or medical doctor has endorsed it. He's made a total idiot of himself with what he believes, and no one I know of in the medical field is on board with it. It's really quite sad. For once I wish I could be wrong.
You are wrong, as you'v already been told. Some people have to be told twice.

The fact that coroniavirus dies more quickly in hot humid weather is not indicative of UV radiation being an effective treatment for Covid 19. However it does support the belief that the virus is seasonal.
From the source posted below >>

"Bryan said the preliminary study showed that the half life of the virus was lower at higher temperatures and humidity than in colder weather.

“If you look as the temperature increases, as the humidity increases, no sun involved, you can see how drastically the half-life goes down on the virus. So it’s dying in a much more rapid pace [with] just exposure to higher temperatures and to humidity,” Bryan continued.

But he also said that it dissipates more quickly in sunlight than in the dark because ultraviolet light helps kill the bug.

The DHS scientists said that disinfectants and household bleach were also extremely effective in killing the virus."
All of them are extremely effective at killing viruses. That's why they're called disinfectants. Now, how are you going to administer any of these products, including UV lights, without harming or killing?
too stupid liberal!!!!, chemo harms but is still used. UV is administered from inside lungs. Thanks for always making us feel like kindergarten teachers
He's been living in UV fantasy land for a week now, and no known scientist or medical doctor has endorsed it. He's made a total idiot of himself with what he believes, and no one I know of in the medical field is on board with it. It's really quite sad. For once I wish I could be wrong.
You are wrong, as you'v already been told. Some people have to be told twice.

The fact that coroniavirus dies more quickly in hot humid weather is not indicative of UV radiation being an effective treatment for Covid 19. However it does support the belief that the virus is seasonal.
From the source posted below >>

"Bryan said the preliminary study showed that the half life of the virus was lower at higher temperatures and humidity than in colder weather.

“If you look as the temperature increases, as the humidity increases, no sun involved, you can see how drastically the half-life goes down on the virus. So it’s dying in a much more rapid pace [with] just exposure to higher temperatures and to humidity,” Bryan continued.

But he also said that it dissipates more quickly in sunlight than in the dark because ultraviolet light helps kill the bug.

The DHS scientists said that disinfectants and household bleach were also extremely effective in killing the virus."
All of them are extremely effective at killing viruses. That's why they're called disinfectants. Now, how are you going to administer any of these products, including UV lights, without harming or killing?
too stupid liberal!!!!, chemo harms but is still used. UV is administered from inside lungs. Thanks for always making us feel like kindergarten teachers
That's for cancer dumb fuck. Not Coronavirus.
Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Great idea. Trump should be first to give it a try.
If I had the virus, I would certainly give it a try. I think Trump is coming up with some good ideas. It has been shown by DHS scientists that sunlight, heat and humidity all have a "powerful" and significant effect on the virus, in weakening it.

As for Trump's idea of getting these 3 agents inside the body to the spot of the infection, that's hardly different than a broncosopy, or a lung needle biopsy. Things that hospitals do every day.
Trump came up with Hydroxychloroquine because he has stock in the drug, and it was proven to have deadly side effects. He also gave us the idea that it was only one person coming out of China, or it's totally contained idea, or the fifteen cases would go to zero idea, or the idea that anyone could get a test, or it goes away in warm weather idea, or the miracle idea, and I could go on and on, with his retarded ideas. Please tell me you aren't that fucking dumb to have believed all those ideas right?

Ohhh, look at you lie, you little ChiCom fuck.

Even radical leftist hate site Snopes says;

View attachment 329864

Hey, you're a lying fuck, but you're also a pile of shit with no redeeming qualities...
Look at how fucking stupid you are. Posting his stock portfolio, but if everyone had bought the snake oil Trump was selling, he would have profited big time. That was the whole point you retarded moron. He wanted that stock to explode for him. And when it exploded he would have cashed out before anyone realized it was a flop. People like you are too gd retarded. m

You lied ChiCom troll, and got busted. You're fucking liar - you could pass as a democrat, pathological motherfucker that you are.

Hydroxychloroquine is dirt cheap, a 70 year old medication that has a thousand generics. It HAD to be killed off, pharmaceutical companies make nothing off of it. Thankfully the democrats and their media were there to slander and libel the use of cheap and effective treatments.

Now remdesivir is thousands of dollars a dose - THAT put's money in pockets. :thup:
Critical patents with little chance of survival need treatments that are as non-invasive as possible. This treatment sounds pretty invasive.
BTW Do know what type of UV radiation is used UVA, UVB, or UVC.

Trust me -- once you're intubated, shining a bit of light down there is your LEAST problem.. They use sedation and muscle relaxants so that no muscles are operating.. That conserves the Oxygen absorption to the vitals and the brain.. The introduction of small fiber optic tube is NOT the invasive part.

I think the release said that they were using a NARROW spectrum UVB.. By NOT using a wide mix of wavelengths -- you can further enhance the safety of the device..
TIME OUT... There's a topic here.. Two to be exact because moderation did a bad merge..

Topic is NOT ---

A) The travel ban
B) Who served in Vietnam
C) Christopher Steele and dossier.
D) about 5 other random topics chewed to death already..

I'm gonna remove the derailments and maybe some of the lost people who don't know the topic., Then the thread will re-open...


The poster is too stupid to understand, that UV light cannot enter the body without doing the body harm.

Hey genius... Ya ever get a tooth filled? YOU'VE HAD UV LIGHT INJECTED INTO YOUR BODY !!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

AND -- it touched your internal tissues.. :ack-1::ack-1::ack-1: . Remember those dark glasses they gave you while BLASTING your internal tissues with UV light?? It's a right wing conspiracy to make your tongue shrivel up...

Dumb apparently has no upper limit here...
Over 60 posts deleted. Several members warned and/or ejected... Respect the damn topics. Dont take the bait and end up warned with the troll that "started" it...
Can we find out who was ejected so we can shame based motivate their rehabilitation if they return
But he also said that it dissipates more quickly in sunlight than in the dark because ultraviolet light helps kill the bug.
The DHS scientists said that disinfectants and household bleach were also extremely effective in killing the virus."
Exactly. If these work as cures we are better off.
Spot the cognitive dissonance...

But you're a liberal so naturally get things embarrassingly wrong all the time. When Trump first mentioned Hydroxochloroqiune( now used all over the world) he also mentioned great hope for Remdesiver( about to be used all over the world.
Two drugs touted by President Trump as potential game changers in the fight against the coronavirus have shown no benefit for infected patients who take them.

Thanks for unwittingly revealing the real embarrassment is Impeached Trump and his acolytes.

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