Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Trump actually pointed at his own head to indicate he was a genius for thinking of this stuff.

Incredible. This is actual Emperor-has-no-clothes shit, ladies and gentlemen.

His Tru Bleevers don't have the moral courage to admit just how fucking stupid Trump is.

It's ego investment. He's their sole source of truth. They can't look at him directly. It's too dangerous.
Three years ago, no one would have believed that a good chunk of the electorate could be so deeply into denial. It's been a process, incrementally done by Republicans, conservatives, racists, pro-lifers, crazies and plain old idiots hunkered down in the woods who want their parts of the agenda pushed through. Fake news? Alternative facts? Never believe anything written in the premier newspaper in the country? Treat op eds like factual reporting and call opinions "lies?" Suck only the koolaid that tastes good to you.

I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world. I don't know what we're going to do to convince them that the sky is blue again.

One can only hope that after a few months of Trumpanzee Derangement Syndrome in which they take to the streets toting AK-47s and yelling about Deep State election meddling and 12 million illegals voting, they'll slither back under their rocks for a long winter's nap. In their dreams, the Three Ghosts of Trumpmas appear.

First, the Ghost of Trumpmas Past will remind them of a Pre-Trump time they were sane. Second, the Ghost of Trumpmas Present will appear to show them that their Donald lost fair and square because well - because he's an idiot. Finally, the Ghost of Trumpmas Future will show them how good life will be for them in a return to normalcy and reality.

Aspirational of course, but hey ... I'm an optimist. :)
Trump actually pointed at his own head to indicate he was a genius for thinking of this stuff.

Incredible. This is actual Emperor-has-no-clothes shit, ladies and gentlemen.

His Tru Bleevers don't have the moral courage to admit just how fucking stupid Trump is.

It's ego investment. He's their sole source of truth. They can't look at him directly. It's too dangerous.
that's because he is as brilliant as the sun.
Ok, so here's where we are in this discussion:
The OP retracted the title regarding injecting sunlight which was false, and those who argued that is what was said have changed their story to disinfectant, and leaves it open to interp where the speach says "In" and not in body.
SO people jumped to conclusions or need and add the word body when context was business structure/building which both Trump and Pence further clarified was about entrances to disinfect people. IF he would have chosen a better word like spray, then you would have still narrated bleach over
Alcohol Isotope just to bust chops.
I KNEW THE WORD INJECT WOULD BITE HIM BY FAKE NEWS which is why Pence clarified the statement at the same briefing.
When people take things out of context and wording to deceive then that is an admission of defeat.
Now someone said this is not about Biden, however you made it about competency over choice of words which even Dems agree Biden is worst at then any politician which is why you refuse to post the data comparison and talk about Bidens speaches.
So according to the premise and narrative of this topic the OP is stating you
CAN'T VOTE FOR BIDEN AND HERE'S SOME REMINDERS WHY:View attachment 327314View attachment 327315View attachment 327316View attachment 327312
Trump did say we should try injecting sunlight.

"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're going to test that, too."
Notice your quote did not use the word inject and I refute those words in your quote.
Inject was a word used in another reference and you are inserting it (injecting) it into the sun light discussion which was at your miss quote about hands which is why you left out the context and word hands. YOU MIGHT BE QUOTING THE YOUTUBE VIDEO which might be faked, have you scripted the news broadcasts from reputable sources or are you going by memory?
Did you see the live briefing? Because I did.
Three years ago, no one would have believed that a good chunk of the electorate could be so deeply into denial. It's been a process, incrementally done by Republicans, conservatives, racists, pro-lifers, crazies and plain old idiots hunkered down in the woods who want their parts of the agenda pushed through. Fake news? Alternative facts? Never believe anything written in the premier newspaper in the country? Treat op eds like factual reporting and call opinions "lies?" Suck only the koolaid that tastes good to you.

I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world. I don't know what we're going to do to convince them that the sky is blue again.
Most sane people do not trust the Media and our gov't at all...............They have proven themselves to be liars over and over again.

I always look for the video in context...or transcripts when I can find them...........

What kind of Media do we have when they are giving gotcha questions everyday for sound bites later? That is what they do every single day..........waiting to POUNCH.........

Wouldn't be so bad if our NATION WASN'T FUCKED because of a virus right now..........but during this............IT'S INSANITY and UNETHICAL.............

Trump may have had a moment of oh shit ...wishing he hadn't asked the question...........but OH WELL.......HE DID.........


I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Yes, he ASKED, didn't SUGGEST injecting disinfectant. He just suggested the doctors get on it. I'm sure he's hoping it will be the "break through" idea that saves the world.
You're right some of the anti-Trumpians are exaggerating and twisting it a little, but this one is pure gold. It's gonna be mined.
The light thing, you know more about than I do. When he said that part, I thought he knew stuff we didn't, and apparently he does. It's the injecting disinfectant part that is over the top. I don't hear much of anyone teasing him about the sunshine bit.
Three years ago, no one would have believed that a good chunk of the electorate could be so deeply into denial. It's been a process, incrementally done by Republicans, conservatives, racists, pro-lifers, crazies and plain old idiots hunkered down in the woods who want their parts of the agenda pushed through. Fake news? Alternative facts? Never believe anything written in the premier newspaper in the country? Treat op eds like factual reporting and call opinions "lies?" Suck only the koolaid that tastes good to you.

I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world. I don't know what we're going to do to convince them that the sky is blue again.
Most sane people do not trust the Media and our gov't at all...............They have proven themselves to be liars over and over again.

I always look for the video in context...or transcripts when I can find them...........

What kind of Media do we have when they are giving gotcha questions everyday for sound bites later? That is what they do every single day..........waiting to POUNCH.........

Wouldn't be so bad if our NATION WASN'T FUCKED because of a virus right now..........but during this............IT'S INSANITY and UNETHICAL.............

Trump may have had a moment of oh shit ...wishing he hadn't asked the question...........but OH WELL.......HE DID.........


I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Yes, he ASKED, didn't SUGGEST injecting disinfectant. He just suggested the doctors get on it. I'm sure he's hoping it will be the "break through" idea that saves the world.
You're right some of the anti-Trumpians are exaggerating and twisting it a little, but this one is pure gold. It's gonna be mined.
The light thing, you know more about than I do. When he said that part, I thought he knew stuff we didn't, and apparently he does. It's the injecting disinfectant part that is over the top. I don't hear much of anyone teasing him about the sunshine bit.
Sometimes he says things that sound weird in the past .....then a few days later they find out it's real.

I don't think he knew anything here.........they do these pressers every day.....amazing with that more gaffs don't happen..............I think he asked the question then went OH SHIT........they are gonna have fun with that shit.

And they are trying to get mileage here..........and I'm screwing with them for it.........He never said DRINK IT.........and that is what these clowns are doing with the GOTCHA MOMENT.

One actually learned some information out of all of this.......which isn't a bad thing........I'd never heard of FAR UV light......or the blood treatments for cancer using it.........some studies say it's good..others say it's bad..........they all say it's expensive.
I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world
Dont worry. China Joe has no chance in November
Based on Trumps performance yesterday, Biden is a shoe in
LOL.............they have to tell Biden when to stop talking.

His wife nudges him and's over they left..
Maybe so, but still much better than the snake oil salesman, Donald Trump.
Ok, so here's where we are in this discussion:
The OP retracted the title regarding injecting sunlight which was false, and those who argued that is what was said have changed their story to disinfectant, and leaves it open to interp where the speach says "In" and not in body.
SO people jumped to conclusions or need and add the word body when context was business structure/building which both Trump and Pence further clarified was about entrances to disinfect people. IF he would have chosen a better word like spray, then you would have still narrated bleach over
Alcohol Isotope just to bust chops.
I KNEW THE WORD INJECT WOULD BITE HIM BY FAKE NEWS which is why Pence clarified the statement at the same briefing.
When people take things out of context and wording to deceive then that is an admission of defeat.
Now someone said this is not about Biden, however you made it about competency over choice of words which even Dems agree Biden is worst at then any politician which is why you refuse to post the data comparison and talk about Bidens speaches.
So according to the premise and narrative of this topic the OP is stating you
CAN'T VOTE FOR BIDEN AND HERE'S SOME REMINDERS WHY:View attachment 327314View attachment 327315View attachment 327316View attachment 327312
Trump did say we should try injecting sunlight.

"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're going to test that, too."
Notice your quote did not use the word inject and I refute those words in your quote.
Inject was a word used in another reference and you are inserting it (injecting) it into the sun light discussion which was at your miss quote about hands which is why you left out the context and word hands. YOU MIGHT BE QUOTING THE YOUTUBE VIDEO which might be faked, have you scripted the news broadcasts from reputable sources or are you going by memory?
Did you see the live briefing? Because I did.
Fake video now? I do commiserate with you, not being able to believe what he said. But he did.
Three years ago, no one would have believed that a good chunk of the electorate could be so deeply into denial. It's been a process, incrementally done by Republicans, conservatives, racists, pro-lifers, crazies and plain old idiots hunkered down in the woods who want their parts of the agenda pushed through. Fake news? Alternative facts? Never believe anything written in the premier newspaper in the country? Treat op eds like factual reporting and call opinions "lies?" Suck only the koolaid that tastes good to you.

I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world. I don't know what we're going to do to convince them that the sky is blue again.
Most sane people do not trust the Media and our gov't at all...............They have proven themselves to be liars over and over again.

I always look for the video in context...or transcripts when I can find them...........

What kind of Media do we have when they are giving gotcha questions everyday for sound bites later? That is what they do every single day..........waiting to POUNCH.........

Wouldn't be so bad if our NATION WASN'T FUCKED because of a virus right now..........but during this............IT'S INSANITY and UNETHICAL.............

Trump may have had a moment of oh shit ...wishing he hadn't asked the question...........but OH WELL.......HE DID.........


I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Yes, he ASKED, didn't SUGGEST injecting disinfectant. He just suggested the doctors get on it. I'm sure he's hoping it will be the "break through" idea that saves the world.
You're right some of the anti-Trumpians are exaggerating and twisting it a little, but this one is pure gold. It's gonna be mined.
The light thing, you know more about than I do. When he said that part, I thought he knew stuff we didn't, and apparently he does. It's the injecting disinfectant part that is over the top. I don't hear much of anyone teasing him about the sunshine bit.

Dithering Donnie's Dangerous Daily Disinformation Dumps each provide golden content for Biden commercials that will be brutal. Therefore, he should keep doing them! :D
Three years ago, no one would have believed that a good chunk of the electorate could be so deeply into denial. It's been a process, incrementally done by Republicans, conservatives, racists, pro-lifers, crazies and plain old idiots hunkered down in the woods who want their parts of the agenda pushed through. Fake news? Alternative facts? Never believe anything written in the premier newspaper in the country? Treat op eds like factual reporting and call opinions "lies?" Suck only the koolaid that tastes good to you.

I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world. I don't know what we're going to do to convince them that the sky is blue again.
Most sane people do not trust the Media and our gov't at all...............They have proven themselves to be liars over and over again.

I always look for the video in context...or transcripts when I can find them...........

What kind of Media do we have when they are giving gotcha questions everyday for sound bites later? That is what they do every single day..........waiting to POUNCH.........

Wouldn't be so bad if our NATION WASN'T FUCKED because of a virus right now..........but during this............IT'S INSANITY and UNETHICAL.............

Trump may have had a moment of oh shit ...wishing he hadn't asked the question...........but OH WELL.......HE DID.........


I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Yes, he ASKED, didn't SUGGEST injecting disinfectant. He just suggested the doctors get on it. I'm sure he's hoping it will be the "break through" idea that saves the world.
You're right some of the anti-Trumpians are exaggerating and twisting it a little, but this one is pure gold. It's gonna be mined.
The light thing, you know more about than I do. When he said that part, I thought he knew stuff we didn't, and apparently he does. It's the injecting disinfectant part that is over the top. I don't hear much of anyone teasing him about the sunshine bit.

Dithering Donnie's Dangerous Daily Disinformation Dumps each provide golden content for Biden commercials that will be brutal. Therefore, he should keep doing them! :D
What did you get from the Bio weapons guy input.............ANYTHING...........

What did he actually say before you came in here and said Trump says DRINK BLEACH........

Tell me what was the importance of the bio weapons guys research.

I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world
Dont worry. China Joe has no chance in November
Based on Trumps performance yesterday, Biden is a shoe in
LOL.............they have to tell Biden when to stop talking.

His wife nudges him and's over they left..
Maybe so, but still much better than the snake oil salesman, Donald Trump.
aka ........he can't even remember where he is half the time and he should be the leader............LOL

You suckers should have selected Gabby.

Lysol statement:

"As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route)," a spokesperson for Reckitt Benckiser, the United Kingdom-based owner of Lysol, said in a statement to NBC News.​
"As with all products, our disinfectant and hygiene products should only be used as intended and in line with usage guidelines. Please read the label and safety information," the statement continued, adding that the company believes it has a "responsibility in providing consumers with access to accurate, up-to-date information as advised by leading public health experts."​

But wait there's MOAR!

In a statement issued several hours before Trump spoke, the EPA said, "Never apply the product to yourself or others. Do not ingest disinfectant products."​
The Trump administration's Surgeon General, Jerome Adams, also warned Americans, urging people to "always talk to your health provider first before administering any treatment/ medication to yourself or a loved one."​

Three years ago, no one would have believed that a good chunk of the electorate could be so deeply into denial. It's been a process, incrementally done by Republicans, conservatives, racists, pro-lifers, crazies and plain old idiots hunkered down in the woods who want their parts of the agenda pushed through. Fake news? Alternative facts? Never believe anything written in the premier newspaper in the country? Treat op eds like factual reporting and call opinions "lies?" Suck only the koolaid that tastes good to you.

I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world. I don't know what we're going to do to convince them that the sky is blue again.
Most sane people do not trust the Media and our gov't at all...............They have proven themselves to be liars over and over again.

I always look for the video in context...or transcripts when I can find them...........

What kind of Media do we have when they are giving gotcha questions everyday for sound bites later? That is what they do every single day..........waiting to POUNCH.........

Wouldn't be so bad if our NATION WASN'T FUCKED because of a virus right now..........but during this............IT'S INSANITY and UNETHICAL.............

Trump may have had a moment of oh shit ...wishing he hadn't asked the question...........but OH WELL.......HE DID.........


I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Yes, he ASKED, didn't SUGGEST injecting disinfectant. He just suggested the doctors get on it. I'm sure he's hoping it will be the "break through" idea that saves the world.
You're right some of the anti-Trumpians are exaggerating and twisting it a little, but this one is pure gold. It's gonna be mined.
The light thing, you know more about than I do. When he said that part, I thought he knew stuff we didn't, and apparently he does. It's the injecting disinfectant part that is over the top. I don't hear much of anyone teasing him about the sunshine bit.

Dithering Donnie's Dangerous Daily Disinformation Dumps each provide golden content for Biden commercials that will be brutal. Therefore, he should keep doing them! :D

Good point. Biden needs someone like Lee Atwater or Karl Rove running his campaign who would make mince meat of Trump and his outrageously stupid comments.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Oh, shit. Talk about drinking fish tank cleaner. Some dopes are going to try a Clorox cocktail. Or Lysol -- with a twist?

Probably those liberal idiots like Chuck Schumer who would eat tide pods...
I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world
Dont worry. China Joe has no chance in November
Based on Trumps performance yesterday, Biden is a shoe in

If you think someone is a "shoe in" based on off the cuff comments IN APRIL in the middle of a pandemic and an economic disaster, you don't know politics at all.

But then....based on your postings here....

Lysol statement:

"As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route)," a spokesperson for Reckitt Benckiser, the United Kingdom-based owner of Lysol, said in a statement to NBC News.​
"As with all products, our disinfectant and hygiene products should only be used as intended and in line with usage guidelines. Please read the label and safety information," the statement continued, adding that the company believes it has a "responsibility in providing consumers with access to accurate, up-to-date information as advised by leading public health experts."​

But wait there's MOAR!

In a statement issued several hours before Trump spoke, the EPA said, "Never apply the product to yourself or others. Do not ingest disinfectant products."​
The Trump administration's Surgeon General, Jerome Adams, also warned Americans, urging people to "always talk to your health provider first before administering any treatment/ medication to yourself or a loved one."​

So............they have been stating this for months..............ever since the dumb asses used fish cleaner.

And your side tried to say .....LOOK TRUMP SAID TAKE FISH CLEANER.

Did you sniff glue as a kid.
I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world
Dont worry. China Joe has no chance in November
Based on Trumps performance yesterday, Biden is a shoe in

If you think someone is a "shoe in" based on off the cuff comments IN APRIL in the middle of a pandemic and an economic disaster, you don't know politics at all.

But then....based on your postings here....

This virus will define the Trump presidency

His inept handling and refusal to accept the dangers he faced will doom his presidency. As will a collapsed economy

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