Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Have you ever had a nuclear cardiac scan?
Is that when they inject you with Lysol?
Impeached Trump must've read the label and thought......

Three years ago, no one would have believed that a good chunk of the electorate could be so deeply into denial. It's been a process, incrementally done by Republicans, conservatives, racists, pro-lifers, crazies and plain old idiots hunkered down in the woods who want their parts of the agenda pushed through. Fake news? Alternative facts? Never believe anything written in the premier newspaper in the country? Treat op eds like factual reporting and call opinions "lies?" Suck only the koolaid that tastes good to you.

I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world. I don't know what we're going to do to convince them that the sky is blue again.
Most sane people do not trust the Media and our gov't at all...............They have proven themselves to be liars over and over again.

I always look for the video in context...or transcripts when I can find them...........

What kind of Media do we have when they are giving gotcha questions everyday for sound bites later? That is what they do every single day..........waiting to POUNCH.........

Wouldn't be so bad if our NATION WASN'T FUCKED because of a virus right now..........but during this............IT'S INSANITY and UNETHICAL.............

Trump may have had a moment of oh shit ...wishing he hadn't asked the question...........but OH WELL.......HE DID.........


I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Yes, he ASKED, didn't SUGGEST injecting disinfectant. He just suggested the doctors get on it. I'm sure he's hoping it will be the "break through" idea that saves the world.
You're right some of the anti-Trumpians are exaggerating and twisting it a little, but this one is pure gold. It's gonna be mined.
The light thing, you know more about than I do. When he said that part, I thought he knew stuff we didn't, and apparently he does. It's the injecting disinfectant part that is over the top. I don't hear much of anyone teasing him about the sunshine bit.

Dithering Donnie's Dangerous Daily Disinformation Dumps each provide golden content for Biden commercials that will be brutal. Therefore, he should keep doing them! :D

Good point. Biden needs someone like Lee Atwater or Karl Rove running his campaign who would make mince meat of Trump and his outrageously stupid comments.
Biden doesn't seem to want to go quite as far into the gutter as Trump. It's part of why we support Biden. But when Biden comments on this naive, lost in the woods response from Trump, I hope he gets it accurate. The President was ASKING not telling. The press, the surgeon general, and Lysol are concerned that some of our citizens will hear what he said and think "Hey that's a great idea!" and try it. So they're warning people not to. Hopefully, they heard that part of the news, too. It seems to be everywhere. At today's press conference, it should be addressed, directly, and explained that he didn't mean try this at home.

I'd say it's pretty much an even money bet that by days end, we'll see one or more Trump disciples taken to ER after drinking Lysol or bleach.
Nope. It's people of YOUR PARTY who do this

Of COURSE she would say that she's not a Trump supporter out of shear embarrassment. She did however see his presser and take his advice. That would indicate to me that she's a) not very bright and b) enamored by this president.
There are all kinds of goofy reports...who knows what to a respected doctor said tobacco or nicotine seems to help....:dunno:
It's important to listen carefully to Trump's suggestions.
Opps! It time for my first Lysol injection. Will get back with you to report on the results.
You are not listening.....he was talking about the time it takes for disinfectant to kill the virus and also ultra violet light which can be a treatment as well...and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body so you and all of your idiot libtard friends and Pelosi are lying about that segment of the briefing....and its not helping your cause....

"....and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body."

Post a link or STFU.

I tried Googling this: homeland security william bryan studying how to get UV light inside of the body

and got this:

Sunlight destroys coronavirus quickly, say US scientists › sunlight-destroys-coronavirus-quick...

15 hours ago - William Bryan, science and technology advisor to the Department of Homeland Security secretary, told reporters at the White House that ...

So put up or shut up, because you're just making shit up.
Now Drumpf is saying that he was asking a reporter a sarcastic question. :laughing0301:

The reporter then said but you were talking to your medical panel. Drumpf changed the subject.
You will have Biden supported by Harris VP, Klobuchar Attorney General, Buttigieg HUD, Yang commerce, Warren education, Obama secretary of state. It will be a functioning team.
Not a dysfunctional, narcissistic President with a bunch of yes men and women around him.
Well, Elmer Dumbass, it has been a while since O'Bama was in the WH, but point taken.
I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world
Dont worry. China Joe has no chance in November
Based on Trumps performance yesterday, Biden is a shoe in
LOL.............they have to tell Biden when to stop talking.

His wife nudges him and's over they left..
Maybe so, but still much better than the snake oil salesman, Donald Trump.
aka ........he can't even remember where he is half the time and he should be the leader............LOL

You suckers should have selected Gabby.
You will have Biden supported by Harris VP, Klobuchar Attorney General, Buttigieg HUD, Yang commerce, Warren education, Obama secretary of state. It will be a functioning team.
Not a dysfunctional, narcissistic President with a bunch of yes men and women around him.
So you are running Harris.......LOL

You know Biden is losing his mind.........he has to be told when the interview is over.

You should have picked Harris to begin with then.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Actually the human body turns sunlight into vitamin d something cave dwellers like you need

And vitiamin D is a proven killah of the virus! It's true! It's a gamechanger, it's better than a game changer …. it's wonderful. LOL

Actually sunlight kills every coronavirus and flu virus, this is well known and accepted. Why are you in denial?
Oh yea because if Trump says water is wet you argue that it is really dry

Grow up kiddypoo

Hey dumbass. Trump suggested injecting sunlight into the human body. And you can't see how profoundly stupid that suggestion is?

No wonder you tards think he's a stable genius!

He also suggested injecting detergent, retard.

My God, there just is no bottom to the stupidity of Trump voters.

Actually the human body does intake sunlight and it produces vitamin d and melanin.

Trump is correct


You have no idea how much of an idiot you sound, do you. No wonder you love Trump.

Actually trump is playing you all for fools again as sunlight is needed by the body for chemical reactions.

You did not know that and now you do

So you're suggesting he's punking people from the podium of the White House press room during an official COVID-19 Task Force press conference, on live television with millions (not the rednecks from this board, obviously) watching?
And you think that is appropriate?


Trump just puts out the truth in an admittedly odd way, he is in no way responsible for how certified card carrying blue lain brains react

But you sure are funny
This was written on March 23.

Originally Posted by Sandy Shanks View Post

For those who contract the disease "80% get what feels like a bad cold and recover at home." COVID-19: What we know so far about the 2019 novel coronavirus - UChicago Medicine
Many did not even know they had the virus.

However, there is this from Business Insider, "80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years."80% of US coronavirus deaths have been among people 65 and older, a new CDC report says — here's what it reveals about the US cases

This was written at a later date.

Originally Posted by Sandy Shanks View Post

COVID-19 has spread rapidly through nursing homes across New York, infecting nearly 4,200 elderly residents considered particularly vulnerable to the virus and killing more than 1,200, according to new state Health Department data.

The staggering figures show a dramatic rise in coronavirus cases and fatalities at state-licensed nursing homes that are home to 100,000 residents.

There are now 4,170 confirmed COVID-19 positive cases at 312 New York nursing homes — more than half of all such facilities — along with 1,231 resident deaths, the data shows. Nearly 30 percent of all nursing home residents who contract COVID-19 eventually die from the virus, the data shows.

The latest data represents a 606% increase in nursing home cases, and a 1,331% hike in deaths since March 26.

New NY data shows COVID-19's devastating effect on nursing homes | Newsday

CNBC reports, "An estimated 13.9% of the New Yorkers have likely had Covid-19, according to preliminary results of coronavirus antibody testing released by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday."

This is important.

"The state randomly tested 3,000 people at grocery stores and shopping locations across 19 counties in 40 localities to see if they had the antibodies to fight the coronavirus, indicating they have had the virus and recovered from it," Cuomo said.

These people had been infected by the virus but didn't know it.

"With more than 19.4 million people residents, according to U.S. Census data, the preliminary results indicate that at least 2.7 million New Yorkers have been infected with Covid-19."

This test helps to confirm what I have been saying all along. Healthy people, regardless of age, are unaffected by this virus, unless you count the effects of the common cold which occurs with some, although many are asymptomatic, according to other studies.It's Estimated 1 in 4 Coronavirus Carriers Could Be Asymptomatic. Here's What We Know

I wager it is a lot more than 25%. In this study 420 people went to the market and discovered they had been infected by Covid=19.

Deaths occur overwhelmingly in the sick and elderly, many of whom were already in a nursing home or hospital, along with the poor and the homeless who are bereft of health insurance. Reports of deaths not in those categories are so rare they make the six o'clock news and we are not informed of their condition.
USC did a study also........28 to 55 times the number tested that had covid showed the antibodies................and over a million in New York have had it according to the studies there.

Same one you posted...........The HERDS are being immunized...and they don't even know it. Nature taking it's course.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Actually the human body turns sunlight into vitamin d something cave dwellers like you need

And vitiamin D is a proven killah of the virus! It's true! It's a gamechanger, it's better than a game changer …. it's wonderful. LOL

Actually sunlight kills every coronavirus and flu virus, this is well known and accepted. Why are you in denial?
Oh yea because if Trump says water is wet you argue that it is really dry

Grow up kiddypoo

Hey dumbass. Trump suggested injecting sunlight into the human body. And you can't see how profoundly stupid that suggestion is?

No wonder you tards think he's a stable genius!

He also suggested injecting detergent, retard.

My God, there just is no bottom to the stupidity of Trump voters.

Actually the human body does intake sunlight and it produces vitamin d and melanin.

Trump is correct


You have no idea how much of an idiot you sound, do you. No wonder you love Trump.

Actually trump is playing you all for fools again as sunlight is needed by the body for chemical reactions.

You did not know that and now you do

So you're suggesting he's punking people from the podium of the White House press room during an official COVID-19 Task Force press conference, on live television with millions (not the rednecks from this board, obviously) watching?
And you think that is appropriate?


Trump just puts out the truth in an admittedly odd way, he is in no way responsible for how certified card carrying blue lain brains react

But you sure are funny

Drumpf is a pathetic fuckup. Anyone that trusts that scrub is a fucking fool.
I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world
Dont worry. China Joe has no chance in November
Based on Trumps performance yesterday, Biden is a shoe in
LOL.............they have to tell Biden when to stop talking.

His wife nudges him and's over they left..
Maybe so, but still much better than the snake oil salesman, Donald Trump.
aka ........he can't even remember where he is half the time and he should be the leader............LOL

You suckers should have selected Gabby.
You will have Biden supported by Harris VP, Klobuchar Attorney General, Buttigieg HUD, Yang commerce, Warren education, Obama secretary of state. It will be a functioning team.
Not a dysfunctional, narcissistic President with a bunch of yes men and women around him.
So you are running Harris.......LOL

You know Biden is losing his mind.........he has to be told when the interview is over.

You should have picked Harris to begin with then.

Keep hammering on the Biden losing his mind when we have the daily clown show led by Curly from The Three Stooges.

Wow, on Harris, we actually agree on something. The End Times are truly here, then. :)
I thought she dropped out too soon. But, her as a VP pick would be solid.
I fear they will never come back and no matter what happens in November, we have lost a good part of the electorate to a fantasy world
Dont worry. China Joe has no chance in November
Based on Trumps performance yesterday, Biden is a shoe in
LOL.............they have to tell Biden when to stop talking.

His wife nudges him and's over they left..
Maybe so, but still much better than the snake oil salesman, Donald Trump.
aka ........he can't even remember where he is half the time and he should be the leader............LOL

You suckers should have selected Gabby.
You will have Biden supported by Harris VP, Klobuchar Attorney General, Buttigieg HUD, Yang commerce, Warren education, Obama secretary of state. It will be a functioning team.
Not a dysfunctional, narcissistic President with a bunch of yes men and women around him.
So you are running Harris.......LOL

You know Biden is losing his mind.........he has to be told when the interview is over.

You should have picked Harris to begin with then.
You people keep pulling that “Biden has dementia” nonsense while your man Trump goes on national TV and advocates inserting disinfectants into people

Can you imagine if Biden had said such a thing?
There are all kinds of goofy reports...who knows what to a respected doctor said tobacco or nicotine seems to help....:dunno:
It's important to listen carefully to Trump's suggestions.
Opps! It time for my first Lysol injection. Will get back with you to report on the results.
You are not listening.....he was talking about the time it takes for disinfectant to kill the virus and also ultra violet light which can be a treatment as well...and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body so you and all of your idiot libtard friends and Pelosi are lying about that segment of the briefing....and its not helping your cause....

"....and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body."

Post a link or STFU.

I tried Googling this: homeland security william bryan studying how to get UV light inside of the body

and got this:

Sunlight destroys coronavirus quickly, say US scientists › sunlight-destroys-coronavirus-quick...

15 hours ago - William Bryan, science and technology advisor to the Department of Homeland Security secretary, told reporters at the White House that ...

So put up or shut up, because you're just making shit up.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

And right as I post saying Trump supporters and right wingers will take anything that any idiot with a YouTube video has to say as gospel, here comes a post with a video by Fat Wesley Crusher.
I swear, if I wasn't living through it, I would think I am having an out of body experience.

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