Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

There are all kinds of goofy reports...who knows what to a respected doctor said tobacco or nicotine seems to help....:dunno:
It's important to listen carefully to Trump's suggestions.
Opps! It time for my first Lysol injection. Will get back with you to report on the results.
You are not listening.....he was talking about the time it takes for disinfectant to kill the virus and also ultra violet light which can be a treatment as well...and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body so you and all of your idiot libtard friends and Pelosi are lying about that segment of the briefing....and its not helping your cause....

"....and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body."

Post a link or STFU.

I tried Googling this: homeland security william bryan studying how to get UV light inside of the body

and got this:

Sunlight destroys coronavirus quickly, say US scientists › sunlight-destroys-coronavirus-quick...

15 hours ago - William Bryan, science and technology advisor to the Department of Homeland Security secretary, told reporters at the White House that ...

So put up or shut up, because you're just making shit up.
Drumpf just said he was kidding. Stop making excuses for him.
Then stop lying...
Drumpfs the one thats lying. He wasnt talking to a reporter when he asked the question. He was asking his medical experts.
You seem to be lost in this discussion fool....
It would seem like that to an idiot making excuses for Drumpfs numerous fuckups. Arent you embarrassed even a little at supporting such and incompetent, irresponsible fuckup?

Did you not notice the "DO NOT ENTER" warning? That's not meant for human exposure.

I posted that same video months ago............another one used on a plane to kill was NOT FAR UV light tech.

I didn't know about FAR UV tech til yesterday........interesting stuff..........

Now......can light be used to treat people inside the body.......WHY YES IT CAN.
Cancer has done it already..........

Pawn to knights 4 ............check.

He wasnt talking about UV light. He was talking about sunlight.
There are all kinds of goofy reports...who knows what to a respected doctor said tobacco or nicotine seems to help....:dunno:
It's important to listen carefully to Trump's suggestions.
Opps! It time for my first Lysol injection. Will get back with you to report on the results.
You are not listening.....he was talking about the time it takes for disinfectant to kill the virus and also ultra violet light which can be a treatment as well...and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body so you and all of your idiot libtard friends and Pelosi are lying about that segment of the briefing....and its not helping your cause....

"....and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body."

Post a link or STFU.

I tried Googling this: homeland security william bryan studying how to get UV light inside of the body

and got this:

Sunlight destroys coronavirus quickly, say US scientists › sunlight-destroys-coronavirus-quick...

15 hours ago - William Bryan, science and technology advisor to the Department of Homeland Security secretary, told reporters at the White House that ...

So put up or shut up, because you're just making shit up.
Drumpf just said he was kidding. Stop making excuses for him.
Then stop lying...
Drumpfs the one thats lying. He wasnt talking to a reporter when he asked the question. He was asking his medical experts.
You seem to be lost in this discussion fool....
It would seem like that to an idiot making excuses for Drumpfs numerous fuckups. Arent you embarrassed even a little at supporting such and incompetent, irresponsible fuckup?
They irradiate the blood with UV light...that is the thinking on how they treat viruses inside the body with are a dummy...

Did you not notice the "DO NOT ENTER" warning? That's not meant for human exposure.

I posted that same video months ago............another one used on a plane to kill was NOT FAR UV light tech.

I didn't know about FAR UV tech til yesterday........interesting stuff..........

Now......can light be used to treat people inside the body.......WHY YES IT CAN.
Cancer has done it already..........

Pawn to knights 4 ............check.

He wasnt talking about UV light. He was talking about sunlight.

Sunlight is UV light dumbass....
So put up or shut up, because you're just making shit up.
Well..where did you go to dummy?.....they irradiate the blood...that is the thinking on how they treat viruses inside the body with UV....but of course when you are proven wrong you run away like a good little troll....
They use it for bladder cancer as well.

I guess liberal's keep their bladders outside the that is WEIRD.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Actually the human body turns sunlight into vitamin d something cave dwellers like you need

And vitiamin D is a proven killah of the virus! It's true! It's a gamechanger, it's better than a game changer …. it's wonderful. LOL

Actually sunlight kills every coronavirus and flu virus, this is well known and accepted. Why are you in denial?
Oh yea because if Trump says water is wet you argue that it is really dry

Grow up kiddypoo

Hey dumbass. Trump suggested injecting sunlight into the human body. And you can't see how profoundly stupid that suggestion is?

No wonder you tards think he's a stable genius!

He also suggested injecting detergent, retard.

My God, there just is no bottom to the stupidity of Trump voters.

Actually the human body does intake sunlight and it produces vitamin d and melanin.

Trump is correct


You have no idea how much of an idiot you sound, do you. No wonder you love Trump.

Actually trump is playing you all for fools again as sunlight is needed by the body for chemical reactions.

You did not know that and now you do

So you're suggesting he's punking people from the podium of the White House press room during an official COVID-19 Task Force press conference, on live television with millions (not the rednecks from this board, obviously) watching?
And you think that is appropriate?


Trump just puts out the truth in an admittedly odd way, he is in no way responsible for how certified card carrying blue lain brains react

But you sure are funny

Drumpf is a pathetic fuckup. Anyone that trusts that scrub is a fucking fool.

Do you kiss your mother and father with that mouth

Why do you want to know and how does that make Drumpf less of a fuckup and you less of a fucking fool?
I checked YouTube and couldn’t find anything. Is this fake news?
From the White House transcript:
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: We’ll get to the right folks who could.

THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

I was watching his press conference live yesterday with my wife. We were already scratching our heads over some of the stuff he was saying, but as soon as he said this, "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way". The laughter didn't stop for 2 full minutes because both us immediately thought the same thing. :)

After our laughter and disbelief died down, I said to my wife, "This is the President of the United States....the PRESIDENT". I've never seen this level of stupid from a President in my lifetime. Somebody needs to give the guy the hook and explain to him this isn't one of his MAGA pep rallies. You can't just riff when you are addressing the nation.

Did you not notice the "DO NOT ENTER" warning? That's not meant for human exposure.

I posted that same video months ago............another one used on a plane to kill was NOT FAR UV light tech.

I didn't know about FAR UV tech til yesterday........interesting stuff..........

Now......can light be used to treat people inside the body.......WHY YES IT CAN.
Cancer has done it already..........

Pawn to knights 4 ............check.

He wasnt talking about UV light. He was talking about sunlight.

Sunlight is UV light dumbass....

No dumbass. UV is just a part of sunlight. Its just one spectrum of it you fucking retard.
There are all kinds of goofy reports...who knows what to a respected doctor said tobacco or nicotine seems to help....:dunno:
It's important to listen carefully to Trump's suggestions.
Opps! It time for my first Lysol injection. Will get back with you to report on the results.
You are not listening.....he was talking about the time it takes for disinfectant to kill the virus and also ultra violet light which can be a treatment as well...and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body so you and all of your idiot libtard friends and Pelosi are lying about that segment of the briefing....and its not helping your cause....

"....and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body."

Post a link or STFU.

I tried Googling this: homeland security william bryan studying how to get UV light inside of the body

and got this:

Sunlight destroys coronavirus quickly, say US scientists › sunlight-destroys-coronavirus-quick...

15 hours ago - William Bryan, science and technology advisor to the Department of Homeland Security secretary, told reporters at the White House that ...

So put up or shut up, because you're just making shit up.
Drumpf just said he was kidding. Stop making excuses for him.
This is another "would means wouldn't" moment. He wasn't kidding.
There are all kinds of goofy reports...who knows what to a respected doctor said tobacco or nicotine seems to help....:dunno:
It's important to listen carefully to Trump's suggestions.
Opps! It time for my first Lysol injection. Will get back with you to report on the results.
You are not listening.....he was talking about the time it takes for disinfectant to kill the virus and also ultra violet light which can be a treatment as well...and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body so you and all of your idiot libtard friends and Pelosi are lying about that segment of the briefing....and its not helping your cause....

"....and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body."

Post a link or STFU.

I tried Googling this: homeland security william bryan studying how to get UV light inside of the body

and got this:

Sunlight destroys coronavirus quickly, say US scientists › sunlight-destroys-coronavirus-quick...

15 hours ago - William Bryan, science and technology advisor to the Department of Homeland Security secretary, told reporters at the White House that ...

So put up or shut up, because you're just making shit up.
Drumpf just said he was kidding. Stop making excuses for him.
This is another "would means wouldn't" moment. He wasn't kidding.
I know but watching him lie about it was hilarious. :laughing0301:
There are all kinds of goofy reports...who knows what to a respected doctor said tobacco or nicotine seems to help....:dunno:
It's important to listen carefully to Trump's suggestions.
Opps! It time for my first Lysol injection. Will get back with you to report on the results.
You are not listening.....he was talking about the time it takes for disinfectant to kill the virus and also ultra violet light which can be a treatment as well...and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body so you and all of your idiot libtard friends and Pelosi are lying about that segment of the briefing....and its not helping your cause....

"....and they are studying how to get UV light inside of the body."

Post a link or STFU.

I tried Googling this: homeland security william bryan studying how to get UV light inside of the body

and got this:

Sunlight destroys coronavirus quickly, say US scientists › sunlight-destroys-coronavirus-quick...

15 hours ago - William Bryan, science and technology advisor to the Department of Homeland Security secretary, told reporters at the White House that ...

So put up or shut up, because you're just making shit up.
Drumpf just said he was kidding. Stop making excuses for him.
This is another "would means wouldn't" moment. He wasn't kidding.
Nope....but it's not working out so well for them given what we are finding on the subject.


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