Goodbye to bad theology - Workers quietly remove Ten Commandments from Oklahoma Capitol

Strange how some of our laws closely mimic the Ten Commandments. Wonder why. Could it be that they actually make sense as an everyday guideline for society to follow?

Well, you may want to note that the Muslims' Quran has pretty much the same caveats as the 10 commandments.
Some people are not going to be satisfied until they bring their church into everyone else's life 24/7, whether they like it or not. This is why it was illegal to open any store on Sunday when I grew up in the South, except gas stations, pharmacy, or food stores.

Fortunately, these days are over.

And the other side will not be happy until religious expressions are forced behind closed, locked doors.
please. nobody is pushing for that but you do have a lot of people pushing to have their religion recognized by the government.

Really? Lets look at that case of the cross on the hill in San Diego. There was a plan to sell the parcel so it would be "private property" but the atheists were against it.

Some of them want no reminder of religion in public, and thats not going to happen.
That's not what happened at all....the city attempted to sell the property for very little to a specific organization....NOT at public auction going to the highest bidder as per city law.

Which proves my point over the hostility of asshole atheists to any religious expression whatsoever in public.
So...once again, you believe that the law should be bypassed...............why?
That's not what happened at all....the city attempted to sell the property for very little to a specific organization....NOT at public auction going to the highest bidder as per city law.

And correct me if I'm wrong, did the sale require the cross to remain in place so that the purchaser of the property couldn't remove it from property they now owned? In other words the sale of the land was rigged to produce a specific outcome.

Apparently, some people think there should be different, more lenient rules/laws for christians.
Having 'In God We Trust' as a national motto, these continued challenges by atheists to deny the country it's heritage and faith on which this nation was founded reminds me of the douche several years ago who moved to Los Cruces then sued the town because of its name - The Crosses.

The mayor began to concede then decided to fight it. It went to court and the Judge immediately threw it out on the basis that the town had been named such for a LONG time, much longer than this douche was alive, that it had been that way before he moved there, and that his complaint was bogus - it you don't like it you shouldn't have moved there / you can go elsewhere.
Having 'In God We Trust' as a national motto, these continued challenges by atheists to deny the country it's heritage and faith on which this nation was founded reminds me of the douche several years ago who moved to Los Cruces then sued the town because of its name - The Crosses.

The mayor began to concede then decided to fight it. It went to court and the Judge immediately threw it out on the basis that the town had been named such for a LONG time, much longer than this douche was alive, that it had been that way before he moved there, and that his complaint was bogus - it you don't like it you shouldn't have moved there / you can go elsewhere.
Our National Motto used to be E Pluribus should go back to that.
Apparently, some people think there should be different, more lenient rules/laws for...

That would be Liberals and Obama.
- Obama did not like DOMA so he refused to enforce it
- Obama did not like existing Immigration laws and refused to enforce them
- Obama did not like Atty General Holder being busted for 4 Felony Counts of Perjury and refused to hold him accountable
- Hillary has been caught perpetrating far more than was required to charge/sentence Patraeus, but Libs don't like it so her crimes are being ignored
- Obama did not like the warning that the weapons he intended to give Mexican Drug Cartels could not be tracked / secured but he sent them anyway
- Obama did not like the Constitution and attempted to force medical facilities run by religious institutions to hand out contraceptives and perform abortions....

Liberals have a tendency to ignore the laws they don't like....
[QUOTE="nat4900, post: 12487423, member: 53797
Well, you may want to note that the Muslims' Quran has pretty much the same caveats as the 10 commandments.[/QUOTE]

Except when you start really looking at it, breaking it down, and seeing how it is actually applied...

According to the Quran / Islam it is OK to LIE for the benefit of their religion, it's ok to behead/drown/burn alive anyone that doesn't agree to convert, etc....

Other than that, yeah, they're identical. :rolleyes:
Keep that crap out of the public square unless everyone gets their own place or it's temporary. TY...

"OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A granite monument of the Ten Commandments that has sparked controversy since its installation on the Oklahoma Capitol grounds was being removed late Monday and will be transported to a private conservative think tank for storage.

A contractor the state hired began removing the monument shortly after 10:30 p.m. The works comes after the Oklahoma Supreme Court's decision in June that the display violates a state constitutional prohibition on the use of public property to support "any sect, church, denomination or system of religion."
Workers quietly remove Ten Commandments from Oklahoma Capitol
Goodbye to a violation of the First Amendment.
Except when you start really looking at it, breaking it down, and seeing how it is actually applied...

According to the Quran / Islam it is OK to LIE for the benefit of their religion, it's ok to behead/drown/burn alive anyone that doesn't agree to convert, etc....

Other than that, yeah, they're identical. :rolleyes:

I dislike the ALL religious tenets.....Nonetheless, facts are facts and if we judge subjective action instead of what are the taught facts (as in the Quran) then we fool ourselves. For example, here's the 5th commandment in the Quran:

Fifth Commandment: Kill not anyone whom God has forbidden
Islam views the human body as a structure built by God that no one has the right to destroy. Human life is respected and protected as one’s body belongs to God. Allah, the Exalted, states:

"On account of (his deed), We decreed to the Children of Israel that if anyone kills a person - unless in retribution for murder or spreading corruption in the land - it is as if he kills all mankind, while if any saves a life it is as if he saves the lives of all mankind." (5:32)

Islamic law protects the lives of:

1. a Muslim

2. a non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim country

3. non-Muslims who have peace treaties with Muslim countries

4. any non-Muslim who has taken temporary residence in a Muslim country.

At the same time, taking life is not always an evil deed. Shedding of human blood by another is strictly prohibited unless it is legislated by God such as the killing of a murderer, (capital punishment) etc.
Progressives rooting for the Barbarians as if they're totally unfamiliar with how that story ended
The monument was literally a brand new addition so I fail to see how its removal signifies a decline by any measure.

You fail to see that this story is about more than just 1 individual statue.

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