Goodbye to bad theology - Workers quietly remove Ten Commandments from Oklahoma Capitol

A sad day in America, another sure sign of our decline.
The sad day was when the damn thing was installed. Learn what it means to live in a secular nation, where your faith doesn't get to just shit on all the rest just because you're in the majority.

Well, since you're the OP, it would appear to me that it is YOU who is attempting to impose YOUR views on others. It appears things of a religious nature really bother you. Why? I have seen no one on this thread attempt to impose any views upon you. Can't others besides yourself have opinions and views of their own?
How is it imposing one's views on others by not allowing those others to put their religious codes on government property?

Here's a good rule of thumb to check appropriateness......Would it be JUST AS acceptable to put a monument with Islam's Five Pillars of Faith or Buddhism's EIghtfold Path in front of that same government building? If the answer is yes....go for it. If the answer is no, give it a pass.

Didn't they TAKE IT DOWN? You're still NOT satisfied? May I inquire of you how old you are? Would it ruffle your sensitivities to know that I drive a Nissan Titan while you choose to drive some other make and model? I think you protest too much.
What the heck are you crying about now?
Some people are not going to be satisfied until they bring their church into everyone else's life 24/7, whether they like it or not. This is why it was illegal to open any store on Sunday when I grew up in the South, except gas stations, pharmacy, or food stores.

Fortunately, these days are over.

And the other side will not be happy until religious expressions are forced behind closed, locked doors.
please. nobody is pushing for that but you do have a lot of people pushing to have their religion recognized by the government.

Really? Lets look at that case of the cross on the hill in San Diego. There was a plan to sell the parcel so it would be "private property" but the atheists were against it.

Some of them want no reminder of religion in public, and thats not going to happen.
That's not what happened at all....the city attempted to sell the property for very little to a specific organization....NOT at public auction going to the highest bidder as per city law.

Then go down to city hall and lodge a protest in the way it was handled.
That's exactly how it was handled...and the sale did not go thru. See? The system worked.
Some people are not going to be satisfied until they bring their church into everyone else's life 24/7, whether they like it or not. This is why it was illegal to open any store on Sunday when I grew up in the South, except gas stations, pharmacy, or food stores.

Fortunately, these days are over.

And the other side will not be happy until religious expressions are forced behind closed, locked doors.

Not at all, Marty. I don't give a rat's ass what you do in church. Even Westboro assholes can act like idiots...and they do.

Religious expression isn't limited to in Church.

That is unfortunate, isn't it. However, it certainly IS limited in our government. Of course, if you want a theocracy, there is always Iran....

allowing the 10 commandments in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

Tell me how having that hunk of marble on that property has established a religion? Did it make you join a church/synagogue or mosque? did it magically take 10% of out your wallet as a tithe?
Allowing the 5 Pillars of Islam in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

See how that works?
And the other side will not be happy until religious expressions are forced behind closed, locked doors.

Not at all, Marty. I don't give a rat's ass what you do in church. Even Westboro assholes can act like idiots...and they do.

Religious expression isn't limited to in Church.

That is unfortunate, isn't it. However, it certainly IS limited in our government. Of course, if you want a theocracy, there is always Iran....

allowing the 10 commandments in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

Tell me how having that hunk of marble on that property has established a religion? Did it make you join a church/synagogue or mosque? did it magically take 10% of out your wallet as a tithe?
Allowing the 5 Pillars of Islam in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

See how that works?

There are already pillars in front of most court houses.
The foundation of Judeo-Christian Theology, the very same that founded this Nation, is now "Bad Theology"

Do you see now why we're so fucked as a nation? Why our best days are long behind us?

The Creator has always had an up and down relationship with his people and it's always directly proportionate to our ability to acknowledge that we were in fact Created.
Not at all, Marty. I don't give a rat's ass what you do in church. Even Westboro assholes can act like idiots...and they do.

Religious expression isn't limited to in Church.

That is unfortunate, isn't it. However, it certainly IS limited in our government. Of course, if you want a theocracy, there is always Iran....

allowing the 10 commandments in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

Tell me how having that hunk of marble on that property has established a religion? Did it make you join a church/synagogue or mosque? did it magically take 10% of out your wallet as a tithe?
Allowing the 5 Pillars of Islam in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

See how that works?

There are already pillars in front of most court houses.

You are really stretching, aren't you, Marty?
Not at all, Marty. I don't give a rat's ass what you do in church. Even Westboro assholes can act like idiots...and they do.

Religious expression isn't limited to in Church.

That is unfortunate, isn't it. However, it certainly IS limited in our government. Of course, if you want a theocracy, there is always Iran....

allowing the 10 commandments in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

Tell me how having that hunk of marble on that property has established a religion? Did it make you join a church/synagogue or mosque? did it magically take 10% of out your wallet as a tithe?
Allowing the 5 Pillars of Islam in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

See how that works?

There are already pillars in front of most court houses.

The Supreme Court has them as well
The foundation of Judeo-Christian Theology, the very same that founded this Nation, is now "Bad Theology"

Do you see now why we're so fucked as a nation? Why our best days are long behind us?

The Creator has always had an up and down relationship with his people and it's always directly proportionate to our ability to acknowledge that we were in fact Created.

Not even worthy of a response.....
Religious expression isn't limited to in Church.

That is unfortunate, isn't it. However, it certainly IS limited in our government. Of course, if you want a theocracy, there is always Iran....

allowing the 10 commandments in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

Tell me how having that hunk of marble on that property has established a religion? Did it make you join a church/synagogue or mosque? did it magically take 10% of out your wallet as a tithe?
Allowing the 5 Pillars of Islam in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

See how that works?

There are already pillars in front of most court houses.

You are really stretching, aren't you, Marty?

Eh, I'm really on the fence with this one. On one side I do think that government has to be neutral, on the other, the type of people who sue over this stuff piss me off to no end.

But a Courthouse to me is a bad place to put anything like this. I just hate giving a win to the people who evidently think a cross at the top of a hill is some giant evil that has to be expunged.
Keep that crap out of the public square unless everyone gets their own place or it's temporary. TY...

"OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A granite monument of the Ten Commandments that has sparked controversy since its installation on the Oklahoma Capitol grounds was being removed late Monday and will be transported to a private conservative think tank for storage.

A contractor the state hired began removing the monument shortly after 10:30 p.m. The works comes after the Oklahoma Supreme Court's decision in June that the display violates a state constitutional prohibition on the use of public property to support "any sect, church, denomination or system of religion."
Workers quietly remove Ten Commandments from Oklahoma Capitol

Strange how some of our laws closely mimic the Ten Commandments. Wonder why. Could it be that they actually make sense as an everyday guideline for society to follow?
Not to democrats. The OP suggests it's bad theology. His recommendation would read more like this...

I am the Lord, your God.
Thou shall bring no false idols before me. (Exception: the government)

Do not take the name of the Lord in vain. (Exception: during sex)

Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. (Sundays excluded)

Honor thy father and thy mother -- regardless of number/gender.

Thou shall not kill/murder. (After birth)

Thou shall not commit adultery. (Exception: your wife is named Hillary)

Thou shall not steal. (Exception: government work)

Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (If you can't get away with it)

Thou shall not covet your neighbor's wife -- regardless of its gender.

Thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. (Exception: coveting anything owned by rich republicans -- then everything is up for grabs -- you deserve it!)
Not at all, Marty. I don't give a rat's ass what you do in church. Even Westboro assholes can act like idiots...and they do.

Religious expression isn't limited to in Church.

That is unfortunate, isn't it. However, it certainly IS limited in our government. Of course, if you want a theocracy, there is always Iran....

allowing the 10 commandments in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

Tell me how having that hunk of marble on that property has established a religion? Did it make you join a church/synagogue or mosque? did it magically take 10% of out your wallet as a tithe?
Allowing the 5 Pillars of Islam in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

See how that works?

There are already pillars in front of most court houses.
:rofl: :rofl: Either you made a funny or you are rather ignorant. Which is it?
Religious expression isn't limited to in Church.

That is unfortunate, isn't it. However, it certainly IS limited in our government. Of course, if you want a theocracy, there is always Iran....

allowing the 10 commandments in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

Tell me how having that hunk of marble on that property has established a religion? Did it make you join a church/synagogue or mosque? did it magically take 10% of out your wallet as a tithe?
Allowing the 5 Pillars of Islam in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

See how that works?

There are already pillars in front of most court houses.
:rofl: :rofl: Either you made a funny or you are rather ignorant. Which is it?

A funny, again, if you see my post above this issue boils down to me thinking the courthouse was a bad place for this, but hating the type of asshole that sues over crap like this.
The foundation of Judeo-Christian Theology, the very same that founded this Nation, is now "Bad Theology"

Do you see now why we're so fucked as a nation? Why our best days are long behind us?

The Creator has always had an up and down relationship with his people and it's always directly proportionate to our ability to acknowledge that we were in fact Created.
Judeo-Christian Theology did not found this was Enlightenment ideas that broke away from judeo-christian thinking, along with Free Masonry concepts that founded this Nation.
That is unfortunate, isn't it. However, it certainly IS limited in our government. Of course, if you want a theocracy, there is always Iran....

allowing the 10 commandments in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

Tell me how having that hunk of marble on that property has established a religion? Did it make you join a church/synagogue or mosque? did it magically take 10% of out your wallet as a tithe?
Allowing the 5 Pillars of Islam in front of a courthouse is not supporting theocracy.

See how that works?

There are already pillars in front of most court houses.
:rofl: :rofl: Either you made a funny or you are rather ignorant. Which is it?

A funny, again, if you see my post above this issue boils down to me thinking the courthouse was a bad place for this, but hating the type of asshole that sues over crap like this.
But that is how law works...if you perceive a legal injustice, you use the law.....filling a lawsuit is one of those LEGAL ways to right a wrong. If you feel a law is wrong, you work thru the courts to get it declared unConstitutional or work thru the Legislature to get it repealed. That's how it works in this country.
How is honor your parents, don't kill people, don't steal and respect your neighbor's property bad theocracy?

You tell me. All of those things are in the Quran....

Which stole it from the Bible.
Which stole it from the Torah.

Hmm...I was under the impression the Old Testament was Jewish history.

...and so is the Torah.....
How is honor your parents, don't kill people, don't steal and respect your neighbor's property bad theocracy?

You tell me. All of those things are in the Quran....

Which stole it from the Bible.
Which stole it from the Torah.

Hmm...I was under the impression the Old Testament was Jewish history.
The Old Testament is way more than the Torah...and even the first five books in the OT are not exactly the same as the Torah.

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