Goodbye to bad theology - Workers quietly remove Ten Commandments from Oklahoma Capitol

America was great because America was good. America is no longer good.

America is currently a great Nation, and the best America is yet to come.

America is currently a good Nation, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law – including Establishment Clause jurisprudence prohibiting seeking to conjoin church and state.
And the other side will not be happy until religious expressions are forced behind closed, locked doors.

Locked? Don't be silly. You can even open the door if the tax free facility you are in doesn't have air conditioning.

Does this post have a point?

Yes, Marty. It does.

You are not being forced behind closed, locked doors. You can do all the worship you want right on the street. Wear your religious symbols.......put your wife in a burka.....put little fishy bumber stickers on your pick up. Nobody gives a rats ass. may not use any publicly funded property or institution to advertise your faith. This is a SECULAR nation. We do not have A god in charge.

You, being a victim, think my telling you this is an attack on your faith and an infringement on your rights. THE OPPOSITE is true. I have a right......where government is be free of your faith. It is not welcome.

The fact that your god is on my money.....and in my bullshit and an infringement on my rights. How about you trying a little empathy.

Oh golly gee. The widdle boy is throwing a tantrum because he thinks someone got a bigger piece of the candy bar than he did.

Who are you? Are you somebody?

Yes, I'm an adult. Have you ever met one?
Apparently, some people think there should be different, more lenient rules/laws for...

That would be Liberals and Obama.
- Obama did not like DOMA so he refused to enforce it
- Obama did not like existing Immigration laws and refused to enforce them
- Obama did not like Atty General Holder being busted for 4 Felony Counts of Perjury and refused to hold him accountable
- Hillary has been caught perpetrating far more than was required to charge/sentence Patraeus, but Libs don't like it so her crimes are being ignored
- Obama did not like the warning that the weapons he intended to give Mexican Drug Cartels could not be tracked / secured but he sent them anyway
- Obama did not like the Constitution and attempted to force medical facilities run by religious institutions to hand out contraceptives and perform abortions....

Liberals have a tendency to ignore the laws they don't like....
Conservatives have the tendency to propagate ridiculous lies and straw man fallacies, such as the example above.
America was great because America was good. America is no longer good.

America is currently a great Nation, and the best America is yet to come.

America is currently a good Nation, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law – including Establishment Clause jurisprudence prohibiting seeking to conjoin church and state.
America is a has been superpower in the throes of a well deserved demise. It is an evil nation embracing perversion, celebrating only death. It's a nation of satan worshippers enamored only of false pride in its own corruption. America is the Picture of Dorian Gray.
A sad day in America, another sure sign of our decline.
The sad day was when the damn thing was installed. Learn what it means to live in a secular nation, where your faith doesn't get to just shit on all the rest just because you're in the majority.

If you own belief structure is threatened by a few words on stone monument, its your own issue.

Should the thing have been there? probably not, but that doesn't mean the people wanting to get rid of it, or place satanistic equivalents out of spite ar right either.
The issue has nothing to do with a belief structure being 'threatened.'

It has to do with government following the wisdom and mandate of the Framers, that church and state should be kept separate.
Yeah. It really bothers the Progs to be told not to kill and steal from people. And honoring their parents must really chap the hides of the poor Special Snowflakes....
Civilizations whose only threads holding them together is the force of law cannot and willnot hold together at all.
Keep that crap out of the public square unless everyone gets their own place or it's temporary. TY...

"OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A granite monument of the Ten Commandments that has sparked controversy since its installation on the Oklahoma Capitol grounds was being removed late Monday and will be transported to a private conservative think tank for storage.

A contractor the state hired began removing the monument shortly after 10:30 p.m. The works comes after the Oklahoma Supreme Court's decision in June that the display violates a state constitutional prohibition on the use of public property to support "any sect, church, denomination or system of religion."
Workers quietly remove Ten Commandments from Oklahoma Capitol

Chis Mercer approves of your hate schpiel..

Get rid of that "thou shalt not kill crap," Obama Akbar...
Civilizations whose only threads holding them together is the force of law cannot and willnot hold together at all.

The goal of the left is the utter and complete destruction of the Constitutional Republic. The anti-culture forces have waged a 60 year war to completely dismantle the common bonds that hold the nation together.
America was great because America was good. America is no longer good.

America is currently a great Nation, and the best America is yet to come.

America is currently a good Nation, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law – including Establishment Clause jurisprudence prohibiting seeking to conjoin church and state.
America is a has been superpower in the throes of a well deserved demise. It is an evil nation embracing perversion, celebrating only death. It's a nation of satan worshippers enamored only of false pride in its own corruption. America is the Picture of Dorian Gray.
You poor thing.
A sad day in America, another sure sign of our decline.

I listen to you guys bitching about your constitutions being ignored and then bitch about your constitutions being enforced. Can you blame me for just shaking my head? The Oklahoma Constitution says in Section II-5: Public money or property - Use for sectarian purposes.

"No public money or property shall ever be appropriated,
applied, donated, or used, directly or indirectly, for the use,
benefit, or support of any sect, church, denomination, or system
of religion, or for the use, benefit, or support of any priest,
preacher, minister, or other religious teacher or dignitary, or
sectarian institution as such."

You don't have to be a genius or even a Supreme Court judge to figure out that displaying the Ten Commandments on public property in the State is unconstitutional. Why do you think a Constitution being enforced = "a sad day in America"?
Civilizations whose only threads holding them together is the force of law cannot and willnot hold together at all.
So you don't believe in the Rule of Law.
No. I'm telling you that if all that's holding a people together is the force of law, it's not enough. That people will surely find a way to rid themselves of one another. The law is not, and will never tie a nation together.

Surely you believe in divorce, even if there's a law that says the two are married.
Yeah. It really bothers the Progs to be told not to kill and steal from people. And honoring their parents must really chap the hides of the poor Special Snowflakes....

You're more stupid than usual.....Congrats!
A sad day in America, another sure sign of our decline.

I listen to you guys bitching about your constitutions being ignored and then bitch about your constitutions being enforced. Can you blame me for just shaking my head? The Oklahoma Constitution says in Section II-5: Public money or property - Use for sectarian purposes.

"No public money or property shall ever be appropriated,
applied, donated, or used, directly or indirectly, for the use,
benefit, or support of any sect, church, denomination, or system
of religion, or for the use, benefit, or support of any priest,
preacher, minister, or other religious teacher or dignitary, or
sectarian institution as such."

You don't have to be a genius or even a Supreme Court judge to figure out that displaying the Ten Commandments on public property in the State is unconstitutional. Why do you think a Constitution being enforced = "a sad day in America"?

Which church was supported?
Keep that crap out of the public square unless everyone gets their own place or it's temporary. TY...

"OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A granite monument of the Ten Commandments that has sparked controversy since its installation on the Oklahoma Capitol grounds was being removed late Monday and will be transported to a private conservative think tank for storage.

A contractor the state hired began removing the monument shortly after 10:30 p.m. The works comes after the Oklahoma Supreme Court's decision in June that the display violates a state constitutional prohibition on the use of public property to support "any sect, church, denomination or system of religion."
Workers quietly remove Ten Commandments from Oklahoma Capitol

Strange how some of our laws closely mimic the Ten Commandments. Wonder why. Could it be that they actually make sense as an everyday guideline for society to follow?
not to a jerk that wants to kill handicapped kids....

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