Goodbye Uncle Joe; Hello Bern the Bolshevik


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
What to do? What to do?

The Senile Crooked old white man is losing ground to the Mean-as-a-Snake Bolshevik old white man.

"Especially alarming for Biden is that he's down to 30% support among black voters..."

Uncle Joe...the one with the Alzheimer's Ward in his future, has already about lost out to Bern the Bolshevik in Iowa and New Hampshire and now the Black voters are abandoning him. I believe the thinking was that Black Voters would not notice that Uncle Joe has "lost it" mentally---on the ground that their experience has been that all old white men have "lost it".

But, now it looks like they have to hope that enough young people have been brainwashed into Bolshevism by the public school systems of the rotting cities run by Democrats for half a century---enough to get The Bern past THE DONALD in November. Fat Chance.

It is a terrifying thought for the the Oligarchic Elite of New York and California----because the Heartland remains SANE---which means The Donald will be back for four more years!

FEEL THE BERN: Panicked Democrats Fear Bernie Could Cost Them the House.

Fake News New York Times:

"Moderate" Democrats Fear Bernie Sanders Could Cost Them the House

As Bernie Sanders emerges as the leader in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, his rise is generating fears among "centrist" Democrats that the apparent leftward shift of their party could cost them not only a chance to retake the White House, but also their hold on the majority in the House of Representatives and their shot at winning the Senate.​

A Party that went Left of a cliff now tries to sell everyone that's not a declared Bolshevik as a "Centrist" and a "Moderate".

The anxiety is particularly acute on Capitol Hill among a small but politically important group of freshman Democrats who helped their party win control of the House in 2018 by flipping Republican seats in districts that President Trump won in 2016. Now, they fear that having a self-declared democratic socialist at the top of the ticket could doom their re-election chances in November.

Members of the group of about three dozen — often called “front-liners” or “majority-makers”— have toiled to carve out political identities distinct from their party’s progressive base, and most are already facing competitive re-election challenges from Republicans who bill them as radicals who have empowered a far-left agenda in Congress.​

Yeah, they are dead men walking that voted for impeachment, while representing Red Districts.

Scared of a Bernie nomination, scared of the Bernie-Bros retribution if they steal it from Bernie, again.

Democrats have a bigger problem than Bernie, the entire field of 2020 Democrats is too far left for the general public.

House Dems getting nervous about Bernie would better note that Dem Presidential Primary has no moderates

The idea that Pete Buttigieg is a moderate and Joe Biden is a moderate is ridiculous. There are no moderates in this race.

Bernie Sanders is not merely calling for a change in policy. He wants to remake the United States. He is openly calling for revolution. Calling him extreme is being polite.

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