Goofballs at EPA to destroy more jobs!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Now even more laughable regulations from the Obama EPA.............

From the New York Times yesterday...................

"Smog levels have declined sharply over the last 40 years, but each incremental improvement comes at a significant cost to business and government."

The regulations are draconian and will end up shutting down power plants across the country and preventing new ones from opening in years to come. Of course, at a time when the economy hangs by a thread, the Obama administration enthusiastically destroys even more jobs while making an insignificant impact on the environment.

As usual, the k00k environmental groups took the opportunity to throw the token alarmist nuclear bomb >>

William Becker, executive director of the National Association of Clean Air Agencies, said, “Ozone is not only killing people, but causing tens of millions of people to get sick every day.”

As skeptics have been pointing out in this forum, these EPA regulations conform with the progressive agenda of continuing the incremental destruction of the capitalistic system........and the destruction of people's livelihoods!!! Works for the progressives.........places more people on the government handout list...............which is exactly the goal of the regulations. Only the hopelessly duped think this has anything to do with the environment.:biggrin::biggrin::coffee:


US Solar Jobs Growing Ten Times Faster than National Average Employment Growth

New Hampshire, USA -- Today The Solar Foundation (TSF), a non-profit organization that seeks to further the understanding of solar energy through research and public education, released its 4th National Jobs Census report, which shows remarkable growth in the U.S. labor market as it pertains to solar energy employment.

In total there were 142,698 solar workers in the U.S. as of November 2013. A solar worker is defined as someone who devotes at least 50 percent of his or her work to solar-related activities. This is a 20 percent increase over 2012 figures and ten times higher than the national average employment growth rate, which was 1.9 percent. "This is our most comprehensive [report] yet," said Andrea Luecke, Executive Director & President of The Solar Foundation, explaining that collecting the data involved making more than 74,000 phone calls and sending out more than 11,000 emails.

Solar project developers were the big winners in terms of job growth rate. In 2012 there were almost 8,000 solar workers who defined themselves as project developers whereas in 2013 that number jumped to more than 12,000, a 52 percent uptick. According to Luecke, the large increase reflects the huge number of utility-scale projects that were under construction in 2013.

As has been long-predicted, because solar project costs have dropped so dramatically in recent years, the industry added the the largest number of jobs in installation. Just under 70,000 people are employed in the solar installation business, a 21 percent increase over 2012. TSF predicts that 2014 will again add 21 percent more jobs, a number that would bring the industry solar installation total to more than 84,000 by this time next year. CEO Lyndon Rive said that SolarCity added 2,000 "highly-distributed" jobs in 2013. Solar installation jobs are "not in any central hub," he explained, as is the case with other industries such as finance in NYC or high-tech in Silicon Valley. "We are in 14 states," he said. "Growth for the next 10 years in solar is going to be very, very exciting," Rive added. "You can't outsource these jobs."
Increased regulations from the EPA is a job killer waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond the jobs it creates........its not even debatable for a nano-second >>>

EPA Will Destroy Jobs Not Create Them

Will the EPA carbon rule destroy jobs or create them Probably both. Arkansas Blog Arkansas news politics opinion restaurants music movies and art

Not to costs are going to skyrocket now for all Americans.........dang, Obama is on record for saying such would be the case.

EPA regulations are a farce.............this is Cap and Trade via executive fiat..........another fleecing of the American public by the Emperor in Chief. The stoopid-ass public just doesn't know it yet. But they will...........:2up: . Just more deception and more crap.............and of course, more taxes. This guy is taxing the American public to death and they don't even know it.

Hey........they tried this same shit in Spain and it was a TOTAL FUCKING DISASTER >>>>

Green Policies in Spain are a Total Failure

For every one green job gained, two jobs were lost =

Spain is about to go the way of energy put them there!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay:
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Its threads like this where the skeptics can reeeeeeeeeeeeaally clean clocks.........because the empirical evidence is overwhelming about how ghey green regulations are to an economy.
Skook, you understand that nobody reads your conspiracy kook trolling any more, right?

You might want to reduce the spamming and trolling. But then, it is all you have. Tough choice for you, either be silent and be ignored, or speak and be ignored.
Skook, you understand that nobody reads your conspiracy kook trolling any more, right?

You might want to reduce the spamming and trolling. But then, it is all you have. Tough choice for you, either be silent and be ignored, or speak and be ignored.

no links........just philosophy...........

post #3 pwns you s0n!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

empirical evidence > conjecture
Look at all these jobs!


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