GOOGLE officially ignores U.S. Memorial Day again

PickMyNose said:
Continuing to lie doesn't help your case. Everyone can read the OP, which is a lie.

Poor hapless rat **** that you are, you STILL can't fathom that you are entirely wrong.

It is PRECISELY because what I said in the OP is still there for all to see that YOU are shown to be the imbecile lying rat **** you are.

Continuing your lie will never help you, twatty.

Oh but I didn't lie. You did, and continue to. Google acknowledged Memorial Day. It's there for all to see.

Hey fuckface rat ****:

What I SAID in my OP, I now quote to prove that YOU lied, not me:

Google sucks ass.

They are such miserable pricks.

The fuckwads will endorse all manner of political and artistic claptrap, some good and some of no value. But they refuse to show any respect for the men and women who risked their lives and lost their lives in the military service of the United States.

They offer idiotic, facile, cheap and dishonest excuses for it. But they DO offer their front page specials for other nations' equivalents to our Memorial Day.

Fuck Google.

That said, I'd like to extend a simple word of thanks to all who have ever worn our nation's military uniforms and in particular those who have fought and died for the United States.

Hope that little emphasis and highlighting assists you, you pin dick pin head rat twat.

And you know what? Google didn't offer one of their "special" pages for the United States' Memorial Day.

Fucking URF Day gets Google's artys fartsy logo treatment. The birthday of the inventor of Rubik's Cube gets Google's artsy fartsy logo treatment.

But Memorial Day? No. For Memorial Day Google limits itself to that tiny little flag and gold ribbon deal below the search box on their search page.

PickHisNose can pretend all he wishes that this is the same thing. But it's not. And everyone looking at the comparison of the pages for Urf Day and today damn well know it. In short, PickHisNose is a confirmed lying rat twat.

But this was already well known.
Stop crying and use Bing:

I laughed so hard after clicking on the link above. Allow me to explain before any self-righteous prigs muster enough indignation to spontaneously combust destroying this forum and us with them.

I saw the little flag pin Google was wearing. I didn't care that it was a small flag pin.


I clicked on the link and saw this

Wow! That's a big flag pin! That website's flag pin is so big, it's a whole “field of flags”.

And the overwhelming amount of flag pin started making me think "I need more... flag pin" "really explore the studio space this time."

Okay, Bing, we get it. You're open for business. We'll give you a chance... someday...

If it offends anyone that Google only had a small flag pin, then use Bing which wears a huge flag pin.

The rest of us would like to take time to quietly reflect on the sacrifices made for our freedom without listening to people trying to manufacture a scandal over how big a website's flag pin should be.
But they refuse to show any respect for the men and women who risked their lives and lost their lives in the military service of the United States.

Yes, that's why the included this, acknowledging Memorial Day:

Which, unlike what your OP says, they didn't ignore. You are a liar.
It is a given fact that only a fucking pussy could make such a thread. So, theres that :lol:

What a dork. Every one of your responses is akin to "i know you are but what am i." Neat.

It is not a given. And it isn't a "fact." It's just a weasel dick fly fucker like you spouting-off more of your usual bullshit.

You are the pussy and you remain about as worthwhile as your idiot pal, PickHisNose.

Meanwhile, Google did not honor Memorial Day. They put up a TINY little flag and ribbon in a low spot on their search page -- unlike what they normally do when they trumpet an "important" day or a day to remember.

Pussies like you LOVE the fact that they did that tiny little bit of fluff nothing so that you can pretend that what they did is even remotely akin to what they normally do. Damn, gitty, you are as dishonest as PickHisNose. Pretty piss poor company you keep.
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It is a given fact that only a fucking pussy could make such a thread. So, theres that :lol:

What a dork. Every one of your responses is akin to "i know you are but what am i." Neat.

It is not a given. And it isn't a "fact." It's just a weasel dick fly fucker like you spouting-off more of your usual bullshit.

You are the pussy and you remain about as worthwhile as your idiot pal, PickHisNose.

Meanwhile, Google did not honor Memorial Day. They put up a TINY little flag and ribbon in a low spot on their search page -- unlike what they normally do when they trumpet an "important" day or a day to remember.

Pussies like you LOVE the fact that they did that tiny little bit of fluff nothing so that you can pretend that what they did is even remotely akin to what they normally do. Damn, gitty, you are as dishonest as PickHisNose. Pretty piss poor company you keep.
This - GOOGLE officially ignores U.S. Memorial Day again and this - They put up a TINY little flag and ribbon in a low spot on their search page = Lie.
Interesting. That is rather BS considering the deference that they give virtually any other event. As you pointed out the invention of the Rubix Cube is worthy of mention and a graphic whereas memorial is worth an icon.


Not enough to stop using them though. It MIGHT be if there were a viable competitor but, quite frankly, none of them are in the same ballpark as Google (IMHO).

Better and more interesting than Google's poor choice of taste is the insane and ridiculous lengths that some of the people in here are willing to go in order to tray and defend the oversight. The comments here are asinine.
It is a given fact that only a fucking pussy could make such a thread. So, theres that :lol:

What a dork. Every one of your responses is akin to "i know you are but what am i." Neat.

It is not a given. And it isn't a "fact." It's just a weasel dick fly fucker like you spouting-off more of your usual bullshit.

You are the pussy and you remain about as worthwhile as your idiot pal, PickHisNose.

Meanwhile, Google did not honor Memorial Day. They put up a TINY little flag and ribbon in a low spot on their search page -- unlike what they normally do when they trumpet an "important" day or a day to remember.

Pussies like you LOVE the fact that they did that tiny little bit of fluff nothing so that you can pretend that what they did is even remotely akin to what they normally do. Damn, gitty, you are as dishonest as PickHisNose. Pretty piss poor company you keep.
This - GOOGLE officially ignores U.S. Memorial Day again and this - They put up a TINY little flag and ribbon in a low spot on their search page = Lie.

Nope. And it's a lie to claim that the two statements amount to a lie. This confirms that you ARE the liar, PickYourNose.

For, as I noted in my OP, Google memorializes some days in their usual way. Just not U.S. Memorial Day. In fact, the FACT that all they included was that tiny little flag and ribbon below their search box on their search page INSTEAD of USING THEIR LOGO as they "normally" do PROVES that they were busy ignoring Memorial Day.

But your dishonest quibble is noted. With more derision. You and your fundamental dishonesty have earned it.
This - GOOGLE officially ignores U.S. Memorial Day again and this - They put up a TINY little flag and ribbon in a low spot on their search page = Lie.

Nope. And it's a lie to claim that the two statements amount to a lie. This confirms that you ARE the liar, PickYourNose.

For, as I noted in my OP, Google memorializes some days in their usual way. Just not U.S. Memorial Day. In fact, the FACT that all they included was that tiny little flag and ribbon below their search box on their search page INSTEAD of USING THEIR LOGO as they "normally" do PROVES that they were busy ignoring Memorial Day.

But your dishonest quibble is noted. With more derision. You and your fundamental dishonesty have earned it.
Learn what the word "ignore" means. If you understood it you might understand why you lied and continue to do so.

You are indeed busy ignoring the valid rebuttal I offered to your lies as well as the words I highlighted from my OP.

This is why we all see that you are nothing BUT a liar.

Don't bother looking words up, PickYourNose. You'd just lie about them anyway.

It's a bad habit you have.
Nope. And it's a lie to claim that the two statements amount to a lie. This confirms that you ARE the liar, PickYourNose.

For, as I noted in my OP, Google memorializes some days in their usual way. Just not U.S. Memorial Day. In fact, the FACT that all they included was that tiny little flag and ribbon below their search box on their search page INSTEAD of USING THEIR LOGO as they "normally" do PROVES that they were busy ignoring Memorial Day.

But your dishonest quibble is noted. With more derision. You and your fundamental dishonesty have earned it.
Learn what the word "ignore" means. If you understood it you might understand why you lied and continue to do so.

You are indeed busy ignoring the valid rebuttal I offered to your lies as well as the words I highlighted from my OP.

This is why we all see that you are nothing BUT a liar.

Don't bother looking words up, PickYourNose. You'd just lie about them anyway.

It's a bad habit you have.
Your lies are clear for everyone to see little man. First you say Google ignores Memorial Day, and then you say well, they did have a little acknowledgement of Memorial Day. In the real world, not the planet you live on apparently, that's known as lying and therefore makes you a liar.
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Interesting. That is rather BS considering the deference that they give virtually any other event. As you pointed out the invention of the Rubix Cube is worthy of mention and a graphic whereas memorial is worth an icon.


Not enough to stop using them though. It MIGHT be if there were a viable competitor but, quite frankly, none of them are in the same ballpark as Google (IMHO).

Better and more interesting than Google's poor choice of taste is the insane and ridiculous lengths that some of the people in here are willing to go in order to tray and defend the oversight. The comments here are asinine.

I thought the giant Rubik's Cube was asinine. I think all the banner doodles are asinine.
I don't go to google to play with a Rubik's Cube . I go to google to search for a web page that will let me play with a Rubik's Cube.

All I want from google is a textbox, a pushbutton, and a list of results.

The rest of this is asinine. All of it. Asinine.
Interesting. That is rather BS considering the deference that they give virtually any other event. As you pointed out the invention of the Rubix Cube is worthy of mention and a graphic whereas memorial is worth an icon.


Not enough to stop using them though. It MIGHT be if there were a viable competitor but, quite frankly, none of them are in the same ballpark as Google (IMHO).

Better and more interesting than Google's poor choice of taste is the insane and ridiculous lengths that some of the people in here are willing to go in order to tray and defend the oversight. The comments here are asinine.

I thought the giant Rubik's Cube was asinine. I think all the banner doodles are asinine.
I don't go to google to play with a Rubik's Cube . I go to google to search for a web page that will let me play with a Rubik's Cube.

All I want from google is a textbox, a pushbutton, and a list of results.

The rest of this is asinine. All of it. Asinine.
That's on you. I think you are in the minority though. The 'service' of the graphic is something that I think Google has done very well. Simplistic, not in the way of your searches, not glaring and goddy and very elegantly done. I, quite frankly, find the graphics interesting. not because they add flavor but rather because they add some interesting information. the graphics themselves are almost always linked to a fact sheet that explains what it is representing. There are quite a few interesting fact that have been brought up as a result of me wondering what the hell the graphic was representing.

It is interesting that they chose not to do the 'standard' with memorial day. It seems like a rather large omission to be overlooked. more likely it was done on purpose.
Interesting. That is rather BS considering the deference that they give virtually any other event. As you pointed out the invention of the Rubix Cube is worthy of mention and a graphic whereas memorial is worth an icon.


Not enough to stop using them though. It MIGHT be if there were a viable competitor but, quite frankly, none of them are in the same ballpark as Google (IMHO).

Better and more interesting than Google's poor choice of taste is the insane and ridiculous lengths that some of the people in here are willing to go in order to tray and defend the oversight. The comments here are asinine.

I thought the giant Rubik's Cube was asinine. I think all the banner doodles are asinine.
I don't go to google to play with a Rubik's Cube . I go to google to search for a web page that will let me play with a Rubik's Cube.

All I want from google is a textbox, a pushbutton, and a list of results.

The rest of this is asinine. All of it. Asinine.
That's on you. I think you are in the minority though. The 'service' of the graphic is something that I think Google has done very well. Simplistic, not in the way of your searches, not glaring and goddy and very elegantly done. I, quite frankly, find the graphics interesting. not because they add flavor but rather because they add some interesting information. the graphics themselves are almost always linked to a fact sheet that explains what it is representing. There are quite a few interesting fact that have been brought up as a result of me wondering what the hell the graphic was representing.

It is interesting that they chose not to do the 'standard' with memorial day. It seems like a rather large omission to be overlooked. more likely it was done on purpose.

there is a flag with a ribbon on google's page today. it isn't big and loud and pretend patriotic. i'm just not quite sure what the rant is about.
I thought the giant Rubik's Cube was asinine. I think all the banner doodles are asinine.
I don't go to google to play with a Rubik's Cube . I go to google to search for a web page that will let me play with a Rubik's Cube.

All I want from google is a textbox, a pushbutton, and a list of results.

The rest of this is asinine. All of it. Asinine.
That's on you. I think you are in the minority though. The 'service' of the graphic is something that I think Google has done very well. Simplistic, not in the way of your searches, not glaring and goddy and very elegantly done. I, quite frankly, find the graphics interesting. not because they add flavor but rather because they add some interesting information. the graphics themselves are almost always linked to a fact sheet that explains what it is representing. There are quite a few interesting fact that have been brought up as a result of me wondering what the hell the graphic was representing.

It is interesting that they chose not to do the 'standard' with memorial day. It seems like a rather large omission to be overlooked. more likely it was done on purpose.

there is a flag with a ribbon on google's page today. it isn't big and loud and pretend patriotic. i'm just not quite sure what the rant is about.

The original rant is about the fact that Google puts quite a lot of time into developing large graphics with links or games to explain the point of the graph almost every day for the smallest of points (such as the invention of the rubix cube). Then on memorial day they put a small icon on the bottom that is barely noticeable with no links or anything that shows the normal Google style, elegance and workmanship that they put into almost everything else. IOW, they look like they don't give a dam.

Then, for some reason, this became an outrage thread when there really was no outrage to be found anywhere. IOW, trolling.
More of the 'Republicans don't have anything to offer the middle class' BS threads?
Yep. Just another GOP drama queen lie.

Wrong again. One Percentduh is vapid and devoid of logic.

And of course, being a complete jackass, you promptly aqgree with his stupidity.

Anyway, the point of the OP can't be derailed by onepercentduh or by your dishonesty.

Google did NOT memorialize in their usual "special" way anything about Memorial Day.

The little flag and ribbon down low and tiny on their search page fools only those gullible enough to be asshole lolberals like you PickYourNose.

Google sucks ass.

They are shameful pieces of crap. Like you.
I thought the giant Rubik's Cube was asinine. I think all the banner doodles are asinine.
I don't go to google to play with a Rubik's Cube . I go to google to search for a web page that will let me play with a Rubik's Cube.

All I want from google is a textbox, a pushbutton, and a list of results.

The rest of this is asinine. All of it. Asinine.
That's on you. I think you are in the minority though. The 'service' of the graphic is something that I think Google has done very well. Simplistic, not in the way of your searches, not glaring and goddy and very elegantly done. I, quite frankly, find the graphics interesting. not because they add flavor but rather because they add some interesting information. the graphics themselves are almost always linked to a fact sheet that explains what it is representing. There are quite a few interesting fact that have been brought up as a result of me wondering what the hell the graphic was representing.

It is interesting that they chose not to do the 'standard' with memorial day. It seems like a rather large omission to be overlooked. more likely it was done on purpose.

there is a flag with a ribbon on google's page today. it isn't big and loud and pretend patriotic. i'm just not quite sure what the rant is about.

There’s nothing to ‘rant’ about.

Typical of most on the right the OP sought to contrive a controversy where none exists, in this case faux outrage over Google not recognizing Memorial Day, which of course is not the case.

An example of leaping without looking first.

In a failed attempt to save face the claim now is that Google’s recognition of Memorial Day was ‘inadequate,’ which is just as lame as the original premise of the thread.

Perhaps the OP and other conservatives will be more circumspect before attempting to contrive another false controversy.

(But likely not…)
Google sucks ass.

They are such miserable pricks.

The fuckwads will endorse all manner of political and artistic claptrap, some good and some of no value. But they refuse to show any respect for the men and women who risked their lives and lost their lives in the military service of the United States.

They offer idiotic, facile, cheap and dishonest excuses for it. But they DO offer their front page specials for other nations' equivalents to our Memorial Day.

Fuck Google.

That said, I'd like to extend a simple word of thanks to all who have ever worn our nation's military uniforms and in particular those who have fought and died for the United States.
There are over a billion people that use Google each month, most of them from outside the US. If Google were to decorate it's home page with US patriotic content would this have any meaning for them? If Google started celebrating patriotic holidays of all nations with content on their home page, there wouldn't be enough room to enter a search.

Google should not make a statement concerning the political or patriotic position of any one nation.
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