GOP and DEM Senators express disgust at Tucker Carlson depiction of J6

I have friends and even family members that watch FAUX 24/7. Since FAUX does not give the news about the incriminating emails that Dominion has compiled, they probably do not know that FAUX is lying to them. I am sorry, but you "cannot fix Stupid."

Translation: "Damn. Having a hard time staying on topic, but I spelled most of those words right at least."

I've seen all those videos several times.

Not sure WTF that has to do with evidence being withheld at the trial of this idiot.
Cool. You saw the video of Jacob illegally entering the capital, unescorted, with a group of other traitorous Trump animals, some of which bashed windows open and crawling through them.

We already know from testimony that he was later escorted and why. This is not new information.

So what evidence is claiming to be withheld that would somehow negate the fact he broke into the capital, was asked to leave and refused, simp?
Finally a reasonable counterpoint is posted, FINALLY!

Now I agree that he and hundreds of other people were Trespassing and disrupting a legitimate government meeting however there were also lies about the "Shaman" being violent and a danger to the police which was the main point by Tucker.
All the people who entered the captial illegally were a danger to police and to members of Congress who were performing their Constitutional duty.

Except for the violent entry, I don't remember seeing any convictions for violence of Jacob...who plead guilty by the way.
Good people can be old.

Old is not an automatic disqualifier.

I totally agree. My mother-in-law was very sharp until well into her nineties, but when it was time to take away her car keys, she was not reasonable about it. We were.

I want to see people in power able to prove that they are competent.


I totally agree. My mother-in-law was very sharp until well into her nineties, but when it was time to take away her car keys, she was not reasonable about it. We were.

I want to see people in power able to prove that they are competent.

How do you know when it is time to take the car keys? My dad is 91, sharp as a whip, won't even consider giving up the keys.... But his body is becoming more frail....harder for him to get up kind of and dad live in their own home, my older sister lives next door. Sis is hoping dad's doctors will tell dad and sis, when it is time....but is that the doctor's job duty?
Cool. You saw the video of Jacob illegally entering the capital, unescorted, with a group of other traitorous Trump animals, some of which bashed windows open and crawling through them.

We already know from testimony that he was later escorted and why. This is not new information.

So what evidence is claiming to be withheld that would somehow negate the fact he broke into the capital, was asked to leave and refused, simp?
Good Lord you are dense.

The evidence the Govt withheld is the video of the idiot being escorted around the Capital like it was a weekend tour, Dumbass.
Good Lord you are dense.

The evidence the Govt withheld is the video of the idiot being escorted around the Capital like it was a weekend tour, Dumbass.
What does them escorting him prove? Does it prove he wasn't one of the very first to illegally enter when the windows were bashed and the doors kicked out?
How do you know when it is time to take the car keys? My dad is 91, sharp as a whip, won't even consider giving up the keys.... But his body is becoming more frail....harder for him to get up kind of and dad live in their own home, my older sister lives next door. Sis is hoping dad's doctors will tell dad and sis, when it is time....but is that the doctor's job duty?

When she started coming home from church with a new dent in the car just about every week, that she did not remember happening, trying to blame them on someone else but not knowing who, it was time. Then hubby went out with her on a drive and she nearly took off her driver's side mirror and still tried to blame someone else, although hubby was right there and saw that it was her fault. We were becoming terrified that she was leaving the scene of these fender benders.

Also, at about the same time, we began noticing some subtle cognitive incongruities.

Best luck dealing with your dad's issues.

Good Lord you are dense.

The evidence the Govt withheld is the video of the idiot being escorted around the Capital like it was a weekend tour, Dumbass.
That evidence is irrelevant. It doesn't change the fact the fact that he broke into the capital illegally, and he was charged for that.

He was asked to leave and didn't so he was charged for that.

If his lawyers have a problem with evidence of him being escorted by police, a fact that was already well known, then they can file charges against the government and when they don't or it fails you can scream deep state like a good brown shirt, simp.

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