GOP and DEM Senators express disgust at Tucker Carlson depiction of J6


I totally agree. My mother-in-law was very sharp until well into her nineties, but when it was time to take away her car keys, she was not reasonable about it. We were.

I want to see people in power able to prove that they are competent.


In reality all that politicians really do are vote on bills.
It doesn't take a lot of competence.

Presidents are obviously different .

When she started coming home from church with a new dent in the car just about every week, that she did not remember happening, trying to blame them on someone else but not knowing who, it was time. Then hubby went out with her on a drive and she nearly took off her driver's side mirror and still tried to blame someone else, although hubby was right there and saw that it was her fault. We were becoming terrified that she was leaving the scene of these fender benders.

Also, at about the same time, we began noticing some subtle cognitive incongruities.

Best luck dealing with your dad's issues.

Thank you! That does help!! I do appreciate it!
What does them escorting him prove? Does it prove he wasn't one of the very first to illegally enter when the windows were bashed and the doors kicked out?
Where did I say it proved something other than evidence was withheld from his defense team?
Where did I say it proved something other than evidence was withheld from his defense team?
It has to be exculpatory evidence, for the Brady law to come in to effect, and give him a chance for a redo trial or new guilty plea with a new sentence.
Complicit with what??? Trump's insurrectionist senators were just as pissed about having their lives threatened as the RINO's. Josh Hawley ran away like a little girl.
Liar. He was last in a group of Senators and Reps being escorted by the Capitol Police. The January 6th Committee editted the video to make it look like he was running away when he was actually running to catch up.
How would I know?
Ok, then he should have taken it to court instead of made a plea deal.

Took a plea deal probably on the advice of a Trump hating federal public defender. Was most likely faced with a very long term on different charges, no money to go to court, hence a PD, so what do you then do? You plead to a 'gift'.

I believe he can appeal based on new evidence.
Took a plea deal probably on the advice of a Trump hating federal public defender. Was most likely faced with a very long term on different charges, no money to go to court, hence a PD, so what do you then do? You plead to a 'gift'.

I believe he can appeal based on new evidence.
So speculation.

What new evidence would change his conviction?
Video of him in the Capitol isn't relevant to the crime?

What a dumbass.
Yes. He wasn't charged with running unescorted thought the capital.

How does him being escorted by police negate him breaking into the captial and not leaving when asked by police, simp.

Prosecutor: Your honor, the defendant broke into the whole the owners were on vacation.

Nostra on defense: Your honor. The defendant has a picture of himself just waking around the homeowners living room so he can't be guilty of breaking an entering.

Derp derp simp logic.
So speculation.

What new evidence would change his conviction?
He did waive appeal of the agreement, that probably could be dealt with in light of new evidence, but his sentence is almost done.

This is not just material that the public should be able to see, it was potential evidence in criminal cases like that of the QAnon Shaman.

When the footage aired, I wrote a column raising the question of whether this evidence was known to or shared with Chansley’s defense. After all, he was portrayed as a violent offender by the Justice Department at his sentencing.

It now appears that the answer is no. I spoke with Chansley’s new counsel, Bill Shipley, and confirmed that defense counsel did not have this material.

In the hearing, federal prosecutor Kimberly Paschall played videos showing Chansley yelling along with the crowd and insisted “that is not peaceful.”
That portrayal of Chansley would have been more difficult to maintain if the Court was allowed to see images of Chansley casually walking through a door of the Capitol with hundreds of other protesters and then being escorted by officers through the Capitol. At no point is he violent and at no point is he shown destroying evidence. Instead, he dutifully follows the officers who facilitate his going eventually to the unoccupied Senate floor.
The role of Congress in withholding this footage is disgraceful and wrong. The Congress and the January 6th Committee knew of this footage and its relevance to a pending criminal case. Yet, they refused to make it public. Instead, the January 6th Committee hired a former ABC producer to put on a made-for-television production of highly edited images for public consumption. Countervailing evidence or images were consistently excluded and witnesses appeared as virtual props to support high-quality video packages.

Even The New York Times admitted the narrative was meant to “recast the midterm message” and “give [Democrats] a platform for making a broader case about why they deserve to stay in power.”

The image of the QAnon Shaman being escorted through the Capitol by police officers is hardly the image that they wanted to show the public. So Committee members and counsel buried footage that was clearly relevant to literally hundreds of people facing criminal sentencing across the country. They did this while repeatedly referencing those cases in hearings as upholding the rule of law.
However, it is hard to see this withheld evidence and not conclude that the Qanon Shaman got the shaft on his sentencing.

He did waive appeal of the agreement, that probably could be dealt with in light of new evidence, but his sentence is almost done.

This is not just material that the public should be able to see, it was potential evidence in criminal cases like that of the QAnon Shaman.

When the footage aired, I wrote a column raising the question of whether this evidence was known to or shared with Chansley’s defense. After all, he was portrayed as a violent offender by the Justice Department at his sentencing.

It now appears that the answer is no. I spoke with Chansley’s new counsel, Bill Shipley, and confirmed that defense counsel did not have this material.

In the hearing, federal prosecutor Kimberly Paschall played videos showing Chansley yelling along with the crowd and insisted “that is not peaceful.”
That portrayal of Chansley would have been more difficult to maintain if the Court was allowed to see images of Chansley casually walking through a door of the Capitol with hundreds of other protesters and then being escorted by officers through the Capitol. At no point is he violent and at no point is he shown destroying evidence. Instead, he dutifully follows the officers who facilitate his going eventually to the unoccupied Senate floor.
The role of Congress in withholding this footage is disgraceful and wrong. The Congress and the January 6th Committee knew of this footage and its relevance to a pending criminal case. Yet, they refused to make it public. Instead, the January 6th Committee hired a former ABC producer to put on a made-for-television production of highly edited images for public consumption. Countervailing evidence or images were consistently excluded and witnesses appeared as virtual props to support high-quality video packages.

Even The New York Times admitted the narrative was meant to “recast the midterm message” and “give [Democrats] a platform for making a broader case about why they deserve to stay in power.”

The image of the QAnon Shaman being escorted through the Capitol by police officers is hardly the image that they wanted to show the public. So Committee members and counsel buried footage that was clearly relevant to literally hundreds of people facing criminal sentencing across the country. They did this while repeatedly referencing those cases in hearings as upholding the rule of law.
However, it is hard to see this withheld evidence and not conclude that the Qanon Shaman got the shaft on his sentencing.

The Mob was not invited in. They broke in.

Police already testified why they escorted Jacob around...which is why the judge dismissed a retrial or dismissal already.

At least let's see what the courts say and then after that you can scream about activist judges and deep state juries.

Good luck.
The Mob was not invited in. They broke in.

Police already testified why they escorted Jacob around...which is why the judge dismissed a retrial or dismissal already.

At least let's see what the courts say and then after that you can scream about activist judges and deep state juries.

Good luck.
The QAnon Shaman became to total focus of the violence that day, only he didn't commit any.

You missed a good pair of articles, shame, you might have learned something.

In the hearing, federal prosecutor Kimberly Paschall played videos showing Chansley yelling along with the crowd and insisted “that is not peaceful.”
That portrayal of Chansley would have been more difficult to maintain if the Court was allowed to see images of Chansley casually walking through a door of the Capitol with hundreds of other protesters and then being escorted by officers through the Capitol. At no point is he violent and at no point is he shown destroying evidence. Instead, he dutifully follows the officers who facilitate his going eventually to the unoccupied Senate floor.
The QAnon Shaman became to total focus of the violence that day, only he didn't commit any.

You missed a good pair of articles, shame, you might have learned something.
He wasn't charged with violence except for violent entry...which he was part of the original group who broke through the doors, so I don't see what your point is.

Did you read the list conviction list?
Yes. He wasn't charged with running unescorted thought the capital.

How does him being escorted by police negate him breaking into the captial and not leaving when asked by police, simp.

Prosecutor: Your honor, the defendant broke into the whole the owners were on vacation.

Nostra on defense: Your honor. The defendant has a picture of himself just waking around the homeowners living room so he can't be guilty of breaking an entering.

Derp derp simp logic.
When did they ask him to leave? Before or after the guided tour?
He wasn't charged with violence except for violent entry...which he was part of the original group who broke through the doors, so I don't see what your point is.
Sure as hell sounds like he was charged with violence, based on your words.
Sure as hell sounds like he was charged with violence, based on your words.
Civil Disorder; Obsrtuction of an Official Proceeding; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building; Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building


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