GOP Candidate Rick Perry Dropping Out of 2016 Presidential Race

Yosemite Sam thought those glasses were gonna do the trick for him this time around.

From last month:
Forty percent of early-state Republicans and nearly half of early-state Democrats believe Rick Perry will be the first candidate to drop out of the presidential race.

That’s according to this week’s POLITICO Caucus, our weekly bipartisan survey of the top strategists, activists and operatives in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Read more: Insiders: Rick Perry will be first to drop out - POLITICO
Good. Be nice to get those that have a shot onto stage all at once...not a chance in hell of me voting for any of them but still I love watching the debates.
Gilmore is probably next. CNN wouldn't even invite him to the JV debate, on account of him polling at 0.0%.
So the village idiot of the Republican candidates drops out. Perry truly is an idiot. This is the guy who said "even a broken clock is right once a day"
GOP Candidate Rick Perry Dropping Out of 2016 Presidential Race
Wow, I didn't see that coming
He's been studying the World Atlas in the past 4 years in preparation to be the next president for nothing?
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Gilmore,Graham,Christi,Pataki will be next. Then Paul,Huckabee,Jindal,Fiorina,Santorum and Rubio.Then Bush,Walker,Carson,Cruz. In that exact order at the last part. Gonna be a Trump/Carson ticket. Not that I care.

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