GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay

I wonder why an upstanding conservative young man raised by good christian parents like Mehlman would decide to be gay. How odd
Maybe MarcATL can explain.

He' convinced it's a "lifestyle".

It may be a natural inclination for many, yes. However, they still choose to go forward with it. Everything in a person's life boils down to choices...everything. From the time you are a young child you begin making conscious choices. Some are easy choices, some are not easy choices, but we all make choices almost each moment of the day in day in our lives. We each go the way of the choices we make. This is the human experience.

As shakespeare wrote, 'to thine own self be true'. why should anyone not choose to be with people to whom they're attracted? could you force yourself to bonk someone of the same sex and like it? they feel the same about bonking people of the opposite sex. people want to be loved and happy. THAT is the human experience. :beer:
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I'm curious...why do you say that?

The more accepting of homosexuals they will be.

Besides, its only a matter of time. Forty years from now, there will be gay Republicans married to their same-sex partner running for office.


Divorce might actually be shunned by then, and THAT is more of a threat to the sanctity of my marriage than any same sex marriage.
Just make sure the lil' woman doesn't get caught-up in any o' those wearin' any o' your clothes!!!!! :eek:

"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." - Deuteronomy 22:5



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GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay.

44 - Former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman: I'm gay

I think before I read any further than the first dew posts, I will respond.

Gays are coming out all the time. That is not news. Gays do hide it because of position in a job, fear of loss of friends or votes, and many other negative reasons. This man hid for as long as he felt he could, and then just chose to open it up to the world.

Him being gay does not make him a bad person.
No....just a typical, average, ordinary, garden-variety "con$ervative"-OPPORTUNI$T!!!!!

(i.e. He only helped persecute Gay-people, for PROFIT!!!)​
Yeah...after he spent years and years in the closet while simultaneously attacking, damaging and destroying the gay agenda while he was in power. Seems a bit convenient now while he's not in power to say things like "I should have done this years ago."

BTW, this is no endorsement of that lifestyle, just pointing out how despicable Mehhlman and people of his ilk are.
"...that lifestyle...", huh??'s O.K. to be you're consistent (about it), huh?

I don't condone of hetero promiscuous lifestyles as well.

Does that mean I have a phobia for those people as well?

Let's try not to get carried away here., promiscuity was the issue, huh?

I guess you forgot to mention that, when you referred to the Gay-lifestyle.


(My compliments to your tap-dancing skills. :rolleyes: )​
I wonder why an upstanding conservative young man raised by good christian parents like Mehlman would decide to be gay. How odd
Maybe MarcATL can explain.

He' convinced it's a "lifestyle".

It may be a natural inclination for many, yes. However, they still choose to go forward with it. Everything in a person's life boils down to choices...everything. From the time you are a young child you begin making conscious choices. Some are easy choices, some are not easy choices, but we all make choices almost each moment of the day in day in our lives. We each go the way of the choices we make. This is the human experience.

There's also the choice of COWARDICE; the choice to continually go-after the least-of-us; the most-vulnerable.....kinda like any average lynch-mob would do.

For some reason, Gay-people are expected to pay/repent for their sinful-choices.....yet, those who do the MOST-DAMAGE......


......are given a "pass".....'cause they're Men O' God.



Get your priorities STRAIGHT, Brother!!!

Maybe MarcATL can explain.

He' convinced it's a "lifestyle".

It may be a natural inclination for many, yes. However, they still choose to go forward with it. Everything in a person's life boils down to choices...everything. From the time you are a young child you begin making conscious choices. Some are easy choices, some are not easy choices, but we all make choices almost each moment of the day in day in our lives. We each go the way of the choices we make. This is the human experience.

As shakespeare wrote, 'to thine own self be true'. why should anyone not choose to be with people to whom they're attracted? could you force yourself to bonk someone of the same sex and like it? they feel the same about bonking people of the opposite sex. people want to be loved and happy. THAT is the human experience. :beer:
....Kinda like The Founding Fathers (those darlings of The Teabaggers) suggested:​

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The Founding Fathers never suggested those living more-profitable-lives were more-entitled to these unalienable "conseravtives" are always suggesting.​
It may be a natural inclination for many, yes. However, they still choose to go forward with it. Everything in a person's life boils down to choices...everything. From the time you are a young child you begin making conscious choices. Some are easy choices, some are not easy choices, but we all make choices almost each moment of the day in day in our lives. We each go the way of the choices we make. This is the human experience.

As shakespeare wrote, 'to thine own self be true'. why should anyone not choose to be with people to whom they're attracted? could you force yourself to bonk someone of the same sex and like it? they feel the same about bonking people of the opposite sex. people want to be loved and happy. THAT is the human experience. :beer:
....Kinda like The Founding Fathers (those darlings of The Teabaggers) suggested:​

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."[
The Founding Fathers never suggested those living more-profitable-lives were more-entitled to these unalienable "conseravtives" are always suggesting.​

an appeal to authority of the Founders in this case is the most flawed.

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I wonder why an upstanding conservative young man raised by good christian parents like Mehlman would decide to be gay. How odd
Maybe MarcATL can explain.

He' convinced it's a "lifestyle".

It may be a natural inclination for many, yes. However, they still choose to go forward with it. Everything in a person's life boils down to choices...everything. From the time you are a young child you begin making conscious choices. Some are easy choices, some are not easy choices, but we all make choices almost each moment of the day in day in our lives. We each go the way of the choices we make. This is the human experience.

When my johnson about bust through my britches in the back seat of a 1966 Plymouth in 1969 it wasn't a choice.
Good for him. :)

Sorry fellow 'conservatives', but sexual preference is a non issue. long as they don't try to convert me. :lol:

A point of clarification, Jeremy.

I believe that your reference to 'conservatives' is it is more appropriately directed toward those with a religious disagreement.

And Republicans, I believe, are opposed to gay marriage, rather than gays.

According to my view, Conservatives would not have a particular view on the matter, as Conservatives believe in the principle of variety, while liberal perspectives result in a narrowing uniformity. Conservatives believe in choice of healthcare, education, religion, and various other areas, which would include this one.

Under conservative principles, there will be differences in class, material condition and other inequalities. Equality will be of opportunity, not necessarily of result. The only uniformity will be before the law.

If you see the posts here and on othe threads concerning this matter, the left likes nothing bettter than 'outing' political opponents....not the right.

Not all Republicans are against gay marriage.
Not all Democrats are for gay marriage.
The El Numero Uno Democrat is agin it.
Ellie knows that.

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